blob: 8a1f3bc7fb5e2c0ecad9a1ba4b29b13940452016 [file] [log] [blame]
package client
import (
tuf ""
. ""
// Hook up gocheck into the "go test" runner.
func Test(t *testing.T) { TestingT(t) }
type ClientSuite struct {
store tuf.LocalStore
repo *tuf.Repo
local LocalStore
remote *fakeRemoteStore
expiredTime time.Time
keyIDs map[string][]string
var _ = Suite(&ClientSuite{})
func newFakeRemoteStore() *fakeRemoteStore {
return &fakeRemoteStore{
meta: make(map[string]*fakeFile),
targets: make(map[string]*fakeFile),
type fakeRemoteStore struct {
meta map[string]*fakeFile
targets map[string]*fakeFile
func (f *fakeRemoteStore) GetMeta(name string) (io.ReadCloser, int64, error) {
return f.get(name, f.meta)
func (f *fakeRemoteStore) GetTarget(path string) (io.ReadCloser, int64, error) {
return f.get(path, f.targets)
func (f *fakeRemoteStore) get(name string, store map[string]*fakeFile) (io.ReadCloser, int64, error) {
file, ok := store[name]
if !ok {
return nil, 0, ErrNotFound{name}
return file, file.size, nil
func newFakeFile(b []byte) *fakeFile {
return &fakeFile{buf: bytes.NewReader(b), size: int64(len(b))}
type fakeFile struct {
buf *bytes.Reader
bytesRead int
size int64
func (f *fakeFile) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {
n, err := f.buf.Read(p)
f.bytesRead += n
return n, err
func (f *fakeFile) Close() error {
f.buf.Seek(0, io.SeekStart)
return nil
var targetFiles = map[string][]byte{
"foo.txt": []byte("foo"),
"bar.txt": []byte("bar"),
"baz.txt": []byte("baz"),
func (s *ClientSuite) SetUpTest(c *C) { = tuf.MemoryStore(nil, targetFiles)
// create a valid repo containing foo.txt
var err error
s.repo, err = tuf.NewRepo(
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
// don't use consistent snapshots to make testing easier (consistent
// snapshots are tested explicitly elsewhere)
c.Assert(s.repo.Init(false), IsNil)
s.keyIDs = map[string][]string{
"root": s.genKey(c, "root"),
"targets": s.genKey(c, "targets"),
"snapshot": s.genKey(c, "snapshot"),
"timestamp": s.genKey(c, "timestamp"),
c.Assert(s.repo.AddTarget("foo.txt", nil), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Snapshot(), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Timestamp(), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Commit(), IsNil)
// create a remote store containing valid repo files
s.remote = newFakeRemoteStore()
for path, data := range targetFiles {
s.remote.targets[path] = newFakeFile(data)
s.expiredTime = time.Now().Add(time.Hour)
func (s *ClientSuite) genKey(c *C, role string) []string {
ids, err := s.repo.GenKey(role)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
return ids
func (s *ClientSuite) genKeyExpired(c *C, role string) []string {
ids, err := s.repo.GenKeyWithExpires(role, s.expiredTime)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
return ids
// withMetaExpired sets signed.IsExpired throughout the invocation of f so that
// any metadata marked to expire at s.expiredTime will be expired (this avoids
// the need to sleep in the tests).
func (s *ClientSuite) withMetaExpired(f func()) {
e := verify.IsExpired
defer func() { verify.IsExpired = e }()
verify.IsExpired = func(t time.Time) bool {
return t.Unix() == s.expiredTime.Round(time.Second).Unix()
func (s *ClientSuite) syncLocal(c *C) {
meta, err :=
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
for k, v := range meta {
c.Assert(s.local.SetMeta(k, v), IsNil)
func (s *ClientSuite) syncRemote(c *C) {
meta, err :=
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
for name, data := range meta {
s.remote.meta[name] = newFakeFile(data)
func (s *ClientSuite) addRemoteTarget(c *C, name string) {
c.Assert(s.repo.AddTarget(name, nil), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Snapshot(), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Timestamp(), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Commit(), IsNil)
func (s *ClientSuite) rootMeta(c *C) []byte {
meta, err := s.repo.GetMeta()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
rootMeta, ok := meta["root.json"]
c.Assert(ok, Equals, true)
return rootMeta
func (s *ClientSuite) newClient(c *C) *Client {
s.local = MemoryLocalStore()
client := NewClient(s.local, s.remote)
c.Assert(client.Init(s.rootMeta(c)), IsNil)
return client
func (s *ClientSuite) updatedClient(c *C) *Client {
client := s.newClient(c)
_, err := client.Update()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
return client
func assertFile(c *C, file data.TargetFileMeta, name string) {
target, ok := targetFiles[name]
if !ok {
c.Fatalf("unknown target %s", name)
meta, err := util.GenerateTargetFileMeta(bytes.NewReader(target), file.HashAlgorithms()...)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(util.TargetFileMetaEqual(file, meta), IsNil)
func assertFiles(c *C, files data.TargetFiles, names []string) {
c.Assert(files, HasLen, len(names))
for _, name := range names {
file, ok := files[name]
if !ok {
c.Fatalf("expected files to contain %s", name)
assertFile(c, file, name)
func assertWrongHash(c *C, err error) {
// just test the type of err rather using DeepEquals as it contains
// hashes we don't necessarily need to check.
