blob: af999bf3473cce1d575585da9ea27ed1fa901254 [file] [log] [blame]
package client
import (
. ""
// Hook up gocheck into the "go test" runner.
func Test(t *testing.T) { TestingT(t) }
type ClientSuite struct {
store tuf.LocalStore
repo *tuf.Repo
local LocalStore
remote *fakeRemoteStore
expiredTime time.Time
keyIDs map[string]string
var _ = Suite(&ClientSuite{})
func newFakeRemoteStore() *fakeRemoteStore {
return &fakeRemoteStore{
meta: make(map[string]*fakeFile),
targets: make(map[string]*fakeFile),
type fakeRemoteStore struct {
meta map[string]*fakeFile
targets map[string]*fakeFile
func (f *fakeRemoteStore) GetMeta(name string) (io.ReadCloser, int64, error) {
return f.get(name, f.meta)
func (f *fakeRemoteStore) GetTarget(path string) (io.ReadCloser, int64, error) {
return f.get(path, f.targets)
func (f *fakeRemoteStore) get(name string, store map[string]*fakeFile) (io.ReadCloser, int64, error) {
file, ok := store[name]
if !ok {
return nil, 0, ErrNotFound{name}
return file, file.size, nil
func newFakeFile(b []byte) *fakeFile {
return &fakeFile{buf: bytes.NewReader(b), size: int64(len(b))}
type fakeFile struct {
buf *bytes.Reader
bytesRead int
size int64
func (f *fakeFile) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {
n, err := f.buf.Read(p)
f.bytesRead += n
return n, err
func (f *fakeFile) Close() error {
f.buf.Seek(0, os.SEEK_SET)
return nil
var targetFiles = map[string][]byte{
"/foo.txt": []byte("foo"),
"/bar.txt": []byte("bar"),
"/baz.txt": []byte("baz"),
func (s *ClientSuite) SetUpTest(c *C) { = tuf.MemoryStore(nil, targetFiles)
// create a valid repo containing foo.txt
var err error
s.repo, err = tuf.NewRepo(
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
// don't use consistent snapshots to make testing easier (consistent
// snapshots are tested explicitly elsewhere)
c.Assert(s.repo.Init(false), IsNil)
s.keyIDs = map[string]string{
"root": s.genKey(c, "root"),
"targets": s.genKey(c, "targets"),
"snapshot": s.genKey(c, "snapshot"),
"timestamp": s.genKey(c, "timestamp"),
c.Assert(s.repo.AddTarget("foo.txt", nil), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Snapshot(tuf.CompressionTypeNone), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Timestamp(), IsNil)
// create a remote store containing valid repo files
s.remote = newFakeRemoteStore()
for path, data := range targetFiles {
s.remote.targets[path] = newFakeFile(data)
s.expiredTime = time.Now().Add(time.Hour)
func (s *ClientSuite) genKey(c *C, role string) string {
id, err := s.repo.GenKey(role)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
return id
func (s *ClientSuite) genKeyExpired(c *C, role string) string {
id, err := s.repo.GenKeyWithExpires(role, s.expiredTime)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
return id
// withMetaExpired sets signed.IsExpired throughout the invocation of f so that
// any metadata marked to expire at s.expiredTime will be expired (this avoids
// the need to sleep in the tests).
func (s *ClientSuite) withMetaExpired(f func()) {
e := signed.IsExpired
defer func() { signed.IsExpired = e }()
signed.IsExpired = func(t time.Time) bool {
return t.Unix() == s.expiredTime.Round(time.Second).Unix()
func (s *ClientSuite) syncLocal(c *C) {
meta, err :=
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
for k, v := range meta {
c.Assert(s.local.SetMeta(k, v), IsNil)
func (s *ClientSuite) syncRemote(c *C) {
meta, err :=
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
for name, data := range meta {
s.remote.meta[name] = newFakeFile(data)
func (s *ClientSuite) addRemoteTarget(c *C, name string) {
c.Assert(s.repo.AddTarget(name, nil), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Snapshot(tuf.CompressionTypeNone), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Timestamp(), IsNil)
func (s *ClientSuite) rootKeys(c *C) []*data.Key {
rootKeys, err := s.repo.RootKeys()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(rootKeys, HasLen, 1)
return rootKeys
func (s *ClientSuite) newClient(c *C) *Client {
s.local = MemoryLocalStore()
client := NewClient(s.local, s.remote)
c.Assert(client.Init(s.rootKeys(c), 1), IsNil)
return client
func (s *ClientSuite) updatedClient(c *C) *Client {
client := s.newClient(c)
_, err := client.Update()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
return client
func assertFiles(c *C, files data.Files, names []string) {
c.Assert(files, HasLen, len(names))
for _, name := range names {
target, ok := targetFiles[name]
if !ok {
c.Fatalf("unknown target %s", name)
file, ok := files[name]
if !ok {
c.Fatalf("expected files to contain %s", name)
meta, err := util.GenerateFileMeta(bytes.NewReader(target), file.HashAlgorithms()...)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(util.FileMetaEqual(file, meta), IsNil)
func assertWrongHash(c *C, err error) {
// just test the type of err rather using DeepEquals as it contains
// hashes we don't necessarily need to check.
