blob: 14f51607597dcc7ee0990ffaeefeb805e12d2b2d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2002-2005 3Dlabs Inc. Ltd.
// Copyright (C) 2012-2015 LunarG, Inc.
// Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Google, Inc.
// Copyright (C) 2017 ARM Limited.
// All rights reserved.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
// are met:
// Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
// Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
// disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
// with the distribution.
// Neither the name of 3Dlabs Inc. Ltd. nor the names of its
// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
// from this software without specific prior written permission.
#include "ParseHelper.h"
#include "Scan.h"
#include "../OSDependent/osinclude.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "preprocessor/PpContext.h"
extern int yyparse(glslang::TParseContext*);
namespace glslang {
TParseContext::TParseContext(TSymbolTable& symbolTable, TIntermediate& interm, bool parsingBuiltins,
int version, EProfile profile, const SpvVersion& spvVersion, EShLanguage language,
TInfoSink& infoSink, bool forwardCompatible, EShMessages messages,
const TString* entryPoint) :
TParseContextBase(symbolTable, interm, parsingBuiltins, version, profile, spvVersion, language,
infoSink, forwardCompatible, messages, entryPoint),
atomicUintOffsets(nullptr), anyIndexLimits(false)
// decide whether precision qualifiers should be ignored or respected
if (isEsProfile() || spvVersion.vulkan > 0) {
if (! parsingBuiltins && language == EShLangFragment && !isEsProfile() && spvVersion.vulkan > 0)
globalUniformDefaults.layoutMatrix = ElmColumnMajor;
globalUniformDefaults.layoutPacking = spvVersion.spv != 0 ? ElpStd140 : ElpShared;
globalBufferDefaults.layoutMatrix = ElmColumnMajor;
globalBufferDefaults.layoutPacking = spvVersion.spv != 0 ? ElpStd430 : ElpShared;
// use storage buffer on SPIR-V 1.3 and up
if (spvVersion.spv >= EShTargetSpv_1_3)
// "Shaders in the transform
// feedback capturing mode have an initial global default of
// layout(xfb_buffer = 0) out;"
if (language == EShLangVertex ||
language == EShLangTessControl ||
language == EShLangTessEvaluation ||
language == EShLangGeometry)
globalOutputDefaults.layoutXfbBuffer = 0;
if (language == EShLangGeometry)
globalOutputDefaults.layoutStream = 0;
if (entryPoint != nullptr && entryPoint->size() > 0 && *entryPoint != "main"), "Source entry point must be \"main\"");
delete [] atomicUintOffsets;
// Set up all default precisions as needed by the current environment.
// Intended just as a TParseContext constructor helper.
void TParseContext::setPrecisionDefaults()
// Set all precision defaults to EpqNone, which is correct for all types
// when not obeying precision qualifiers, and correct for types that don't
// have defaults (thus getting an error on use) when obeying precision
// qualifiers.
for (int type = 0; type < EbtNumTypes; ++type)
defaultPrecision[type] = EpqNone;
for (int type = 0; type < maxSamplerIndex; ++type)
defaultSamplerPrecision[type] = EpqNone;
// replace with real precision defaults for those that have them
if (obeyPrecisionQualifiers()) {
if (isEsProfile()) {
// Most don't have defaults, a few default to lowp.
TSampler sampler;
sampler.set(EbtFloat, Esd2D);
defaultSamplerPrecision[computeSamplerTypeIndex(sampler)] = EpqLow;
sampler.set(EbtFloat, EsdCube);
defaultSamplerPrecision[computeSamplerTypeIndex(sampler)] = EpqLow;
sampler.set(EbtFloat, Esd2D);
defaultSamplerPrecision[computeSamplerTypeIndex(sampler)] = EpqLow;
// If we are parsing built-in computational variables/functions, it is meaningful to record
// whether the built-in has no precision qualifier, as that ambiguity
// is used to resolve the precision from the supplied arguments/operands instead.
// So, we don't actually want to replace EpqNone with a default precision for built-ins.
if (! parsingBuiltins) {
if (isEsProfile() && language == EShLangFragment) {
defaultPrecision[EbtInt] = EpqMedium;
defaultPrecision[EbtUint] = EpqMedium;
} else {
defaultPrecision[EbtInt] = EpqHigh;
defaultPrecision[EbtUint] = EpqHigh;
defaultPrecision[EbtFloat] = EpqHigh;
if (!isEsProfile()) {
// Non-ES profile
// All sampler precisions default to highp.
for (int type = 0; type < maxSamplerIndex; ++type)
defaultSamplerPrecision[type] = EpqHigh;
defaultPrecision[EbtSampler] = EpqLow;
defaultPrecision[EbtAtomicUint] = EpqHigh;
void TParseContext::setLimits(const TBuiltInResource& r)
resources = r;
anyIndexLimits = ! limits.generalAttributeMatrixVectorIndexing ||
! limits.generalConstantMatrixVectorIndexing ||
! limits.generalSamplerIndexing ||
! limits.generalUniformIndexing ||
! limits.generalVariableIndexing ||
! limits.generalVaryingIndexing;
// "Each binding point tracks its own current default offset for
// inheritance of subsequent variables using the same binding. The initial state of compilation is that all
// binding points have an offset of 0."
atomicUintOffsets = new int[resources.maxAtomicCounterBindings];
for (int b = 0; b < resources.maxAtomicCounterBindings; ++b)
atomicUintOffsets[b] = 0;
// Parse an array of strings using yyparse, going through the
// preprocessor to tokenize the shader strings, then through
// the GLSL scanner.
// Returns true for successful acceptance of the shader, false if any errors.
bool TParseContext::parseShaderStrings(TPpContext& ppContext, TInputScanner& input, bool versionWillBeError)
currentScanner = &input;
ppContext.setInput(input, versionWillBeError);
return numErrors == 0;
// This is called from bison when it has a parse (syntax) error
// Note though that to stop cascading errors, we set EOF, which
// will usually cause a syntax error, so be more accurate that
// compilation is terminating.
void TParseContext::parserError(const char* s)
if (! getScanner()->atEndOfInput() || numErrors == 0)
error(getCurrentLoc(), "", "", s, "");
error(getCurrentLoc(), "compilation terminated", "", "");
void TParseContext::handlePragma(const TSourceLoc& loc, const TVector<TString>& tokens)
if (pragmaCallback)
pragmaCallback(loc.line, tokens);
if (tokens.size() == 0)
if (tokens[0].compare("optimize") == 0) {
if (tokens.size() != 4) {
error(loc, "optimize pragma syntax is incorrect", "#pragma", "");
if (tokens[1].compare("(") != 0) {
error(loc, "\"(\" expected after 'optimize' keyword", "#pragma", "");
if (tokens[2].compare("on") == 0)
contextPragma.optimize = true;
else if (tokens[2].compare("off") == 0)
contextPragma.optimize = false;
else {
error(loc, "\"on\" or \"off\" expected after '(' for 'optimize' pragma", "#pragma", "");
if (tokens[3].compare(")") != 0) {
error(loc, "\")\" expected to end 'optimize' pragma", "#pragma", "");
} else if (tokens[0].compare("debug") == 0) {
if (tokens.size() != 4) {
error(loc, "debug pragma syntax is incorrect", "#pragma", "");
if (tokens[1].compare("(") != 0) {
error(loc, "\"(\" expected after 'debug' keyword", "#pragma", "");
if (tokens[2].compare("on") == 0)
contextPragma.debug = true;
else if (tokens[2].compare("off") == 0)
contextPragma.debug = false;
else {
error(loc, "\"on\" or \"off\" expected after '(' for 'debug' pragma", "#pragma", "");
if (tokens[3].compare(")") != 0) {
error(loc, "\")\" expected to end 'debug' pragma", "#pragma", "");
} else if (spvVersion.spv > 0 && tokens[0].compare("use_storage_buffer") == 0) {
if (tokens.size() != 1)
error(loc, "extra tokens", "#pragma", "");
} else if (spvVersion.spv > 0 && tokens[0].compare("use_vulkan_memory_model") == 0) {
if (tokens.size() != 1)
error(loc, "extra tokens", "#pragma", "");
} else if (spvVersion.spv > 0 && tokens[0].compare("use_variable_pointers") == 0) {
if (tokens.size() != 1)
error(loc, "extra tokens", "#pragma", "");
if (spvVersion.spv < glslang::EShTargetSpv_1_3)
error(loc, "requires SPIR-V 1.3", "#pragma use_variable_pointers", "");
} else if (tokens[0].compare("once") == 0) {
warn(loc, "not implemented", "#pragma once", "");
} else if (tokens[0].compare("glslang_binary_double_output") == 0)
// Handle seeing a variable identifier in the grammar.
TIntermTyped* TParseContext::handleVariable(const TSourceLoc& loc, TSymbol* symbol, const TString* string)
TIntermTyped* node = nullptr;
// Error check for requiring specific extensions present.
if (symbol && symbol->getNumExtensions())
requireExtensions(loc, symbol->getNumExtensions(), symbol->getExtensions(), symbol->getName().c_str());
if (symbol && symbol->isReadOnly()) {
// All shared things containing an unsized array must be copied up
// on first use, so that all future references will share its array structure,
// so that editing the implicit size will effect all nodes consuming it,
// and so that editing the implicit size won't change the shared one.
// If this is a variable or a block, check it and all it contains, but if this
// is a member of an anonymous block, check the whole block, as the whole block
// will need to be copied up if it contains an unsized array.
// This check is being done before the block-name check further down, so guard
// for that too.
if (!symbol->getType().isUnusableName()) {
if (symbol->getType().containsUnsizedArray() ||
(symbol->getAsAnonMember() &&
const TVariable* variable;
const TAnonMember* anon = symbol ? symbol->getAsAnonMember() : nullptr;
if (anon) {
// It was a member of an anonymous container.
// Create a subtree for its dereference.
variable = anon->getAnonContainer().getAsVariable();
TIntermTyped* container = intermediate.addSymbol(*variable, loc);
TIntermTyped* constNode = intermediate.addConstantUnion(anon->getMemberNumber(), loc);
node = intermediate.addIndex(EOpIndexDirectStruct, container, constNode, loc);
if (node->getType().hiddenMember())
error(loc, "member of nameless block was not redeclared", string->c_str(), "");
} else {
// Not a member of an anonymous container.
// The symbol table search was done in the lexical phase.
// See if it was a variable.
variable = symbol ? symbol->getAsVariable() : nullptr;
if (variable) {
if (variable->getType().isUnusableName()) {
error(loc, "cannot be used (maybe an instance name is needed)", string->c_str(), "");
variable = nullptr;
} else {
if (symbol)
error(loc, "variable name expected", string->c_str(), "");
// Recovery, if it wasn't found or was not a variable.
if (! variable)
variable = new TVariable(string, TType(EbtVoid));
if (variable->getType().getQualifier().isFrontEndConstant())
node = intermediate.addConstantUnion(variable->getConstArray(), variable->getType(), loc);
node = intermediate.addSymbol(*variable, loc);
if (variable->getType().getQualifier().isIo())
if (variable->getType().isReference() &&
variable->getType().getQualifier().bufferReferenceNeedsVulkanMemoryModel()) {
return node;
// Handle seeing a base[index] dereference in the grammar.
TIntermTyped* TParseContext::handleBracketDereference(const TSourceLoc& loc, TIntermTyped* base, TIntermTyped* index)
int indexValue = 0;
if (index->getQualifier().isFrontEndConstant())
indexValue = index->getAsConstantUnion()->getConstArray()[0].getIConst();
// basic type checks...
if (! base->isArray() && ! base->isMatrix() && ! base->isVector() && ! base->getType().isCoopMat() &&
! base->isReference()) {
if (base->getAsSymbolNode())
error(loc, " left of '[' is not of type array, matrix, or vector ", base->getAsSymbolNode()->getName().c_str(), "");
error(loc, " left of '[' is not of type array, matrix, or vector ", "expression", "");
// Insert dummy error-recovery result
return intermediate.addConstantUnion(0.0, EbtFloat, loc);
if (!base->isArray() && base->isVector()) {
if (base->getType().contains16BitFloat())
requireFloat16Arithmetic(loc, "[", "does not operate on types containing float16");
if (base->getType().contains16BitInt())
requireInt16Arithmetic(loc, "[", "does not operate on types containing (u)int16");
if (base->getType().contains8BitInt())
requireInt8Arithmetic(loc, "[", "does not operate on types containing (u)int8");
// check for constant folding
if (base->getType().getQualifier().isFrontEndConstant() && index->getQualifier().isFrontEndConstant()) {
// both base and index are front-end constants
checkIndex(loc, base->getType(), indexValue);
return intermediate.foldDereference(base, indexValue, loc);
// at least one of base and index is not a front-end constant variable...
TIntermTyped* result = nullptr;
if (base->isReference() && ! base->isArray()) {
requireExtensions(loc, 1, &E_GL_EXT_buffer_reference2, "buffer reference indexing");
result = intermediate.addBinaryMath(EOpAdd, base, index, loc);
return result;
if (base->getAsSymbolNode() && isIoResizeArray(base->getType()))
handleIoResizeArrayAccess(loc, base);
if (index->getQualifier().isFrontEndConstant())
checkIndex(loc, base->getType(), indexValue);
if (index->getQualifier().isFrontEndConstant()) {
if (base->getType().isUnsizedArray()) {
base->getWritableType().updateImplicitArraySize(indexValue + 1);
// For 2D per-view builtin arrays, update the inner dimension size in parent type
if (base->getQualifier().isPerView() && base->getQualifier().builtIn != EbvNone) {
TIntermBinary* binaryNode = base->getAsBinaryNode();
if (binaryNode) {
TType& leftType = binaryNode->getLeft()->getWritableType();
TArraySizes& arraySizes = *leftType.getArraySizes();
assert(arraySizes.getNumDims() == 2);
arraySizes.setDimSize(1, std::max(arraySizes.getDimSize(1), indexValue + 1));
} else
checkIndex(loc, base->getType(), indexValue);
result = intermediate.addIndex(EOpIndexDirect, base, index, loc);
} else {
if (base->getType().isUnsizedArray()) {
// we have a variable index into an unsized array, which is okay,
// depending on the situation
if (base->getAsSymbolNode() && isIoResizeArray(base->getType()))
error(loc, "", "[", "array must be sized by a redeclaration or layout qualifier before being indexed with a variable");
else {
// it is okay for a run-time sized array
checkRuntimeSizable(loc, *base);
if (base->getBasicType() == EbtBlock) {
if (base->getQualifier().storage == EvqBuffer)
requireProfile(base->getLoc(), ~EEsProfile, "variable indexing buffer block array");
else if (base->getQualifier().storage == EvqUniform)
profileRequires(base->getLoc(), EEsProfile, 320, Num_AEP_gpu_shader5, AEP_gpu_shader5,
"variable indexing uniform block array");
else {
// input/output blocks either don't exist or can't be variably indexed
} else if (language == EShLangFragment && base->getQualifier().isPipeOutput())
requireProfile(base->getLoc(), ~EEsProfile, "variable indexing fragment shader output array");
else if (base->getBasicType() == EbtSampler && version >= 130) {
const char* explanation = "variable indexing sampler array";
requireProfile(base->getLoc(), EEsProfile | ECoreProfile | ECompatibilityProfile, explanation);
profileRequires(base->getLoc(), EEsProfile, 320, Num_AEP_gpu_shader5, AEP_gpu_shader5, explanation);
profileRequires(base->getLoc(), ECoreProfile | ECompatibilityProfile, 400, nullptr, explanation);
result = intermediate.addIndex(EOpIndexIndirect, base, index, loc);
// Insert valid dereferenced result type
TType newType(base->getType(), 0);
if (base->getType().getQualifier().isConstant() && index->getQualifier().isConstant()) {
newType.getQualifier().storage = EvqConst;
// If base or index is a specialization constant, the result should also be a specialization constant.
if (base->getType().getQualifier().isSpecConstant() || index->getQualifier().isSpecConstant()) {
} else {
newType.getQualifier().storage = EvqTemporary;
newType.getQualifier().specConstant = false;
inheritMemoryQualifiers(base->getQualifier(), result->getWritableType().getQualifier());
// Propagate nonuniform
if (base->getQualifier().isNonUniform() || index->getQualifier().isNonUniform())
result->getWritableType().getQualifier().nonUniform = true;
if (anyIndexLimits)
handleIndexLimits(loc, base, index);
return result;
// for ES 2.0 (version 100) limitations for almost all index operations except vertex-shader uniforms
void TParseContext::handleIndexLimits(const TSourceLoc& /*loc*/, TIntermTyped* base, TIntermTyped* index)
if ((! limits.generalSamplerIndexing && base->getBasicType() == EbtSampler) ||
(! limits.generalUniformIndexing && base->getQualifier().isUniformOrBuffer() && language != EShLangVertex) ||
(! limits.generalAttributeMatrixVectorIndexing && base->getQualifier().isPipeInput() && language == EShLangVertex && (base->getType().isMatrix() || base->getType().isVector())) ||
(! limits.generalConstantMatrixVectorIndexing && base->getAsConstantUnion()) ||
(! limits.generalVariableIndexing && ! base->getType().getQualifier().isUniformOrBuffer() &&
! base->getType().getQualifier().isPipeInput() &&
! base->getType().getQualifier().isPipeOutput() &&
! base->getType().getQualifier().isConstant()) ||
(! limits.generalVaryingIndexing && (base->getType().getQualifier().isPipeInput() ||
base->getType().getQualifier().isPipeOutput()))) {
// it's too early to know what the inductive variables are, save it for post processing
// Make a shared symbol have a non-shared version that can be edited by the current
// compile, such that editing its type will not change the shared version and will
// effect all nodes sharing it.
void TParseContext::makeEditable(TSymbol*& symbol)
// See if it's tied to IO resizing
if (isIoResizeArray(symbol->getType()))
// Return true if this is a geometry shader input array or tessellation control output array
// or mesh shader output array.
bool TParseContext::isIoResizeArray(const TType& type) const
return type.isArray() &&
((language == EShLangGeometry && type.getQualifier().storage == EvqVaryingIn) ||
(language == EShLangTessControl && type.getQualifier().storage == EvqVaryingOut &&
! type.getQualifier().patch) ||
(language == EShLangFragment && type.getQualifier().storage == EvqVaryingIn &&
type.getQualifier().pervertexNV) ||
(language == EShLangMeshNV && type.getQualifier().storage == EvqVaryingOut &&
// If an array is not isIoResizeArray() but is an io array, make sure it has the right size
void TParseContext::fixIoArraySize(const TSourceLoc& loc, TType& type)
if (! type.isArray() || type.getQualifier().patch || symbolTable.atBuiltInLevel())
assert(! isIoResizeArray(type));
if (type.getQualifier().storage != EvqVaryingIn || type.getQualifier().patch)
if (language == EShLangTessControl || language == EShLangTessEvaluation) {
if (type.getOuterArraySize() != resources.maxPatchVertices) {
if (type.isSizedArray())
error(loc, "tessellation input array size must be gl_MaxPatchVertices or implicitly sized", "[]", "");
// Issue any errors if the non-array object is missing arrayness WRT
// shader I/O that has array requirements.
// All arrayness checking is handled in array paths, this is for
void TParseContext::ioArrayCheck(const TSourceLoc& loc, const TType& type, const TString& identifier)
if (! type.isArray() && ! symbolTable.atBuiltInLevel()) {
if (type.getQualifier().isArrayedIo(language) && !type.getQualifier().layoutPassthrough)
error(loc, "type must be an array:", type.getStorageQualifierString(), identifier.c_str());
// Handle a dereference of a geometry shader input array or tessellation control output array.
// See ioArraySymbolResizeList comment in ParseHelper.h.
void TParseContext::handleIoResizeArrayAccess(const TSourceLoc& /*loc*/, TIntermTyped* base)
TIntermSymbol* symbolNode = base->getAsSymbolNode();
if (! symbolNode)
// fix array size, if it can be fixed and needs to be fixed (will allow variable indexing)
if (symbolNode->getType().isUnsizedArray()) {
int newSize = getIoArrayImplicitSize(symbolNode->getType().getQualifier());
if (newSize > 0)
// If there has been an input primitive declaration (geometry shader) or an output
// number of vertices declaration(tessellation shader), make sure all input array types
// match it in size. Types come either from nodes in the AST or symbols in the
// symbol table.
// Types without an array size will be given one.
// Types already having a size that is wrong will get an error.
void TParseContext::checkIoArraysConsistency(const TSourceLoc &loc, bool tailOnly)
int requiredSize = 0;
TString featureString;
size_t listSize = ioArraySymbolResizeList.size();
size_t i = 0;
// If tailOnly = true, only check the last array symbol in the list.
if (tailOnly) {
i = listSize - 1;
for (bool firstIteration = true; i < listSize; ++i) {
TType &type = ioArraySymbolResizeList[i]->getWritableType();
// As I/O array sizes don't change, fetch requiredSize only once,
// except for mesh shaders which could have different I/O array sizes based on type qualifiers.
if (firstIteration || (language == EShLangMeshNV)) {
requiredSize = getIoArrayImplicitSize(type.getQualifier(), &featureString);
if (requiredSize == 0)
firstIteration = false;
checkIoArrayConsistency(loc, requiredSize, featureString.c_str(), type,
int TParseContext::getIoArrayImplicitSize(const TQualifier &qualifier, TString *featureString) const
int expectedSize = 0;
TString str = "unknown";
unsigned int maxVertices = intermediate.getVertices() != TQualifier::layoutNotSet ? intermediate.getVertices() : 0;
if (language == EShLangGeometry) {
expectedSize = TQualifier::mapGeometryToSize(intermediate.getInputPrimitive());
str = TQualifier::getGeometryString(intermediate.getInputPrimitive());
else if (language == EShLangTessControl) {
expectedSize = maxVertices;
str = "vertices";
} else if (language == EShLangFragment) {
// Number of vertices for Fragment shader is always three.
expectedSize = 3;
str = "vertices";
} else if (language == EShLangMeshNV) {
unsigned int maxPrimitives =
intermediate.getPrimitives() != TQualifier::layoutNotSet ? intermediate.getPrimitives() : 0;
if (qualifier.builtIn == EbvPrimitiveIndicesNV) {
expectedSize = maxPrimitives * TQualifier::mapGeometryToSize(intermediate.getOutputPrimitive());
str = "max_primitives*";
str += TQualifier::getGeometryString(intermediate.getOutputPrimitive());
else if (qualifier.isPerPrimitive()) {
expectedSize = maxPrimitives;
str = "max_primitives";
else {
expectedSize = maxVertices;
str = "max_vertices";
if (featureString)
*featureString = str;
return expectedSize;
void TParseContext::checkIoArrayConsistency(const TSourceLoc& loc, int requiredSize, const char* feature, TType& type, const TString& name)
if (type.isUnsizedArray())
else if (type.getOuterArraySize() != requiredSize) {
if (language == EShLangGeometry)
error(loc, "inconsistent input primitive for array size of", feature, name.c_str());
else if (language == EShLangTessControl)
error(loc, "inconsistent output number of vertices for array size of", feature, name.c_str());
else if (language == EShLangFragment) {
if (type.getOuterArraySize() > requiredSize)
error(loc, " cannot be greater than 3 for pervertexNV", feature, name.c_str());
else if (language == EShLangMeshNV)
error(loc, "inconsistent output array size of", feature, name.c_str());
#endif // GLSLANG_WEB
// Handle seeing a binary node with a math operation.
// Returns nullptr if not semantically allowed.
TIntermTyped* TParseContext::handleBinaryMath(const TSourceLoc& loc, const char* str, TOperator op, TIntermTyped* left, TIntermTyped* right)
rValueErrorCheck(loc, str, left->getAsTyped());
rValueErrorCheck(loc, str, right->getAsTyped());
bool allowed = true;
switch (op) {
// TODO: Bring more source language-specific checks up from intermediate.cpp
// to the specific parse helpers for that source language.
case EOpLessThan:
case EOpGreaterThan:
case EOpLessThanEqual:
case EOpGreaterThanEqual:
if (! left->isScalar() || ! right->isScalar())
allowed = false;
if (((left->getType().contains16BitFloat() || right->getType().contains16BitFloat()) && !float16Arithmetic()) ||
((left->getType().contains16BitInt() || right->getType().contains16BitInt()) && !int16Arithmetic()) ||
((left->getType().contains8BitInt() || right->getType().contains8BitInt()) && !int8Arithmetic())) {
allowed = false;
TIntermTyped* result = nullptr;
if (allowed)
result = intermediate.addBinaryMath(op, left, right, loc);
if (result == nullptr)
binaryOpError(loc, str, left->getCompleteString(), right->getCompleteString());
return result;
// Handle seeing a unary node with a math operation.
TIntermTyped* TParseContext::handleUnaryMath(const TSourceLoc& loc, const char* str, TOperator op, TIntermTyped* childNode)
rValueErrorCheck(loc, str, childNode);
bool allowed = true;
if ((childNode->getType().contains16BitFloat() && !float16Arithmetic()) ||
(childNode->getType().contains16BitInt() && !int16Arithmetic()) ||
(childNode->getType().contains8BitInt() && !int8Arithmetic())) {
allowed = false;
TIntermTyped* result = nullptr;
if (allowed)
result = intermediate.addUnaryMath(op, childNode, loc);
if (result)
return result;
unaryOpError(loc, str, childNode->getCompleteString());
return childNode;
// Handle seeing a base.field dereference in the grammar.
TIntermTyped* TParseContext::handleDotDereference(const TSourceLoc& loc, TIntermTyped* base, const TString& field)
// .length() can't be resolved until we later see the function-calling syntax.
// Save away the name in the AST for now. Processing is completed in
// handleLengthMethod().
if (field == "length") {
if (base->isArray()) {
profileRequires(loc, ENoProfile, 120, E_GL_3DL_array_objects, ".length");
profileRequires(loc, EEsProfile, 300, nullptr, ".length");
} else if (base->isVector() || base->isMatrix()) {
const char* feature = ".length() on vectors and matrices";
requireProfile(loc, ~EEsProfile, feature);
profileRequires(loc, ~EEsProfile, 420, E_GL_ARB_shading_language_420pack, feature);
} else if (!base->getType().isCoopMat()) {
error(loc, "does not operate on this type:", field.c_str(), base->getType().getCompleteString().c_str());
return base;
return intermediate.addMethod(base, TType(EbtInt), &field, loc);
// It's not .length() if we get to here.
if (base->isArray()) {
error(loc, "cannot apply to an array:", ".", field.c_str());
return base;
if (base->getType().isCoopMat()) {
error(loc, "cannot apply to a cooperative matrix type:", ".", field.c_str());
return base;
// It's neither an array nor .length() if we get here,
// leaving swizzles and struct/block dereferences.
TIntermTyped* result = base;
if ((base->isVector() || base->isScalar()) &&
(base->isFloatingDomain() || base->isIntegerDomain() || base->getBasicType() == EbtBool)) {
if (base->isScalar()) {
const char* dotFeature = "scalar swizzle";
requireProfile(loc, ~EEsProfile, dotFeature);
profileRequires(loc, ~EEsProfile, 420, E_GL_ARB_shading_language_420pack, dotFeature);
TSwizzleSelectors<TVectorSelector> selectors;
parseSwizzleSelector(loc, field, base->getVectorSize(), selectors);
if (base->isVector() && selectors.size() != 1 && base->getType().contains16BitFloat())
requireFloat16Arithmetic(loc, ".", "can't swizzle types containing float16");
if (base->isVector() && selectors.size() != 1 && base->getType().contains16BitInt())
requireInt16Arithmetic(loc, ".", "can't swizzle types containing (u)int16");
if (base->isVector() && selectors.size() != 1 && base->getType().contains8BitInt())
requireInt8Arithmetic(loc, ".", "can't swizzle types containing (u)int8");
if (base->isScalar()) {
if (selectors.size() == 1)
return result;
else {
TType type(base->getBasicType(), EvqTemporary, selectors.size());
// Swizzle operations propagate specialization-constantness
if (base->getQualifier().isSpecConstant())
return addConstructor(loc, base, type);
if (base->getType().getQualifier().isFrontEndConstant())
result = intermediate.foldSwizzle(base, selectors, loc);
else {
if (selectors.size() == 1) {
TIntermTyped* index = intermediate.addConstantUnion(selectors[0], loc);
result = intermediate.addIndex(EOpIndexDirect, base, index, loc);
result->setType(TType(base->getBasicType(), EvqTemporary, base->getType().getQualifier().precision));
} else {
TIntermTyped* index = intermediate.addSwizzle(selectors, loc);
result = intermediate.addIndex(EOpVectorSwizzle, base, index, loc);
result->setType(TType(base->getBasicType(), EvqTemporary, base->getType().getQualifier().precision, selectors.size()));
// Swizzle operations propagate specialization-constantness
if (base->getType().getQualifier().isSpecConstant())
} else if (base->isStruct() || base->isReference()) {
const TTypeList* fields = base->isReference() ?
base->getType().getReferentType()->getStruct() :
bool fieldFound = false;
int member;
for (member = 0; member < (int)fields->size(); ++member) {
if ((*fields)[member].type->getFieldName() == field) {
fieldFound = true;
if (fieldFound) {
if (base->getType().getQualifier().isFrontEndConstant())
result = intermediate.foldDereference(base, member, loc);
else {
blockMemberExtensionCheck(loc, base, member, field);
TIntermTyped* index = intermediate.addConstantUnion(member, loc);
result = intermediate.addIndex(EOpIndexDirectStruct, base, index, loc);
if ((*fields)[member].type->getQualifier().isIo())
inheritMemoryQualifiers(base->getQualifier(), result->getWritableType().getQualifier());
} else
error(loc, "no such field in structure", field.c_str(), "");
} else
error(loc, "does not apply to this type:", field.c_str(), base->getType().getCompleteString().c_str());
// Propagate noContraction up the dereference chain
if (base->getQualifier().isNoContraction())
// Propagate nonuniform
if (base->getQualifier().isNonUniform())
result->getWritableType().getQualifier().nonUniform = true;
return result;
void TParseContext::blockMemberExtensionCheck(const TSourceLoc& loc, const TIntermTyped* base, int member, const TString& memberName)
// a block that needs extension checking is either 'base', or if arrayed,
// one level removed to the left
const TIntermSymbol* baseSymbol = nullptr;
if (base->getAsBinaryNode() == nullptr)
baseSymbol = base->getAsSymbolNode();
baseSymbol = base->getAsBinaryNode()->getLeft()->getAsSymbolNode();
if (baseSymbol == nullptr)
const TSymbol* symbol = symbolTable.find(baseSymbol->getName());
if (symbol == nullptr)
const TVariable* variable = symbol->getAsVariable();
if (variable == nullptr)
if (!variable->hasMemberExtensions())
// We now have a variable that is the base of a dot reference
// with members that need extension checking.
if (variable->getNumMemberExtensions(member) > 0)
requireExtensions(loc, variable->getNumMemberExtensions(member), variable->getMemberExtensions(member), memberName.c_str());
// Handle seeing a function declarator in the grammar. This is the precursor
// to recognizing a function prototype or function definition.
TFunction* TParseContext::handleFunctionDeclarator(const TSourceLoc& loc, TFunction& function, bool prototype)
// ES can't declare prototypes inside functions
if (! symbolTable.atGlobalLevel())
requireProfile(loc, ~EEsProfile, "local function declaration");
// Multiple declarations of the same function name are allowed.
// If this is a definition, the definition production code will check for redefinitions
// (we don't know at this point if it's a definition or not).
// Redeclarations (full signature match) are allowed. But, return types and parameter qualifiers must also match.
// - except ES 100, which only allows a single prototype
// ES 100 does not allow redefining, but does allow overloading of built-in functions.
// ES 300 does not allow redefining or overloading of built-in functions.
bool builtIn;
TSymbol* symbol = symbolTable.find(function.getMangledName(), &builtIn);
if (symbol && symbol->getAsFunction() && builtIn)
requireProfile(loc, ~EEsProfile, "redefinition of built-in function");
const TFunction* prevDec = symbol ? symbol->getAsFunction() : 0;
if (prevDec) {
if (prevDec->isPrototyped() && prototype)
profileRequires(loc, EEsProfile, 300, nullptr, "multiple prototypes for same function");
if (prevDec->getType() != function.getType())
error(loc, "overloaded functions must have the same return type", function.getName().c_str(), "");
for (int i = 0; i < prevDec->getParamCount(); ++i) {
if ((*prevDec)[i].type->getQualifier().storage != function[i].type->getQualifier().storage)
error(loc, "overloaded functions must have the same parameter storage qualifiers for argument", function[i].type->getStorageQualifierString(), "%d", i+1);
if ((*prevDec)[i].type->getQualifier().precision != function[i].type->getQualifier().precision)
error(loc, "overloaded functions must have the same parameter precision qualifiers for argument", function[i].type->getPrecisionQualifierString(), "%d", i+1);
arrayObjectCheck(loc, function.getType(), "array in function return type");
if (prototype) {
// All built-in functions are defined, even though they don't have a body.
// Count their prototype as a definition instead.
if (symbolTable.atBuiltInLevel())
else {
if (prevDec && ! builtIn)
symbol->getAsFunction()->setPrototyped(); // need a writable one, but like having prevDec as a const
// This insert won't actually insert it if it's a duplicate signature, but it will still check for
// other forms of name collisions.
if (! symbolTable.insert(function))
error(loc, "function name is redeclaration of existing name", function.getName().c_str(), "");
// If this is a redeclaration, it could also be a definition,
// in which case, we need to use the parameter names from this one, and not the one that's
// being redeclared. So, pass back this declaration, not the one in the symbol table.
return &function;
// Handle seeing the function prototype in front of a function definition in the grammar.
// The body is handled after this function returns.
TIntermAggregate* TParseContext::handleFunctionDefinition(const TSourceLoc& loc, TFunction& function)
currentCaller = function.getMangledName();
TSymbol* symbol = symbolTable.find(function.getMangledName());
TFunction* prevDec = symbol ? symbol->getAsFunction() : nullptr;
if (! prevDec)
error(loc, "can't find function", function.getName().c_str(), "");
// Note: 'prevDec' could be 'function' if this is the first time we've seen function
// as it would have just been put in the symbol table. Otherwise, we're looking up
// an earlier occurrence.
if (prevDec && prevDec->isDefined()) {
// Then this function already has a body.
error(loc, "function already has a body", function.getName().c_str(), "");
if (prevDec && ! prevDec->isDefined()) {
// Remember the return type for later checking for RETURN statements.
currentFunctionType = &(prevDec->getType());
} else
currentFunctionType = new TType(EbtVoid);
functionReturnsValue = false;
// Check for entry point
if (function.getName().compare(intermediate.getEntryPointName().c_str()) == 0) {
inMain = true;
} else
inMain = false;
// Raise error message if main function takes any parameters or returns anything other than void
if (inMain) {
if (function.getParamCount() > 0)
error(loc, "function cannot take any parameter(s)", function.getName().c_str(), "");
if (function.getType().getBasicType() != EbtVoid)
error(loc, "", function.getType().getBasicTypeString().c_str(), "entry point cannot return a value");
// New symbol table scope for body of function plus its arguments
// Insert parameters into the symbol table.
// If the parameter has no name, it's not an error, just don't insert it
// (could be used for unused args).
// Also, accumulate the list of parameters into the HIL, so lower level code
// knows where to find parameters.
TIntermAggregate* paramNodes = new TIntermAggregate;
for (int i = 0; i < function.getParamCount(); i++) {
TParameter& param = function[i];
if ( != nullptr) {
TVariable *variable = new TVariable(, *param.type);
// Insert the parameters with name in the symbol table.
if (! symbolTable.insert(*variable))
error(loc, "redefinition", variable->getName().c_str(), "");
else {
// Transfer ownership of name pointer to symbol table. = nullptr;
// Add the parameter to the HIL
paramNodes = intermediate.growAggregate(paramNodes,
intermediate.addSymbol(*variable, loc),
} else
paramNodes = intermediate.growAggregate(paramNodes, intermediate.addSymbol(*param.type, loc), loc);
intermediate.setAggregateOperator(paramNodes, EOpParameters, TType(EbtVoid), loc);
loopNestingLevel = 0;
statementNestingLevel = 0;
controlFlowNestingLevel = 0;
postEntryPointReturn = false;
return paramNodes;
// Handle seeing function call syntax in the grammar, which could be any of
// - .length() method
// - constructor
// - a call to a built-in function mapped to an operator
// - a call to a built-in function that will remain a function call (e.g., texturing)
// - user function
// - subroutine call (not implemented yet)
TIntermTyped* TParseContext::handleFunctionCall(const TSourceLoc& loc, TFunction* function, TIntermNode* arguments)
TIntermTyped* result = nullptr;
if (function->getBuiltInOp() == EOpArrayLength)
result = handleLengthMethod(loc, function, arguments);
else if (function->getBuiltInOp() != EOpNull) {
// Then this should be a constructor.
// Don't go through the symbol table for constructors.
// Their parameters will be verified algorithmically.
TType type(EbtVoid); // use this to get the type back
if (! constructorError(loc, arguments, *function, function->getBuiltInOp(), type)) {
// It's a constructor, of type 'type'.
result = addConstructor(loc, arguments, type);
if (result == nullptr)
error(loc, "cannot construct with these arguments", type.getCompleteString().c_str(), "");
} else {
// Find it in the symbol table.
const TFunction* fnCandidate;
bool builtIn;
fnCandidate = findFunction(loc, *function, builtIn);
if (fnCandidate) {
// This is a declared function that might map to
// - a built-in operator,
// - a built-in function not mapped to an operator, or
// - a user function.
// Error check for a function requiring specific extensions present.
if (builtIn && fnCandidate->getNumExtensions())
requireExtensions(loc, fnCandidate->getNumExtensions(), fnCandidate->getExtensions(), fnCandidate->getName().c_str());
if (builtIn && fnCandidate->getType().contains16BitFloat())
requireFloat16Arithmetic(loc, "built-in function", "float16 types can only be in uniform block or buffer storage");
if (builtIn && fnCandidate->getType().contains16BitInt())
requireInt16Arithmetic(loc, "built-in function", "(u)int16 types can only be in uniform block or buffer storage");
if (builtIn && fnCandidate->getType().contains8BitInt())
requireInt8Arithmetic(loc, "built-in function", "(u)int8 types can only be in uniform block or buffer storage");
if (arguments != nullptr) {
// Make sure qualifications work for these arguments.
TIntermAggregate* aggregate = arguments->getAsAggregate();
for (int i = 0; i < fnCandidate->getParamCount(); ++i) {
// At this early point there is a slight ambiguity between whether an aggregate 'arguments'
// is the single argument itself or its children are the arguments. Only one argument
// means take 'arguments' itself as the one argument.
TIntermNode* arg = fnCandidate->getParamCount() == 1 ? arguments : (aggregate ? aggregate->getSequence()[i] : arguments);
TQualifier& formalQualifier = (*fnCandidate)[i].type->getQualifier();
if (formalQualifier.isParamOutput()) {
if (lValueErrorCheck(arguments->getLoc(), "assign", arg->getAsTyped()))
error(arguments->getLoc(), "Non-L-value cannot be passed for 'out' or 'inout' parameters.", "out", "");
const TType& argType = arg->getAsTyped()->getType();
const TQualifier& argQualifier = argType.getQualifier();
if (argQualifier.isMemory() && (argType.containsOpaque() || argType.isReference())) {
const char* message = "argument cannot drop memory qualifier when passed to formal parameter";
if (argQualifier.volatil && ! formalQualifier.volatil)
error(arguments->getLoc(), message, "volatile", "");
if (argQualifier.coherent && ! (formalQualifier.devicecoherent || formalQualifier.coherent))
error(arguments->getLoc(), message, "coherent", "");
if (argQualifier.devicecoherent && ! (formalQualifier.devicecoherent || formalQualifier.coherent))
error(arguments->getLoc(), message, "devicecoherent", "");
if (argQualifier.queuefamilycoherent && ! (formalQualifier.queuefamilycoherent || formalQualifier.devicecoherent || formalQualifier.coherent))
error(arguments->getLoc(), message, "queuefamilycoherent", "");
if (argQualifier.workgroupcoherent && ! (formalQualifier.workgroupcoherent || formalQualifier.queuefamilycoherent || formalQualifier.devicecoherent || formalQualifier.coherent))
error(arguments->getLoc(), message, "workgroupcoherent", "");
if (argQualifier.subgroupcoherent && ! (formalQualifier.subgroupcoherent || formalQualifier.workgroupcoherent || formalQualifier.queuefamilycoherent || formalQualifier.devicecoherent || formalQualifier.coherent))
error(arguments->getLoc(), message, "subgroupcoherent", "");
if (argQualifier.readonly && ! formalQualifier.readonly)
error(arguments->getLoc(), message, "readonly", "");
if (argQualifier.writeonly && ! formalQualifier.writeonly)
error(arguments->getLoc(), message, "writeonly", "");
// Don't check 'restrict', it is different than the rest:
// "...but only restrict can be taken away from a calling argument, by a formal parameter that
// lacks the restrict qualifier..."
if (!builtIn && argQualifier.getFormat() != formalQualifier.getFormat()) {
// we have mismatched formats, which should only be allowed if writeonly
// and at least one format is unknown
if (!formalQualifier.isWriteOnly() || (formalQualifier.getFormat() != ElfNone &&
argQualifier.getFormat() != ElfNone))
error(arguments->getLoc(), "image formats must match", "format", "");
if (builtIn && arg->getAsTyped()->getType().contains16BitFloat())
requireFloat16Arithmetic(arguments->getLoc(), "built-in function", "float16 types can only be in uniform block or buffer storage");
if (builtIn && arg->getAsTyped()->getType().contains16BitInt())
requireInt16Arithmetic(arguments->getLoc(), "built-in function", "(u)int16 types can only be in uniform block or buffer storage");
if (builtIn && arg->getAsTyped()->getType().contains8BitInt())
requireInt8Arithmetic(arguments->getLoc(), "built-in function", "(u)int8 types can only be in uniform block or buffer storage");
// TODO 4.5 functionality: A shader will fail to compile
// if the value passed to the memargument of an atomic memory function does not correspond to a buffer or
// shared variable. It is acceptable to pass an element of an array or a single component of a vector to the
// memargument of an atomic memory function, as long as the underlying array or vector is a buffer or
// shared variable.
// Convert 'in' arguments
addInputArgumentConversions(*fnCandidate, arguments); // arguments may be modified if it's just a single argument node
if (builtIn && fnCandidate->getBuiltInOp() != EOpNull) {
// A function call mapped to a built-in operation.
result = handleBuiltInFunctionCall(loc, arguments, *fnCandidate);
} else {
// This is a function call not mapped to built-in operator.
// It could still be a built-in function, but only if PureOperatorBuiltins == false.
result = intermediate.setAggregateOperator(arguments, EOpFunctionCall, fnCandidate->getType(), loc);
TIntermAggregate* call = result->getAsAggregate();
// this is how we know whether the given function is a built-in function or a user-defined function
// if builtIn == false, it's a userDefined -> could be an overloaded built-in function also
// if builtIn == true, it's definitely a built-in function with EOpNull
if (! builtIn) {
if (symbolTable.atGlobalLevel()) {
requireProfile(loc, ~EEsProfile, "calling user function from global scope");
intermediate.addToCallGraph(infoSink, "main(", fnCandidate->getMangledName());
} else
intermediate.addToCallGraph(infoSink, currentCaller, fnCandidate->getMangledName());
if (builtIn)
nonOpBuiltInCheck(loc, *fnCandidate, *call);
userFunctionCallCheck(loc, *call);
// Convert 'out' arguments. If it was a constant folded built-in, it won't be an aggregate anymore.
// Built-ins with a single argument aren't called with an aggregate, but they also don't have an output.
// Also, build the qualifier list for user function calls, which are always called with an aggregate.
if (result->getAsAggregate()) {
TQualifierList& qualifierList = result->getAsAggregate()->getQualifierList();
for (int i = 0; i < fnCandidate->getParamCount(); ++i) {
TStorageQualifier qual = (*fnCandidate)[i].type->getQualifier().storage;
result = addOutputArgumentConversions(*fnCandidate, *result->getAsAggregate());
if (result->getAsTyped()->getType().isCoopMat() &&
!result->getAsTyped()->getType().isParameterized()) {
assert(fnCandidate->getBuiltInOp() == EOpCooperativeMatrixMulAdd);
// generic error recovery
// TODO: simplification: localize all the error recoveries that look like this, and taking type into account to reduce cascades
if (result == nullptr)
result = intermediate.addConstantUnion(0.0, EbtFloat, loc);
return result;
TIntermTyped* TParseContext::handleBuiltInFunctionCall(TSourceLoc loc, TIntermNode* arguments,
const TFunction& function)
checkLocation(loc, function.getBuiltInOp());
TIntermTyped *result = intermediate.addBuiltInFunctionCall(loc, function.getBuiltInOp(),
function.getParamCount() == 1,
arguments, function.getType());
if (obeyPrecisionQualifiers())
computeBuiltinPrecisions(*result, function);
if (result == nullptr) {
if (arguments == nullptr)
error(loc, " wrong operand type", "Internal Error",
"built in unary operator function. Type: %s", "");
error(arguments->getLoc(), " wrong operand type", "Internal Error",
"built in unary operator function. Type: %s",
} else if (result->getAsOperator())
builtInOpCheck(loc, function, *result->getAsOperator());
return result;
// "The operation of a built-in function can have a different precision
// qualification than the precision qualification of the resulting value.
// These two precision qualifications are established as follows.
// The precision qualification of the operation of a built-in function is
// based on the precision qualification of its input arguments and formal
// parameters: When a formal parameter specifies a precision qualifier,
// that is used, otherwise, the precision qualification of the calling
// argument is used. The highest precision of these will be the precision
// qualification of the operation of the built-in function. Generally,
// this is applied across all arguments to a built-in function, with the
// exceptions being:
// - bitfieldExtract and bitfieldInsert ignore the 'offset' and 'bits'
// arguments.
// - interpolateAt* functions only look at the 'interpolant' argument.
// The precision qualification of the result of a built-in function is
// determined in one of the following ways:
// - For the texture sampling, image load, and image store functions,
// the precision of the return type matches the precision of the
// sampler type
// Otherwise:
// - For prototypes that do not specify a resulting precision qualifier,
// the precision will be the same as the precision of the operation.
// - For prototypes that do specify a resulting precision qualifier,
// the specified precision qualifier is the precision qualification of
// the result."
void TParseContext::computeBuiltinPrecisions(TIntermTyped& node, const TFunction& function)
TPrecisionQualifier operationPrecision = EpqNone;
TPrecisionQualifier resultPrecision = EpqNone;
TIntermOperator* opNode = node.getAsOperator();
if (opNode == nullptr)
if (TIntermUnary* unaryNode = node.getAsUnaryNode()) {
operationPrecision = std::max(function[0].type->getQualifier().precision,
if (function.getType().getBasicType() != EbtBool)
resultPrecision = function.getType().getQualifier().precision == EpqNone ?
operationPrecision :
} else if (TIntermAggregate* agg = node.getAsAggregate()) {
TIntermSequence& sequence = agg->getSequence();
unsigned int numArgs = (unsigned int)sequence.size();
switch (agg->getOp()) {
case EOpBitfieldExtract:
numArgs = 1;
case EOpBitfieldInsert:
numArgs = 2;
case EOpInterpolateAtCentroid:
case EOpInterpolateAtOffset:
case EOpInterpolateAtSample:
numArgs = 1;
// find the maximum precision from the arguments and parameters
for (unsigned int arg = 0; arg < numArgs; ++arg) {
operationPrecision = std::max(operationPrecision, sequence[arg]->getAsTyped()->getQualifier().precision);
operationPrecision = std::max(operationPrecision, function[arg].type->getQualifier().precision);
// compute the result precision
if (agg->isSampling() ||
agg->getOp() == EOpImageLoad || agg->getOp() == EOpImageStore ||
agg->getOp() == EOpImageLoadLod || agg->getOp() == EOpImageStoreLod)
resultPrecision = sequence[0]->getAsTyped()->getQualifier().precision;
else if (function.getType().getBasicType() != EbtBool)
resultPrecision = function.getType().getQualifier().precision == EpqNone ?
operationPrecision :
// Propagate precision through this node and its children. That algorithm stops
// when a precision is found, so start by clearing this subroot precision
opNode->getQualifier().precision = EpqNone;
if (operationPrecision != EpqNone) {
// Now, set the result precision, which might not match
opNode->getQualifier().precision = resultPrecision;
TIntermNode* TParseContext::handleReturnValue(const TSourceLoc& loc, TIntermTyped* value)
storage16BitAssignmentCheck(loc, value->getType(), "return");
functionReturnsValue = true;
if (currentFunctionType->getBasicType() == EbtVoid) {
error(loc, "void function cannot return a value", "return", "");
return intermediate.addBranch(EOpReturn, loc);
} else if (*currentFunctionType != value->getType()) {
TIntermTyped* converted = intermediate.addConversion(EOpReturn, *currentFunctionType, value);
if (converted) {
if (*currentFunctionType != converted->getType())
error(loc, "cannot convert return value to function return type", "return", "");
if (version < 420)
warn(loc, "type conversion on return values was not explicitly allowed until version 420", "return", "");
return intermediate.addBranch(EOpReturn, converted, loc);
} else {
error(loc, "type does not match, or is not convertible to, the function's return type", "return", "");
return intermediate.addBranch(EOpReturn, value, loc);
} else
return intermediate.addBranch(EOpReturn, value, loc);
// See if the operation is being done in an illegal location.
void TParseContext::checkLocation(const TSourceLoc& loc, TOperator op)
switch (op) {
case EOpBarrier:
if (language == EShLangTessControl) {
if (controlFlowNestingLevel > 0)
error(loc, "tessellation control barrier() cannot be placed within flow control", "", "");
if (! inMain)
error(loc, "tessellation control barrier() must be in main()", "", "");
else if (postEntryPointReturn)
error(loc, "tessellation control barrier() cannot be placed after a return from main()", "", "");
case EOpBeginInvocationInterlock:
if (language != EShLangFragment)
error(loc, "beginInvocationInterlockARB() must be in a fragment shader", "", "");
if (! inMain)
error(loc, "beginInvocationInterlockARB() must be in main()", "", "");
else if (postEntryPointReturn)
error(loc, "beginInvocationInterlockARB() cannot be placed after a return from main()", "", "");
if (controlFlowNestingLevel > 0)
error(loc, "beginInvocationInterlockARB() cannot be placed within flow control", "", "");
if (beginInvocationInterlockCount > 0)
error(loc, "beginInvocationInterlockARB() must only be called once", "", "");
if (endInvocationInterlockCount > 0)
error(loc, "beginInvocationInterlockARB() must be called before endInvocationInterlockARB()", "", "");
// default to pixel_interlock_ordered
if (intermediate.getInterlockOrdering() == EioNone)
case EOpEndInvocationInterlock:
if (language != EShLangFragment)
error(loc, "endInvocationInterlockARB() must be in a fragment shader", "", "");
if (! inMain)
error(loc, "endInvocationInterlockARB() must be in main()", "", "");
else if (postEntryPointReturn)
error(loc, "endInvocationInterlockARB() cannot be placed after a return from main()", "", "");
if (controlFlowNestingLevel > 0)
error(loc, "endInvocationInterlockARB() cannot be placed within flow control", "", "");
if (endInvocationInterlockCount > 0)
error(loc, "endInvocationInterlockARB() must only be called once", "", "");
if (beginInvocationInterlockCount == 0)
error(loc, "beginInvocationInterlockARB() must be called before endInvocationInterlockARB()", "", "");
// Finish processing object.length(). This started earlier in handleDotDereference(), where
// the ".length" part was recognized and semantically checked, and finished here where the
// function syntax "()" is recognized.
// Return resulting tree node.
TIntermTyped* TParseContext::handleLengthMethod(const TSourceLoc& loc, TFunction* function, TIntermNode* intermNode)
int length = 0;
if (function->getParamCount() > 0)
error(loc, "method does not accept any arguments", function->getName().c_str(), "");
else {
const TType& type = intermNode->getAsTyped()->getType();
if (type.isArray()) {
if (type.isUnsizedArray()) {
if (intermNode->getAsSymbolNode() && isIoResizeArray(type)) {
// We could be between a layout declaration that gives a built-in io array implicit size and
// a user redeclaration of that array, meaning we have to substitute its implicit size here
// without actually redeclaring the array. (It is an error to use a member before the
// redeclaration, but not an error to use the array name itself.)
const TString& name = intermNode->getAsSymbolNode()->getName();
if (name == "gl_in" || name == "gl_out" || name == "gl_MeshVerticesNV" ||
name == "gl_MeshPrimitivesNV") {
length = getIoArrayImplicitSize(type.getQualifier());
if (length == 0) {
if (intermNode->getAsSymbolNode() && isIoResizeArray(type))
error(loc, "", function->getName().c_str(), "array must first be sized by a redeclaration or layout qualifier");
else if (isRuntimeLength(*intermNode->getAsTyped())) {
// Create a unary op and let the back end handle it
return intermediate.addBuiltInFunctionCall(loc, EOpArrayLength, true, intermNode, TType(EbtInt));
} else
error(loc, "", function->getName().c_str(), "array must be declared with a size before using this method");
} else if (type.getOuterArrayNode()) {
// If the array's outer size is specified by an intermediate node, it means the array's length
// was specified by a specialization constant. In such a case, we should return the node of the
// specialization constants to represent the length.
return type.getOuterArrayNode();
} else
length = type.getOuterArraySize();
} else if (type.isMatrix())
length = type.getMatrixCols();
else if (type.isVector())
length = type.getVectorSize();
else if (type.isCoopMat())
return intermediate.addBuiltInFunctionCall(loc, EOpArrayLength, true, intermNode, TType(EbtInt));
else {
// we should not get here, because earlier semantic checking should have prevented this path
error(loc, ".length()", "unexpected use of .length()", "");
if (length == 0)
length = 1;
return intermediate.addConstantUnion(length, loc);
// Add any needed implicit conversions for function-call arguments to input parameters.
void TParseContext::addInputArgumentConversions(const TFunction& function, TIntermNode*& arguments) const
TIntermAggregate* aggregate = arguments->getAsAggregate();
// Process each argument's conversion
for (int i = 0; i < function.getParamCount(); ++i) {
// At this early point there is a slight ambiguity between whether an aggregate 'arguments'
// is the single argument itself or its children are the arguments. Only one argument
// means take 'arguments' itself as the one argument.
TIntermTyped* arg = function.getParamCount() == 1 ? arguments->getAsTyped() : (aggregate ? aggregate->getSequence()[i]->getAsTyped() : arguments->getAsTyped());
if (*function[i].type != arg->getType()) {
if (function[i].type->getQualifier().isParamInput() &&
!function[i].type->isCoopMat()) {
// In-qualified arguments just need an extra node added above the argument to
// convert to the correct type.
arg = intermediate.addConversion(EOpFunctionCall, *function[i].type, arg);
if (arg) {
if (function.getParamCount() == 1)
arguments = arg;
else {
if (aggregate)
aggregate->getSequence()[i] = arg;
arguments = arg;
// Add any needed implicit output conversions for function-call arguments. This
// can require a new tree topology, complicated further by whether the function
// has a return value.
// Returns a node of a subtree that evaluates to the return value of the function.
TIntermTyped* TParseContext::addOutputArgumentConversions(const TFunction& function, TIntermAggregate& intermNode) const
return &intermNode;
TIntermSequence& arguments = intermNode.getSequence();
// Will there be any output conversions?
bool outputConversions = false;
for (int i = 0; i < function.getParamCount(); ++i) {
if (*function[i].type != arguments[i]->getAsTyped()->getType() && function[i].type->getQualifier().isParamOutput()) {
outputConversions = true;
if (! outputConversions)
return &intermNode;
// Setup for the new tree, if needed:
// Output conversions need a different tree topology.
// Out-qualified arguments need a temporary of the correct type, with the call
// followed by an assignment of the temporary to the original argument:
// void: function(arg, ...) -> ( function(tempArg, ...), arg = tempArg, ...)
// ret = function(arg, ...) -> ret = (tempRet = function(tempArg, ...), arg = tempArg, ..., tempRet)
// Where the "tempArg" type needs no conversion as an argument, but will convert on assignment.
TIntermTyped* conversionTree = nullptr;
TVariable* tempRet = nullptr;
if (intermNode.getBasicType() != EbtVoid) {
// do the "tempRet = function(...), " bit from above
tempRet = makeInternalVariable("tempReturn", intermNode.getType());
TIntermSymbol* tempRetNode = intermediate.addSymbol(*tempRet, intermNode.getLoc());
conversionTree = intermediate.addAssign(EOpAssign, tempRetNode, &intermNode, intermNode.getLoc());
} else
conversionTree = &intermNode;
conversionTree = intermediate.makeAggregate(conversionTree);
// Process each argument's conversion
for (int i = 0; i < function.getParamCount(); ++i) {
if (*function[i].type != arguments[i]->getAsTyped()->getType()) {
if (function[i].type->getQualifier().isParamOutput()) {
// Out-qualified arguments need to use the topology set up above.