e, ok := err.(ErrDownloadFailed)
if !ok {
c.Fatalf("expected err to have type ErrDownloadFailed, got %T", err)
if _, ok := e.Err.(util.ErrWrongHash); !ok {
c.Fatalf("expected err.Err to have type util.ErrWrongHash, got %T", err)
func (s *ClientSuite) assertErrExpired(c *C, err error, file string) {
decodeErr, ok := err.(ErrDecodeFailed)
if !ok {
c.Fatalf("expected err to have type ErrDecodeFailed, got %T", err)
c.Assert(decodeErr.File, Equals, file)
expiredErr, ok := decodeErr.Err.(verify.ErrExpired)
if !ok {
c.Fatalf("expected err.Err to have type signed.ErrExpired, got %T", err)
c.Assert(expiredErr.Expired.Unix(), Equals, s.expiredTime.Round(time.Second).Unix())
func (s *ClientSuite) TestInitAllowsExpired(c *C) {
s.genKeyExpired(c, "targets")
c.Assert(s.repo.Snapshot(), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Timestamp(), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Commit(), IsNil)
client := NewClient(MemoryLocalStore(), s.remote)
bytes, err := io.ReadAll(s.remote.meta["root.json"])
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
s.withMetaExpired(func() {
c.Assert(client.Init(bytes), IsNil)
func (s *ClientSuite) TestInit(c *C) {
client := NewClient(MemoryLocalStore(), s.remote)
bytes, err := io.ReadAll(s.remote.meta["root.json"])
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
dataSigned := &data.Signed{}
c.Assert(json.Unmarshal(bytes, dataSigned), IsNil)
root := &data.Root{}
c.Assert(json.Unmarshal(dataSigned.Signed, root), IsNil)
// check Update() returns ErrNoRootKeys when uninitialized
_, err = client.Update()
c.Assert(err, Equals, ErrNoRootKeys)
// check Init() returns ErrInvalid when the root's signature is
// invalid
// modify root and marshal without regenerating signatures
root.Version = root.Version + 1
rootBytes, err := json.Marshal(root)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
dataSigned.Signed = rootBytes
dataBytes, err := json.Marshal(dataSigned)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(client.Init(dataBytes), Equals, verify.ErrInvalid)
// check Update() does not return ErrNoRootKeys after initialization
c.Assert(client.Init(bytes), IsNil)
_, err = client.Update()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
func (s *ClientSuite) TestFirstUpdate(c *C) {
files, err := s.newClient(c).Update()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(files, HasLen, 1)
assertFiles(c, files, []string{"foo.txt"})
func (s *ClientSuite) TestMissingRemoteMetadata(c *C) {
client := s.newClient(c)
delete(s.remote.meta, "targets.json")
_, err := client.Update()
c.Assert(err, Equals, ErrMissingRemoteMetadata{"targets.json"})
delete(s.remote.meta, "timestamp.json")
_, err = client.Update()
c.Assert(err, Equals, ErrMissingRemoteMetadata{"timestamp.json"})
func (s *ClientSuite) TestNoChangeUpdate(c *C) {
client := s.newClient(c)
_, err := client.Update()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
_, err = client.Update()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
func (s *ClientSuite) TestNewTimestamp(c *C) {
client := s.updatedClient(c)
version := client.timestampVer
c.Assert(version > 0, Equals, true)
c.Assert(s.repo.Timestamp(), IsNil)
_, err := client.Update()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(client.timestampVer > version, Equals, true)
func (s *ClientSuite) TestNewRoot(c *C) {
client := s.newClient(c)
// replace all keys
newKeyIDs := make(map[string][]string)
for role, ids := range s.keyIDs {
c.Assert(len(ids) > 0, Equals, true)
c.Assert(s.repo.RevokeKey(role, ids[0]), IsNil)
newKeyIDs[role] = s.genKey(c, role)
// update metadata
c.Assert(s.repo.Sign("targets.json"), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Snapshot(), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Timestamp(), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Commit(), IsNil)
// check update gets new root version
c.Assert(client.getLocalMeta(), IsNil)
version := client.rootVer
c.Assert(version > 0, Equals, true)
_, err := client.Update()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(client.rootVer > version, Equals, true)
// check old keys are not in db
for _, ids := range s.keyIDs {
c.Assert(len(ids) > 0, Equals, true)
for _, id := range ids {
_, err := client.db.GetVerifier(id)
c.Assert(err, NotNil)
// check new keys are in db
for name, ids := range newKeyIDs {
c.Assert(len(ids) > 0, Equals, true)
for _, id := range ids {
verifier, err := client.db.GetVerifier(id)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(verifier.MarshalPublicKey().IDs(), DeepEquals, ids)
role := client.db.GetRole(name)
c.Assert(role, NotNil)
c.Assert(role.KeyIDs, DeepEquals, sets.StringSliceToSet(ids))
// startTUFRepoServer starts a HTTP server to serve a TUF Repo.
func startTUFRepoServer(baseDir string, relPath string) (net.Listener, error) {
serverDir := filepath.Join(baseDir, relPath)
l, err := net.Listen("tcp", "")
go http.Serve(l, http.FileServer(http.Dir(serverDir)))
return l, err
// newClientWithMeta creates new client and sets the root metadata for it.
func newClientWithMeta(baseDir string, relPath string, serverAddr string) (*Client, error) {
initialStateDir := filepath.Join(baseDir, relPath)
opts := &HTTPRemoteOptions{
MetadataPath: "metadata",
TargetsPath: "targets",
remote, err := HTTPRemoteStore(fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/", serverAddr), opts, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
c := NewClient(MemoryLocalStore(), remote)
for _, m := range []string{"root.json", "snapshot.json", "timestamp.json", "targets.json"} {
if _, err := os.Stat(initialStateDir + "/" + m); err == nil {
metadataJSON, err := ioutil.ReadFile(initialStateDir + "/" + m)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
c.local.SetMeta(m, metadataJSON)
return c, nil
func initRootTest(c *C, baseDir string) (*Client, func() error) {
l, err := startTUFRepoServer(baseDir, "server")
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
tufClient, err := newClientWithMeta(baseDir, "client/metadata/current", l.Addr().String())
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
return tufClient, l.Close
func (s *ClientSuite) TestUpdateRoots(c *C) {
var tests = []struct {
fixturePath string
expectedError error
expectedVersions map[string]int64
// Succeeds when there is no root update.
