[dev.typeparams] cmd/compile/internal/types2: move Interface type decl into interface.go (cleanup)

Change-Id: Ie1ba50c82afb7409f9495a19b8629c61c6a8d4dc
Reviewed-on: https://go-review.googlesource.com/c/go/+/332092
Trust: Robert Griesemer <gri@golang.org>
Reviewed-by: Robert Findley <rfindley@google.com>
diff --git a/src/cmd/compile/internal/types2/interface.go b/src/cmd/compile/internal/types2/interface.go
index 1f4e809..c344f8e 100644
--- a/src/cmd/compile/internal/types2/interface.go
+++ b/src/cmd/compile/internal/types2/interface.go
@@ -6,6 +6,154 @@
 import "cmd/compile/internal/syntax"
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// API
+// An Interface represents an interface type.
+type Interface struct {
+	obj       *TypeName     // corresponding declared object; or nil (for better error messages)
+	methods   []*Func       // ordered list of explicitly declared methods
+	embeddeds []Type        // ordered list of explicitly embedded elements
+	embedPos  *[]syntax.Pos // positions of embedded elements; or nil (for error messages) - use pointer to save space
+	complete  bool          // indicates that all fields (except for tset) are set up
+	tset *TypeSet // type set described by this interface, computed lazily
+// typeSet returns the type set for interface t.
+func (t *Interface) typeSet() *TypeSet { return computeTypeSet(nil, nopos, t) }
+// is reports whether interface t represents types that all satisfy f.
+func (t *Interface) is(f func(Type, bool) bool) bool {
+	switch t := t.typeSet().types.(type) {
+	case nil, *top:
+		// TODO(gri) should settle on top or nil to represent this case
+		return false // we must have at least one type! (was bug)
+	case *Union:
+		return t.is(func(typ Type, tilde bool) bool { return f(typ, tilde) })
+	default:
+		return f(t, false)
+	}
+// emptyInterface represents the empty interface
+var emptyInterface = Interface{complete: true, tset: &topTypeSet}
+// NewInterface returns a new interface for the given methods and embedded types.
+// NewInterface takes ownership of the provided methods and may modify their types
+// by setting missing receivers.
+// Deprecated: Use NewInterfaceType instead which allows arbitrary embedded types.
+func NewInterface(methods []*Func, embeddeds []*Named) *Interface {
+	tnames := make([]Type, len(embeddeds))
+	for i, t := range embeddeds {
+		tnames[i] = t
+	}
+	return NewInterfaceType(methods, tnames)
+// NewInterfaceType returns a new interface for the given methods and embedded types.
+// NewInterfaceType takes ownership of the provided methods and may modify their types
+// by setting missing receivers.
+func NewInterfaceType(methods []*Func, embeddeds []Type) *Interface {
+	if len(methods) == 0 && len(embeddeds) == 0 {
+		return &emptyInterface
+	}
+	// set method receivers if necessary
+	typ := new(Interface)
+	for _, m := range methods {
+		if sig := m.typ.(*Signature); sig.recv == nil {
+			sig.recv = NewVar(m.pos, m.pkg, "", typ)
+		}
+	}
+	// sort for API stability
+	sortMethods(methods)
+	typ.methods = methods
+	typ.embeddeds = embeddeds
+	typ.complete = true
+	return typ
+// NumExplicitMethods returns the number of explicitly declared methods of interface t.
+func (t *Interface) NumExplicitMethods() int { return len(t.methods) }
+// ExplicitMethod returns the i'th explicitly declared method of interface t for 0 <= i < t.NumExplicitMethods().
+// The methods are ordered by their unique Id.
+func (t *Interface) ExplicitMethod(i int) *Func { return t.methods[i] }
+// NumEmbeddeds returns the number of embedded types in interface t.
+func (t *Interface) NumEmbeddeds() int { return len(t.embeddeds) }
+// Embedded returns the i'th embedded defined (*Named) type of interface t for 0 <= i < t.NumEmbeddeds().
+// The result is nil if the i'th embedded type is not a defined type.
+// Deprecated: Use EmbeddedType which is not restricted to defined (*Named) types.
+func (t *Interface) Embedded(i int) *Named { tname, _ := t.embeddeds[i].(*Named); return tname }
+// EmbeddedType returns the i'th embedded type of interface t for 0 <= i < t.NumEmbeddeds().
+func (t *Interface) EmbeddedType(i int) Type { return t.embeddeds[i] }
+// NumMethods returns the total number of methods of interface t.
+func (t *Interface) NumMethods() int { return t.typeSet().NumMethods() }
+// Method returns the i'th method of interface t for 0 <= i < t.NumMethods().
+// The methods are ordered by their unique Id.
