Rewrite interop to not care about number of steps

We'll soon be adding python-tuf interop tests. They don't need to
persist keys to disk, and therefore don't need a step to filter out old
keys. This changes the interop test to process all the steps in
the directories. In addition, the root keys are now no longer parsed
directly from the go-tuf keys directory, but instead they are just
extracted directly from the test repository's root.json.

Finally, the `generateRepoFS` helper function has been moved to
client_test.go since it's no longer used in interop_test.go.

Change-Id: I775065850daf511ffeb1bb38d9f6fa012b9f8e56
diff --git a/client/client_test.go b/client/client_test.go
index a71a8bc..75e40a1 100644
--- a/client/client_test.go
+++ b/client/client_test.go
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
+	"io/ioutil"
@@ -891,3 +892,25 @@
 	_, err = client.Target("/bar.txt")
 	c.Assert(err, Equals, ErrNotFound{"/bar.txt"})
+func generateRepoFS(c *C, dir string, files map[string][]byte, consistentSnapshot bool) *tuf.Repo {
+	repo, err := tuf.NewRepo(tuf.FileSystemStore(dir, nil))
+	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+	if !consistentSnapshot {
+		c.Assert(repo.Init(false), IsNil)
+	}
+	for _, role := range []string{"root", "snapshot", "targets", "timestamp"} {
+		_, err := repo.GenKey(role)
+		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+	}
+	for file, data := range files {
+		path := filepath.Join(dir, "staged", "targets", file)
+		c.Assert(os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(path), 0755), IsNil)
+		c.Assert(ioutil.WriteFile(path, data, 0644), IsNil)
+		c.Assert(repo.AddTarget(file, nil), IsNil)
+	}
+	c.Assert(repo.Snapshot(tuf.CompressionTypeNone), IsNil)
+	c.Assert(repo.Timestamp(), IsNil)
+	c.Assert(repo.Commit(), IsNil)
+	return repo
diff --git a/client/interop_test.go b/client/interop_test.go
index bc8bee2..6df1ae3 100644
--- a/client/interop_test.go
+++ b/client/interop_test.go
@@ -10,10 +10,8 @@
-	tuf ""
-	""
 	. ""
@@ -22,118 +20,111 @@
 var _ = Suite(&InteropSuite{})
 func (InteropSuite) TestGoClientCompatibility(c *C) {
-	// start file server
-	cwd, err := os.Getwd()
-	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
-	testDataDir := filepath.Join(cwd, "testdata")
-	addr, cleanup := startFileServer(c, testDataDir)
-	defer cleanup()
-	type dataKeys struct {
-		Data []*data.Key `json:"data"`
-	}
-	versions := []string{
+	names := []string{
+	options := &HTTPRemoteOptions{MetadataPath: "", TargetsPath: "targets"}
-	for _, version := range versions {
+	for _, name := range names {
 		for _, consistentSnapshot := range []bool{false, true} {
-			dir := fmt.Sprintf("consistent-snapshot-%t", consistentSnapshot)
-			local := MemoryLocalStore()
-			init := false
-			targets := map[string][]byte{}
-			for _, step := range []string{"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5"} {
-				dir := filepath.Join(dir, step)
-				remote, err := HTTPRemoteStore(
-					fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/%s/%s/repository", addr, version, dir),
-					&HTTPRemoteOptions{MetadataPath: "", TargetsPath: "targets"},
-					nil,
-				)
-				c.Assert(err, IsNil)
-				client := NewClient(local, remote)
-				// initiate a client with the root keys
-				if !init {
-					init = true
-					f, err := os.Open(filepath.Join(testDataDir, version, dir, "keys", "root.json"))
-					c.Assert(err, IsNil)
-					keys := &dataKeys{}
-					c.Assert(json.NewDecoder(f).Decode(keys), IsNil)
-					for _, key := range keys.Data {
-						c.Assert(key.Type, Equals, "ed25519")
-						c.Assert(key.Value.Public, HasLen, ed25519.PublicKeySize)
-					}
-					c.Assert(client.Init(keys.Data, 1), IsNil)
-				}
-				// check update returns the correct updated targets
-				files, err := client.Update()
-				c.Assert(err, IsNil)
-				c.Assert(files, HasLen, 1)
-				name := step
-				targets[name] = []byte(step)
-				// FIXME(TUF-0.9) M0 and M1 contain leading
-				// slashes in order to be backwards compatible
-				// with go-tuf G0.
-				var file data.TargetFileMeta
-				var ok bool
-				if version == "go-tuf-transition-M0" || version == "go-tuf-transition-M1" {
-					file, ok = files["/"+name]
-				} else {
-					file, ok = files[name]
-				}
-				if !ok {
-					c.Fatalf("expected updated targets to contain %s", name)
-				}
-				data := targets[name]
-				meta, err := util.GenerateTargetFileMeta(bytes.NewReader(data), file.HashAlgorithms()...)
-				c.Assert(err, IsNil)
-				c.Assert(util.TargetFileMetaEqual(file, meta), IsNil)
-				// download the files and check they have the correct content
-				for name, data := range targets {
