blob: a66254b6d05d30ac7a88cba7a0b1a92efdf24e5f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package p
type Tn interface{ m() }
type T1 struct{}
type T2 struct{}
func (*T1) m() {}
func (*T2) m() {}
func g[P any](...P) {}
func _() {
var t interface{ m() }
var tn Tn
var t1 *T1
var t2 *T2
// these are ok (interface types only)
g(t, t)
g(t, tn)
g(tn, t)
g(tn, tn)
// these are not ok (interface and non-interface types)
g(t, t1 /* ERROR "does not match" */)
g(t1, t /* ERROR "does not match" */)
g(tn, t1 /* ERROR "does not match" */)
g(t1, tn /* ERROR "does not match" */)
g(t, t1 /* ERROR "does not match" */, t2)
g(t1, t2 /* ERROR "does not match" */, t)
g(tn, t1 /* ERROR "does not match" */, t2)
g(t1, t2 /* ERROR "does not match" */, tn)