blob: 1f9f1025eca071b68ed729a95e832365531f0e11 [file] [log] [blame]
#version 460
uniform int uTDInstanceIDOffset;
uniform int uTDNumInstances;
uniform float uTDAlphaTestVal;
#define TD_NUM_LIGHTS 0
#define TD_NUM_CAMERAS 1
struct TDPhongResult
vec3 diffuse;
vec3 specular;
vec3 specular2;
float shadowStrength;
struct TDPBRResult
vec3 diffuse;
vec3 specular;
float shadowStrength;
struct TDMatrix
mat4 world;
mat4 worldInverse;
mat4 worldCam;
mat4 worldCamInverse;
mat4 cam;
mat4 camInverse;
mat4 camProj;
mat4 camProjInverse;
mat4 proj;
mat4 projInverse;
mat4 worldCamProj;
mat4 worldCamProjInverse;
mat4 quadReproject;
mat3 worldForNormals;
mat3 camForNormals;
mat3 worldCamForNormals;
layout(std140) uniform TDMatricesBlock {
struct TDCameraInfo
vec4 nearFar;
vec4 fog;
vec4 fogColor;
int renderTOPCameraIndex;
layout(std140) uniform TDCameraInfoBlock {
TDCameraInfo uTDCamInfos[TD_NUM_CAMERAS];
struct TDGeneral
vec4 ambientColor;
vec4 nearFar;
vec4 viewport;
vec4 viewportRes;
vec4 fog;
vec4 fogColor;
layout(std140) uniform TDGeneralBlock {
TDGeneral uTDGeneral;
void TDAlphaTest(float alpha);
vec4 TDDither(vec4 color);
vec4 TDOutputSwizzle(vec4 v);
uvec4 TDOutputSwizzle(uvec4 v);
void TDCheckOrderIndTrans();
void TDCheckDiscard();
uniform vec3 uConstant;
uniform float uShadowStrength;
uniform vec3 uShadowColor;
uniform vec4 uDiffuseColor;
uniform vec4 uAmbientColor;
uniform sampler2DArray sColorMap;
in Vertex
vec4 color;
vec3 worldSpacePos;
vec3 texCoord0;
flat int cameraIndex;
flat int instance;
} iVert;
// Output variable for the color
layout(location = 0) out vec4 oFragColor[TD_NUM_COLOR_BUFFERS];
void main()
// This allows things such as order independent transparency
// and Dual-Paraboloid rendering to work properly
vec4 outcol = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
vec3 texCoord0 = iVert.texCoord0.stp;
float actualTexZ = mod(int(texCoord0.z),2048);
float instanceLoop = floor(int(texCoord0.z)/2048);
texCoord0.z = actualTexZ;
vec4 colorMapColor = texture(sColorMap, texCoord0.stp);
float red = colorMapColor[int(instanceLoop)];
colorMapColor = vec4(red);
// Constant Light Contribution
outcol.rgb += uConstant * iVert.color.rgb;
outcol *= colorMapColor;
// Alpha Calculation
float alpha = iVert.color.a * colorMapColor.a ;
// Dithering, does nothing if dithering is disabled
outcol = TDDither(outcol);
outcol.rgb *= alpha;
// Modern GL removed the implicit alpha test, so we need to apply
// it manually here. This function does nothing if alpha test is disabled.
outcol.a = alpha;
oFragColor[0] = TDOutputSwizzle(outcol);
// TD_NUM_COLOR_BUFFERS will be set to the number of color buffers
// active in the render. By default we want to output zero to every
// buffer except the first one.
for (int i = 1; i < TD_NUM_COLOR_BUFFERS; i++)
oFragColor[i] = vec4(0.0);