blob: 7cd93059d9e2f865673a801d55277f868ac65455 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Code generated by third_party/go/regen-fidl; DO NOT EDIT.
// +build fuchsia
package diagnostics
import (
_zx "syscall/zx"
_bindings "syscall/zx/fidl"
fuchsiamem "syscall/zx/mem"
const (
// The size bound of 1024 is a reasonably low size restriction that meets most
// canonical selectors we've ecountered.
MaximumRawSelectorLength uint16 = 1024
// The size 64 was chosen because entries in batches are handles to
// VMOs and there is a limit of 64 handles per fidl message.
MaximumEntriesPerBatch uint16 = 64
MaxStringSelectorLength uint16 = 100
MaxMonikerSegments uint16 = 25
MaxDataHierarchyDepth uint16 = 100
// Enum used to specify the output format for
// Reader results.
type Format uint32
const (
FormatJson Format = 1
FormatText Format = 2
func (_ Format) I_EnumValues() []Format {
return []Format{
func (_ Format) I_EnumIsStrict() bool {
return true
func (x Format) IsUnknown() bool {
switch x {
case 1:
return true
case 2:
return true
return false
func (x Format) String() string {
switch x {
case 1:
return "Json"
case 2:
return "Text"
return "Unknown"
// Enum describing the potential failure states of the streaming protocol when serving results
// to the client over the result iterator.
type ReaderError uint32
const (
ReaderErrorIo ReaderError = 1
func (_ ReaderError) I_EnumValues() []ReaderError {
return []ReaderError{
func (_ ReaderError) I_EnumIsStrict() bool {
return true
func (x ReaderError) IsUnknown() bool {
switch x {
case 1:
return true
return false
func (x ReaderError) String() string {
switch x {
case 1:
return "Io"
return "Unknown"
// Enum specifying the modes by which a user can connect to and stream diagnostics metrics.
type StreamMode uint8
const (
StreamModeSnapshot StreamMode = 1
StreamModeSnapshotThenSubscribe StreamMode = 2
StreamModeSubscribe StreamMode = 3
func (_ StreamMode) I_EnumValues() []StreamMode {
return []StreamMode{
func (_ StreamMode) I_EnumIsStrict() bool {
return true
func (x StreamMode) IsUnknown() bool {
switch x {
case 1:
return true
case 2:
return true
case 3:
return true
return false
func (x StreamMode) String() string {
switch x {
case 1:
return "Snapshot"
case 2:
return "SnapshotThenSubscribe"
case 3:
return "Subscribe"
return "Unknown"
type DataType uint8
const (
DataTypeInspect DataType = 1
DataTypeLifecycle DataType = 2
DataTypeLogs DataType = 3
func (_ DataType) I_EnumValues() []DataType {
return []DataType{
func (_ DataType) I_EnumIsStrict() bool {
return true
func (x DataType) IsUnknown() bool {
switch x {
case 1:
return true
case 2:
return true
case 3:
return true
return false
func (x DataType) String() string {
switch x {
case 1:
return "Inspect"
case 2:
return "Lifecycle"
case 3:
return "Logs"
return "Unknown"
// The severity of a given record.
type Severity uint8
const (
SeverityTrace Severity = 16
SeverityDebug Severity = 32
SeverityInfo Severity = 48
SeverityWarn Severity = 64
SeverityError Severity = 80
SeverityFatal Severity = 96
func (_ Severity) I_EnumValues() []Severity {
return []Severity{
func (_ Severity) I_EnumIsStrict() bool {
return true
func (x Severity) IsUnknown() bool {
switch x {
case 16:
return true
case 32:
return true
case 48:
return true
case 64:
return true
case 80:
return true
case 96:
return true
return false
func (x Severity) String() string {
switch x {
case 16:
return "Trace"
case 32:
return "Debug"
case 48:
return "Info"
case 64:
return "Warn"
case 80:
return "Error"
case 96:
return "Fatal"
return "Unknown"
type BatchIteratorGetNextResponse struct {
_ struct{} `fidl:"s" fidl_size_v1:"16" fidl_alignment_v1:"8"`
Batch []FormattedContent `fidl_offset_v1:"0" fidl_bounds:"64"`
var _mBatchIteratorGetNextResponse = _bindings.CreateLazyMarshaler(BatchIteratorGetNextResponse{})
func (msg *BatchIteratorGetNextResponse) Marshaler() _bindings.Marshaler {
return _mBatchIteratorGetNextResponse
// A selector defining a set of nodes to match, for which the entire subtree including
// those nodes are selected.
type SubtreeSelector struct {
_ struct{} `fidl:"s" fidl_size_v1:"16" fidl_alignment_v1:"8"`
// A vector of StringSelectors which serve as a pattern matcher
// for paths through a hierarchy of named nodes. Each entry in the vector
// is a selector for a single named node in a data hierarchy. The vector
// of selectors for named nodes, then, defines a selector on paths through the
// data hierarchy.