+func (t *Interface) Method(i int) *Func { return t.typeSet().Method(i) }
+// Empty reports whether t is the empty interface.
+func (t *Interface) Empty() bool { return t.typeSet().IsTop() }
+// IsComparable reports whether interface t is or embeds the predeclared interface "comparable".
+func (t *Interface) IsComparable() bool { return t.typeSet().IsComparable() }
+// IsConstraint reports whether interface t is not just a method set.
+func (t *Interface) IsConstraint() bool { return !t.typeSet().IsMethodSet() }
+// isSatisfiedBy reports whether interface t's type list is satisfied by the type typ.
+// If the type list is empty (absent), typ trivially satisfies the interface.
+// TODO(gri) This is not a great name. Eventually, we should have a more comprehensive
+//           "implements" predicate.
+func (t *Interface) isSatisfiedBy(typ Type) bool {
+	switch t := t.typeSet().types.(type) {
+	case nil:
+		return true // no type restrictions
+	case *Union:
+		r, _ := t.intersect(typ, false)
+		return r != nil
+	default:
+		return Identical(t, typ)
+	}
+// Complete computes the interface's type set. It must be called by users of
+// NewInterfaceType and NewInterface after the interface's embedded types are
+// fully defined and before using the interface type in any way other than to
+// form other types. The interface must not contain duplicate methods or a
+// panic occurs. Complete returns the receiver.
+// Deprecated: Type sets are now computed lazily, on demand; this function
+//             is only here for backward-compatibility. It does not have to
+//             be called explicitly anymore.
+func (t *Interface) Complete() *Interface {
+	// Some tests are still depending on the state change
+	// (string representation of an Interface not containing an
+	// /* incomplete */ marker) caused by the explicit Complete
+	// call, so we compute the type set eagerly here.
+	t.complete = true
+	t.typeSet()
+	return t
+func (t *Interface) Underlying() Type { return t }
+func (t *Interface) String() string   { return TypeString(t, nil) }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Implementation
 func (check *Checker) interfaceType(ityp *Interface, iface *syntax.InterfaceType, def *Named) {
 	var tlist []syntax.Expr // types collected from all type lists
 	var tname *syntax.Name  // most recent "type" name
diff --git a/src/cmd/compile/internal/types2/type.go b/src/cmd/compile/internal/types2/type.go
index 3a9511d..e2e10d2 100644
--- a/src/cmd/compile/internal/types2/type.go
+++ b/src/cmd/compile/internal/types2/type.go
@@ -163,145 +163,6 @@
 // At returns the i'th variable of tuple t.
 func (t *Tuple) At(i int) *Var { return t.vars[i] }
-// An Interface represents an interface type.
-type Interface struct {
-	obj       *TypeName     // corresponding declared object; or nil (for better error messages)
-	methods   []*Func       // ordered list of explicitly declared methods
-	embeddeds []Type        // ordered list of explicitly embedded elements
-	embedPos  *[]syntax.Pos // positions of embedded elements; or nil (for error messages) - use pointer to save space
-	complete  bool          // indicates that all fields (except for tset) are set up
-	tset *TypeSet // type set described by this interface, computed lazily
-// typeSet returns the type set for interface t.
-func (t *Interface) typeSet() *TypeSet { return computeTypeSet(nil, nopos, t) }
-// is reports whether interface t represents types that all satisfy f.
-func (t *Interface) is(f func(Type, bool) bool) bool {
-	switch t := t.typeSet().types.(type) {
-	case nil, *top:
-		// TODO(gri) should settle on top or nil to represent this case
-		return false // we must have at least one type! (was bug)
-	case *Union:
-		return t.is(func(typ Type, tilde bool) bool { return f(typ, tilde) })
-	default:
-		return f(t, false)
-	}
-// emptyInterface represents the empty interface
-var emptyInterface = Interface{complete: true, tset: &topTypeSet}
-// NewInterface returns a new interface for the given methods and embedded types.
-// NewInterface takes ownership of the provided methods and may modify their types
-// by setting missing receivers.
-// Deprecated: Use NewInterfaceType instead which allows arbitrary embedded types.
-func NewInterface(methods []*Func, embeddeds []*Named) *Interface {
-	tnames := make([]Type, len(embeddeds))
-	for i, t := range embeddeds {
-		tnames[i] = t
-	}
-	return NewInterfaceType(methods, tnames)
-// NewInterfaceType returns a new interface for the given methods and embedded types.
-// NewInterfaceType takes ownership of the provided methods and may modify their types
-// by setting missing receivers.
