blob: c3f4d743023f3f5f3a24f28dee55b14fb76652a5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package fuzz
import (
const (
// workerFuzzDuration is the amount of time a worker can spend testing random
// variations of an input given by the coordinator.
workerFuzzDuration = 100 * time.Millisecond
// workerTimeoutDuration is the amount of time a worker can go without
// responding to the coordinator before being stopped.
workerTimeoutDuration = 1 * time.Second
// workerExitCode is used as an exit code by fuzz worker processes after an internal error.
// This distinguishes internal errors from uncontrolled panics and other crashes.
// Keep in sync with internal/fuzz.workerExitCode.
workerExitCode = 70
// workerSharedMemSize is the maximum size of the shared memory file used to
// communicate with workers. This limits the size of fuzz inputs.
workerSharedMemSize = 100 << 20 // 100 MB
// worker manages a worker process running a test binary. The worker object
// exists only in the coordinator (the process started by 'go test -fuzz').
// workerClient is used by the coordinator to send RPCs to the worker process,
// which handles them with workerServer.
type worker struct {
dir string // working directory, same as package directory
binPath string // path to test executable
args []string // arguments for test executable
env []string // environment for test executable
coordinator *coordinator
memMu chan *sharedMem // mutex guarding shared memory with worker; persists across processes.
cmd *exec.Cmd // current worker process
client *workerClient // used to communicate with worker process
waitErr error // last error returned by wait, set before termC is closed.
interrupted bool // true after stop interrupts a running worker.
termC chan struct{} // closed by wait when worker process terminates
// cleanup releases persistent resources associated with the worker.
func (w *worker) cleanup() error {
mem := <-w.memMu
if mem == nil {
return nil
return mem.Close()
// coordinate runs the test binary to perform fuzzing.
// coordinate loops until ctx is cancelled or a fatal error is encountered.
// If a test process terminates unexpectedly while fuzzing, coordinate will
// attempt to restart and continue unless the termination can be attributed
// to an interruption (from a timer or the user).
// While looping, coordinate receives inputs from the coordinator, passes
// those inputs to the worker process, then passes the results back to
// the coordinator.
func (w *worker) coordinate(ctx context.Context) error {
// interestingCount starts at -1, like the coordinator does, so that the
// worker client's coverage data is updated after a coverage-only run.
interestingCount := int64(-1)
// Main event loop.
for {
// Start or restart the worker if it's not running.
if !w.isRunning() {
if err := w.startAndPing(ctx); err != nil {
return err
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
// Worker was told to stop.
err := w.stop()
if err != nil && !w.interrupted && !isInterruptError(err) {
return err
return ctx.Err()
case <-w.termC:
// Worker process terminated unexpectedly while waiting for input.
err := w.stop()
if w.interrupted {
panic("worker interrupted after unexpected termination")
if err == nil || isInterruptError(err) {
// Worker stopped, either by exiting with status 0 or after being
// interrupted with a signal that was not sent by the coordinator.
// When the user presses ^C, on POSIX platforms, SIGINT is delivered to
// all processes in the group concurrently, and the worker may see it
// before the coordinator. The worker should exit 0 gracefully (in
// theory).
// This condition is probably intended by the user, so suppress
// the error.
return nil
if exitErr, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok && exitErr.ExitCode() == workerExitCode {
// Worker exited with a code indicating F.Fuzz was not called correctly,
// for example, F.Fail was called first.
return fmt.Errorf("fuzzing process exited unexpectedly due to an internal failure: %w", err)
// Worker exited non-zero or was terminated by a non-interrupt signal
// (for example, SIGSEGV) while fuzzing.
return fmt.Errorf("fuzzing process terminated unexpectedly: %w", err)
// TODO(jayconrod,katiehockman): if -keepfuzzing, restart worker.
case input := <-w.coordinator.inputC:
// Received input from coordinator.
args := fuzzArgs{Limit: input.countRequested, Timeout: workerFuzzDuration, CoverageOnly: input.coverageOnly}
if interestingCount < input.interestingCount {
// The coordinator's coverage data has changed, so send the data
// to the client.
args.CoverageData = input.coverageData
value, resp, err := w.client.fuzz(ctx, input.entry.Data, args)
if err != nil {
// Error communicating with worker.
if ctx.Err() != nil {
// Timeout or interruption.
return ctx.Err()
if w.interrupted {
// Communication error before we stopped the worker.