// Node paths support wildcarding, which will glob a single level of a
// node hierarchy. eg:
// root/a/b/*/d
// will match all nodes named d which are below some child of node b.
// root/a/b/c*
// will match all nodes below b which start with the character "c".
NodePath []StringSelector `fidl_offset_v1:"0" fidl_bounds:"100"`
var _mSubtreeSelector = _bindings.CreateLazyMarshaler(SubtreeSelector{})
func (msg *SubtreeSelector) Marshaler() _bindings.Marshaler {
return _mSubtreeSelector
// A selector defining a set of nodes to match, and on those matched nodes a set of named
// propperties to match.
type PropertySelector struct {
_ struct{} `fidl:"s" fidl_size_v1:"40" fidl_alignment_v1:"8"`
// A vector of StringSelectors which serve as a pattern matcher
// for paths through a hierarchy of named nodes. Each entry in the vector
// is a selector for a single named node in a data hierarchy. The vector
// of selectors for named nodes, then, defines a selector on paths through the
// data hierarchy.
// Node paths support wildcarding, which will glob a single level of a
// node hierarchy. eg:
// root/a/b/*/d
// will match all nodes named d which are below some child of node b.
// root/a/b/c*
// will match all nodes below b which start with the character "c".
NodePath []StringSelector `fidl_offset_v1:"0" fidl_bounds:"100"`
// A StringSelector which serves as a pattern matcher for
// string-named properties on a node in a data hierarchy.
// target_properties supports wildcarding, which will match against all properties
// on any node matched by node_path.
TargetProperties StringSelector `fidl_offset_v1:"16"`
var _mPropertySelector = _bindings.CreateLazyMarshaler(PropertySelector{})
func (msg *PropertySelector) Marshaler() _bindings.Marshaler {
return _mPropertySelector
type archiveAccessorWithCtxStreamDiagnosticsRequest struct {
_ struct{} `fidl:"s" fidl_size_v1:"24" fidl_alignment_v1:"8"`
StreamParameters StreamParameters `fidl_offset_v1:"0"`
ResultStream BatchIteratorWithCtxInterfaceRequest `fidl_offset_v1:"16" fidl_handle_subtype:"4" fidl_bounds:"0"`
var _marchiveAccessorWithCtxStreamDiagnosticsRequest = _bindings.CreateLazyMarshaler(archiveAccessorWithCtxStreamDiagnosticsRequest{})
func (msg *archiveAccessorWithCtxStreamDiagnosticsRequest) Marshaler() _bindings.Marshaler {
return _marchiveAccessorWithCtxStreamDiagnosticsRequest
type batchIteratorWithCtxGetNextResponse struct {
_ struct{} `fidl:"s" fidl_size_v1:"24" fidl_alignment_v1:"8"`
Result BatchIteratorGetNextResult `fidl_offset_v1:"0"`
var _mbatchIteratorWithCtxGetNextResponse = _bindings.CreateLazyMarshaler(batchIteratorWithCtxGetNextResponse{})
func (msg *batchIteratorWithCtxGetNextResponse) Marshaler() _bindings.Marshaler {
return _mbatchIteratorWithCtxGetNextResponse
type I_batchIteratorGetNextResultTag uint64
const (
BatchIteratorGetNextResultResponse = 1 // 0x00000001
BatchIteratorGetNextResultErr = 2 // 0x00000002
type BatchIteratorGetNextResult struct {
I_batchIteratorGetNextResultTag `fidl:"x!" fidl_size_v1:"24" fidl_alignment_v1:"8"`
Response BatchIteratorGetNextResponse `fidl_ordinal:"1"`
Err ReaderError `fidl_ordinal:"2"`
func (_m *BatchIteratorGetNextResult) Which() I_batchIteratorGetNextResultTag {
return _m.I_batchIteratorGetNextResultTag
func (_m *BatchIteratorGetNextResult) Ordinal() uint64 {
return uint64(_m.I_batchIteratorGetNextResultTag)
func (_m *BatchIteratorGetNextResult) SetResponse(response BatchIteratorGetNextResponse) {
_m.I_batchIteratorGetNextResultTag = BatchIteratorGetNextResultResponse
_m.Response = response
func BatchIteratorGetNextResultWithResponse(response BatchIteratorGetNextResponse) BatchIteratorGetNextResult {
var _u BatchIteratorGetNextResult
return _u
func (_m *BatchIteratorGetNextResult) SetErr(err ReaderError) {
_m.I_batchIteratorGetNextResultTag = BatchIteratorGetNextResultErr
_m.Err = err
func BatchIteratorGetNextResultWithErr(err ReaderError) BatchIteratorGetNextResult {
var _u BatchIteratorGetNextResult
return _u
type I_selectorArgumentTag uint64
const (
SelectorArgument_unknownData = 0 // 0x00000000
SelectorArgumentStructuredSelector = 1 // 0x00000001
SelectorArgumentRawSelector = 2 // 0x00000002
// Argument used for Archive selectors, can be either the pre-parsed
// fidl struct or string representation.
