blob: 29ca9cd7a908875b46f2500e231bb485f793b46a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build fuchsia
package zx
import "unsafe"
// Process-wide FDIO handles.
var (
StdioHandles [3][3]Handle // 3 stdio files, each with up to 3 (fdio.MaxHandles) handles
StdioHandleTypes [3]int
CwdHandle Handle
ProcHandle Handle
RootNSMap map[string]Handle
type HandleInfo uint32
func NewHandleInfo(t, arg uint32) HandleInfo {
return HandleInfo((t & 0xFFFF) | ((arg & 0xFFFF) << 16))
func (hi HandleInfo) Type() uint32 {
return uint32(hi) & 0xFFFF
func (hi HandleInfo) Arg() uint32 {
return (uint32(hi) >> 16) & 0xFFFF
type Socket Handle
func (s *Socket) Handle() *Handle {
return (*Handle)(s)
func (s *Socket) Read(data []byte, flags uint32) (n int, err error) {
var actual uint
var p unsafe.Pointer
if len(data) > 0 {
p = unsafe.Pointer(&data[0])
status := sys_socket_read(Handle(*s), flags, p, uint(len(data)), &actual)
if status != ErrOk {
return int(actual), Error{Status: status, Text: "zx.Socket.Read"}
return int(actual), nil
func (s *Socket) Write(data []byte, flags uint32) (n int, err error) {
var p unsafe.Pointer
if len(data) > 0 {
p = unsafe.Pointer(&data[0])
var actual uint
status := sys_socket_write(Handle(*s), flags, p, uint(len(data)), &actual)
if status != ErrOk {
return int(actual), Error{Status: status, Text: "zx.Socket.Write"}
return int(actual), nil
func (s *Socket) Share(h Handle) error {
if status := sys_socket_share(Handle(*s), h); status != ErrOk {
return Error{Status: status, Text: "zx.Socket.Share"}
return nil
func (s *Socket) Accept(h *Handle) error {
if status := sys_socket_accept(Handle(*s), h); status != ErrOk {
return Error{Status: status, Text: "zx.Socket.Accept"}
return nil
func (s *Socket) Close() error {
h := Handle(*s)
err := h.Close()
*s = Socket(HandleInvalid)
return err
func NewSocket(flags uint32) (s0, s1 Socket, err error) {
var h0, h1 Handle
if status := sys_socket_create(flags, &h0, &h1); status != ErrOk {
return Socket(HandleInvalid), Socket(HandleInvalid), Error{Status: status, Text: "zx.Socket"}
return Socket(h0), Socket(h1), nil
type Event Handle
func NewEvent(options uint32) (e Event, err error) {
var h Handle
if status := Sys_event_create(options, &h); status != ErrOk {
return Event(HandleInvalid), Error{Status: status, Text: "zx.Event"}
return Event(h), nil
func (e *Event) Handle() *Handle {
return (*Handle)(e)
func (e *Event) Close() error {
h := Handle(*e)
err := h.Close()
*e = Event(HandleInvalid)
return err
func (e *Event) Duplicate(rights Rights) (Event, error) {
h := Handle(*e)
h, err := h.Duplicate(rights)
if err != nil {
return Event(HandleInvalid), err
return Event(h), nil
func (h *Handle) Close() error {
if status := sys_handle_close(*h); status != ErrOk {
return Error{Status: status, Text: "zx.Handle.Close"}
*h = HandleInvalid
return nil
func (h *Handle) Duplicate(rights Rights) (Handle, error) {
var dup Handle
if status := sys_handle_duplicate(*h, rights, &dup); status != ErrOk {
return HandleInvalid, Error{Status: status, Text: "zx.Handle.Duplicate"}
return dup, nil
func (h *Handle) Signal(clearMask, setMask Signals) error {
if status := Sys_object_signal(*h, uint32(clearMask), uint32(setMask)); status != ErrOk {
return Error{Status: status, Text: "zx.Handle.Signal"}
return nil
func (h *Handle) SignalPeer(clearMask, setMask Signals) error {
if status := Sys_object_signal_peer(*h, uint32(clearMask), uint32(setMask)); status != ErrOk {