// Report an error, but don't record a crasher.
return fmt.Errorf("communicating with fuzzing process: %v", err)
if w.waitErr == nil || isInterruptError(w.waitErr) {
// Worker stopped, either by exiting with status 0 or after being
// interrupted with a signal (not sent by coordinator). See comment in
// termC case above.
// Since we expect I/O errors around interrupts, ignore this error.
return nil
if sig, ok := terminationSignal(w.waitErr); ok && !isCrashSignal(sig) {
// Worker terminated by a signal that probably wasn't caused by a
// specific input to the fuzz function. For example, on Linux,
// the kernel (OOM killer) may send SIGKILL to a process using a lot
// of memory. Or the shell might send SIGHUP when the terminal
// is closed. Don't record a crasher.
return fmt.Errorf("fuzzing process terminated by unexpected signal; no crash will be recorded: %v", w.waitErr)
// Unexpected termination. Set error message and fall through.
// We'll restart the worker on the next iteration.
resp.Err = fmt.Sprintf("fuzzing process terminated unexpectedly: %v", w.waitErr)
result := fuzzResult{
countRequested: input.countRequested,
count: resp.Count,
totalDuration: resp.TotalDuration,
entryDuration: resp.InterestingDuration,
if resp.Err != "" {
h := sha256.Sum256(value)
name := fmt.Sprintf("%x", h[:4])
result.entry = CorpusEntry{
Name: name,
Parent: input.entry.Name,
Data: value,
Generation: input.entry.Generation + 1,
result.crasherMsg = resp.Err
} else if resp.CoverageData != nil {
h := sha256.Sum256(value)
name := fmt.Sprintf("%x", h[:4])
result.entry = CorpusEntry{
Name: name,
Parent: input.entry.Name,
Data: value,
Generation: input.entry.Generation + 1,
result.coverageData = resp.CoverageData
w.coordinator.resultC <- result
case crasher := <-w.coordinator.minimizeC:
// Received input to minimize from coordinator.
minRes, err := w.minimize(ctx, crasher)
if err != nil {
// Failed to minimize. Send back the original crash.
fmt.Fprintln(w.coordinator.opts.Log, err)
minRes = crasher
minRes.minimized = true
w.coordinator.resultC <- minRes
// minimize tells a worker process to attempt to find a smaller value that
// causes an error. minimize may restart the worker repeatedly if the error
// causes (or already caused) the worker process to terminate.
// TODO: support minimizing inputs that expand coverage in a specific way,
// for example, by ensuring that an input activates a specific set of counters.
func (w *worker) minimize(ctx context.Context, input fuzzResult) (min fuzzResult, err error) {
if w.coordinator.opts.MinimizeTimeout != 0 {
var cancel func()
ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(ctx, w.coordinator.opts.MinimizeTimeout)
defer cancel()
min = input
min.minimized = true
args := minimizeArgs{
Limit: w.coordinator.opts.MinimizeLimit,
Timeout: w.coordinator.opts.MinimizeTimeout,
value, resp, err := w.client.minimize(ctx, input.entry.Data, args)
if err != nil {
// Error communicating with worker.
if ctx.Err() != nil || w.interrupted || isInterruptError(w.waitErr) {
// Worker was interrupted, possibly by the user pressing ^C.
// Normally, workers can handle interrupts and timeouts gracefully and
// will return without error. An error here indicates the worker
// may not have been in a good state, but the error won't be meaningful
// to the user. Just return the original crasher without logging anything.
return min, nil
return fuzzResult{}, fmt.Errorf("fuzzing process terminated unexpectedly while minimizing: %w", w.waitErr)
if resp.Err == "" {
// Minimization did not find a smaller input that caused a crash.
return min, nil
min.crasherMsg = resp.Err
min.count = resp.Count
min.totalDuration = resp.Duration
min.entry.Data = value
return min, nil
func (w *worker) isRunning() bool {
return w.cmd != nil
// startAndPing starts the worker process and sends it a message to make sure it
// can communicate.