-func NewInterfaceType(methods []*Func, embeddeds []Type) *Interface {
-	if len(methods) == 0 && len(embeddeds) == 0 {
-		return &emptyInterface
-	}
-	// set method receivers if necessary
-	typ := new(Interface)
-	for _, m := range methods {
-		if sig := m.typ.(*Signature); sig.recv == nil {
-			sig.recv = NewVar(m.pos, m.pkg, "", typ)
-		}
-	}
-	// sort for API stability
-	sortMethods(methods)
-	typ.methods = methods
-	typ.embeddeds = embeddeds
-	typ.complete = true
-	return typ
-// NumExplicitMethods returns the number of explicitly declared methods of interface t.
-func (t *Interface) NumExplicitMethods() int { return len(t.methods) }
-// ExplicitMethod returns the i'th explicitly declared method of interface t for 0 <= i < t.NumExplicitMethods().
-// The methods are ordered by their unique Id.
-func (t *Interface) ExplicitMethod(i int) *Func { return t.methods[i] }
-// NumEmbeddeds returns the number of embedded types in interface t.
-func (t *Interface) NumEmbeddeds() int { return len(t.embeddeds) }
-// Embedded returns the i'th embedded defined (*Named) type of interface t for 0 <= i < t.NumEmbeddeds().
-// The result is nil if the i'th embedded type is not a defined type.
-// Deprecated: Use EmbeddedType which is not restricted to defined (*Named) types.
-func (t *Interface) Embedded(i int) *Named { tname, _ := t.embeddeds[i].(*Named); return tname }
-// EmbeddedType returns the i'th embedded type of interface t for 0 <= i < t.NumEmbeddeds().
-func (t *Interface) EmbeddedType(i int) Type { return t.embeddeds[i] }
-// NumMethods returns the total number of methods of interface t.
-func (t *Interface) NumMethods() int { return t.typeSet().NumMethods() }
-// Method returns the i'th method of interface t for 0 <= i < t.NumMethods().
-// The methods are ordered by their unique Id.
-func (t *Interface) Method(i int) *Func { return t.typeSet().Method(i) }
-// Empty reports whether t is the empty interface.
-func (t *Interface) Empty() bool { return t.typeSet().IsTop() }
-// IsComparable reports whether interface t is or embeds the predeclared interface "comparable".
-func (t *Interface) IsComparable() bool { return t.typeSet().IsComparable() }
-// IsConstraint reports whether interface t is not just a method set.
-func (t *Interface) IsConstraint() bool { return !t.typeSet().IsMethodSet() }
-// isSatisfiedBy reports whether interface t's type list is satisfied by the type typ.
-// If the type list is empty (absent), typ trivially satisfies the interface.
-// TODO(gri) This is not a great name. Eventually, we should have a more comprehensive
-//           "implements" predicate.
-func (t *Interface) isSatisfiedBy(typ Type) bool {
-	switch t := t.typeSet().types.(type) {
-	case nil:
-		return true // no type restrictions
-	case *Union:
-		r, _ := t.intersect(typ, false)
-		return r != nil
-	default:
-		return Identical(t, typ)
-	}
-// Complete computes the interface's type set. It must be called by users of
-// NewInterfaceType and NewInterface after the interface's embedded types are
-// fully defined and before using the interface type in any way other than to
-// form other types. The interface must not contain duplicate methods or a
-// panic occurs. Complete returns the receiver.
-// Deprecated: Type sets are now computed lazily, on demand; this function
-//             is only here for backward-compatibility. It does not have to
-//             be called explicitly anymore.
-func (t *Interface) Complete() *Interface {
-	// Some tests are still depending on the state change
-	// (string representation of an Interface not containing an
-	// /* incomplete */ marker) caused by the explicit Complete
-	// call, so we compute the type set eagerly here.
-	t.complete = true
-	t.typeSet()
-	return t
 // A Map represents a map type.
 type Map struct {
 	key, elem Type
@@ -644,7 +505,6 @@
 func (t *Slice) Underlying() Type     { return t }
 func (t *Pointer) Underlying() Type   { return t }
 func (t *Tuple) Underlying() Type     { return t }
-func (t *Interface) Underlying() Type { return t }
 func (t *Map) Underlying() Type       { return t }
 func (t *Chan) Underlying() Type      { return t }
 func (t *Named) Underlying() Type     { return t.expand().underlying }
@@ -658,7 +518,6 @@
 func (t *Slice) String() string     { return TypeString(t, nil) }
 func (t *Pointer) String() string   { return TypeString(t, nil) }
 func (t *Tuple) String() string     { return TypeString(t, nil) }
-func (t *Interface) String() string { return TypeString(t, nil) }
 func (t *Map) String() string       { return TypeString(t, nil) }
 func (t *Chan) String() string      { return TypeString(t, nil) }
 func (t *Named) String() string     { return TypeString(t, nil) }