blob: b0c55c2293ac69452d90a334bc045d10948d921d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package runtime
import (
const (
permRead = 1 << 0
permWrite = 1 << 1
propName = 3
// The VMO opcode to decommit pages (ZX_VMO_OP_DECOMMIT).
vmoOpDecommit = 2
// The name assigned to VMOs.
vmoNameProp = "go-runtime-heap-vmo"
//go:linkname sys_vmar_unmap syscall/zx.Sys_vmar_unmap
func sys_vmar_unmap(h uint32, addr unsafe.Pointer, l uint64) int32
//go:linkname sys_vmo_create syscall/zx.Sys_vmo_create
func sys_vmo_create(size uint64, options uint32, out *uint32) int32
//go:linkname sys_object_set_property syscall/zx.Sys_object_set_property
func sys_object_set_property(handle uint32, property uint32, value unsafe.Pointer, value_size uint) int32
//go:linkname sys_vmar_map syscall/zx.Sys_vmar_map
func sys_vmar_map(handle uint32, options uint32, vmar_offset uint64, vmo uint32, vmo_offset uint64, len uint64, mapped_addr *unsafe.Pointer) int32
//go:linkname sys_vmar_op_range syscall/zx.Sys_vmar_op_range
func sys_vmar_op_range(handle uint32, op uint32, addr uint64, size uint64, buffer unsafe.Pointer, buffer_size uint64) int32
//go:linkname sys_handle_close syscall/zx.Sys_handle_close
func sys_handle_close(handle uint32) int32
//go:linkname sys_vmar_protect syscall/zx.Sys_vmar_protect
func sys_vmar_protect(handle uint32, options uint32, addr unsafe.Pointer, len uint64) int32
func sysAlloc(n uintptr, sysStat *sysMemStat) unsafe.Pointer {
var p unsafe.Pointer
sysMmap(unsafe.Pointer(&p), n, permRead|permWrite)
if uintptr(p) < 4096 {
println("runtime: sysMmap failed n=", n)
return p
func sysUnused(v unsafe.Pointer, n uintptr) {
if status := sys_vmar_op_range(fdioHandles.vmarRootSelf, vmoOpDecommit, uint64(uintptr(v)), uint64(n), nil, 0); status != 0 {
println("runtime: sys_vmar_op_range failed: ", status)
func sysUsed(v unsafe.Pointer, n uintptr) {
// TODO(dho): Maybe implement this based on ZX_VMO_OP_COMMIT
// Note, pages are committed (allocated) for VMOs on demand, as per
// Also, note that sys_vmar_op_range does not yet support ZX_VMO_OP_COMMIT, as
// per
func sysHugePage(v unsafe.Pointer, n uintptr) {
func sysFree(v unsafe.Pointer, n uintptr, sysStat *sysMemStat) {
if status := sys_vmar_unmap(fdioHandles.vmarRootSelf, v, uint64(n)); status != 0 {
println("runtime: sys_vmar_unmap failed: ", status)
func sysMmap(ptr unsafe.Pointer, sz uintptr, flags uint32) {
var h uint32
if status := sys_vmo_create(uint64(sz), 0, &h); status != 0 {
println("runtime: sys_vmo_create failed: ", status)
prop := []byte(vmoNameProp)
if status := sys_object_set_property(h, propName, unsafe.Pointer(&prop[0]), uint(len(prop))); status != 0 {
println("runtime: sys_object_set_property failed: ", status)
if status := sys_vmar_map(fdioHandles.vmarRootSelf, flags, 0, h, 0, uint64(sz), (*unsafe.Pointer)(ptr)); status != 0 {
println("runtime: sys_vmar_map failed: ", status)
if status := sys_handle_close(h); status != 0 {
println("runtime: sys_handle_close failed: ", status)
func sysReserve(v unsafe.Pointer, n uintptr) unsafe.Pointer {
p := v
sysMmap(unsafe.Pointer(&p), n, 0)
return p
func sysFault(v unsafe.Pointer, n uintptr) {
println("TODO sysFault")
func sysMap(v unsafe.Pointer, n uintptr, sysStat *sysMemStat) {
if status := sys_vmar_protect(fdioHandles.vmarRootSelf, permRead|permWrite, v, uint64(n)); status != 0 {
println("runtime: sys_vmar_protect failed: ", status)