// startAndPing returns an error if any part of this didn't work, including if
// the context is expired or the worker process was interrupted before it
// responded. Errors that happen after start but before the ping response
// likely indicate that the worker did not call F.Fuzz or called F.Fail first.
// We don't record crashers for these errors.
func (w *worker) startAndPing(ctx context.Context) error {
if ctx.Err() != nil {
return ctx.Err()
if err := w.start(); err != nil {
return err
if err :=; err != nil {
if ctx.Err() != nil {
return ctx.Err()
if isInterruptError(err) {
// User may have pressed ^C before worker responded.
return err
// TODO: record and return stderr.
return fmt.Errorf("fuzzing process terminated without fuzzing: %w", err)
return nil
// start runs a new worker process.
// If the process couldn't be started, start returns an error. Start won't
// return later termination errors from the process if they occur.
// If the process starts successfully, start returns nil. stop must be called
// once later to clean up, even if the process terminates on its own.
// When the process terminates, w.waitErr is set to the error (if any), and
// w.termC is closed.
func (w *worker) start() (err error) {
if w.isRunning() {
panic("worker already started")
w.waitErr = nil
w.interrupted = false
w.termC = nil
cmd := exec.Command(w.binPath, w.args...)
cmd.Dir = w.dir
cmd.Env = w.env[:len(w.env):len(w.env)] // copy on append to ensure workers don't overwrite each other.
cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
// Create the "fuzz_in" and "fuzz_out" pipes so we can communicate with
// the worker. We don't use stdin and stdout, since the test binary may
// do something else with those.
// Each pipe has a reader and a writer. The coordinator writes to fuzzInW
// and reads from fuzzOutR. The worker inherits fuzzInR and fuzzOutW.
// The coordinator closes fuzzInR and fuzzOutW after starting the worker,
// since we have no further need of them.
fuzzInR, fuzzInW, err := os.Pipe()
if err != nil {
return err
defer fuzzInR.Close()
fuzzOutR, fuzzOutW, err := os.Pipe()
if err != nil {
return err
defer fuzzOutW.Close()
setWorkerComm(cmd, workerComm{fuzzIn: fuzzInR, fuzzOut: fuzzOutW, memMu: w.memMu})
// Start the worker process.
if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil {
return err
// Worker started successfully.
// After this, w.client owns fuzzInW and fuzzOutR, so w.client.Close must be
// called later by stop.
w.cmd = cmd
w.termC = make(chan struct{})
w.client = newWorkerClient(workerComm{fuzzIn: fuzzInW, fuzzOut: fuzzOutR, memMu: w.memMu})
go func() {
w.waitErr = w.cmd.Wait()
return nil
// stop tells the worker process to exit by closing w.client, then blocks until
// it terminates. If the worker doesn't terminate after a short time, stop
// signals it with os.Interrupt (where supported), then os.Kill.
// stop returns the error the process terminated with, if any (same as
// w.waitErr).
// stop must be called at least once after start returns successfully, even if
// the worker process terminates unexpectedly.
func (w *worker) stop() error {
if w.termC == nil {
panic("worker was not started successfully")
select {
case <-w.termC:
// Worker already terminated.
if w.client == nil {
// stop already called.
return w.waitErr
// Possible unexpected termination.
w.cmd = nil
w.client = nil
return w.waitErr
// Worker still running.
// Tell the worker to stop by closing fuzz_in. It won't actually stop until it
// finishes with earlier calls.
closeC := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
sig := os.Interrupt
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
// Per, “Interrupt is not implemented on
// Windows; using it with os.Process.Signal will return an error.”