{"testdata/Published1Time", nil, map[string]int64{"root": 1, "timestamp": 1, "snapshot": 1, "targets": 1}},
// Succeeds when client only has root.json
{"testdata/Published1Time_client_root_only", nil, map[string]int64{"root": 1, "timestamp": 1, "snapshot": 1, "targets": 1}},
// Succeeds updating root from version 1 to version 2.
{"testdata/Published2Times_keyrotated", nil, map[string]int64{"root": 2, "timestamp": 1, "snapshot": 1, "targets": 1}},
// Succeeds updating root from version 1 to version 2 when the client's initial root version is expired.
{"testdata/Published2Times_keyrotated_initialrootexpired", nil, map[string]int64{"root": 2, "timestamp": 1, "snapshot": 1, "targets": 1}},
// Succeeds updating root from version 1 to version 3 when versions 1 and 2 are expired.
{"testdata/Published3Times_keyrotated_initialrootsexpired", nil, map[string]int64{"root": 3, "timestamp": 1, "snapshot": 1, "targets": 1}},
// Succeeds updating root from version 2 to version 3.
{"testdata/Published3Times_keyrotated_initialrootsexpired_clientversionis2", nil, map[string]int64{"root": 3, "timestamp": 1, "snapshot": 1, "targets": 1}},
// Fails updating root from version 1 to version 3 when versions 1 and 3 are expired but version 2 is not expired.
{"testdata/Published3Times_keyrotated_latestrootexpired", ErrDecodeFailed{File: "root.json", Err: verify.ErrExpired{}}, map[string]int64{"root": 2, "timestamp": 1, "snapshot": 1, "targets": 1}},
// Fails updating root from version 1 to version 2 when old root 1 did not sign off on it (nth root didn't sign off n+1).
{"testdata/Published2Times_keyrotated_invalidOldRootSignature", errors.New("tuf: signature verification failed"), map[string]int64{}},
// Fails updating root from version 1 to version 2 when the new root 2 did not sign itself (n+1th root didn't sign off n+1)
{"testdata/Published2Times_keyrotated_invalidNewRootSignature", errors.New("tuf: signature verification failed"), map[string]int64{}},
// Fails updating root to 2.root.json when the value of the version field inside it is 1 (rollback attack prevention).
{"testdata/Published1Time_backwardRootVersion", verify.ErrWrongVersion(verify.ErrWrongVersion{Given: 1, Expected: 2}), map[string]int64{}},
// Fails updating root to 2.root.json when the value of the version field inside it is 3 (rollforward attack prevention).
{"testdata/Published3Times_keyrotated_forwardRootVersion", verify.ErrWrongVersion(verify.ErrWrongVersion{Given: 3, Expected: 2}), map[string]int64{}},
// Fails updating when there is no local trusted root.
{"testdata/Published1Time_client_no_root", errors.New("tuf: no root keys found in local meta store"), map[string]int64{}},
// snapshot role key rotation increase the snapshot and timestamp.
{"testdata/Published2Times_snapshot_keyrotated", nil, map[string]int64{"root": 2, "timestamp": 2, "snapshot": 2, "targets": 1}},
// targets role key rotation increase the snapshot, timestamp, and targets.
{"testdata/Published2Times_targets_keyrotated", nil, map[string]int64{"root": 2, "timestamp": 2, "snapshot": 2, "targets": 2}},
// timestamp role key rotation increase the timestamp.
{"testdata/Published2Times_timestamp_keyrotated", nil, map[string]int64{"root": 2, "timestamp": 2, "snapshot": 1, "targets": 1}},
//root file size > defaultRootDownloadLimit
{"testdata/Published2Times_roottoolarge", ErrMetaTooLarge{Name: "2.root.json", Size: defaultRootDownloadLimit + 1, MaxSize: defaultRootDownloadLimit}, map[string]int64{}},
for _, test := range tests {
tufClient, closer := initRootTest(c, test.fixturePath)
_, err := tufClient.Update()
if test.expectedError == nil {
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
// Check if the root.json is being saved in non-volatile storage.
versionMethods := map[string]int64{"root": tufClient.rootVer,
"timestamp": tufClient.timestampVer,
"snapshot": tufClient.snapshotVer,
"targets": tufClient.targetsVer}
for m, v := range test.expectedVersions {
assert.Equal(c, v, versionMethods[m])
} else {
// For backward compatibility, the update root returns
// ErrDecodeFailed that wraps the verify.ErrExpired.
if _, ok := test.expectedError.(ErrDecodeFailed); ok {
decodeErr, ok := err.(ErrDecodeFailed)
c.Assert(ok, Equals, true)
c.Assert(decodeErr.File, Equals, "root.json")
_, ok = decodeErr.Err.(verify.ErrExpired)
c.Assert(ok, Equals, true)
} else {
assert.Equal(c, test.expectedError, err)
func (s *ClientSuite) TestFastForwardAttackRecovery(c *C) {
var tests = []struct {
fixturePath string
expectMetaDeleted map[string]bool
// Each of the following test cases each has a two sets of TUF metadata:
// (1) client's initial, and (2) server's current.
