blob: 49b4be908329a769f7e45ffe4bd2599b1f905ff0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The Update Framework Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package multirepo
import (
// The following represent the map file described in TAP 4
type Mapping struct {
Paths []string `json:"paths"`
Repositories []string `json:"repositories"`
Threshold int `json:"threshold"`
Terminating bool `json:"terminating"`
type MultiRepoMapType struct {
Repositories map[string][]string `json:"repositories"`
Mapping []*Mapping `json:"mapping"`
// MultiRepoConfig represents the configuration for a set of trusted TUF clients
type MultiRepoConfig struct {
RepoMap *MultiRepoMapType
TrustedRoots map[string][]byte
LocalMetadataDir string
LocalTargetsDir string
DisableLocalCache bool
// MultiRepoClient represents a multi-repository TUF client
type MultiRepoClient struct {
TUFClients map[string]*updater.Updater
Config *MultiRepoConfig
type targetMatch struct {
targetInfo *metadata.TargetFiles
repositories []string
// NewConfig returns configuration for a multi-repo TUF client
func NewConfig(repoMap []byte, roots map[string][]byte) (*MultiRepoConfig, error) {
// error if we don't have the necessary arguments
if len(repoMap) == 0 || len(roots) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create multi-repository config: no map file and/or trusted root metadata is provided")
// unmarshal the map file (note: should we expect/support unrecognized values here?)
var mapFile *MultiRepoMapType
if err := json.Unmarshal(repoMap, &mapFile); err != nil {
return nil, err
// make sure we have enough trusted root metadata files provided based on the repository list
for repo := range mapFile.Repositories {
// check if we have a trusted root metadata for this repository
_, ok := roots[repo]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no trusted root metadata provided for repository - %s", repo)
return &MultiRepoConfig{
RepoMap: mapFile,
TrustedRoots: roots,
}, nil
// New returns a multi-repository TUF client. All repositories described in the provided map file are initialized too
func New(config *MultiRepoConfig) (*MultiRepoClient, error) {
// create a multi repo client instance
client := &MultiRepoClient{
Config: config,
TUFClients: map[string]*updater.Updater{},
// create TUF clients for each repository listed in the map file
if err := client.initTUFClients(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return client, nil
// initTUFClients loop through all repositories listed in the map file and create a TUF client for each
func (client *MultiRepoClient) initTUFClients() error {
log := metadata.GetLogger()
// loop through each repository listed in the map file and initialize it
for repoName, repoURL := range client.Config.RepoMap.Repositories {
log.Info("Initializing", "name", repoName, "url", repoURL[0])
// get the trusted root file from the location specified in the map file relevant to its path
// NOTE: the root.json file is expected to be in a folder named after the repository it corresponds to placed in the same folder as the map file
// i.e <client.cfg.BootstrapDir>/<repo-name>/root.json
rootBytes, ok := client.Config.TrustedRoots[repoName]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get trusted root metadata from config for repository - %s", repoName)
// path of where each of the repository's metadata files will be persisted
metadataDir := filepath.Join(client.Config.LocalMetadataDir, repoName)
// location of where the target files will be downloaded (propagated to each client from the multi-repo config)
// WARNING: Do note that using a single folder for storing targets from various repositories as it might lead to a conflict
targetsDir := client.Config.LocalTargetsDir
if len(client.Config.LocalTargetsDir) == 0 {
// if it was not set, create a targets folder under each repository so there's no chance of conflict
targetsDir = filepath.Join(metadataDir, "targets")
// ensure paths exist, doesn't do anything if caching is disabled
err := client.Config.EnsurePathsExist()
if err != nil {
return err
// default config for a TUF Client
cfg, err := config.New(repoURL[0], rootBytes) // support only one mirror for the time being
if err != nil {
return err
cfg.LocalMetadataDir = metadataDir
cfg.LocalTargetsDir = targetsDir
cfg.DisableLocalCache = client.Config.DisableLocalCache // propagate global cache policy
// create a new Updater instance for each repository
repoTUFClient, err := updater.New(cfg)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create Updater instance: %w", err)
// save the client
client.TUFClients[repoName] = repoTUFClient
log.Info("Successfully initialized", "name", repoName, "url", repoURL)
return nil
// Refresh refreshes all repository clients
func (client *MultiRepoClient) Refresh() error {
log := metadata.GetLogger()
// loop through each initialized TUF client and refresh it
for name, repoTUFClient := range client.TUFClients {
log.Info("Refreshing", "name", name)
err := repoTUFClient.Refresh()
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// GetTopLevelTargets returns the top-level target files for all repositories
func (client *MultiRepoClient) GetTopLevelTargets() (map[string]*metadata.TargetFiles, error) {
// collection of all target files for all clients
result := map[string]*metadata.TargetFiles{}
// loop through each repository
for _, tufClient := range client.TUFClients {
// loop through the top level targets for each repository
for targetName := range tufClient.GetTopLevelTargets() {
// see if this target should be kept, this goes through the TAP4 search algorithm
targetInfo, _, err := client.GetTargetInfo(targetName)
if err != nil {
// we skip saving this target since there's no way/policy do download it with this map.json file
// possible causes like not enough repositories for that threshold, target info mismatch, etc.
return nil, err
// check if this target file is already present in the collection
if val, ok := result[targetName]; ok {
// target file is already present
if !val.Equal(*targetInfo) {
// target files have the same target name but have different target infos
// this means the map.json file allows downloading two different target infos mapped to the same target name
// TODO: confirm if this should raise an error
return nil, fmt.Errorf("target name conflict")
// same target info, no need to do anything
} else {
// save the target
result[targetName] = targetInfo
return result, nil
// GetTargetInfo returns metadata.TargetFiles instance with information
// for targetPath and a list of repositories that serve the matching target.