return Error{Status: status, Text: "zx.Handle.SignalPeer"}
return nil
func (h *Handle) SetCookie(scope Handle, cookie uint64) error {
if status := Sys_object_set_cookie(*h, scope, cookie); status != ErrOk {
return Error{Status: status, Text: "zx.Handle.SetCookie"}
return nil
func (h *Handle) GetCookie(scope Handle) (uint64, error) {
var cookie uint64
if status := Sys_object_get_cookie(*h, scope, &cookie); status != ErrOk {
return 0, Error{Status: status, Text: "zx.Handle.GetCookie"}
return cookie, nil
func (h *Handle) GetProperty(property uint32, data []byte) error {
var numBytes = uint(len(data))
var dataPtr unsafe.Pointer
if numBytes > 0 {
dataPtr = unsafe.Pointer(&data[0])
if status := Sys_object_get_property(*h, property, dataPtr, numBytes); status != ErrOk {
return Error{Status: status, Text: "zx.Handle.GetProperty"}
return nil
func (h *Handle) SetProperty(property uint32, data []byte) error {
var numBytes = uint(len(data))
var dataPtr unsafe.Pointer
if numBytes > 0 {
dataPtr = unsafe.Pointer(&data[0])
if status := Sys_object_set_property(*h, property, dataPtr, numBytes); status != ErrOk {
return Error{Status: status, Text: "zx.Handle.SetProperty"}
return nil
func (h *Handle) IsValid() bool {
return *h > HandleInvalid
func WaitMany(items []WaitItem, timeout Time) error {
if status := sys_object_wait_many(&items[0], uint(len(items)), timeout); status != ErrOk {
return Error{Status: status, Text: "zx.Handle.WaitMany"}
return nil
const (
ChannelMaxMessageBytes = 65536
ChannelMaxMessageHandles = 64
type Channel Handle
func (c *Channel) Handle() *Handle {
return (*Handle)(c)
func (c *Channel) Close() error {
h := Handle(*c)
err := h.Close()
*c = Channel(HandleInvalid)
return err
func (c *Channel) Read(data []byte, handles []Handle, flags uint32) (numBytes, numHandles uint32, err error) {
numBytes = uint32(len(data))
numHandles = uint32(len(handles))
var dataPtr unsafe.Pointer
if len(data) > 0 {
dataPtr = unsafe.Pointer(&data[0])
var handlePtr *Handle
if len(handles) > 0 {
handlePtr = &handles[0]
if status := sys_channel_read(Handle(*c), flags, dataPtr, handlePtr, numBytes, numHandles, &numBytes, &numHandles); status != ErrOk {
err = Error{Status: status, Text: "zx.Channel.Read"}
return numBytes, numHandles, err
func (c *Channel) Write(data []byte, handles []Handle, flags uint32) error {
var dataPtr unsafe.Pointer
if len(data) > 0 {
dataPtr = unsafe.Pointer(&data[0])
var handlePtr *Handle
if len(handles) > 0 {
handlePtr = &handles[0]
status := sys_channel_write(Handle(*c), flags, dataPtr, uint32(len(data)), handlePtr, uint32(len(handles)))
if status != ErrOk {
return Error{Status: status, Text: "zx.Channel.Write"}
return nil
func (c *Channel) Call(flags uint32, deadline Time, wData []byte, wHandles []Handle, rData []byte, rHandles []Handle) (actualBytes, actualHandles uint32, err error) {
var writeDataPtr uintptr
if len(wData) > 0 {
writeDataPtr = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&wData[0]))
var writeHandlePtr *Handle
if len(wHandles) > 0 {
writeHandlePtr = &wHandles[0]
var readDataPtr uintptr
if len(rData) > 0 {
readDataPtr = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&rData[0]))
var readHandlePtr *Handle
if len(rHandles) > 0 {
readHandlePtr = &rHandles[0]
args := &ChannelCallArgs{
WriteBytes: writeDataPtr,
WriteHandles: writeHandlePtr,
ReadBytes: readDataPtr,
ReadHandles: readHandlePtr,
WriteNumBytes: uint32(len(wData)),
WriteNumHandles: uint32(len(wHandles)),
ReadNumBytes: uint32(len(rData)),
ReadNumHandles: uint32(len(rHandles)),
status := Sys_channel_call(Handle(*c), flags, deadline, args, &actualBytes, &actualHandles)
if status != ErrOk {
err = Error{Status: status, Text: "zx.Channel.Call"}
return actualBytes, actualHandles, err
func NewChannel(flags uint32) (c0, c1 Channel, err error) {
var h0, h1 Handle
if status := sys_channel_create(flags, &h0, &h1); status != ErrOk {
return Channel(HandleInvalid), Channel(HandleInvalid), Error{Status: status, Text: "zx.Channel"}
return Channel(h0), Channel(h1), nil
const (
PortWaitAsyncOnce = iota
const (
PortPacketTypeUser = iota
const (
PacketHeaderSize = uint(unsafe.Sizeof(PacketHeader{}))
PacketMaxSize = uint(unsafe.Sizeof(Packet{}))
type PacketHeader struct {
Key uint64
Type uint32
Extra uint32
// Packet describes the unit of communication via an FDIO protocol
type Packet struct {
Hdr PacketHeader
Bytes [32]uint8
func (p *Packet) Signal() *PacketSignal {
return (*PacketSignal)(unsafe.Pointer(p))
type PortPacket interface {
Header() *PacketHeader
Length() int
// PacketSignal describes packets of type PortPacketTypeSignal
type PacketSignal struct {
Hdr PacketHeader
Trigger Signals
Observed Signals
Count uint64
func (s *PacketSignal) Header() *PacketHeader {
return &s.Hdr
func (s *PacketSignal) Length() int {
return int(unsafe.Sizeof(*s))
type Port Handle
func (p *Port) Handle() *Handle {
return (*Handle)(p)
func (p *Port) Close() error {
h := Handle(*p)
err := h.Close()
*p = Port(HandleInvalid)
return err
// Queue a PortPacket, which may have a varying size.
func (p *Port) Queue(packet PortPacket) error {
if status := Sys_port_queue(Handle(*p), (*int)(unsafe.Pointer(packet.Header()))); status != ErrOk {
return Error{Status: status, Text: "zx.Port.Queue"}
return nil
// Wait for a Packet, which must be as large as the largest
// possible packet that may be received.
func (p *Port) Wait(packet *Packet, deadline Time) error {
if status := Sys_port_wait(Handle(*p), deadline, (*int)(unsafe.Pointer(packet))); status != ErrOk {
return Error{Status: status, Text: "zx.Port.Wait"}
return nil
func (p *Port) Cancel(source Handle, key uint64) error {
if status := Sys_port_cancel(Handle(*p), source, key); status != ErrOk {
return Error{Status: status, Text: "zx.Port.Cancel"}
return nil
func (p *Port) WaitAsync(handle Handle, key uint64, signals Signals, options uint32) error {
if status := Sys_object_wait_async(handle, Handle(*p), key, signals, options); status != ErrOk {
return Error{Status: status, Text: "fdio.Port.WaitAsync"}
return nil
func NewPort(options uint32) (Port, error) {
var h Handle
if status := Sys_port_create(options, &h); status != ErrOk {
return Port(HandleInvalid), Error{Status: status, Text: "zx.Port"}
return Port(h), nil
type VMO Handle
func (vmo *VMO) Handle() *Handle {
return (*Handle)(vmo)
func (vmo *VMO) Clone(options uint32, offset, size uint64) (VMO, error) {
var h Handle
if status := Sys_vmo_clone(Handle(*vmo), options, offset, size, &h); status != ErrOk {
return VMO(HandleInvalid), Error{Status: status, Text: "zx.VMO.Clone"}
return VMO(h), nil
func (vmo *VMO) Read(b []byte, offset uint64) error {
if status := sys_vmo_read(Handle(*vmo), unsafe.Pointer(&b[0]), offset, uint(len(b))); status != ErrOk {
return Error{Status: status, Text: "zx.VMO.Read"}
return nil
func (vmo *VMO) Write(b []byte, offset uint64) error {
if status := sys_vmo_write(Handle(*vmo), unsafe.Pointer(&b[0]), offset, uint(len(b))); status != ErrOk {