// The naming format is PublishedTwiceMultiKeysadd_X_revoke_Y_threshold_Z_ROLE
// The client includes TUF metadata before key rotation for TUF ROLE with X keys.
// The server includes updated TUF metadata after key rotation. The
// rotation involves revoking Y keys from the initial keys.
// For each test, the TUF client's will be initialized to the client files.
// The test checks whether the client is able to update itself properly.
// Fast-forward recovery is not needed if less than threshold keys are revoked.
map[string]bool{"root.json": false, "timestamp.json": false, "snapshot.json": false, "targets.json": false}},
map[string]bool{"root.json": false, "timestamp.json": false, "snapshot.json": false, "targets.json": false}},
map[string]bool{"root.json": false, "timestamp.json": false, "snapshot.json": false, "targets.json": false}},
map[string]bool{"root.json": false, "timestamp.json": false, "snapshot.json": false, "targets.json": false}},
// Fast-forward recovery not needed if root keys are revoked, even when the threshold number of root keys are revoked.
map[string]bool{"root.json": false, "timestamp.json": false, "snapshot.json": false, "targets.json": false}},
// Delete snapshot and timestamp metadata if a threshold number of snapshot keys are revoked.
map[string]bool{"root.json": false, "timestamp.json": true, "snapshot.json": true, "targets.json": false}},
// Delete targets and snapshot metadata if a threshold number of targets keys are revoked.
map[string]bool{"root.json": false, "timestamp.json": false, "snapshot.json": true, "targets.json": true}},
// Delete timestamp metadata if a threshold number of timestamp keys are revoked.
map[string]bool{"root.json": false, "timestamp.json": true, "snapshot.json": false, "targets.json": false}},
for _, test := range tests {
tufClient, closer := initRootTest(c, test.fixturePath)
c.Assert(tufClient.UpdateRoots(), IsNil)
m, err := tufClient.local.GetMeta()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
for md, deleted := range test.expectMetaDeleted {
if deleted {
if _, ok := m[md]; ok {
c.Fatalf("Metadata %s is not deleted!", md)
} else {
if _, ok := m[md]; !ok {
c.Fatalf("Metadata %s deleted!", md)
func (s *ClientSuite) TestUpdateRace(c *C) {
// Tests race condition for the client update. You need to run the test with -race flag:
// go test -race
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
go func() {
c := NewClient(MemoryLocalStore(), newFakeRemoteStore())
func (s *ClientSuite) TestNewTargets(c *C) {
client := s.newClient(c)
files, err := client.Update()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
assertFiles(c, files, []string{"foo.txt"})
s.addRemoteTarget(c, "bar.txt")
s.addRemoteTarget(c, "baz.txt")
files, err = client.Update()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
assertFiles(c, files, []string{"bar.txt", "baz.txt"})
// Adding the same exact file should not lead to an update
s.addRemoteTarget(c, "bar.txt")
files, err = client.Update()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(files, HasLen, 0)
func (s *ClientSuite) TestNewTimestampKey(c *C) {
client := s.newClient(c)
// replace key
oldIDs := s.keyIDs["timestamp"]
c.Assert(s.repo.RevokeKey("timestamp", oldIDs[0]), IsNil)
newIDs := s.genKey(c, "timestamp")
// generate new snapshot (because root has changed) and timestamp
c.Assert(s.repo.Snapshot(), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Timestamp(), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Commit(), IsNil)
// check update gets new root and timestamp
c.Assert(client.getLocalMeta(), IsNil)
rootVer := client.rootVer
timestampVer := client.timestampVer
_, err := client.Update()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(client.rootVer > rootVer, Equals, true)
c.Assert(client.timestampVer > timestampVer, Equals, true)
// check key has been replaced in db
for _, oldID := range oldIDs {
_, err := client.db.GetVerifier(oldID)
c.Assert(err, NotNil)
for _, newID := range newIDs {
verifier, err := client.db.GetVerifier(newID)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(verifier.MarshalPublicKey().IDs(), DeepEquals, newIDs)
role := client.db.GetRole("timestamp")
c.Assert(role, NotNil)
c.Assert(role.KeyIDs, DeepEquals, sets.StringSliceToSet(newIDs))
func (s *ClientSuite) TestNewSnapshotKey(c *C) {
client := s.newClient(c)
// replace key
oldIDs := s.keyIDs["snapshot"]
c.Assert(s.repo.RevokeKey("snapshot", oldIDs[0]), IsNil)
newIDs := s.genKey(c, "snapshot")
// generate new snapshot and timestamp
c.Assert(s.repo.Snapshot(), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Timestamp(), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Commit(), IsNil)
// check update gets new root, snapshot and timestamp
c.Assert(client.getLocalMeta(), IsNil)
rootVer := client.rootVer
snapshotVer := client.snapshotVer
timestampVer := client.timestampVer
_, err := client.Update()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(client.rootVer > rootVer, Equals, true)
c.Assert(client.snapshotVer > snapshotVer, Equals, true)
c.Assert(client.timestampVer > timestampVer, Equals, true)
// check key has been replaced in db
for _, oldID := range oldIDs {
_, err := client.db.GetVerifier(oldID)
c.Assert(err, NotNil)
for _, newID := range newIDs {
verifier, err := client.db.GetVerifier(newID)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(verifier.MarshalPublicKey().IDs(), DeepEquals, newIDs)
role := client.db.GetRole("snapshot")
c.Assert(role, NotNil)
c.Assert(role.KeyIDs, DeepEquals, sets.StringSliceToSet(newIDs))