type SelectorArgument struct {
I_selectorArgumentTag `fidl:"x" fidl_size_v1:"24" fidl_alignment_v1:"8"`
I_unknownData []byte
// A Selector defining a pattern-matcher which selects for components within a hierarchy
// and properties in a data hierarchy namespaced by component.
StructuredSelector Selector `fidl_ordinal:"1"`
// A raw string representing a [fuchsia.diagnostics/Selector].
// The Selector defines a pattern-matcher which selects for components within a hierarchy
// and properties in a data hierarchy namespaced by component.
// NOTE: All StringSelectors parsed from the raw_selector will be interperetted in
// string_pattern mode, giving significance to special characters.
// TODO(4601): Link to in-tree documentation for raw selector strings.
RawSelector string `fidl_bounds:"1024" fidl_ordinal:"2"`
func (_m *SelectorArgument) Which() I_selectorArgumentTag {
switch _m.I_selectorArgumentTag {
case 1:
return SelectorArgumentStructuredSelector
case 2:
return SelectorArgumentRawSelector
return SelectorArgument_unknownData
func (_m *SelectorArgument) Ordinal() uint64 {
return uint64(_m.I_selectorArgumentTag)
func (_m *SelectorArgument) SetStructuredSelector(structuredSelector Selector) {
_m.I_selectorArgumentTag = SelectorArgumentStructuredSelector
_m.StructuredSelector = structuredSelector
func SelectorArgumentWithStructuredSelector(structuredSelector Selector) SelectorArgument {
var _u SelectorArgument
return _u
func (_m *SelectorArgument) SetRawSelector(rawSelector string) {
_m.I_selectorArgumentTag = SelectorArgumentRawSelector
_m.RawSelector = rawSelector
func SelectorArgumentWithRawSelector(rawSelector string) SelectorArgument {
var _u SelectorArgument
return _u
type I_formattedContentTag uint64
const (
FormattedContent_unknownData = 0 // 0x00000000
FormattedContentJson = 1 // 0x00000001
FormattedContentText = 2 // 0x00000002
// A fidl union containing a complete hierarchy of structured diagnostics
// data, such that the content can be parsed into a file by itself.
type FormattedContent struct {
I_formattedContentTag `fidl:"x" fidl_size_v1:"24" fidl_alignment_v1:"8"`
I_unknownData []byte
// A diagnostics schema encoded as json.
// The VMO will contain up to 1mb of diagnostics data.
Json fuchsiamem.Buffer `fidl_ordinal:"1"`
// A diagnostics schema encoded as text.
// The VMO will contain up to 1mb of diagnostics data.
Text fuchsiamem.Buffer `fidl_ordinal:"2"`
func (_m *FormattedContent) Which() I_formattedContentTag {
switch _m.I_formattedContentTag {
case 1:
return FormattedContentJson
case 2:
return FormattedContentText
return FormattedContent_unknownData
func (_m *FormattedContent) Ordinal() uint64 {
return uint64(_m.I_formattedContentTag)
func (_m *FormattedContent) SetJson(json fuchsiamem.Buffer) {
_m.I_formattedContentTag = FormattedContentJson
_m.Json = json
func FormattedContentWithJson(json fuchsiamem.Buffer) FormattedContent {
var _u FormattedContent
return _u
func (_m *FormattedContent) SetText(text fuchsiamem.Buffer) {
_m.I_formattedContentTag = FormattedContentText
_m.Text = text
func FormattedContentWithText(text fuchsiamem.Buffer) FormattedContent {
var _u FormattedContent
return _u
type I_clientSelectorConfigurationTag uint64
const (
ClientSelectorConfiguration_unknownData = 0 // 0x00000000
ClientSelectorConfigurationSelectors = 1 // 0x00000001
ClientSelectorConfigurationSelectAll = 2 // 0x00000002
type ClientSelectorConfiguration struct {
I_clientSelectorConfigurationTag `fidl:"x" fidl_size_v1:"24" fidl_alignment_v1:"8"`
I_unknownData []byte
// A vector of [fuchsia.diagnostics/SelectorArgument] which
// provide additional filters to scope data streams with. An empty vector is considered
// a misconfiguration and will result in an epitaph signaling incorrect parameters.