-					for _, prefix := range []string{"", "/"} {
-						var dest testDestination
-						c.Assert(client.Download(prefix+name, &dest), IsNil)
-						c.Assert(dest.deleted, Equals, false)
-						c.Assert(dest.String(), Equals, string(data))
-					}
-				}
-			}
+			t := newTestCase(c, name, consistentSnapshot, options)
-func generateRepoFS(c *C, dir string, files map[string][]byte, consistentSnapshot bool) *tuf.Repo {
-	repo, err := tuf.NewRepo(tuf.FileSystemStore(dir, nil))
+type testCase struct {
+	name               string
+	consistentSnapshot bool
+	options            *HTTPRemoteOptions
+	local              LocalStore
+	targets            map[string][]byte
+	testDir            string
+	testSteps          []string
+func newTestCase(c *C, name string, consistentSnapshot bool, options *HTTPRemoteOptions) testCase {
+	cwd, err := os.Getwd()
 	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
-	if !consistentSnapshot {
-		c.Assert(repo.Init(false), IsNil)
+	testDir := filepath.Join(cwd, "testdata", name, fmt.Sprintf("consistent-snapshot-%t", consistentSnapshot))
+	dirEntries, err := ioutil.ReadDir(testDir)
+	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+	c.Assert(dirEntries, Not(HasLen), 0)
+	testSteps := []string{}
+	for _, dirEntry := range dirEntries {
+		if dirEntry.IsDir() {
+			testSteps = append(testSteps, dirEntry.Name())
+		}
-	for _, role := range []string{"root", "snapshot", "targets", "timestamp"} {
-		_, err := repo.GenKey(role)
-		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+	return testCase{
+		name:               name,
+		consistentSnapshot: consistentSnapshot,
+		options:            options,
+		local:              MemoryLocalStore(),
+		targets:            make(map[string][]byte),
+		testDir:            testDir,
+		testSteps:          testSteps,
-	for file, data := range files {
-		path := filepath.Join(dir, "staged", "targets", file)
-		c.Assert(os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(path), 0755), IsNil)
-		c.Assert(ioutil.WriteFile(path, data, 0644), IsNil)
-		c.Assert(repo.AddTarget(file, nil), IsNil)
+func (t *testCase) run(c *C) {
+	c.Logf("test case: %s consistent-snapshot: %t",, t.consistentSnapshot)
+	init := true
+	for _, stepName := range t.testSteps {
+		t.runStep(c, stepName, init)
+		init = false
-	c.Assert(repo.Snapshot(tuf.CompressionTypeNone), IsNil)
-	c.Assert(repo.Timestamp(), IsNil)
-	c.Assert(repo.Commit(), IsNil)
-	return repo
+func (t *testCase) runStep(c *C, stepName string, init bool) {
+	c.Logf("step: %s", stepName)
+	addr, cleanup := startFileServer(c, t.testDir)
+	defer cleanup()
+	remote, err := HTTPRemoteStore(fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/%s/repository", addr, stepName), t.options, nil)
+	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+	client := NewClient(t.local, remote)
+	// initiate a client with the root keys
+	if init {
+		keys := getKeys(c, remote)
+		c.Assert(client.Init(keys, 1), IsNil)
+	}
+	// check update returns the correct updated targets
+	files, err := client.Update()
+	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+	c.Assert(files, HasLen, 1)
+	targetName := stepName
+	t.targets[targetName] = []byte(targetName)
+	file, ok := files[targetName]
+	if !ok {
+		c.Fatalf("expected updated targets to contain %s", targetName)
+	}
+	data := t.targets[targetName]
+	meta, err := util.GenerateTargetFileMeta(bytes.NewReader(data), file.HashAlgorithms()...)
+	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+	c.Assert(util.TargetFileMetaEqual(file, meta), IsNil)
+	// download the files and check they have the correct content
+	for name, data := range t.targets {
+		for _, prefix := range []string{"", "/"} {
+			var dest testDestination
+			c.Assert(client.Download(prefix+name, &dest), IsNil)
+			c.Assert(dest.deleted, Equals, false)
+			c.Assert(dest.String(), Equals, string(data))
+		}
+	}
 func startFileServer(c *C, dir string) (string, func() error) {
@@ -143,3 +134,31 @@
 	go http.Serve(l, http.FileServer(http.Dir(dir)))
 	return addr, l.Close
+func getKeys(c *C, remote RemoteStore) []*data.Key {
+	r, _, err := remote.GetMeta("root.json")
+	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+	type SignedRoot struct {
+		Signed data.Root
+	}
+	root := &SignedRoot{}
+	err = json.NewDecoder(r).Decode(&root)
+	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
+	rootRole, exists := root.Signed.Roles["root"]
+	c.Assert(exists, Equals, true)
+	rootKeys := []*data.Key{}
+	for _, keyID := range rootRole.KeyIDs {
+		key, exists := root.Signed.Keys[keyID]
+		c.Assert(exists, Equals, true)
+		rootKeys = append(rootKeys, key)
+	}
+	c.Assert(rootKeys, Not(HasLen), 0)
+	return rootKeys