func (s *ClientSuite) TestNewTargetsKey(c *C) {
client := s.newClient(c)
// replace key
oldIDs := s.keyIDs["targets"]
c.Assert(s.repo.RevokeKey("targets", oldIDs[0]), IsNil)
newIDs := s.genKey(c, "targets")
// re-sign targets and generate new snapshot and timestamp
c.Assert(s.repo.Sign("targets.json"), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Snapshot(), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Timestamp(), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Commit(), IsNil)
// check update gets new metadata
c.Assert(client.getLocalMeta(), IsNil)
rootVer := client.rootVer
targetsVer := client.targetsVer
snapshotVer := client.snapshotVer
timestampVer := client.timestampVer
_, err := client.Update()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(client.rootVer > rootVer, Equals, true)
c.Assert(client.targetsVer > targetsVer, Equals, true)
c.Assert(client.snapshotVer > snapshotVer, Equals, true)
c.Assert(client.timestampVer > timestampVer, Equals, true)
// check key has been replaced in db
for _, oldID := range oldIDs {
_, err := client.db.GetVerifier(oldID)
c.Assert(err, NotNil)
for _, newID := range newIDs {
verifier, err := client.db.GetVerifier(newID)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(verifier.MarshalPublicKey().IDs(), DeepEquals, newIDs)
role := client.db.GetRole("targets")
c.Assert(role, NotNil)
c.Assert(role.KeyIDs, DeepEquals, sets.StringSliceToSet(newIDs))
func (s *ClientSuite) TestOfflineSignatureFlow(c *C) {
client := s.newClient(c)
// replace key
oldIDs := s.keyIDs["targets"]
c.Assert(s.repo.RevokeKey("targets", oldIDs[0]), IsNil)
_ = s.genKey(c, "targets")
// re-sign targets using offline flow and generate new snapshot and timestamp
payload, err := s.repo.Payload("targets.json")
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
signed := data.Signed{Signed: payload}
_, err = s.repo.SignPayload("targets", &signed)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
for _, sig := range signed.Signatures {
// This method checks that the signature verifies!
err = s.repo.AddOrUpdateSignature("targets.json", sig)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Snapshot(), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Timestamp(), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Commit(), IsNil)
// check update gets new metadata
c.Assert(client.getLocalMeta(), IsNil)
_, err = client.Update()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
func (s *ClientSuite) TestLocalExpired(c *C) {
client := s.newClient(c)
// locally expired timestamp.json is ok
version := client.timestampVer
c.Assert(s.repo.TimestampWithExpires(s.expiredTime), IsNil)
s.withMetaExpired(func() {
c.Assert(client.getLocalMeta(), IsNil)
c.Assert(client.timestampVer > version, Equals, true)
// locally expired snapshot.json is ok
version = client.snapshotVer
c.Assert(s.repo.SnapshotWithExpires(s.expiredTime), IsNil)
s.withMetaExpired(func() {
c.Assert(client.getLocalMeta(), IsNil)
c.Assert(client.snapshotVer > version, Equals, true)
// locally expired targets.json is ok
version = client.targetsVer
c.Assert(s.repo.AddTargetWithExpires("foo.txt", nil, s.expiredTime), IsNil)
s.withMetaExpired(func() {
c.Assert(client.getLocalMeta(), IsNil)
c.Assert(client.targetsVer > version, Equals, true)
// locally expired root.json is not ok
version = client.rootVer
s.genKeyExpired(c, "targets")
s.withMetaExpired(func() {
err := client.getLocalMeta()
if _, ok := err.(verify.ErrExpired); !ok {
c.Fatalf("expected err to have type signed.ErrExpired, got %T", err)
c.Assert(client.rootVer, Equals, version)
func (s *ClientSuite) TestTimestampTooLarge(c *C) {
s.remote.meta["timestamp.json"] = newFakeFile(make([]byte, defaultTimestampDownloadLimit+1))
_, err := s.newClient(c).Update()
c.Assert(err, Equals, ErrMetaTooLarge{"timestamp.json", defaultTimestampDownloadLimit + 1, defaultTimestampDownloadLimit})
func (s *ClientSuite) TestUpdateLocalRootExpired(c *C) {
client := s.newClient(c)
// add soon to expire root.json to local storage
s.genKeyExpired(c, "timestamp")
c.Assert(s.repo.Snapshot(), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Timestamp(), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Commit(), IsNil)
// add far expiring root.json to remote storage
s.genKey(c, "timestamp")
s.addRemoteTarget(c, "bar.txt")
c.Assert(s.repo.Snapshot(), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Timestamp(), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Commit(), IsNil)
const expectedRootVersion = int64(3)
// check the update downloads the non expired remote root.json and
// restarts itself, thus successfully updating
s.withMetaExpired(func() {
err := client.getLocalMeta()
if _, ok := err.(verify.ErrExpired); !ok {
c.Fatalf("expected err to have type signed.ErrExpired, got %T", err)
_, err = client.Update()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(client.rootVer, Equals, expectedRootVersion)
func (s *ClientSuite) TestUpdateRemoteExpired(c *C) {
client := s.updatedClient(c)
// expired remote metadata should always be rejected
c.Assert(s.repo.TimestampWithExpires(s.expiredTime), IsNil)
s.withMetaExpired(func() {
_, err := client.Update()
s.assertErrExpired(c, err, "timestamp.json")
c.Assert(s.repo.SnapshotWithExpires(s.expiredTime), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Timestamp(), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Commit(), IsNil)
s.withMetaExpired(func() {
_, err := client.Update()
s.assertErrExpired(c, err, "snapshot.json")