// Fall back to Kill instead.
sig = os.Kill
t := time.NewTimer(workerTimeoutDuration)
for {
select {
case <-w.termC:
// Worker terminated.
w.cmd = nil
w.client = nil
return w.waitErr
case <-t.C:
// Timer fired before worker terminated.
w.interrupted = true
switch sig {
case os.Interrupt:
// Try to stop the worker with SIGINT and wait a little longer.
sig = os.Kill
case os.Kill:
// Try to stop the worker with SIGKILL and keep waiting.
sig = nil
case nil:
// Still waiting. Print a message to let the user know why.
fmt.Fprintf(w.coordinator.opts.Log, "waiting for fuzzing process to terminate...\n")
// RunFuzzWorker is called in a worker process to communicate with the
// coordinator process in order to fuzz random inputs. RunFuzzWorker loops
// until the coordinator tells it to stop.
// fn is a wrapper on the fuzz function. It may return an error to indicate
// a given input "crashed". The coordinator will also record a crasher if
// the function times out or terminates the process.
// RunFuzzWorker returns an error if it could not communicate with the
// coordinator process.
func RunFuzzWorker(ctx context.Context, fn func(CorpusEntry) error) error {
comm, err := getWorkerComm()
if err != nil {
return err
srv := &workerServer{workerComm: comm, fuzzFn: fn, m: newMutator()}
return srv.serve(ctx)
// call is serialized and sent from the coordinator on fuzz_in. It acts as
// a minimalist RPC mechanism. Exactly one of its fields must be set to indicate
// which method to call.
type call struct {
Ping *pingArgs
Fuzz *fuzzArgs
Minimize *minimizeArgs
// minimizeArgs contains arguments to workerServer.minimize. The value to
// minimize is already in shared memory.
type minimizeArgs struct {
// Timeout is the time to spend minimizing. This may include time to start up,
// especially if the input causes the worker process to terminated, requiring
// repeated restarts.
Timeout time.Duration
// Limit is the maximum number of values to test, without spending more time
// than Duration. 0 indicates no limit.
Limit int64
// minimizeResponse contains results from workerServer.minimize.
type minimizeResponse struct {
// Err is the error string caused by the value in shared memory.
// If Err is empty, minimize was unable to find any shorter values that
// caused errors, and the value in shared memory is the original value.
Err string
// Duration is the time spent minimizing, not including starting or cleaning up.
Duration time.Duration
// Count is the number of values tested.
Count int64
// fuzzArgs contains arguments to workerServer.fuzz. The value to fuzz is
// passed in shared memory.
type fuzzArgs struct {
// Timeout is the time to spend fuzzing, not including starting or
// cleaning up.
Timeout time.Duration
// Limit is the maximum number of values to test, without spending more time
// than Duration. 0 indicates no limit.
Limit int64
// CoverageOnly indicates whether this is a coverage-only run (ie. fuzzing
// should not occur).
CoverageOnly bool
// CoverageData is the coverage data. If set, the worker should update its
// local coverage data prior to fuzzing.
CoverageData []byte
// fuzzResponse contains results from workerServer.fuzz.
type fuzzResponse struct {
// Duration is the time spent fuzzing, not including starting or cleaning up.
TotalDuration time.Duration
InterestingDuration time.Duration
// Count is the number of values tested.
Count int64
// CoverageData is set if the value in shared memory expands coverage
// and therefore may be interesting to the coordinator.
CoverageData []byte
// Err is the error string caused by the value in shared memory, which is
// non-empty if the value in shared memory caused a crash.
Err string
// pingArgs contains arguments to
type pingArgs struct{}
// pingResponse contains results from
type pingResponse struct{}
// workerComm holds pipes and shared memory used for communication
// between the coordinator process (client) and a worker process (server).
// These values are unique to each worker; they are shared only with the
// coordinator, not with other workers.
// Access to shared memory is synchronized implicitly over the RPC protocol
// implemented in workerServer and workerClient. During a call, the client
// (worker) has exclusive access to shared memory; at other times, the server
// (coordinator) has exclusive access.
type workerComm struct {
fuzzIn, fuzzOut *os.File
memMu chan *sharedMem // mutex guarding shared memory
// workerServer is a minimalist RPC server, run by fuzz worker processes.