Selectors []SelectorArgument `fidl_bounds:"" fidl_ordinal:"1"`
// select_all must be true if set, and specifies that the client wants to retrieve
// all data that their connection is able to expose.
SelectAll bool `fidl_ordinal:"2"`
func (_m *ClientSelectorConfiguration) Which() I_clientSelectorConfigurationTag {
switch _m.I_clientSelectorConfigurationTag {
case 1:
return ClientSelectorConfigurationSelectors
case 2:
return ClientSelectorConfigurationSelectAll
return ClientSelectorConfiguration_unknownData
func (_m *ClientSelectorConfiguration) Ordinal() uint64 {
return uint64(_m.I_clientSelectorConfigurationTag)
func (_m *ClientSelectorConfiguration) SetSelectors(selectors []SelectorArgument) {
_m.I_clientSelectorConfigurationTag = ClientSelectorConfigurationSelectors
_m.Selectors = selectors
func ClientSelectorConfigurationWithSelectors(selectors []SelectorArgument) ClientSelectorConfiguration {
var _u ClientSelectorConfiguration
return _u
func (_m *ClientSelectorConfiguration) SetSelectAll(selectAll bool) {
_m.I_clientSelectorConfigurationTag = ClientSelectorConfigurationSelectAll
_m.SelectAll = selectAll
func ClientSelectorConfigurationWithSelectAll(selectAll bool) ClientSelectorConfiguration {
var _u ClientSelectorConfiguration
return _u
type I_stringSelectorTag uint64
const (
StringSelector_unknownData = 0 // 0x00000000
StringSelectorStringPattern = 1 // 0x00000001
StringSelectorExactMatch = 2 // 0x00000002
// StringSelector is an union defining different ways to describe a pattern to match
// strings against.
type StringSelector struct {
I_stringSelectorTag `fidl:"x" fidl_size_v1:"24" fidl_alignment_v1:"8"`
I_unknownData []byte
// This is a provided string that defines a pattern to
// match against. The parser treats asterisks (*), colons (:) and backslashes
// (\) as special characters.
// If you wish to match against literal asterisks (*), they must be escaped.
// If you wish to match against literal backslashes (\), they must be escaped.
// If you wish to match against literal colons (:), they must be escaped.
// eg: abc will match any string with the exact name "abc".
// eg: a\* will match any string with the exact name "a*".
// eg: a\\* will match any that starts with exactly "a\".
// eg: a* will match any string that starts with "a".
// eg: a*b will match any string that starts with a and ends with b.
// eg: a*b*c will match any string that starts with a and ends with c, with `b`
// in the middle.
StringPattern string `fidl_bounds:"100" fidl_ordinal:"1"`
// This is a provided string that defines an exact string to match against. No
// characters are treated as special, or carry special syntax.
ExactMatch string `fidl_bounds:"100" fidl_ordinal:"2"`
func (_m *StringSelector) Which() I_stringSelectorTag {
switch _m.I_stringSelectorTag {
case 1:
return StringSelectorStringPattern
case 2:
return StringSelectorExactMatch
return StringSelector_unknownData
func (_m *StringSelector) Ordinal() uint64 {
return uint64(_m.I_stringSelectorTag)
func (_m *StringSelector) SetStringPattern(stringPattern string) {
_m.I_stringSelectorTag = StringSelectorStringPattern
_m.StringPattern = stringPattern
func StringSelectorWithStringPattern(stringPattern string) StringSelector {
var _u StringSelector
return _u
func (_m *StringSelector) SetExactMatch(exactMatch string) {
_m.I_stringSelectorTag = StringSelectorExactMatch
_m.ExactMatch = exactMatch
func StringSelectorWithExactMatch(exactMatch string) StringSelector {
var _u StringSelector
return _u
type I_treeSelectorTag uint64
const (
TreeSelector_unknownData = 0 // 0x00000000
TreeSelectorSubtreeSelector = 1 // 0x00000001
TreeSelectorPropertySelector = 2 // 0x00000002
// TreeSelector represents a selection request on a hierarchy of named nodes, with
// named properties on those nodes.
type TreeSelector struct {
I_treeSelectorTag `fidl:"x" fidl_size_v1:"24" fidl_alignment_v1:"8"`
I_unknownData []byte
// A selector defining a set of nodes to match, for which the entire subtree including
// those nodes are selected.