c.Assert(s.repo.AddTargetWithExpires("bar.txt", nil, s.expiredTime), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Snapshot(), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Timestamp(), IsNil)
s.withMetaExpired(func() {
_, err := client.Update()
s.assertErrExpired(c, err, "targets.json")
s.genKeyExpired(c, "timestamp")
c.Assert(s.repo.RemoveTarget("bar.txt"), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Snapshot(), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Timestamp(), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Commit(), IsNil)
s.withMetaExpired(func() {
_, err := client.Update()
s.assertErrExpired(c, err, "root.json")
func (s *ClientSuite) TestUpdateLocalRootExpiredKeyChange(c *C) {
client := s.newClient(c)
// add soon to expire root.json to local storage
s.genKeyExpired(c, "timestamp")
c.Assert(s.repo.Snapshot(), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Timestamp(), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Commit(), IsNil)
// replace all keys
newKeyIDs := make(map[string][]string)
for role, ids := range s.keyIDs {
if role != "snapshot" && role != "timestamp" && role != "targets" {
c.Assert(s.repo.RevokeKey(role, ids[0]), IsNil)
newKeyIDs[role] = s.genKey(c, role)
// update metadata
c.Assert(s.repo.Sign("targets.json"), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Snapshot(), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Timestamp(), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Commit(), IsNil)
// check the update downloads the non expired remote root.json and
// restarts itself, thus successfully updating
s.withMetaExpired(func() {
err := client.getLocalMeta()
c.Assert(err, FitsTypeOf, verify.ErrExpired{})
_, err = client.Update()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
func (s *ClientSuite) TestUpdateMixAndMatchAttack(c *C) {
// generate metadata with an explicit expires so we can make predictable changes
expires := time.Now().Add(time.Hour)
c.Assert(s.repo.AddTargetWithExpires("foo.txt", nil, expires), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Snapshot(), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Timestamp(), IsNil)
client := s.updatedClient(c)
// grab the remote targets.json
oldTargets, ok := s.remote.meta["targets.json"]
if !ok {
c.Fatal("missing remote targets.json")
// generate new remote metadata, but replace targets.json with the old one
c.Assert(s.repo.AddTargetWithExpires("bar.txt", nil, expires), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Snapshot(), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Timestamp(), IsNil)
newTargets, ok := s.remote.meta["targets.json"]
if !ok {
c.Fatal("missing remote targets.json")
s.remote.meta["targets.json"] = oldTargets
// check update returns ErrWrongSize for targets.json
_, err := client.Update()
c.Assert(err, DeepEquals, ErrWrongSize{"targets.json", oldTargets.size, newTargets.size})
// do the same but keep the size the same
c.Assert(s.repo.RemoveTargetWithExpires("foo.txt", expires), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Snapshot(), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Timestamp(), IsNil)
s.remote.meta["targets.json"] = oldTargets
// check update returns ErrWrongHash
_, err = client.Update()
assertWrongHash(c, err)
func (s *ClientSuite) TestUpdateReplayAttack(c *C) {
client := s.updatedClient(c)
// grab the remote timestamp.json
oldTimestamp, ok := s.remote.meta["timestamp.json"]
if !ok {
c.Fatal("missing remote timestamp.json")
// generate a new timestamp and sync with the client
version := client.timestampVer
c.Assert(version > 0, Equals, true)
c.Assert(s.repo.Timestamp(), IsNil)
_, err := client.Update()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(client.timestampVer > version, Equals, true)
// replace remote timestamp.json with the old one
s.remote.meta["timestamp.json"] = oldTimestamp
// check update returns ErrLowVersion
_, err = client.Update()
c.Assert(err, DeepEquals, ErrDecodeFailed{
File: "timestamp.json",
Err: verify.ErrLowVersion{
Actual: version,
Current: client.timestampVer,
func (s *ClientSuite) TestUpdateTamperedTargets(c *C) {
client := s.newClient(c)
// get local targets.json
meta, err :=
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
targetsJSON, ok := meta["targets.json"]
if !ok {
c.Fatal("missing targets.json")
type signedTargets struct {
Signed data.Targets `json:"signed"`
Signatures []data.Signature `json:"signatures"`
targets := &signedTargets{}
c.Assert(json.Unmarshal(targetsJSON, targets), IsNil)
// update remote targets.json to have different content but same size
targets.Signed.Type = "xxxxxxx"
tamperedJSON, err := json.Marshal(targets)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)"targets.json", tamperedJSON), nil, nil)
_, err = client.Update()
assertWrongHash(c, err)
// update remote targets.json to have the wrong size
targets.Signed.Type = "xxx"
tamperedJSON, err = json.Marshal(targets)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)"targets.json", tamperedJSON), nil, nil)
_, err = client.Update()
c.Assert(err, DeepEquals, ErrWrongSize{"targets.json", int64(len(tamperedJSON)), int64(len(targetsJSON))})
func (s *ClientSuite) TestUpdateHTTP(c *C) {
tmp := c.MkDir()
// start file server
addr, cleanup := startFileServer(c, tmp)
defer cleanup()
for _, consistentSnapshot := range []bool{false, true} {
dir := fmt.Sprintf("consistent-snapshot-%t", consistentSnapshot)
// generate repository
repo := generateRepoFS(c, filepath.Join(tmp, dir), targetFiles, consistentSnapshot)
// initialize a client
remote, err := HTTPRemoteStore(fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/%s/repository", addr, dir), nil, nil)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
client := NewClient(MemoryLocalStore(), remote)
rootMeta, err := repo.SignedMeta("root.json")
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
rootJsonBytes, err := json.Marshal(rootMeta)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(client.Init(rootJsonBytes), IsNil)
// check update is ok
targets, err := client.Update()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
assertFiles(c, targets, []string{"foo.txt", "bar.txt", "baz.txt"})
// check can download files
for name, data := range targetFiles {
var dest testDestination
c.Assert(client.Download(name, &dest), IsNil)
c.Assert(dest.deleted, Equals, false)
c.Assert(dest.String(), Equals, string(data))
type testDestination struct {
deleted bool
func (t *testDestination) Delete() error {
t.deleted = true
return nil
func (s *ClientSuite) TestDownloadUnknownTarget(c *C) {
client := s.updatedClient(c)
var dest testDestination
c.Assert(client.Download("nonexistent", &dest), Equals, ErrUnknownTarget{Name: "nonexistent", SnapshotVersion: 1})
c.Assert(dest.deleted, Equals, true)
func (s *ClientSuite) TestDownloadNoExist(c *C) {
client := s.updatedClient(c)
delete(s.remote.targets, "foo.txt")
var dest testDestination
c.Assert(client.Download("foo.txt", &dest), Equals, ErrNotFound{"foo.txt"})
c.Assert(dest.deleted, Equals, true)
func (s *ClientSuite) TestDownloadOK(c *C) {
client := s.updatedClient(c)
// the filename is normalized if necessary
for _, name := range []string{"/foo.txt", "foo.txt"} {
var dest testDestination
c.Assert(client.Download(name, &dest), IsNil)
c.Assert(dest.deleted, Equals, false)
c.Assert(dest.String(), Equals, "foo")
func (s *ClientSuite) TestDownloadWrongSize(c *C) {
client := s.updatedClient(c)
remoteFile := &fakeFile{buf: bytes.NewReader([]byte("wrong-size")), size: 10}
s.remote.targets["foo.txt"] = remoteFile
var dest testDestination
c.Assert(client.Download("foo.txt", &dest), DeepEquals, ErrWrongSize{"foo.txt", 10, 3})
c.Assert(remoteFile.bytesRead, Equals, 0)
c.Assert(dest.deleted, Equals, true)
func (s *ClientSuite) TestDownloadTargetTooLong(c *C) {
client := s.updatedClient(c)
remoteFile := s.remote.targets["foo.txt"]
remoteFile.buf = bytes.NewReader([]byte("foo-ooo"))
var dest testDestination
c.Assert(client.Download("foo.txt", &dest), IsNil)
c.Assert(remoteFile.bytesRead, Equals, 3)
c.Assert(dest.deleted, Equals, false)
c.Assert(dest.String(), Equals, "foo")
func (s *ClientSuite) TestDownloadTargetTooShort(c *C) {
client := s.updatedClient(c)
remoteFile := s.remote.targets["foo.txt"]
remoteFile.buf = bytes.NewReader([]byte("fo"))
var dest testDestination
c.Assert(client.Download("foo.txt", &dest), DeepEquals, ErrWrongSize{"foo.txt", 2, 3})
c.Assert(dest.deleted, Equals, true)
func (s *ClientSuite) TestDownloadTargetCorruptData(c *C) {
client := s.updatedClient(c)
remoteFile := s.remote.targets["foo.txt"]
remoteFile.buf = bytes.NewReader([]byte("corrupt"))
var dest testDestination
assertWrongHash(c, client.Download("foo.txt", &dest))
c.Assert(dest.deleted, Equals, true)
func (s *ClientSuite) TestAvailableTargets(c *C) {
client := s.updatedClient(c)
files, err := client.Targets()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
assertFiles(c, files, []string{"foo.txt"})
s.addRemoteTarget(c, "bar.txt")
s.addRemoteTarget(c, "baz.txt")
_, err = client.Update()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
files, err = client.Targets()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
assertFiles(c, files, []string{"foo.txt", "bar.txt", "baz.txt"})
func (s *ClientSuite) TestAvailableTarget(c *C) {
client := s.updatedClient(c)
target, err := client.Target("foo.txt")
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
assertFile(c, target, "foo.txt")
target, err = client.Target("/foo.txt")
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
assertFile(c, target, "foo.txt")
_, err = client.Target("bar.txt")
c.Assert(err, Equals, ErrNotFound{"bar.txt"})
_, err = client.Target("/bar.txt")
c.Assert(err, Equals, ErrNotFound{"/bar.txt"})
func (s *ClientSuite) TestUnknownKeyIDs(c *C) {
// get local root.json
meta, err :=
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
rootJSON, ok := meta["root.json"]
c.Assert(ok, Equals, true)
var root struct {
Signed data.Root `json:"signed"`
Signatures []data.Signature `json:"signatures"`
c.Assert(json.Unmarshal(rootJSON, &root), IsNil)
// update remote root.json to add a new key with an unknown id
signer, err := keys.GenerateEd25519Key()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
root.Signed.Keys["unknown-key-id"] = signer.PublicData()
// re-sign the root metadata, then commit it back into the store.
signingKeys, err :="root")
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
signedRoot, err := sign.Marshal(root.Signed, signingKeys...)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
rootJSON, err = cjson.EncodeCanonical(signedRoot)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)"root.json", rootJSON), nil, nil)
// FIXME(TUF-0.9) We need this for now because the client still uses
// the TUF-0.9 update workflow, where we decide to update the root
// metadata when we observe a new root through the snapshot.
repo, err := tuf.NewRepo(
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(repo.Snapshot(), IsNil)
c.Assert(repo.Timestamp(), IsNil)
c.Assert(repo.Commit(), IsNil)
// Make sure the client can update with the unknown keyid.