// It implements the TAP 4 search algorithm.
func (client *MultiRepoClient) GetTargetInfo(targetPath string) (*metadata.TargetFiles, []string, error) {
terminated := false
// loop through each mapping
for _, eachMap := range client.Config.RepoMap.Mapping {
// loop through each path for this mapping
for _, pathPattern := range eachMap.Paths {
// check if the targetPath matches each path mapping
patternMatched, err := filepath.Match(pathPattern, targetPath)
if err != nil {
// error looking for a match
return nil, nil, err
} else {
if patternMatched {
// if there's a pattern match, loop through all of the repositories listed for that mapping
// and see if we can find a consensus among them to cover the threshold for that mapping
var matchedTargetGroups []targetMatch
for _, repoName := range eachMap.Repositories {
// get target info from that repository
newTargetInfo, err := client.TUFClients[repoName].GetTargetInfo(targetPath)
if err != nil {
// failed to get target info for the given target
// there's probably no such target
// skip the rest and proceed trying to get target info from the next repository
found := false
// loop through all target infos we found so far
for i, target := range matchedTargetGroups {
// see if we already have found one like that
if target.targetInfo.Equal(*newTargetInfo) {
found = true
// if so, update its repository list
if slices.Contains(target.repositories, repoName) {
// we have a duplicate repository listed in the mapping
// decide if we should error out here
// nevertheless we won't take it into account when we calculate the threshold
} else {
// a new repository vouched for this target
matchedTargetGroups[i].repositories = append(target.repositories, repoName)
// this target as not part of the list so far, so we should add it
if !found {
matchedTargetGroups = append(matchedTargetGroups, targetMatch{
targetInfo: newTargetInfo,
repositories: []string{repoName},
// proceed with searching for this target in the next repository
// we went through all repositories listed in that mapping
// lets see if we have matched the threshold consensus for the given target file
var result *targetMatch
for _, target := range matchedTargetGroups {
// compare thresholds for each target info we found with the value stated for its mapping
if len(target.repositories) >= eachMap.Threshold {
// this target has enough repositories signed for it
if result != nil {
// it seems there's more than one target info matching the threshold for this mapping
// it is a conflict since it's impossible to establish a consensus which of the found targets
// we should actually trust, so we error out
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("more than one target info matching the necessary threshold value")
} else {
// this is the first target we found matching the necessary threshold so save it
result = &target
// search finished, see if we have found a matching target
if result != nil {
return result.targetInfo, result.repositories, nil
// if we are here, we haven't found enough target infos to match the threshold number
// for this mapping
if eachMap.Terminating {
// stop the search if this was a terminating map
terminated = eachMap.Terminating
// no match, continue looking at the next path pattern from this mapping
// stop the search if this was a terminating map, otherwise continue with the next mapping
if terminated {
// looped through all mappings and there was nothing, not even a terminating one
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("target info not found")
// DownloadTarget downloads the target file specified by targetFile
func (client *MultiRepoClient) DownloadTarget(repos []string, targetFile *metadata.TargetFiles, filePath, targetBaseURL string) (string, []byte, error) {
log := metadata.GetLogger()
for _, repoName := range repos {
// see if the target is already present locally
targetPath, targetBytes, err := client.TUFClients[repoName].FindCachedTarget(targetFile, filePath)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
if len(targetPath) != 0 && len(targetBytes) != 0 {
// we already got the target for this target info cached locally, so return it
log.Info("Target already present locally from repo", "target", targetFile.Path, "repo", repoName)
return targetPath, targetBytes, nil
// not present locally, so let's try to download it
targetPath, targetBytes, err = client.TUFClients[repoName].DownloadTarget(targetFile, filePath, targetBaseURL)
if err != nil {
// TODO: decide if we should error if one repository serves the expected target info, but we fail to download the actual target
// try downloading the target from the next available repository
// we got the target for this target info, so return it
log.Info("Downloaded target from repo", "target", targetFile.Path, "repo", repoName)
return targetPath, targetBytes, nil
// error out as we haven't succeeded downloading the target file
return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to download target file %s", targetFile.Path)
func (cfg *MultiRepoConfig) EnsurePathsExist() error {
if cfg.DisableLocalCache {
return nil
for _, path := range []string{cfg.LocalMetadataDir, cfg.LocalTargetsDir} {
err := os.MkdirAll(path, os.ModePerm)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil