blob: ecc5d7672327c235f9d74d1f33062e97e03c508d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Make a symlink, handling the case where the source is a directory
# by removing the source first.
# "ln -sf" doesn't work in this case: the symbolic link is placed in the
# directory named LINK-NAME.
# For paranoia purposes, this script only works if the basename of
# TARGET and LINK-NAME are "goroot". This is to avoid accidents resulting
# in rm -rf removing way more than intended.
set -e
if [[ $# != 2 ]]
echo >&2 "Usage: $(basename $0) TARGET LINK-NAME"
exit 1
declare -r TARGET=$1
declare -r LINK_NAME=$2
if [[ $(basename "$TARGET") != "goroot" ]]
echo >&2 "TARGET basename is not goroot"
exit 1
if [[ $(basename "$LINK_NAME") != "goroot" ]]
echo >&2 "LINK-NAME basename is not goroot"
exit 1
/bin/rm -rf "$LINK_NAME"
/bin/ln -s "$TARGET" "$LINK_NAME"