e, ok := err.(ErrDownloadFailed)
if !ok {
c.Fatalf("expected err to have type ErrDownloadFailed, got %T", err)
if _, ok := e.Err.(util.ErrWrongHash); !ok {
c.Fatalf("expected err.Err to have type util.ErrWrongHash, got %T", err)
func (s *ClientSuite) assertErrExpired(c *C, err error, file string) {
decodeErr, ok := err.(ErrDecodeFailed)
if !ok {
c.Fatalf("expected err to have type ErrDecodeFailed, got %T", err)
c.Assert(decodeErr.File, Equals, file)
expiredErr, ok := decodeErr.Err.(signed.ErrExpired)
if !ok {
c.Fatalf("expected err.Err to have type signed.ErrExpired, got %T", err)
c.Assert(expiredErr.Expired.Unix(), Equals, s.expiredTime.Round(time.Second).Unix())
func (s *ClientSuite) TestInitRootTooLarge(c *C) {
client := NewClient(MemoryLocalStore(), s.remote)
s.remote.meta["root.json"] = newFakeFile(make([]byte, maxMetaSize+1))
c.Assert(client.Init(s.rootKeys(c), 0), Equals, ErrMetaTooLarge{"root.json", maxMetaSize + 1})
func (s *ClientSuite) TestInitRootExpired(c *C) {
s.genKeyExpired(c, "targets")
client := NewClient(MemoryLocalStore(), s.remote)
s.withMetaExpired(func() {
s.assertErrExpired(c, client.Init(s.rootKeys(c), 1), "root.json")
func (s *ClientSuite) TestInit(c *C) {
client := NewClient(MemoryLocalStore(), s.remote)
// check Init() returns keys.ErrInvalidThreshold with an invalid threshold
c.Assert(client.Init(s.rootKeys(c), 0), Equals, keys.ErrInvalidThreshold)
// check Init() returns signed.ErrRoleThreshold when not enough keys
c.Assert(client.Init(s.rootKeys(c), 2), Equals, ErrInsufficientKeys)
// check Update() returns ErrNoRootKeys when uninitialized
_, err := client.Update()
c.Assert(err, Equals, ErrNoRootKeys)
// check Update() does not return ErrNoRootKeys after initialization
c.Assert(client.Init(s.rootKeys(c), 1), IsNil)
_, err = client.Update()
c.Assert(err, Not(Equals), ErrNoRootKeys)
func (s *ClientSuite) TestFirstUpdate(c *C) {
files, err := s.newClient(c).Update()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(files, HasLen, 1)
assertFiles(c, files, []string{"/foo.txt"})
func (s *ClientSuite) TestMissingRemoteMetadata(c *C) {
client := s.newClient(c)
delete(s.remote.meta, "targets.json")
_, err := client.Update()
c.Assert(err, Equals, ErrMissingRemoteMetadata{"targets.json"})
delete(s.remote.meta, "timestamp.json")
_, err = client.Update()
c.Assert(err, Equals, ErrMissingRemoteMetadata{"timestamp.json"})
func (s *ClientSuite) TestNoChangeUpdate(c *C) {
client := s.newClient(c)
_, err := client.Update()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
_, err = client.Update()
c.Assert(IsLatestSnapshot(err), Equals, true)
func (s *ClientSuite) TestNewTimestamp(c *C) {
client := s.updatedClient(c)
version := client.timestampVer
c.Assert(version > 0, Equals, true)
c.Assert(s.repo.Timestamp(), IsNil)
_, err := client.Update()
c.Assert(IsLatestSnapshot(err), Equals, true)
c.Assert(client.timestampVer > version, Equals, true)
func (s *ClientSuite) TestNewRoot(c *C) {
client := s.newClient(c)
// replace all keys
newKeyIDs := make(map[string]string)
for role, id := range s.keyIDs {
c.Assert(s.repo.RevokeKey(role, id), IsNil)
newKeyIDs[role] = s.genKey(c, role)
// update metadata
c.Assert(s.repo.Sign("targets.json"), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Snapshot(tuf.CompressionTypeNone), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Timestamp(), IsNil)
// check update gets new root version
c.Assert(client.getLocalMeta(), IsNil)
version := client.rootVer
c.Assert(version > 0, Equals, true)
_, err := client.Update()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(client.rootVer > version, Equals, true)
// check old keys are not in db
for _, id := range s.keyIDs {
c.Assert(client.db.GetKey(id), IsNil)
// check new keys are in db
for name, id := range newKeyIDs {
key := client.db.GetKey(id)
c.Assert(key, NotNil)
c.Assert(key.ID, Equals, id)