client := s.newClient(c)
_, err = client.Update()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
func generateRepoFS(c *C, dir string, files map[string][]byte, consistentSnapshot bool) *tuf.Repo {
repo, err := tuf.NewRepo(tuf.FileSystemStore(dir, nil))
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
if !consistentSnapshot {
c.Assert(repo.Init(false), IsNil)
for _, role := range []string{"root", "snapshot", "targets", "timestamp"} {
_, err := repo.GenKey(role)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
for file, data := range files {
path := filepath.Join(dir, "staged", "targets", file)
c.Assert(os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(path), 0755), IsNil)
c.Assert(ioutil.WriteFile(path, data, 0644), IsNil)
c.Assert(repo.AddTarget(file, nil), IsNil)
c.Assert(repo.Snapshot(), IsNil)
c.Assert(repo.Timestamp(), IsNil)
c.Assert(repo.Commit(), IsNil)
return repo
func (s *ClientSuite) TestVerifyDigest(c *C) {
digest := "sha256:bc11b176a293bb341a0f2d0d226f52e7fcebd186a7c4dfca5fc64f305f06b94c"
hash := "bc11b176a293bb341a0f2d0d226f52e7fcebd186a7c4dfca5fc64f305f06b94c"
size := int64(42)
c.Assert(s.repo.AddTargetsWithDigest(hash, "sha256", size, digest, nil), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Snapshot(), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Timestamp(), IsNil)
c.Assert(s.repo.Commit(), IsNil)
client := s.newClient(c)
_, err := client.Update()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(client.VerifyDigest(hash, "sha256", size, digest), IsNil)
type StateLessSuite struct{}
var _ = Suite(&StateLessSuite{})
func (s *StateLessSuite) TestRejectsMultiSignaturesSameKeyDifferentIDs(c *C) {
// In this test Alice and Bob want to create a TUF repo
// where a root key rotation would require both their signatures.
// Alice uses an old version of Go-TUF where each key gets assigned several IDs.
// Bob uses a modern version of Go-TUF that does not produce the same list of IDs for a same key.
// This test checks that the TUF client
// will not accept a root rotation
// signed twice with Alice's key with different key IDs each time.
// This test was failing with
// because the signature verification code was assuming that the key IDs used in the metadata
// were the same as the one the TUF library of the client would generate,
// breaking the security of threshold signatures.
// The attack works just the same if Alice is malicious from the beginning
// and convinces Bob to sign an initial "root.json"
// with additional key IDs for her only key,
// but this scenario show that the vulnerability can even impact situations
// where Alice is not malicious at all,
// she was simply using an old client and an attacker stole her key.
// The purpose of threshold signatures in TUF is precisely
// to make sure that an attacker cannot forge signatures
// if they did not steal a large enough number of keys.
alice, err := keys.GenerateEd25519Key()
if err != nil {
root := data.NewRoot()
root.Version = 1
root.Roles["root"] = &data.Role{
KeyIDs: []string{},
Threshold: 2, // Note the threshold
// reproduces how IDs were computed in
oldTUFIDs := func(k *data.PublicKey) []string {
bytes, _ := cjson.EncodeCanonical(k)
digest := sha256.Sum256(bytes)
ids := []string{hex.EncodeToString(digest[:])}
if k.Scheme != "" || len(k.Algorithms) != 0 {
bytes, _ = cjson.EncodeCanonical(&data.PublicKey{
Type: k.Type,
Value: k.Value,
digest = sha256.Sum256(bytes)
ids = append(ids, hex.EncodeToString(digest[:]))
return ids
// Alice adds her key using an old version of go-tuf
// which will use several IDs
for _, keyID := range oldTUFIDs(alice.PublicData()) {
root.Keys[keyID] = alice.PublicData()
root.Roles["root"].KeyIDs = append(root.Roles["root"].KeyIDs, keyID)
bob, err := keys.GenerateEd25519Key()
if err != nil {
root.Roles["root"].KeyIDs = append(
// signer for the other roles, not important
delegatedSigner, _ := keys.GenerateEd25519Key()
for _, role := range []string{"targets", "snapshot", "timestamp"} {
root.Roles[role] = &data.Role{
KeyIDs: delegatedSigner.PublicData().IDs(),
Threshold: 1,
signedRoot, err := sign.Marshal(root, alice, bob)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
rootJSON, err := json.Marshal(signedRoot)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
// producing evil root using only Alice's key
evilRoot := root
evilRoot.Version = 2
canonical, err := cjson.EncodeCanonical(evilRoot)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
sig, err := alice.SignMessage(canonical)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
signedEvilRoot := &data.Signed{
Signed: canonical,
Signatures: make([]data.Signature, 0),
for _, keyID := range oldTUFIDs(alice.PublicData()) {
signedEvilRoot.Signatures = append(signedEvilRoot.Signatures, data.Signature{
Signature: sig,
KeyID: keyID,
evilRootJSON, err := json.Marshal(signedEvilRoot)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
// checking that client does not accept root rotation
// to evil root
localStore := MemoryLocalStore()
err = localStore.SetMeta("root.json", rootJSON)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
remoteStore := newFakeRemoteStore()
remoteStore.meta["2.root.json"] = newFakeFile(evilRootJSON)
client := NewClient(localStore, remoteStore)
err = client.UpdateRoots()
if err != nil {
c.Assert(err, DeepEquals, verify.ErrRoleThreshold{Expected: 2, Actual: 1})
} else {
c.Fatalf("client returned no error when updating with evil root")