// do the " ...(tempArg, ...), arg = tempArg" bit from above
TType paramType;
if (arguments[i]->getAsTyped()->getType().isParameterized() &&
!paramType.isParameterized()) {
TVariable* tempArg = makeInternalVariable("tempArg", paramType);
TIntermSymbol* tempArgNode = intermediate.addSymbol(*tempArg, intermNode.getLoc());
TIntermTyped* tempAssign = intermediate.addAssign(EOpAssign, arguments[i]->getAsTyped(), tempArgNode, arguments[i]->getLoc());
conversionTree = intermediate.growAggregate(conversionTree, tempAssign, arguments[i]->getLoc());
// replace the argument with another node for the same tempArg variable
arguments[i] = intermediate.addSymbol(*tempArg, intermNode.getLoc());
// Finalize the tree topology (see bigger comment above).
if (tempRet) {
// do the "..., tempRet" bit from above
TIntermSymbol* tempRetNode = intermediate.addSymbol(*tempRet, intermNode.getLoc());
conversionTree = intermediate.growAggregate(conversionTree, tempRetNode, intermNode.getLoc());
conversionTree = intermediate.setAggregateOperator(conversionTree, EOpComma, intermNode.getType(), intermNode.getLoc());
return conversionTree;
void TParseContext::memorySemanticsCheck(const TSourceLoc& loc, const TFunction& fnCandidate, const TIntermOperator& callNode)
const TIntermSequence* argp = &callNode.getAsAggregate()->getSequence();
//const int gl_SemanticsRelaxed = 0x0;
const int gl_SemanticsAcquire = 0x2;
const int gl_SemanticsRelease = 0x4;
const int gl_SemanticsAcquireRelease = 0x8;
const int gl_SemanticsMakeAvailable = 0x2000;
const int gl_SemanticsMakeVisible = 0x4000;
const int gl_SemanticsVolatile = 0x8000;
//const int gl_StorageSemanticsNone = 0x0;
const int gl_StorageSemanticsBuffer = 0x40;
const int gl_StorageSemanticsShared = 0x100;
const int gl_StorageSemanticsImage = 0x800;
const int gl_StorageSemanticsOutput = 0x1000;
unsigned int semantics = 0, storageClassSemantics = 0;
unsigned int semantics2 = 0, storageClassSemantics2 = 0;
// Grab the semantics and storage class semantics from the operands, based on opcode
switch (callNode.getOp()) {
case EOpAtomicAdd:
case EOpAtomicMin:
case EOpAtomicMax:
case EOpAtomicAnd:
case EOpAtomicOr:
case EOpAtomicXor:
case EOpAtomicExchange:
case EOpAtomicStore:
storageClassSemantics = (*argp)[3]->getAsConstantUnion()->getConstArray()[0].getIConst();
semantics = (*argp)[4]->getAsConstantUnion()->getConstArray()[0].getIConst();
case EOpAtomicLoad:
storageClassSemantics = (*argp)[2]->getAsConstantUnion()->getConstArray()[0].getIConst();
semantics = (*argp)[3]->getAsConstantUnion()->getConstArray()[0].getIConst();
case EOpAtomicCompSwap:
storageClassSemantics = (*argp)[4]->getAsConstantUnion()->getConstArray()[0].getIConst();
semantics = (*argp)[5]->getAsConstantUnion()->getConstArray()[0].getIConst();
storageClassSemantics2 = (*argp)[6]->getAsConstantUnion()->getConstArray()[0].getIConst();
semantics2 = (*argp)[7]->getAsConstantUnion()->getConstArray()[0].getIConst();
case EOpImageAtomicAdd:
case EOpImageAtomicMin:
case EOpImageAtomicMax:
case EOpImageAtomicAnd:
case EOpImageAtomicOr:
case EOpImageAtomicXor:
case EOpImageAtomicExchange:
case EOpImageAtomicStore:
storageClassSemantics = (*argp)[4]->getAsConstantUnion()->getConstArray()[0].getIConst();
semantics = (*argp)[5]->getAsConstantUnion()->getConstArray()[0].getIConst();
case EOpImageAtomicLoad:
storageClassSemantics = (*argp)[3]->getAsConstantUnion()->getConstArray()[0].getIConst();
semantics = (*argp)[4]->getAsConstantUnion()->getConstArray()[0].getIConst();
case EOpImageAtomicCompSwap:
storageClassSemantics = (*argp)[5]->getAsConstantUnion()->getConstArray()[0].getIConst();
semantics = (*argp)[6]->getAsConstantUnion()->getConstArray()[0].getIConst();
storageClassSemantics2 = (*argp)[7]->getAsConstantUnion()->getConstArray()[0].getIConst();
semantics2 = (*argp)[8]->getAsConstantUnion()->getConstArray()[0].getIConst();
case EOpBarrier:
storageClassSemantics = (*argp)[2]->getAsConstantUnion()->getConstArray()[0].getIConst();
semantics = (*argp)[3]->getAsConstantUnion()->getConstArray()[0].getIConst();
case EOpMemoryBarrier:
storageClassSemantics = (*argp)[1]->getAsConstantUnion()->getConstArray()[0].getIConst();
semantics = (*argp)[2]->getAsConstantUnion()->getConstArray()[0].getIConst();
if ((semantics & gl_SemanticsAcquire) &&
(callNode.getOp() == EOpAtomicStore || callNode.getOp() == EOpImageAtomicStore)) {
error(loc, "gl_SemanticsAcquire must not be used with (image) atomic store",
fnCandidate.getName().c_str(), "");
if ((semantics & gl_SemanticsRelease) &&
(callNode.getOp() == EOpAtomicLoad || callNode.getOp() == EOpImageAtomicLoad)) {
error(loc, "gl_SemanticsRelease must not be used with (image) atomic load",
fnCandidate.getName().c_str(), "");
if ((semantics & gl_SemanticsAcquireRelease) &&
(callNode.getOp() == EOpAtomicStore || callNode.getOp() == EOpImageAtomicStore ||
callNode.getOp() == EOpAtomicLoad || callNode.getOp() == EOpImageAtomicLoad)) {
error(loc, "gl_SemanticsAcquireRelease must not be used with (image) atomic load/store",
fnCandidate.getName().c_str(), "");
if (((semantics | semantics2) & ~(gl_SemanticsAcquire |
gl_SemanticsRelease |
gl_SemanticsAcquireRelease |
gl_SemanticsMakeAvailable |
gl_SemanticsMakeVisible |
gl_SemanticsVolatile))) {
error(loc, "Invalid semantics value", fnCandidate.getName().c_str(), "");
if (((storageClassSemantics | storageClassSemantics2) & ~(gl_StorageSemanticsBuffer |
gl_StorageSemanticsShared |
gl_StorageSemanticsImage |
gl_StorageSemanticsOutput))) {
error(loc, "Invalid storage class semantics value", fnCandidate.getName().c_str(), "");
if (callNode.getOp() == EOpMemoryBarrier) {
if (!IsPow2(semantics & (gl_SemanticsAcquire | gl_SemanticsRelease | gl_SemanticsAcquireRelease))) {
error(loc, "Semantics must include exactly one of gl_SemanticsRelease, gl_SemanticsAcquire, or "
"gl_SemanticsAcquireRelease", fnCandidate.getName().c_str(), "");
} else {
if (semantics & (gl_SemanticsAcquire | gl_SemanticsRelease | gl_SemanticsAcquireRelease)) {
if (!IsPow2(semantics & (gl_SemanticsAcquire | gl_SemanticsRelease | gl_SemanticsAcquireRelease))) {
error(loc, "Semantics must not include multiple of gl_SemanticsRelease, gl_SemanticsAcquire, or "
"gl_SemanticsAcquireRelease", fnCandidate.getName().c_str(), "");
if (semantics2 & (gl_SemanticsAcquire | gl_SemanticsRelease | gl_SemanticsAcquireRelease)) {
if (!IsPow2(semantics2 & (gl_SemanticsAcquire | gl_SemanticsRelease | gl_SemanticsAcquireRelease))) {
error(loc, "semUnequal must not include multiple of gl_SemanticsRelease, gl_SemanticsAcquire, or "
"gl_SemanticsAcquireRelease", fnCandidate.getName().c_str(), "");
if (callNode.getOp() == EOpMemoryBarrier) {
if (storageClassSemantics == 0) {
error(loc, "Storage class semantics must not be zero", fnCandidate.getName().c_str(), "");
if (callNode.getOp() == EOpBarrier && semantics != 0 && storageClassSemantics == 0) {
error(loc, "Storage class semantics must not be zero", fnCandidate.getName().c_str(), "");
if ((callNode.getOp() == EOpAtomicCompSwap || callNode.getOp() == EOpImageAtomicCompSwap) &&
(semantics2 & (gl_SemanticsRelease | gl_SemanticsAcquireRelease))) {
error(loc, "semUnequal must not be gl_SemanticsRelease or gl_SemanticsAcquireRelease",
fnCandidate.getName().c_str(), "");
if ((semantics & gl_SemanticsMakeAvailable) &&
!(semantics & (gl_SemanticsRelease | gl_SemanticsAcquireRelease))) {
error(loc, "gl_SemanticsMakeAvailable requires gl_SemanticsRelease or gl_SemanticsAcquireRelease",
fnCandidate.getName().c_str(), "");
if ((semantics & gl_SemanticsMakeVisible) &&
!(semantics & (gl_SemanticsAcquire | gl_SemanticsAcquireRelease))) {
error(loc, "gl_SemanticsMakeVisible requires gl_SemanticsAcquire or gl_SemanticsAcquireRelease",
fnCandidate.getName().c_str(), "");
if ((semantics & gl_SemanticsVolatile) &&
(callNode.getOp() == EOpMemoryBarrier || callNode.getOp() == EOpBarrier)) {
error(loc, "gl_SemanticsVolatile must not be used with memoryBarrier or controlBarrier",
fnCandidate.getName().c_str(), "");
if ((callNode.getOp() == EOpAtomicCompSwap || callNode.getOp() == EOpImageAtomicCompSwap) &&
((semantics ^ semantics2) & gl_SemanticsVolatile)) {
error(loc, "semEqual and semUnequal must either both include gl_SemanticsVolatile or neither",
fnCandidate.getName().c_str(), "");
// Do additional checking of built-in function calls that is not caught
// by normal semantic checks on argument type, extension tagging, etc.
// Assumes there has been a semantically correct match to a built-in function prototype.
void TParseContext::builtInOpCheck(const TSourceLoc& loc, const TFunction& fnCandidate, TIntermOperator& callNode)
// Set up convenience accessors to the argument(s). There is almost always
// multiple arguments for the cases below, but when there might be one,
// check the unaryArg first.
const TIntermSequence* argp = nullptr; // confusing to use [] syntax on a pointer, so this is to help get a reference
const TIntermTyped* unaryArg = nullptr;
const TIntermTyped* arg0 = nullptr;
if (callNode.getAsAggregate()) {
argp = &callNode.getAsAggregate()->getSequence();
if (argp->size() > 0)
arg0 = (*argp)[0]->getAsTyped();
} else {
unaryArg = callNode.getAsUnaryNode()->getOperand();
arg0 = unaryArg;
TString featureString;
const char* feature = nullptr;
switch (callNode.getOp()) {
case EOpTextureGather:
case EOpTextureGatherOffset:
case EOpTextureGatherOffsets:
// Figure out which variants are allowed by what extensions,
// and what arguments must be constant for which situations.
featureString = fnCandidate.getName();
featureString += "(...)";
feature = featureString.c_str();
profileRequires(loc, EEsProfile, 310, nullptr, feature);
int compArg = -1; // track which argument, if any, is the constant component argument
switch (callNode.getOp()) {
case EOpTextureGather:
// More than two arguments needs gpu_shader5, and rectangular or shadow needs gpu_shader5,
// otherwise, need GL_ARB_texture_gather.
if (fnCandidate.getParamCount() > 2 || fnCandidate[0].type->getSampler().dim == EsdRect || fnCandidate[0].type->getSampler().shadow) {
profileRequires(loc, ~EEsProfile, 400, E_GL_ARB_gpu_shader5, feature);
if (! fnCandidate[0].type->getSampler().shadow)
compArg = 2;
} else
profileRequires(loc, ~EEsProfile, 400, E_GL_ARB_texture_gather, feature);
case EOpTextureGatherOffset:
// GL_ARB_texture_gather is good enough for 2D non-shadow textures with no component argument
if (fnCandidate[0].type->getSampler().dim == Esd2D && ! fnCandidate[0].type->getSampler().shadow && fnCandidate.getParamCount() == 3)
profileRequires(loc, ~EEsProfile, 400, E_GL_ARB_texture_gather, feature);
profileRequires(loc, ~EEsProfile, 400, E_GL_ARB_gpu_shader5, feature);
if (! (*argp)[fnCandidate[0].type->getSampler().shadow ? 3 : 2]->getAsConstantUnion())
profileRequires(loc, EEsProfile, 320, Num_AEP_gpu_shader5, AEP_gpu_shader5,
"non-constant offset argument");
if (! fnCandidate[0].type->getSampler().shadow)
compArg = 3;
case EOpTextureGatherOffsets:
profileRequires(loc, ~EEsProfile, 400, E_GL_ARB_gpu_shader5, feature);
if (! fnCandidate[0].type->getSampler().shadow)
compArg = 3;
// check for constant offsets
if (! (*argp)[fnCandidate[0].type->getSampler().shadow ? 3 : 2]->getAsConstantUnion())
error(loc, "must be a compile-time constant:", feature, "offsets argument");
if (compArg > 0 && compArg < fnCandidate.getParamCount()) {
if ((*argp)[compArg]->getAsConstantUnion()) {
int value = (*argp)[compArg]->getAsConstantUnion()->getConstArray()[0].getIConst();
if (value < 0 || value > 3)
error(loc, "must be 0, 1, 2, or 3:", feature, "component argument");
} else
error(loc, "must be a compile-time constant:", feature, "component argument");
bool bias = false;
if (callNode.getOp() == EOpTextureGather)
bias = fnCandidate.getParamCount() > 3;
else if (callNode.getOp() == EOpTextureGatherOffset ||
callNode.getOp() == EOpTextureGatherOffsets)
bias = fnCandidate.getParamCount() > 4;
if (bias) {
featureString = fnCandidate.getName();
featureString += "with bias argument";
feature = featureString.c_str();
profileRequires(loc, ~EEsProfile, 450, nullptr, feature);
requireExtensions(loc, 1, &E_GL_AMD_texture_gather_bias_lod, feature);
case EOpSparseTextureGather:
case EOpSparseTextureGatherOffset:
case EOpSparseTextureGatherOffsets:
bool bias = false;
if (callNode.getOp() == EOpSparseTextureGather)
bias = fnCandidate.getParamCount() > 4;
else if (callNode.getOp() == EOpSparseTextureGatherOffset ||
callNode.getOp() == EOpSparseTextureGatherOffsets)
bias = fnCandidate.getParamCount() > 5;
if (bias) {
featureString = fnCandidate.getName();
featureString += "with bias argument";
feature = featureString.c_str();
profileRequires(loc, ~EEsProfile, 450, nullptr, feature);
requireExtensions(loc, 1, &E_GL_AMD_texture_gather_bias_lod, feature);
case EOpSparseTextureGatherLod:
case EOpSparseTextureGatherLodOffset:
case EOpSparseTextureGatherLodOffsets:
requireExtensions(loc, 1, &E_GL_ARB_sparse_texture2, fnCandidate.getName().c_str());
case EOpSwizzleInvocations:
if (! (*argp)[1]->getAsConstantUnion())
error(loc, "argument must be compile-time constant", "offset", "");
else {
unsigned offset[4] = {};
offset[0] = (*argp)[1]->getAsConstantUnion()->getConstArray()[0].getUConst();
offset[1] = (*argp)[1]->getAsConstantUnion()->getConstArray()[1].getUConst();
offset[2] = (*argp)[1]->getAsConstantUnion()->getConstArray()[2].getUConst();
offset[3] = (*argp)[1]->getAsConstantUnion()->getConstArray()[3].getUConst();
if (offset[0] > 3 || offset[1] > 3 || offset[2] > 3 || offset[3] > 3)
error(loc, "components must be in the range [0, 3]", "offset", "");
case EOpSwizzleInvocationsMasked:
if (! (*argp)[1]->getAsConstantUnion())
error(loc, "argument must be compile-time constant", "mask", "");
else {
unsigned mask[3] = {};
mask[0] = (*argp)[1]->getAsConstantUnion()->getConstArray()[0].getUConst();
mask[1] = (*argp)[1]->getAsConstantUnion()->getConstArray()[1].getUConst();
mask[2] = (*argp)[1]->getAsConstantUnion()->getConstArray()[2].getUConst();
if (mask[0] > 31 || mask[1] > 31 || mask[2] > 31)
error(loc, "components must be in the range [0, 31]", "mask", "");
case EOpTextureOffset:
case EOpTextureFetchOffset:
case EOpTextureProjOffset:
case EOpTextureLodOffset:
case EOpTextureProjLodOffset:
case EOpTextureGradOffset:
case EOpTextureProjGradOffset:
// Handle texture-offset limits checking
// Pick which argument has to hold constant offsets
int arg = -1;
switch (callNode.getOp()) {
case EOpTextureOffset: arg = 2; break;
case EOpTextureFetchOffset: arg = (arg0->getType().getSampler().isRect()) ? 2 : 3; break;
case EOpTextureProjOffset: arg = 2; break;
case EOpTextureLodOffset: arg = 3; break;
case EOpTextureProjLodOffset: arg = 3; break;
case EOpTextureGradOffset: arg = 4; break;
case EOpTextureProjGradOffset: arg = 4; break;
if (arg > 0) {
bool f16ShadowCompare = (*argp)[1]->getAsTyped()->getBasicType() == EbtFloat16 && arg0->getType().getSampler().shadow;
if (f16ShadowCompare)
if (! (*argp)[arg]->getAsConstantUnion())
error(loc, "argument must be compile-time constant", "texel offset", "");
else {
const TType& type = (*argp)[arg]->getAsTyped()->getType();
for (int c = 0; c < type.getVectorSize(); ++c) {
int offset = (*argp)[arg]->getAsConstantUnion()->getConstArray()[c].getIConst();
if (offset > resources.maxProgramTexelOffset || offset < resources.minProgramTexelOffset)
error(loc, "value is out of range:", "texel offset", "[gl_MinProgramTexelOffset, gl_MaxProgramTexelOffset]");
case EOpTraceNV:
if (!(*argp)[10]->getAsConstantUnion())
error(loc, "argument must be compile-time constant", "payload number", "");
case EOpExecuteCallableNV:
if (!(*argp)[1]->getAsConstantUnion())
error(loc, "argument must be compile-time constant", "callable data number", "");
case EOpTextureQuerySamples:
case EOpImageQuerySamples:
// GL_ARB_shader_texture_image_samples
profileRequires(loc, ~EEsProfile, 450, E_GL_ARB_shader_texture_image_samples, "textureSamples and imageSamples");
case EOpImageAtomicAdd:
case EOpImageAtomicMin:
case EOpImageAtomicMax:
case EOpImageAtomicAnd:
case EOpImageAtomicOr:
case EOpImageAtomicXor:
case EOpImageAtomicExchange:
case EOpImageAtomicCompSwap:
case EOpImageAtomicLoad:
case EOpImageAtomicStore:
// Make sure the image types have the correct layout() format and correct argument types
const TType& imageType = arg0->getType();
if (imageType.getSampler().type == EbtInt || imageType.getSampler().type == EbtUint) {
if (imageType.getQualifier().getFormat() != ElfR32i && imageType.getQualifier().getFormat() != ElfR32ui)
error(loc, "only supported on image with format r32i or r32ui", fnCandidate.getName().c_str(), "");
} else {
if (fnCandidate.getName().compare(0, 19, "imageAtomicExchange") != 0)
error(loc, "only supported on integer images", fnCandidate.getName().c_str(), "");
else if (imageType.getQualifier().getFormat() != ElfR32f && isEsProfile())
error(loc, "only supported on image with format r32f", fnCandidate.getName().c_str(), "");
const size_t maxArgs = imageType.getSampler().isMultiSample() ? 5 : 4;
if (argp->size() > maxArgs) {
requireExtensions(loc, 1, &E_GL_KHR_memory_scope_semantics, fnCandidate.getName().c_str());
memorySemanticsCheck(loc, fnCandidate, callNode);
case EOpAtomicAdd:
case EOpAtomicMin:
case EOpAtomicMax:
case EOpAtomicAnd:
case EOpAtomicOr:
case EOpAtomicXor:
case EOpAtomicExchange:
case EOpAtomicCompSwap:
case EOpAtomicLoad:
case EOpAtomicStore:
if (argp->size() > 3) {
requireExtensions(loc, 1, &E_GL_KHR_memory_scope_semantics, fnCandidate.getName().c_str());
memorySemanticsCheck(loc, fnCandidate, callNode);
} else if (arg0->getType().getBasicType() == EbtInt64 || arg0->getType().getBasicType() == EbtUint64) {
const char* const extensions[2] = { E_GL_NV_shader_atomic_int64,
E_GL_EXT_shader_atomic_int64 };
requireExtensions(loc, 2, extensions, fnCandidate.getName().c_str());
case EOpInterpolateAtCentroid:
case EOpInterpolateAtSample:
case EOpInterpolateAtOffset:
case EOpInterpolateAtVertex:
// Make sure the first argument is an interpolant, or an array element of an interpolant
if (arg0->getType().getQualifier().storage != EvqVaryingIn) {
// It might still be an array element.
// We could check more, but the semantics of the first argument are already met; the
// only way to turn an array into a float/vec* is array dereference and swizzle.
// ES and desktop 4.3 and earlier: swizzles may not be used
// desktop 4.4 and later: swizzles may be used
bool swizzleOkay = (!isEsProfile()) && (version >= 440);
const TIntermTyped* base = TIntermediate::findLValueBase(arg0, swizzleOkay);
if (base == nullptr || base->getType().getQualifier().storage != EvqVaryingIn)
error(loc, "first argument must be an interpolant, or interpolant-array element", fnCandidate.getName().c_str(), "");
if (callNode.getOp() == EOpInterpolateAtVertex) {
if (!arg0->getType().getQualifier().isExplicitInterpolation())
error(loc, "argument must be qualified as __explicitInterpAMD in", "interpolant", "");
else {
if (! (*argp)[1]->getAsConstantUnion())
error(loc, "argument must be compile-time constant", "vertex index", "");
else {
unsigned vertexIdx = (*argp)[1]->getAsConstantUnion()->getConstArray()[0].getUConst();
if (vertexIdx > 2)
error(loc, "must be in the range [0, 2]", "vertex index", "");
case EOpEmitStreamVertex:
case EOpEndStreamPrimitive:
case EOpSubgroupClusteredAdd:
case EOpSubgroupClusteredMul:
case EOpSubgroupClusteredMin:
case EOpSubgroupClusteredMax:
case EOpSubgroupClusteredAnd:
case EOpSubgroupClusteredOr:
case EOpSubgroupClusteredXor:
// The <clusterSize> as used in the subgroupClustered<op>() operations must be:
// - An integral constant expression.
// - At least 1.