role := client.db.GetRole(name)
c.Assert(role, NotNil)
c.Assert(role.KeyIDs, DeepEquals, map[string]struct{}{id: {}})
func (s *ClientSuite) TestNewTargets(c *C) {
client := s.newClient(c)
files, err := client.Update()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
assertFiles(c, files, []string{"/foo.txt"})
s.addRemoteTarget(c, "bar.txt")
s.addRemoteTarget(c, "baz.txt")
files, err = client.Update()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
assertFiles(c, files, []string{"/bar.txt", "/baz.txt"})
// Adding the same exact file should not lead to an update
s.addRemoteTarget(c, "bar.txt")
files, err = client.Update()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(files, HasLen, 0)
func (s *ClientSuite) TestNewTimestampKey(c *C) {
client := s.newClient(c)
// replace key
oldID := s.keyIDs["timestamp"]
c.Assert(s.repo.RevokeKey("timestamp", oldID), IsNil)
newID := s.genKey(c, "timestamp")
// generate new snapshot (because root has changed) and timestamp
c.Assert(s.repo.Snapshot(tuf.CompressionTypeNone), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Timestamp(), IsNil)
// check update gets new root and timestamp
c.Assert(client.getLocalMeta(), IsNil)
rootVer := client.rootVer
timestampVer := client.timestampVer
_, err := client.Update()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(client.rootVer > rootVer, Equals, true)
c.Assert(client.timestampVer > timestampVer, Equals, true)
// check key has been replaced in db
c.Assert(client.db.GetKey(oldID), IsNil)
key := client.db.GetKey(newID)
c.Assert(key, NotNil)
c.Assert(key.ID, Equals, newID)
role := client.db.GetRole("timestamp")
c.Assert(role, NotNil)
c.Assert(role.KeyIDs, DeepEquals, map[string]struct{}{newID: {}})
func (s *ClientSuite) TestNewSnapshotKey(c *C) {
client := s.newClient(c)
// replace key
oldID := s.keyIDs["snapshot"]
c.Assert(s.repo.RevokeKey("snapshot", oldID), IsNil)
newID := s.genKey(c, "snapshot")
// generate new snapshot and timestamp
c.Assert(s.repo.Snapshot(tuf.CompressionTypeNone), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Timestamp(), IsNil)
// check update gets new root, snapshot and timestamp
c.Assert(client.getLocalMeta(), IsNil)
rootVer := client.rootVer
snapshotVer := client.snapshotVer
timestampVer := client.timestampVer
_, err := client.Update()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(client.rootVer > rootVer, Equals, true)
c.Assert(client.snapshotVer > snapshotVer, Equals, true)
c.Assert(client.timestampVer > timestampVer, Equals, true)
// check key has been replaced in db
c.Assert(client.db.GetKey(oldID), IsNil)
key := client.db.GetKey(newID)
c.Assert(key, NotNil)
c.Assert(key.ID, Equals, newID)
role := client.db.GetRole("snapshot")
c.Assert(role, NotNil)
c.Assert(role.KeyIDs, DeepEquals, map[string]struct{}{newID: {}})
func (s *ClientSuite) TestNewTargetsKey(c *C) {
client := s.newClient(c)
// replace key
oldID := s.keyIDs["targets"]
c.Assert(s.repo.RevokeKey("targets", oldID), IsNil)
newID := s.genKey(c, "targets")
// re-sign targets and generate new snapshot and timestamp
c.Assert(s.repo.Sign("targets.json"), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Snapshot(tuf.CompressionTypeNone), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Timestamp(), IsNil)
// check update gets new metadata
c.Assert(client.getLocalMeta(), IsNil)
rootVer := client.rootVer
targetsVer := client.targetsVer
snapshotVer := client.snapshotVer
timestampVer := client.timestampVer
_, err := client.Update()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(client.rootVer > rootVer, Equals, true)
c.Assert(client.targetsVer > targetsVer, Equals, true)
c.Assert(client.snapshotVer > snapshotVer, Equals, true)
c.Assert(client.timestampVer > timestampVer, Equals, true)
// check key has been replaced in db
c.Assert(client.db.GetKey(oldID), IsNil)
key := client.db.GetKey(newID)
c.Assert(key, NotNil)