// It allows the coordinator process (using workerClient) to call methods in a
// worker process. This system allows the coordinator to run multiple worker
// processes in parallel and to collect inputs that caused crashes from shared
// memory after a worker process terminates unexpectedly.
type workerServer struct {
m *mutator
// coverageData is the local coverage data for the worker. It is
// periodically updated to reflect the data in the coordinator when new
// edges are hit.
coverageData []byte
// fuzzFn runs the worker's fuzz function on the given input and returns
// an error if it finds a crasher (the process may also exit or crash).
fuzzFn func(CorpusEntry) error
// serve reads serialized RPC messages on fuzzIn. When serve receives a message,
// it calls the corresponding method, then sends the serialized result back
// on fuzzOut.
// serve handles RPC calls synchronously; it will not attempt to read a message
// until the previous call has finished.
// serve returns errors that occurred when communicating over pipes. serve
// does not return errors from method calls; those are passed through serialized
// responses.
func (ws *workerServer) serve(ctx context.Context) error {
enc := json.NewEncoder(ws.fuzzOut)
dec := json.NewDecoder(&contextReader{ctx: ctx, r: ws.fuzzIn})
for {
var c call
if err := dec.Decode(&c); err != nil {
if err == io.EOF || err == ctx.Err() {
return nil
} else {
return err
var resp interface{}
switch {
case c.Fuzz != nil:
resp = ws.fuzz(ctx, *c.Fuzz)
case c.Minimize != nil:
resp = ws.minimize(ctx, *c.Minimize)
case c.Ping != nil:
resp =, *c.Ping)
return errors.New("no arguments provided for any call")
if err := enc.Encode(resp); err != nil {
return err
// fuzz runs the test function on random variations of a given input value for
// a given amount of time. fuzz returns early if it finds an input that crashes
// the fuzz function or an input that expands coverage.
func (ws *workerServer) fuzz(ctx context.Context, args fuzzArgs) (resp fuzzResponse) {
if args.CoverageData != nil {
ws.coverageData = args.CoverageData
start := time.Now()
defer func() { resp.TotalDuration = time.Since(start) }()
fuzzCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, args.Timeout)
defer cancel()
mem := <-ws.memMu
defer func() {
resp.Count = mem.header().count
ws.memMu <- mem
vals, err := unmarshalCorpusFile(mem.valueCopy())
if err != nil {
if args.CoverageOnly {
fStart := time.Now()
ws.fuzzFn(CorpusEntry{Values: vals})
resp.InterestingDuration = time.Since(fStart)
resp.CoverageData = coverageSnapshot
return resp
if cov := coverage(); len(cov) != len(ws.coverageData) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("num edges changed at runtime: %d, expected %d", len(cov), len(ws.coverageData)))
for {
select {
case <-fuzzCtx.Done():
return resp
ws.m.mutate(vals, cap(mem.valueRef()))
writeToMem(vals, mem)
fStart := time.Now()
err := ws.fuzzFn(CorpusEntry{Values: vals})
fDur := time.Since(fStart)
if err != nil {
resp.Err = err.Error()
if resp.Err == "" {
resp.Err = "fuzz function failed with no output"
return resp
for i := range coverageSnapshot {
if ws.coverageData[i] == 0 && coverageSnapshot[i] > ws.coverageData[i] {
// TODO(jayconrod,katie): minimize this.
resp.CoverageData = coverageSnapshot
resp.InterestingDuration = fDur
return resp
if args.Limit > 0 && mem.header().count == args.Limit {
return resp
func (ws *workerServer) minimize(ctx context.Context, args minimizeArgs) (resp minimizeResponse) {
start := time.Now()
defer func() { resp.Duration = time.Now().Sub(start) }()
mem := <-ws.memMu
defer func() { ws.memMu <- mem }()
vals, err := unmarshalCorpusFile(mem.valueCopy())
if err != nil {
if args.Timeout != 0 {
var cancel func()
ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(ctx, args.Timeout)
defer cancel()
// Minimize the values in vals, then write to shared memory. We only write
// to shared memory after completing minimization. If the worker terminates
// unexpectedly before then, the coordinator will use the original input.