SubtreeSelector SubtreeSelector `fidl_ordinal:"1"`
// A selector defining a set of nodes to match, and on those matched nodes a set of named
// propperties to match.
PropertySelector PropertySelector `fidl_ordinal:"2"`
func (_m *TreeSelector) Which() I_treeSelectorTag {
switch _m.I_treeSelectorTag {
case 1:
return TreeSelectorSubtreeSelector
case 2:
return TreeSelectorPropertySelector
return TreeSelector_unknownData
func (_m *TreeSelector) Ordinal() uint64 {
return uint64(_m.I_treeSelectorTag)
func (_m *TreeSelector) SetSubtreeSelector(subtreeSelector SubtreeSelector) {
_m.I_treeSelectorTag = TreeSelectorSubtreeSelector
_m.SubtreeSelector = subtreeSelector
func TreeSelectorWithSubtreeSelector(subtreeSelector SubtreeSelector) TreeSelector {
var _u TreeSelector
return _u
func (_m *TreeSelector) SetPropertySelector(propertySelector PropertySelector) {
_m.I_treeSelectorTag = TreeSelectorPropertySelector
_m.PropertySelector = propertySelector
func TreeSelectorWithPropertySelector(propertySelector PropertySelector) TreeSelector {
var _u TreeSelector
return _u
// Interest expresses the scope of clients' desired diagnostics data,
// e.g. for filtering messages or controlling their generation.
type Interest struct {
_ struct{} `fidl:"t" fidl_size_v1:"16" fidl_alignment_v1:"8"`
// Minimum desired severity. Components should include records at or
// above this severity.
// The default is `INFO`.
MinSeverity Severity `fidl_ordinal:"1"`
MinSeverityPresent bool
func (u *Interest) SetMinSeverity(minSeverity Severity) {
u.MinSeverity = minSeverity
u.MinSeverityPresent = true
func (u *Interest) GetMinSeverity() Severity {
return u.MinSeverity
func (u *Interest) GetMinSeverityWithDefault(_default Severity) Severity {
if !u.HasMinSeverity() {
return _default
return u.MinSeverity
func (u *Interest) HasMinSeverity() bool {
return u.MinSeverityPresent
func (u *Interest) ClearMinSeverity() {
u.MinSeverityPresent = false
// Parameters needed to configure a stream of diagnostics information.
type StreamParameters struct {
_ struct{} `fidl:"t" fidl_size_v1:"16" fidl_alignment_v1:"8"`
// A [fuchsia.diagnostics/DataType] that specifies the diagnostics data type
// to stream to the client.
DataType DataType `fidl_ordinal:"1"`
DataTypePresent bool
// A [fuchsia.diagnostics/StreamMode] that specifies how the
// streaming server provides streamed results.
StreamMode StreamMode `fidl_ordinal:"2"`
StreamModePresent bool
// A [fuchsia.diagnostics/Format] that specifies how to format the returned
// diagnostics data.
Format Format `fidl_ordinal:"3"`
FormatPresent bool
// Configuration specifying what results the client wants returned from their
// connection. The client can request a specific subset of data using a vector
// of provided selectors, or can specify that they want all available data.