c.Assert(key.ID, Equals, newID)
role := client.db.GetRole("targets")
c.Assert(role, NotNil)
c.Assert(role.KeyIDs, DeepEquals, map[string]struct{}{newID: {}})
func (s *ClientSuite) TestLocalExpired(c *C) {
client := s.newClient(c)
// locally expired timestamp.json is ok
version := client.timestampVer
c.Assert(s.repo.TimestampWithExpires(s.expiredTime), IsNil)
s.withMetaExpired(func() {
c.Assert(client.getLocalMeta(), IsNil)
c.Assert(client.timestampVer > version, Equals, true)
// locally expired snapshot.json is ok
version = client.snapshotVer
c.Assert(s.repo.SnapshotWithExpires(tuf.CompressionTypeNone, s.expiredTime), IsNil)
s.withMetaExpired(func() {
c.Assert(client.getLocalMeta(), IsNil)
c.Assert(client.snapshotVer > version, Equals, true)
// locally expired targets.json is ok
version = client.targetsVer
c.Assert(s.repo.AddTargetWithExpires("foo.txt", nil, s.expiredTime), IsNil)
s.withMetaExpired(func() {
c.Assert(client.getLocalMeta(), IsNil)
c.Assert(client.targetsVer > version, Equals, true)
// locally expired root.json is not ok
version = client.rootVer
s.genKeyExpired(c, "targets")
s.withMetaExpired(func() {
err := client.getLocalMeta()
if _, ok := err.(signed.ErrExpired); !ok {
c.Fatalf("expected err to have type signed.ErrExpired, got %T", err)
c.Assert(client.rootVer, Equals, version)
func (s *ClientSuite) TestTimestampTooLarge(c *C) {
s.remote.meta["timestamp.json"] = newFakeFile(make([]byte, maxMetaSize+1))
_, err := s.newClient(c).Update()
c.Assert(err, Equals, ErrMetaTooLarge{"timestamp.json", maxMetaSize + 1})
func (s *ClientSuite) TestUpdateLocalRootExpired(c *C) {
client := s.newClient(c)
// add soon to expire root.json to local storage
s.genKeyExpired(c, "timestamp")
c.Assert(s.repo.Timestamp(), IsNil)
// add far expiring root.json to remote storage
s.genKey(c, "timestamp")
s.addRemoteTarget(c, "bar.txt")
// check the update downloads the non expired remote root.json and
// restarts itself, thus successfully updating
s.withMetaExpired(func() {
err := client.getLocalMeta()
if _, ok := err.(signed.ErrExpired); !ok {
c.Fatalf("expected err to have type signed.ErrExpired, got %T", err)
_, err = client.Update()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
func (s *ClientSuite) TestUpdateRemoteExpired(c *C) {
client := s.updatedClient(c)
// expired remote metadata should always be rejected
c.Assert(s.repo.TimestampWithExpires(s.expiredTime), IsNil)
s.withMetaExpired(func() {
_, err := client.Update()
s.assertErrExpired(c, err, "timestamp.json")
c.Assert(s.repo.SnapshotWithExpires(tuf.CompressionTypeNone, s.expiredTime), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Timestamp(), IsNil)
s.withMetaExpired(func() {
_, err := client.Update()
s.assertErrExpired(c, err, "snapshot.json")
c.Assert(s.repo.AddTargetWithExpires("bar.txt", nil, s.expiredTime), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Snapshot(tuf.CompressionTypeNone), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Timestamp(), IsNil)
s.withMetaExpired(func() {
_, err := client.Update()
s.assertErrExpired(c, err, "targets.json")
s.genKeyExpired(c, "timestamp")
c.Assert(s.repo.RemoveTarget("bar.txt"), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Snapshot(tuf.CompressionTypeNone), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Timestamp(), IsNil)
s.withMetaExpired(func() {
_, err := client.Update()
s.assertErrExpired(c, err, "root.json")
func (s *ClientSuite) TestUpdateLocalRootExpiredKeyChange(c *C) {
client := s.newClient(c)
// add soon to expire root.json to local storage
s.genKeyExpired(c, "timestamp")
c.Assert(s.repo.Timestamp(), IsNil)
// replace all keys
newKeyIDs := make(map[string]string)
for role, id := range s.keyIDs {
c.Assert(s.repo.RevokeKey(role, id), IsNil)
newKeyIDs[role] = s.genKey(c, role)
// update metadata
