blob: 7a408f4de7dfa35a505c0e75d2a62fbcc9a201d2 [file] [log] [blame]
package client
import (
. ""
type LocalStoreSuite struct{}
var _ = Suite(&LocalStoreSuite{})
func (LocalStoreSuite) TestFileLocalStore(c *C) {
tmp := c.MkDir()
path := filepath.Join(tmp, "tuf.db")
store, err := FileLocalStore(path)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
type meta map[string]json.RawMessage
assertGet := func(expected meta) {
actual, err := store.GetMeta()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(meta(actual), DeepEquals, expected)
// initial GetMeta should return empty meta
// SetMeta should persist
rootJSON := []byte(`{"_type":"Root"}`)
c.Assert(store.SetMeta("root.json", rootJSON), IsNil)
assertGet(meta{"root.json": rootJSON})
// SetMeta should add to existing meta
targetsJSON := []byte(`{"_type":"Target"}`)
c.Assert(store.SetMeta("targets.json", targetsJSON), IsNil)
assertGet(meta{"root.json": rootJSON, "targets.json": targetsJSON})
// a new store should get the same meta
c.Assert(store.(*fileLocalStore).db.Close(), IsNil)
store, err = FileLocalStore(path)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
assertGet(meta{"root.json": rootJSON, "targets.json": targetsJSON})