ClientSelectorConfiguration ClientSelectorConfiguration `fidl_ordinal:"4"`
ClientSelectorConfigurationPresent bool
func (u *StreamParameters) SetDataType(dataType DataType) {
u.DataType = dataType
u.DataTypePresent = true
func (u *StreamParameters) GetDataType() DataType {
return u.DataType
func (u *StreamParameters) GetDataTypeWithDefault(_default DataType) DataType {
if !u.HasDataType() {
return _default
return u.DataType
func (u *StreamParameters) HasDataType() bool {
return u.DataTypePresent
func (u *StreamParameters) ClearDataType() {
u.DataTypePresent = false
func (u *StreamParameters) SetStreamMode(streamMode StreamMode) {
u.StreamMode = streamMode
u.StreamModePresent = true
func (u *StreamParameters) GetStreamMode() StreamMode {
return u.StreamMode
func (u *StreamParameters) GetStreamModeWithDefault(_default StreamMode) StreamMode {
if !u.HasStreamMode() {
return _default
return u.StreamMode
func (u *StreamParameters) HasStreamMode() bool {
return u.StreamModePresent
func (u *StreamParameters) ClearStreamMode() {
u.StreamModePresent = false
func (u *StreamParameters) SetFormat(format Format) {
u.Format = format
u.FormatPresent = true
func (u *StreamParameters) GetFormat() Format {
return u.Format
func (u *StreamParameters) GetFormatWithDefault(_default Format) Format {
if !u.HasFormat() {
return _default
return u.Format
func (u *StreamParameters) HasFormat() bool {
return u.FormatPresent
func (u *StreamParameters) ClearFormat() {
u.FormatPresent = false
func (u *StreamParameters) SetClientSelectorConfiguration(clientSelectorConfiguration ClientSelectorConfiguration) {
u.ClientSelectorConfiguration = clientSelectorConfiguration
u.ClientSelectorConfigurationPresent = true
func (u *StreamParameters) GetClientSelectorConfiguration() ClientSelectorConfiguration {
return u.ClientSelectorConfiguration
func (u *StreamParameters) GetClientSelectorConfigurationWithDefault(_default ClientSelectorConfiguration) ClientSelectorConfiguration {
if !u.HasClientSelectorConfiguration() {
return _default
return u.ClientSelectorConfiguration
func (u *StreamParameters) HasClientSelectorConfiguration() bool {
return u.ClientSelectorConfigurationPresent
func (u *StreamParameters) ClearClientSelectorConfiguration() {
u.ClientSelectorConfigurationPresent = false
// Specifies a pattern of component relative monikers which
// identify components being selected for.
// Component selectors support wildcarding, which will glob a single "level" of a
// component moniker. eg:
// hub/*/echo.cmx
// will match all echo.cmx instances running only in realms directly under hub, but none
// nested further.
type ComponentSelector struct {
_ struct{} `fidl:"t" fidl_size_v1:"16" fidl_alignment_v1:"8"`
// Vector encoding the a pattern for monikers of components being selected for.
// These monikers are child-monikers relative to a "root" hierarchy that the archivist
// is aware of.
// There must be at least one StringSelector provided, which
// specifies the component names that are matched by
// the current selector.
MonikerSegments []StringSelector `fidl_bounds:"25" fidl_ordinal:"1"`
MonikerSegmentsPresent bool
func (u *ComponentSelector) SetMonikerSegments(monikerSegments []StringSelector) {
u.MonikerSegments = monikerSegments
u.MonikerSegmentsPresent = true
func (u *ComponentSelector) GetMonikerSegments() []StringSelector {
return u.MonikerSegments
func (u *ComponentSelector) GetMonikerSegmentsWithDefault(_default []StringSelector) []StringSelector {
if !u.HasMonikerSegments() {
return _default
return u.MonikerSegments
func (u *ComponentSelector) HasMonikerSegments() bool {
return u.MonikerSegmentsPresent
func (u *ComponentSelector) ClearMonikerSegments() {
u.MonikerSegmentsPresent = false
// Structured selector containing all required information for pattern-matching onto
// string-named properties owned by nodes in a data hierarchy, where data hierarchies belong
// to specific components.
// These selectors are represented in text form as three segments, colon delimited,
// specifying:
// <component_moniker>:<node_selector>:<property_selector>
// Examples:
// Property selection:
// realm1/realm2/echo.cmx:root/active_users:user_count
// Subtree selection:
// realm1/realm2/echo.cmx:root/active_users
type Selector struct {
_ struct{} `fidl:"t" fidl_size_v1:"16" fidl_alignment_v1:"8"`
// The selector defining a pattern of component monikers to match
// against.
ComponentSelector ComponentSelector `fidl_ordinal:"1"`
ComponentSelectorPresent bool
// The selector defining data hierarchy properties to match against
// within the data hierarchies owned by components matched by
// `component_selector`.
TreeSelector TreeSelector `fidl_ordinal:"2"`
TreeSelectorPresent bool
func (u *Selector) SetComponentSelector(componentSelector ComponentSelector) {
u.ComponentSelector = componentSelector
u.ComponentSelectorPresent = true
func (u *Selector) GetComponentSelector() ComponentSelector {
return u.ComponentSelector
func (u *Selector) GetComponentSelectorWithDefault(_default ComponentSelector) ComponentSelector {
if !u.HasComponentSelector() {
return _default
return u.ComponentSelector
func (u *Selector) HasComponentSelector() bool {
return u.ComponentSelectorPresent
func (u *Selector) ClearComponentSelector() {
u.ComponentSelectorPresent = false
func (u *Selector) SetTreeSelector(treeSelector TreeSelector) {
u.TreeSelector = treeSelector
u.TreeSelectorPresent = true
func (u *Selector) GetTreeSelector() TreeSelector {
return u.TreeSelector
func (u *Selector) GetTreeSelectorWithDefault(_default TreeSelector) TreeSelector {
if !u.HasTreeSelector() {
return _default
return u.TreeSelector
func (u *Selector) HasTreeSelector() bool {
return u.TreeSelectorPresent
func (u *Selector) ClearTreeSelector() {
u.TreeSelectorPresent = false
const (
ArchiveAccessorStreamDiagnosticsOrdinal uint64 = 0x20c73e2ecd653c3e
type ArchiveAccessorWithCtxInterface _bindings.ChannelProxy
// Creates an iterator over diagnostics data on the system.