c.Assert(s.repo.Sign("targets.json"), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Snapshot(tuf.CompressionTypeNone), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Timestamp(), IsNil)
// check the update downloads the non expired remote root.json and
// restarts itself, thus successfully updating
s.withMetaExpired(func() {
err := client.getLocalMeta()
c.Assert(err, FitsTypeOf, signed.ErrExpired{})
_, err = client.Update()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
func (s *ClientSuite) TestUpdateMixAndMatchAttack(c *C) {
// generate metadata with an explicit expires so we can make predictable changes
expires := time.Now().Add(time.Hour)
c.Assert(s.repo.AddTargetWithExpires("foo.txt", nil, expires), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Snapshot(tuf.CompressionTypeNone), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Timestamp(), IsNil)
client := s.updatedClient(c)
// grab the remote targets.json
oldTargets, ok := s.remote.meta["targets.json"]
if !ok {
c.Fatal("missing remote targets.json")
// generate new remote metadata, but replace targets.json with the old one
c.Assert(s.repo.AddTargetWithExpires("bar.txt", nil, expires), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Snapshot(tuf.CompressionTypeNone), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Timestamp(), IsNil)
newTargets, ok := s.remote.meta["targets.json"]
if !ok {
c.Fatal("missing remote targets.json")
s.remote.meta["targets.json"] = oldTargets
// check update returns ErrWrongSize for targets.json
_, err := client.Update()
c.Assert(err, DeepEquals, ErrWrongSize{"targets.json", oldTargets.size, newTargets.size})
// do the same but keep the size the same
c.Assert(s.repo.RemoveTargetWithExpires("foo.txt", expires), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Snapshot(tuf.CompressionTypeNone), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Timestamp(), IsNil)
s.remote.meta["targets.json"] = oldTargets
// check update returns ErrWrongHash
_, err = client.Update()
assertWrongHash(c, err)
func (s *ClientSuite) TestUpdateReplayAttack(c *C) {
client := s.updatedClient(c)
// grab the remote timestamp.json
oldTimestamp, ok := s.remote.meta["timestamp.json"]
if !ok {
c.Fatal("missing remote timestamp.json")
// generate a new timestamp and sync with the client
version := client.timestampVer
c.Assert(version > 0, Equals, true)
c.Assert(s.repo.Timestamp(), IsNil)
_, err := client.Update()
c.Assert(IsLatestSnapshot(err), Equals, true)
c.Assert(client.timestampVer > version, Equals, true)
// replace remote timestamp.json with the old one
s.remote.meta["timestamp.json"] = oldTimestamp
// check update returns ErrLowVersion
_, err = client.Update()
c.Assert(err, DeepEquals, ErrDecodeFailed{"timestamp.json", signed.ErrLowVersion{version, client.timestampVer}})
func (s *ClientSuite) TestUpdateTamperedTargets(c *C) {
client := s.newClient(c)
// get local targets.json
meta, err :=
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
targetsJSON, ok := meta["targets.json"]
if !ok {
c.Fatal("missing targets.json")
targets := &data.Signed{}
c.Assert(json.Unmarshal(targetsJSON, targets), IsNil)
// update remote targets.json to have different content but same size
c.Assert(targets.Signatures, HasLen, 1)
targets.Signatures[0].Method = "xxxxxxx"
tamperedJSON, err := json.Marshal(targets)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)"targets.json", tamperedJSON)
_, err = client.Update()
assertWrongHash(c, err)
// update remote targets.json to have the wrong size
targets.Signatures[0].Method = "xxx"
tamperedJSON, err = json.Marshal(targets)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)"targets.json", tamperedJSON)
_, err = client.Update()
c.Assert(err, DeepEquals, ErrWrongSize{"targets.json", int64(len(tamperedJSON)), int64(len(targetsJSON))})
func (s *ClientSuite) TestUpdateHTTP(c *C) {
tmp := c.MkDir()
// start file server
addr, cleanup := startFileServer(c, tmp)
