blob: aa54f3c6833130f3b7ea2c9194cd883bace63157 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
float PixelShaderFunction()
// TODO: All of the below should fail, although presently the first failure
// aborts compilation and the rest are skipped. Having a separate test for
// each would be cumbersome.
vector<void, 2> r00; // cannot declare vectors of voids
matrix<void, 2, 3> r01; // cannot declare matrices of voids
vector<float, 2, 3> r02; // too many parameters to vector
matrix<float, 2> r03; // not enough parameters to matrix
int three = 3;
vector<void, three> r04; // size must be a literal constant integer
matrix<void, three, three> r05; // size must be a literal constant integer
vector<vector<int, 3>, 3> r06; // type must be a simple scalar
vector<float3, 3> r07; // type must be a simple scalar
return 0.0;