// * The iterator may be finite by streaming in SNAPSHOT mode, serving only the
// current state of diagnostics data on the system.
// * The iterator may be infinite by streaming in either SNAPSHOT_THEN_SUBSCRIBE
// or SUBSCRIBE mode; the prior first provides iteration over the current state of
// the sytem, and then both provide ongoing iteration over newly arriving diagnostics
// data.
// + request `result stream` a [fuchsia.diagnostics/BatchIterator] that diagnostic
// records are exposed to the client over.
// * epitaphs:
// - INVALID_ARGS: A required argument in the StreamParameters struct was missing.
// - WRONG_TYPE: A selector provided by the StreamParameters struct was incorrectly
// formatted.
// + request `stream_parameters` is a [fuchsia.diagnostics/StreamParameter] which
// specifies how to configure the stream.
func (p *ArchiveAccessorWithCtxInterface) StreamDiagnostics(ctx_ _bindings.Context, streamParameters StreamParameters, resultStream BatchIteratorWithCtxInterfaceRequest) error {
req_ := &archiveAccessorWithCtxStreamDiagnosticsRequest{
StreamParameters: streamParameters,
ResultStream: resultStream,
err_ := ((*_bindings.ChannelProxy)(p)).Send(ArchiveAccessorStreamDiagnosticsOrdinal, req_)
return err_
// Outer protocol for interacting with the different diagnostics data sources.
type ArchiveAccessorWithCtx interface {
// Creates an iterator over diagnostics data on the system.
// * The iterator may be finite by streaming in SNAPSHOT mode, serving only the
// current state of diagnostics data on the system.
// * The iterator may be infinite by streaming in either SNAPSHOT_THEN_SUBSCRIBE
// or SUBSCRIBE mode; the prior first provides iteration over the current state of
// the sytem, and then both provide ongoing iteration over newly arriving diagnostics
// data.
// + request `result stream` a [fuchsia.diagnostics/BatchIterator] that diagnostic
// records are exposed to the client over.
// * epitaphs:
// - INVALID_ARGS: A required argument in the StreamParameters struct was missing.
// - WRONG_TYPE: A selector provided by the StreamParameters struct was incorrectly
// formatted.
// + request `stream_parameters` is a [fuchsia.diagnostics/StreamParameter] which
// specifies how to configure the stream.
StreamDiagnostics(ctx_ _bindings.Context, streamParameters StreamParameters, resultStream BatchIteratorWithCtxInterfaceRequest) error
type ArchiveAccessorWithCtxTransitionalBase struct{}
type ArchiveAccessorWithCtxInterfaceRequest _bindings.InterfaceRequest
func NewArchiveAccessorWithCtxInterfaceRequest() (ArchiveAccessorWithCtxInterfaceRequest, *ArchiveAccessorWithCtxInterface, error) {
req, cli, err := _bindings.NewInterfaceRequest()
return ArchiveAccessorWithCtxInterfaceRequest(req), (*ArchiveAccessorWithCtxInterface)(cli), err
// Implements ServiceRequest.
func (_ ArchiveAccessorWithCtxInterfaceRequest) Name() string {
return "fuchsia.diagnostics.ArchiveAccessor"
func (c ArchiveAccessorWithCtxInterfaceRequest) ToChannel() _zx.Channel {
return c.Channel
const ArchiveAccessorName = "fuchsia.diagnostics.ArchiveAccessor"
type ArchiveAccessorWithCtxStub struct {
Impl ArchiveAccessorWithCtx
func (s_ *ArchiveAccessorWithCtxStub) Dispatch(args_ _bindings.DispatchArgs) (_bindings.Message, bool, error) {
switch args_.Ordinal {
case ArchiveAccessorStreamDiagnosticsOrdinal:
in_ := archiveAccessorWithCtxStreamDiagnosticsRequest{}
marshalerCtx, ok := _bindings.GetMarshalerContext(args_.Ctx)
if !ok {
return nil, false, _bindings.ErrMissingMarshalerContext
if _, _, err_ := _bindings.UnmarshalWithContext2(marshalerCtx, args_.Bytes, args_.HandleInfos, &in_); err_ != nil {
return nil, false, err_
err_ := s_.Impl.StreamDiagnostics(args_.Ctx, in_.StreamParameters, in_.ResultStream)
return nil, false, err_
return nil, false, _bindings.ErrUnknownOrdinal
type ArchiveAccessorEventProxy _bindings.ChannelProxy
const (
BatchIteratorGetNextOrdinal uint64 = 0x781986486c6254a5
type BatchIteratorWithCtxInterface _bindings.ChannelProxy
// Returns a vector of [fuchsia.diagnostics/FormattedContent] structs
// with a format dictated by the format_settings argument provided to the Reader protocol
// which spawned this BatchIterator.