defer cleanup()
for _, consistentSnapshot := range []bool{false, true} {
dir := fmt.Sprintf("consistent-snapshot-%t", consistentSnapshot)
// generate repository
repo := generateRepoFS(c, filepath.Join(tmp, dir), targetFiles, consistentSnapshot)
// initialize a client
remote, err := HTTPRemoteStore(fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/%s/repository", addr, dir), nil)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
client := NewClient(MemoryLocalStore(), remote)
rootKeys, err := repo.RootKeys()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(rootKeys, HasLen, 1)
c.Assert(client.Init(rootKeys, 1), IsNil)
// check update is ok
targets, err := client.Update()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
assertFiles(c, targets, []string{"/foo.txt", "/bar.txt", "/baz.txt"})
// check can download files
for name, data := range targetFiles {
var dest testDestination
c.Assert(client.Download(name, &dest), IsNil)
c.Assert(dest.deleted, Equals, false)
c.Assert(dest.String(), Equals, string(data))
type testDestination struct {
deleted bool
func (t *testDestination) Delete() error {
t.deleted = true
return nil
func (s *ClientSuite) TestDownloadUnknownTarget(c *C) {
client := s.updatedClient(c)
var dest testDestination
c.Assert(client.Download("/nonexistent", &dest), Equals, ErrUnknownTarget{"/nonexistent"})
c.Assert(dest.deleted, Equals, true)
func (s *ClientSuite) TestDownloadNoExist(c *C) {
client := s.updatedClient(c)
delete(s.remote.targets, "/foo.txt")
var dest testDestination
c.Assert(client.Download("/foo.txt", &dest), Equals, ErrNotFound{"/foo.txt"})
c.Assert(dest.deleted, Equals, true)
func (s *ClientSuite) TestDownloadOK(c *C) {
client := s.updatedClient(c)
// the filename is normalized if necessary
for _, name := range []string{"/foo.txt", "foo.txt"} {
var dest testDestination
c.Assert(client.Download(name, &dest), IsNil)
c.Assert(dest.deleted, Equals, false)
c.Assert(dest.String(), Equals, "foo")
func (s *ClientSuite) TestDownloadWrongSize(c *C) {
client := s.updatedClient(c)
remoteFile := &fakeFile{buf: bytes.NewReader([]byte("wrong-size")), size: 10}
s.remote.targets["/foo.txt"] = remoteFile
var dest testDestination
c.Assert(client.Download("/foo.txt", &dest), DeepEquals, ErrWrongSize{"/foo.txt", 10, 3})
c.Assert(remoteFile.bytesRead, Equals, 0)
c.Assert(dest.deleted, Equals, true)
func (s *ClientSuite) TestDownloadTargetTooLong(c *C) {
client := s.updatedClient(c)
remoteFile := s.remote.targets["/foo.txt"]
remoteFile.buf = bytes.NewReader([]byte("foo-ooo"))
var dest testDestination
c.Assert(client.Download("/foo.txt", &dest), IsNil)
c.Assert(remoteFile.bytesRead, Equals, 3)
c.Assert(dest.deleted, Equals, false)
c.Assert(dest.String(), Equals, "foo")
func (s *ClientSuite) TestDownloadTargetTooShort(c *C) {
client := s.updatedClient(c)
remoteFile := s.remote.targets["/foo.txt"]
remoteFile.buf = bytes.NewReader([]byte("fo"))
var dest testDestination
c.Assert(client.Download("/foo.txt", &dest), DeepEquals, ErrWrongSize{"/foo.txt", 2, 3})
c.Assert(dest.deleted, Equals, true)
func (s *ClientSuite) TestDownloadTargetCorruptData(c *C) {
client := s.updatedClient(c)
remoteFile := s.remote.targets["/foo.txt"]
remoteFile.buf = bytes.NewReader([]byte("corrupt"))
var dest testDestination
assertWrongHash(c, client.Download("/foo.txt", &dest))
c.Assert(dest.deleted, Equals, true)
func (s *ClientSuite) TestAvailableTargets(c *C) {
client := s.updatedClient(c)
files, err := client.Targets()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
assertFiles(c, files, []string{"/foo.txt"})
s.addRemoteTarget(c, "bar.txt")
s.addRemoteTarget(c, "baz.txt")
_, err = client.Update()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
files, err = client.Targets()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
assertFiles(c, files, []string{"/foo.txt", "/bar.txt", "/baz.txt"})