err = ws.minimizeInput(ctx, vals, &mem.header().count, args.Limit)
writeToMem(vals, mem)
if err != nil {
resp.Err = err.Error()
return resp
// minimizeInput applies a series of minimizing transformations on the provided
// vals, ensuring that each minimization still causes an error in fuzzFn. Before
// every call to fuzzFn, it marshals the new vals and writes it to the provided
// mem just in case an unrecoverable error occurs. It uses the context to
// determine how long to run, stopping once closed. It returns the last error it
// found.
func (ws *workerServer) minimizeInput(ctx context.Context, vals []interface{}, count *int64, limit int64) error {
shouldStop := func() bool {
return ctx.Err() != nil || (limit > 0 && *count >= limit)
if shouldStop() {
return nil
var valI int
var retErr error
tryMinimized := func(candidate interface{}) bool {
prev := vals[valI]
// Set vals[valI] to the candidate after it has been
// properly cast. We know that candidate must be of
// the same type as prev, so use that as a reference.
switch c := candidate.(type) {
case float64:
switch prev.(type) {
case float32:
vals[valI] = float32(c)
case float64:
vals[valI] = c
case uint:
switch prev.(type) {
case uint:
vals[valI] = c
case uint8:
vals[valI] = uint8(c)
case uint16:
vals[valI] = uint16(c)
case uint32:
vals[valI] = uint32(c)
case uint64:
vals[valI] = uint64(c)
case int:
vals[valI] = int(c)
case int8:
vals[valI] = int8(c)
case int16:
vals[valI] = int16(c)
case int32:
vals[valI] = int32(c)
case int64:
vals[valI] = int64(c)
case []byte:
switch prev.(type) {
case []byte:
vals[valI] = c
case string:
vals[valI] = string(c)
err := ws.fuzzFn(CorpusEntry{Values: vals})
if err != nil {
retErr = err
return true
vals[valI] = prev
return false
for valI = range vals {
if shouldStop() {
return retErr
switch v := vals[valI].(type) {
case bool:
continue // can't minimize
case float32:
minimizeFloat(float64(v), tryMinimized, shouldStop)
case float64:
minimizeFloat(v, tryMinimized, shouldStop)
case uint:
minimizeInteger(v, tryMinimized, shouldStop)
case uint8:
minimizeInteger(uint(v), tryMinimized, shouldStop)
case uint16:
minimizeInteger(uint(v), tryMinimized, shouldStop)
case uint32:
minimizeInteger(uint(v), tryMinimized, shouldStop)
case uint64:
if uint64(uint(v)) != v {
// Skip minimizing a uint64 on 32 bit platforms, since we'll truncate the
// value when casting
minimizeInteger(uint(v), tryMinimized, shouldStop)
case int:
minimizeInteger(uint(v), tryMinimized, shouldStop)
case int8:
minimizeInteger(uint(v), tryMinimized, shouldStop)
case int16:
minimizeInteger(uint(v), tryMinimized, shouldStop)
case int32:
minimizeInteger(uint(v), tryMinimized, shouldStop)
case int64:
if int64(int(v)) != v {
// Skip minimizing a int64 on 32 bit platforms, since we'll truncate the
// value when casting
minimizeInteger(uint(v), tryMinimized, shouldStop)
case string:
minimizeBytes([]byte(v), tryMinimized, shouldStop)
case []byte:
minimizeBytes(v, tryMinimized, shouldStop)
return retErr
func writeToMem(vals []interface{}, mem *sharedMem) {
b := marshalCorpusFile(vals...)