// An empty vector implies that the data hierarchy has been fully iterated, and subsequent
// GetNext calls will always return the empty vector.
// When the BatchIterator is serving results via subscription model, calls to GetNext will
// hang until there is new data available, it will not return an empty vector.
// - returns a vector of FormattedContent structs. Clients connected to a
// Batch are expected to call GetNext() until an empty vector
// is returned, denoting that the entire data hierarchy has been read.
// * error a [fuchsia.diagnostics/ReaderError]
// value indicating that there was an issue reading the underlying data hierarchies
// or formatting those hierarchies to populate the `batch`. Note, these
// issues do not include a single component's data hierarchy failing to be read.
// The iterator is tolerant of individual component data sources failing to be read,
// whether that failure is a timeout or a malformed binary file.
// In the event that a GetNext call fails, that subset of the data hierarchy results is
// dropped, but future calls to GetNext will provide new subsets of
// FormattedDataHierarchies.
func (p *BatchIteratorWithCtxInterface) GetNext(ctx_ _bindings.Context) (BatchIteratorGetNextResult, error) {
var req_ _bindings.Message
resp_ := &batchIteratorWithCtxGetNextResponse{}
err_ := ((*_bindings.ChannelProxy)(p)).Call(BatchIteratorGetNextOrdinal, req_, resp_)
return resp_.Result, err_
// Conceptually, a directory iterator, where each element in the iterator is a single
// complete file that can be concatenated with other results.
type BatchIteratorWithCtx interface {
// Returns a vector of [fuchsia.diagnostics/FormattedContent] structs
// with a format dictated by the format_settings argument provided to the Reader protocol
// which spawned this BatchIterator.
// An empty vector implies that the data hierarchy has been fully iterated, and subsequent
// GetNext calls will always return the empty vector.
// When the BatchIterator is serving results via subscription model, calls to GetNext will
// hang until there is new data available, it will not return an empty vector.
// - returns a vector of FormattedContent structs. Clients connected to a
// Batch are expected to call GetNext() until an empty vector
// is returned, denoting that the entire data hierarchy has been read.
// * error a [fuchsia.diagnostics/ReaderError]
// value indicating that there was an issue reading the underlying data hierarchies
// or formatting those hierarchies to populate the `batch`. Note, these
// issues do not include a single component's data hierarchy failing to be read.
// The iterator is tolerant of individual component data sources failing to be read,
// whether that failure is a timeout or a malformed binary file.
// In the event that a GetNext call fails, that subset of the data hierarchy results is
// dropped, but future calls to GetNext will provide new subsets of
// FormattedDataHierarchies.
GetNext(ctx_ _bindings.Context) (BatchIteratorGetNextResult, error)
type BatchIteratorWithCtxTransitionalBase struct{}
type BatchIteratorWithCtxInterfaceRequest _bindings.InterfaceRequest
func NewBatchIteratorWithCtxInterfaceRequest() (BatchIteratorWithCtxInterfaceRequest, *BatchIteratorWithCtxInterface, error) {
req, cli, err := _bindings.NewInterfaceRequest()
return BatchIteratorWithCtxInterfaceRequest(req), (*BatchIteratorWithCtxInterface)(cli), err
type BatchIteratorWithCtxStub struct {
Impl BatchIteratorWithCtx
func (s_ *BatchIteratorWithCtxStub) Dispatch(args_ _bindings.DispatchArgs) (_bindings.Message, bool, error) {
switch args_.Ordinal {
case BatchIteratorGetNextOrdinal:
result, err_ := s_.Impl.GetNext(args_.Ctx)
out_ := batchIteratorWithCtxGetNextResponse{}
out_.Result = result
return &out_, true, err_
return nil, false, _bindings.ErrUnknownOrdinal
type BatchIteratorEventProxy _bindings.ChannelProxy