return Error{Status: status, Text: "zx.VMO.Write"}
return nil
func (vmo *VMO) Size() (uint64, error) {
var size uint64
if status := sys_vmo_get_size(Handle(*vmo), &size); status != ErrOk {
return size, Error{Status: status, Text: "zx.VMO.Size"}
return size, nil
func (vmo *VMO) SetSize(size uint64) error {
if status := sys_vmo_set_size(Handle(*vmo), size); status != ErrOk {
return Error{Status: status, Text: "zx.VMO.SetSize"}
return nil
func (vmo *VMO) OpRange(op uint32, offset, size uint64, b []byte) error {
if status := sys_vmo_op_range(Handle(*vmo), op, offset, size, unsafe.Pointer(&b[0]), uint(len(b))); status != ErrOk {
return Error{Status: status, Text: "zx.VMO.OpRange"}
return nil
func (vmo *VMO) Close() error {
h := Handle(*vmo)
err := h.Close()
*vmo = VMO(HandleInvalid)
return err
func NewVMO(size uint64, options VMOOption) (VMO, error) {
var h Handle
if status := sys_vmo_create(size, uint32(options), &h); status != ErrOk {
return VMO(HandleInvalid), Error{Status: status, Text: "zx.VMO"}
return VMO(h), nil
type VMAR Handle
func (v VMAR) Destroy() error {
if status := sys_vmar_destroy(Handle(v)); status != ErrOk {
return Error{Status: status, Text: "zx.VMAR.Destroy"}
return nil
func (v VMAR) Map(vmarOffset uint64, vmo VMO, vmoOffset, len uint64, flags VMFlag) (addr uintptr, err error) {
status := sys_vmar_map_old(Handle(v), uint64(vmarOffset), Handle(vmo), vmoOffset, uint64(len), uint32(flags), (*Vaddr)(&addr))
if status != ErrOk {
return 0, Error{Status: status, Text: "zx.VMAR.Map"}
return addr, nil
func (v VMAR) Unmap(addr uintptr, len uint64) error {
status := sys_vmar_unmap(Handle(v), Vaddr(addr), uint64(len))
if status != ErrOk {
return Error{Status: status, Text: "zx.VMAR.Unmap"}
return nil
func (v VMAR) Protect(addr uintptr, len uint64, flags VMFlag) error {
status := sys_vmar_protect_old(Handle(v), Vaddr(addr), uint64(len), uint32(flags))
if status != ErrOk {
return Error{Status: status, Text: "zx.VMAR.Protect"}
return nil
func NewVMAR(parent VMAR, offset, size uint64, flags VMFlag) (child VMAR, addr uintptr, err error) {
var childHandle Handle
status := sys_vmar_allocate_old(Handle(parent), uint64(offset), uint64(size), uint32(flags), &childHandle, (*Vaddr)(&addr))
if status != ErrOk {
return 0, 0, Error{Status: status, Text: "zx.NewVMAR"}
return VMAR(childHandle), addr, nil
type Log Handle
func NewLog(options uint32) Log {
var h Handle
status := Sys_debuglog_create(HandleInvalid, options, &h)
if status != ErrOk {
return Log(HandleInvalid)
return Log(h)
func (l *Log) Handle() *Handle {
return (*Handle)(l)
func (l Log) Write(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
status := Sys_log_write(Handle(l), uint32(len(b)), unsafe.Pointer(&b[0]), 0)
if status != ErrOk {
return 0, Error{Status: status, Text: "zx.Log.Write"}
return len(b), nil
func (l Log) Read(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
status := Sys_log_read(Handle(l), uint32(len(b)), unsafe.Pointer(&b[0]), 0)
if status != ErrOk {
return 0, Error{Status: status, Text: "zx.Log.Read"}
return len(b), nil
func (l *Log) Close() (err error) {
h := Handle(*l)
err = h.Close()
*l = Log(HandleInvalid)
return err
func RandRead(b []byte) {
Sys_cprng_draw(unsafe.Pointer(&b[0]), uint(len(b)))
// Error is a Status with associated error text.
// It is used as a Go error.
type Error struct {
Status Status
Text string
func (e Error) Error() string {
if e.Text == "" {
return "zx.Status: " + e.Status.String()
return e.Status.String() + ": " + e.Text