// ping does nothing. The coordinator calls this method to ensure the worker
// has called F.Fuzz and can communicate.
func (ws *workerServer) ping(ctx context.Context, args pingArgs) pingResponse {
return pingResponse{}
// workerClient is a minimalist RPC client. The coordinator process uses a
// workerClient to call methods in each worker process (handled by
// workerServer).
type workerClient struct {
mu sync.Mutex
func newWorkerClient(comm workerComm) *workerClient {
return &workerClient{workerComm: comm}
// Close shuts down the connection to the RPC server (the worker process) by
// closing fuzz_in. Close drains fuzz_out (avoiding a SIGPIPE in the worker),
// and closes it after the worker process closes the other end.
func (wc *workerClient) Close() error {
// Close fuzzIn. This signals to the server that there are no more calls,
// and it should exit.
if err := wc.fuzzIn.Close(); err != nil {
return err
// Drain fuzzOut and close it. When the server exits, the kernel will close
// its end of fuzzOut, and we'll get EOF.
if _, err := io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, wc.fuzzOut); err != nil {
return err
return wc.fuzzOut.Close()
// errSharedMemClosed is returned by workerClient methods that cannot access
// shared memory because it was closed and unmapped by another goroutine. That
// can happen when worker.cleanup is called in the worker goroutine while a
// workerClient.fuzz call runs concurrently.
// This error should not be reported. It indicates the operation was
// interrupted.
var errSharedMemClosed = errors.New("internal error: shared memory was closed and unmapped")
// minimize tells the worker to call the minimize method. See
// workerServer.minimize.
func (wc *workerClient) minimize(ctx context.Context, valueIn []byte, args minimizeArgs) (valueOut []byte, resp minimizeResponse, err error) {
mem, ok := <-wc.memMu
if !ok {
return nil, minimizeResponse{}, errSharedMemClosed
mem.header().count = 0
wc.memMu <- mem
c := call{Minimize: &args}
err = wc.callLocked(ctx, c, &resp)
mem, ok = <-wc.memMu
if !ok {
return nil, minimizeResponse{}, errSharedMemClosed
valueOut = mem.valueCopy()
resp.Count = mem.header().count
wc.memMu <- mem
return valueOut, resp, err
// fuzz tells the worker to call the fuzz method. See workerServer.fuzz.
func (wc *workerClient) fuzz(ctx context.Context, valueIn []byte, args fuzzArgs) (valueOut []byte, resp fuzzResponse, err error) {
mem, ok := <-wc.memMu
if !ok {
return nil, fuzzResponse{}, errSharedMemClosed
mem.header().count = 0
wc.memMu <- mem
c := call{Fuzz: &args}
err = wc.callLocked(ctx, c, &resp)
mem, ok = <-wc.memMu
if !ok {
return nil, fuzzResponse{}, errSharedMemClosed
valueOut = mem.valueCopy()
resp.Count = mem.header().count
wc.memMu <- mem
return valueOut, resp, err
// ping tells the worker to call the ping method. See
func (wc *workerClient) ping(ctx context.Context) error {
c := call{Ping: &pingArgs{}}
var resp pingResponse
return wc.callLocked(ctx, c, &resp)
// callLocked sends an RPC from the coordinator to the worker process and waits
// for the response. The callLocked may be cancelled with ctx.
func (wc *workerClient) callLocked(ctx context.Context, c call, resp interface{}) (err error) {
enc := json.NewEncoder(wc.fuzzIn)
dec := json.NewDecoder(&contextReader{ctx: ctx, r: wc.fuzzOut})
if err := enc.Encode(c); err != nil {
return err
return dec.Decode(resp)
// contextReader wraps a Reader with a Context. If the context is cancelled
// while the underlying reader is blocked, Read returns immediately.
// This is useful for reading from a pipe. Closing a pipe file descriptor does
// not unblock pending Reads on that file descriptor. All copies of the pipe's
// other file descriptor (the write end) must be closed in all processes that
// inherit it. This is difficult to do correctly in the situation we care about
// (process group termination).
type contextReader struct {
ctx context.Context
r io.Reader
func (cr *contextReader) Read(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
if err := cr.ctx.Err(); err != nil {
return 0, err
done := make(chan struct{})
// This goroutine may stay blocked after Read returns because the underlying
// read is blocked.
go func() {
n, err = cr.r.Read(b)
select {
case <-cr.ctx.Done():
return 0, cr.ctx.Err()
case <-done:
return n, err