blob: 5c1c6c938dae8330e8b832c67b719c1b4671d0b0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// +build fuchsia
package mxnet
// Types from <lib/fdio/socket.h>.
// These were extracted from cgo by building the program:
// package typesextract
// // #include <arpa/inet.h>
// // #include <netdb.h>
// // #include <netinet/in.h>
// // #include <netinet/tcp.h>
// // #include <sys/ioctl.h>
// // #include <sys/socket.h>
// // #include <sys/types.h>
// // #include <lib/fdio/socket.h>
// import "C"
// func F() {
// _ = C.struct_addrinfo{}
// _ = C.struct_sockaddr_in{}
// _ = C.struct_sockaddr_in6{}
// _ = C.struct_mxrio_gai_req{}
// _ = C.struct_mxrio_gai_reply{}
// _ = C.struct_mxrio_sockaddr_reply{}
// _ = C.struct_mxrio_sockopt_req_reply{}
// _ = C.struct_fdio_socket_msg{}
// _ = C.AF_INET
// _ = C.AF_INET6
// }
// Then the names were cleaned up manually, with commands like:
// s/_t$//
// s/_Ctype_struct_/c_/
// s/_Ctype_/c_/
// ...
// Two big changes are c_in_port and c_in_addr, which for historcical
// UNIX reasons have terrible type representations, so we treat them
// as byte arrays.
// This will probably all be FIDL one day.
const SOCK_STREAM = 1
const SOCK_DGRAM = 2
const AF_INET = 2
const AF_INET6 = 10
type c_socklen uint32
type c_in_port [2]byte // uint16 in C, but stored in network order
type c_sa_family uint16
type c_in_addr [4]byte // uint32 in C, but stored in network order
type c_ulong uint64
type c_addrinfo struct {
ai_flags int32
ai_family int32
ai_socktype int32
ai_protocol int32
ai_addrlen c_socklen
_ [4]byte
// The following pointers are unused on the wire.
ai_addr uintptr // *c_sockaddr
ai_canonname uintptr // *int8
ai_next uintptr // *c_addrinfo
type c_mxrio_gai_reply struct {
res [MXRIO_GAI_REPLY_MAX]struct {
ai c_addrinfo
addr c_sockaddr_storage
nres int32
retval int32
type c_mxrio_gai_req struct {
node_is_null uint8
service_is_null uint8
hints_is_null uint8
reserved uint8
reserved2 uint32
hints c_addrinfo
type c_mxrio_sockaddr_reply struct {
addr c_sockaddr_storage
len c_socklen
_ [4]byte
type c_mxrio_sockopt_req_reply struct {
level int32
optname int32
optval [8]uint8
optlen c_socklen
type c_sockaddr struct {
sa_family c_sa_family
sa_data [14]uint8
type c_sockaddr_in struct {
sin_family c_sa_family
sin_port c_in_port // network order
sin_addr c_in_addr
sin_zero [8]uint8
type c_in6_addr [16]byte
type c_sockaddr_in6 struct {
sin6_family c_sa_family
sin6_port c_in_port // network order
sin6_flowinfo uint32
sin6_addr c_in6_addr
sin6_scope_id uint32
type c_sockaddr_storage struct {
ss_family c_sa_family
_ [6]byte
__ss_align c_ulong
__ss_padding [112]uint8
type c_fdio_socket_msg_hdr struct {
addr c_sockaddr_storage
addrlen c_socklen
flags int32
type c_fdio_socket_msg struct {
hdr c_fdio_socket_msg_hdr
data [1]uint8
_ [7]byte