// - A power of 2.
if ((*argp)[1]->getAsConstantUnion() == nullptr)
error(loc, "argument must be compile-time constant", "cluster size", "");
else {
int size = (*argp)[1]->getAsConstantUnion()->getConstArray()[0].getIConst();
if (size < 1)
error(loc, "argument must be at least 1", "cluster size", "");
else if (!IsPow2(size))
error(loc, "argument must be a power of 2", "cluster size", "");
case EOpSubgroupBroadcast:
if (spvVersion.spv < EShTargetSpv_1_5) {
// <id> must be an integral constant expression.
if ((*argp)[1]->getAsConstantUnion() == nullptr)
error(loc, "argument must be compile-time constant", "id", "");
case EOpBarrier:
case EOpMemoryBarrier:
if (argp->size() > 0) {
requireExtensions(loc, 1, &E_GL_KHR_memory_scope_semantics, fnCandidate.getName().c_str());
memorySemanticsCheck(loc, fnCandidate, callNode);
// Texture operations on texture objects (aside from texelFetch on a
// textureBuffer) require EXT_samplerless_texture_functions.
switch (callNode.getOp()) {
case EOpTextureQuerySize:
case EOpTextureQueryLevels:
case EOpTextureQuerySamples:
case EOpTextureFetch:
case EOpTextureFetchOffset:
const TSampler& sampler = fnCandidate[0].type->getSampler();
const bool isTexture = sampler.isTexture() && !sampler.isCombined();
const bool isBuffer = sampler.isBuffer();
const bool isFetch = callNode.getOp() == EOpTextureFetch || callNode.getOp() == EOpTextureFetchOffset;
if (isTexture && (!isBuffer || !isFetch))
requireExtensions(loc, 1, &E_GL_EXT_samplerless_texture_functions, fnCandidate.getName().c_str());
if (callNode.getOp() > EOpSubgroupGuardStart && callNode.getOp() < EOpSubgroupGuardStop) {
// these require SPIR-V 1.3
if (spvVersion.spv > 0 && spvVersion.spv < EShTargetSpv_1_3)
error(loc, "requires SPIR-V 1.3", "subgroup op", "");
// Check that if extended types are being used that the correct extensions are enabled.
if (arg0 != nullptr) {
const TType& type = arg0->getType();
switch (type.getBasicType()) {
case EbtInt8:
case EbtUint8:
requireExtensions(loc, 1, &E_GL_EXT_shader_subgroup_extended_types_int8, type.getCompleteString().c_str());
case EbtInt16:
case EbtUint16:
requireExtensions(loc, 1, &E_GL_EXT_shader_subgroup_extended_types_int16, type.getCompleteString().c_str());
case EbtInt64:
case EbtUint64:
requireExtensions(loc, 1, &E_GL_EXT_shader_subgroup_extended_types_int64, type.getCompleteString().c_str());
case EbtFloat16:
requireExtensions(loc, 1, &E_GL_EXT_shader_subgroup_extended_types_float16, type.getCompleteString().c_str());
extern bool PureOperatorBuiltins;
// Deprecated! Use PureOperatorBuiltins == true instead, in which case this
// functionality is handled in builtInOpCheck() instead of here.
// Do additional checking of built-in function calls that were not mapped
// to built-in operations (e.g., texturing functions).
// Assumes there has been a semantically correct match to a built-in function.
void TParseContext::nonOpBuiltInCheck(const TSourceLoc& loc, const TFunction& fnCandidate, TIntermAggregate& callNode)
// Further maintenance of this function is deprecated, because the "correct"
// future-oriented design is to not have to do string compares on function names.
// If PureOperatorBuiltins == true, then all built-ins should be mapped
// to a TOperator, and this function would then never get called.
assert(PureOperatorBuiltins == false);
// built-in texturing functions get their return value precision from the precision of the sampler
if (fnCandidate.getType().getQualifier().precision == EpqNone &&
fnCandidate.getParamCount() > 0 && fnCandidate[0].type->getBasicType() == EbtSampler)
callNode.getQualifier().precision = callNode.getSequence()[0]->getAsTyped()->getQualifier().precision;
if (fnCandidate.getName().compare(0, 7, "texture") == 0) {
if (fnCandidate.getName().compare(0, 13, "textureGather") == 0) {
TString featureString = fnCandidate.getName() + "(...)";
const char* feature = featureString.c_str();
profileRequires(loc, EEsProfile, 310, nullptr, feature);
int compArg = -1; // track which argument, if any, is the constant component argument
if (fnCandidate.getName().compare("textureGatherOffset") == 0) {
// GL_ARB_texture_gather is good enough for 2D non-shadow textures with no component argument
if (fnCandidate[0].type->getSampler().dim == Esd2D && ! fnCandidate[0].type->getSampler().shadow && fnCandidate.getParamCount() == 3)
profileRequires(loc, ~EEsProfile, 400, E_GL_ARB_texture_gather, feature);
profileRequires(loc, ~EEsProfile, 400, E_GL_ARB_gpu_shader5, feature);
int offsetArg = fnCandidate[0].type->getSampler().shadow ? 3 : 2;
if (! callNode.getSequence()[offsetArg]->getAsConstantUnion())
profileRequires(loc, EEsProfile, 320, Num_AEP_gpu_shader5, AEP_gpu_shader5,
"non-constant offset argument");
if (! fnCandidate[0].type->getSampler().shadow)
compArg = 3;
} else if (fnCandidate.getName().compare("textureGatherOffsets") == 0) {
profileRequires(loc, ~EEsProfile, 400, E_GL_ARB_gpu_shader5, feature);
if (! fnCandidate[0].type->getSampler().shadow)
compArg = 3;
// check for constant offsets
int offsetArg = fnCandidate[0].type->getSampler().shadow ? 3 : 2;
if (! callNode.getSequence()[offsetArg]->getAsConstantUnion())
error(loc, "must be a compile-time constant:", feature, "offsets argument");
} else if (fnCandidate.getName().compare("textureGather") == 0) {
// More than two arguments needs gpu_shader5, and rectangular or shadow needs gpu_shader5,
// otherwise, need GL_ARB_texture_gather.
if (fnCandidate.getParamCount() > 2 || fnCandidate[0].type->getSampler().dim == EsdRect || fnCandidate[0].type->getSampler().shadow) {
profileRequires(loc, ~EEsProfile, 400, E_GL_ARB_gpu_shader5, feature);
if (! fnCandidate[0].type->getSampler().shadow)
compArg = 2;
} else
profileRequires(loc, ~EEsProfile, 400, E_GL_ARB_texture_gather, feature);
if (compArg > 0 && compArg < fnCandidate.getParamCount()) {
if (callNode.getSequence()[compArg]->getAsConstantUnion()) {
int value = callNode.getSequence()[compArg]->getAsConstantUnion()->getConstArray()[0].getIConst();
if (value < 0 || value > 3)
error(loc, "must be 0, 1, 2, or 3:", feature, "component argument");
} else
error(loc, "must be a compile-time constant:", feature, "component argument");
} else {
// this is only for functions not starting "textureGather"...
if (fnCandidate.getName().find("Offset") != TString::npos) {
// Handle texture-offset limits checking
int arg = -1;
if (fnCandidate.getName().compare("textureOffset") == 0)
arg = 2;
else if (fnCandidate.getName().compare("texelFetchOffset") == 0)
arg = 3;
else if (fnCandidate.getName().compare("textureProjOffset") == 0)
arg = 2;
else if (fnCandidate.getName().compare("textureLodOffset") == 0)
arg = 3;
else if (fnCandidate.getName().compare("textureProjLodOffset") == 0)
arg = 3;
else if (fnCandidate.getName().compare("textureGradOffset") == 0)
arg = 4;
else if (fnCandidate.getName().compare("textureProjGradOffset") == 0)
arg = 4;
if (arg > 0) {
if (! callNode.getSequence()[arg]->getAsConstantUnion())
error(loc, "argument must be compile-time constant", "texel offset", "");
else {
const TType& type = callNode.getSequence()[arg]->getAsTyped()->getType();
for (int c = 0; c < type.getVectorSize(); ++c) {
int offset = callNode.getSequence()[arg]->getAsConstantUnion()->getConstArray()[c].getIConst();
if (offset > resources.maxProgramTexelOffset || offset < resources.minProgramTexelOffset)
error(loc, "value is out of range:", "texel offset", "[gl_MinProgramTexelOffset, gl_MaxProgramTexelOffset]");
// GL_ARB_shader_texture_image_samples
if (fnCandidate.getName().compare(0, 14, "textureSamples") == 0 || fnCandidate.getName().compare(0, 12, "imageSamples") == 0)
profileRequires(loc, ~EEsProfile, 450, E_GL_ARB_shader_texture_image_samples, "textureSamples and imageSamples");
if (fnCandidate.getName().compare(0, 11, "imageAtomic") == 0) {
const TType& imageType = callNode.getSequence()[0]->getAsTyped()->getType();
if (imageType.getSampler().type == EbtInt || imageType.getSampler().type == EbtUint) {
if (imageType.getQualifier().getFormat() != ElfR32i && imageType.getQualifier().getFormat() != ElfR32ui)
error(loc, "only supported on image with format r32i or r32ui", fnCandidate.getName().c_str(), "");
} else {
if (fnCandidate.getName().compare(0, 19, "imageAtomicExchange") != 0)
error(loc, "only supported on integer images", fnCandidate.getName().c_str(), "");
else if (imageType.getQualifier().getFormat() != ElfR32f && isEsProfile())
error(loc, "only supported on image with format r32f", fnCandidate.getName().c_str(), "");
// Do any extra checking for a user function call.
void TParseContext::userFunctionCallCheck(const TSourceLoc& loc, TIntermAggregate& callNode)
TIntermSequence& arguments = callNode.getSequence();
for (int i = 0; i < (int)arguments.size(); ++i)
samplerConstructorLocationCheck(loc, "call argument", arguments[i]);
// Emit an error if this is a sampler constructor
void TParseContext::samplerConstructorLocationCheck(const TSourceLoc& loc, const char* token, TIntermNode* node)
if (node->getAsOperator() && node->getAsOperator()->getOp() == EOpConstructTextureSampler)
error(loc, "sampler constructor must appear at point of use", token, "");
// Handle seeing a built-in constructor in a grammar production.
TFunction* TParseContext::handleConstructorCall(const TSourceLoc& loc, const TPublicType& publicType)
TType type(publicType);
type.getQualifier().precision = EpqNone;
if (type.isArray()) {
profileRequires(loc, ENoProfile, 120, E_GL_3DL_array_objects, "arrayed constructor");
profileRequires(loc, EEsProfile, 300, nullptr, "arrayed constructor");
TOperator op = intermediate.mapTypeToConstructorOp(type);
if (op == EOpNull) {
error(loc, "cannot construct this type", type.getBasicString(), "");
op = EOpConstructFloat;
TType errorType(EbtFloat);
TString empty("");
return new TFunction(&empty, type, op);
// Handle seeing a precision qualifier in the grammar.
void TParseContext::handlePrecisionQualifier(const TSourceLoc& /*loc*/, TQualifier& qualifier, TPrecisionQualifier precision)
if (obeyPrecisionQualifiers())
qualifier.precision = precision;
// Check for messages to give on seeing a precision qualifier used in a
// declaration in the grammar.
void TParseContext::checkPrecisionQualifier(const TSourceLoc& loc, TPrecisionQualifier)
if (precisionManager.shouldWarnAboutDefaults()) {
warn(loc, "all default precisions are highp; use precision statements to quiet warning, e.g.:\n"
" \"precision mediump int; precision highp float;\"", "", "");
// Same error message for all places assignments don't work.
void TParseContext::assignError(const TSourceLoc& loc, const char* op, TString left, TString right)
error(loc, "", op, "cannot convert from '%s' to '%s'",
right.c_str(), left.c_str());
// Same error message for all places unary operations don't work.
void TParseContext::unaryOpError(const TSourceLoc& loc, const char* op, TString operand)
error(loc, " wrong operand type", op,
"no operation '%s' exists that takes an operand of type %s (or there is no acceptable conversion)",
op, operand.c_str());
// Same error message for all binary operations don't work.
void TParseContext::binaryOpError(const TSourceLoc& loc, const char* op, TString left, TString right)
error(loc, " wrong operand types:", op,
"no operation '%s' exists that takes a left-hand operand of type '%s' and "
"a right operand of type '%s' (or there is no acceptable conversion)",
op, left.c_str(), right.c_str());
// A basic type of EbtVoid is a key that the name string was seen in the source, but
// it was not found as a variable in the symbol table. If so, give the error
// message and insert a dummy variable in the symbol table to prevent future errors.
void TParseContext::variableCheck(TIntermTyped*& nodePtr)
TIntermSymbol* symbol = nodePtr->getAsSymbolNode();
if (! symbol)
if (symbol->getType().getBasicType() == EbtVoid) {
const char *extraInfoFormat = "";
if (spvVersion.vulkan != 0 && symbol->getName() == "gl_VertexID") {
extraInfoFormat = "(Did you mean gl_VertexIndex?)";
} else if (spvVersion.vulkan != 0 && symbol->getName() == "gl_InstanceID") {
extraInfoFormat = "(Did you mean gl_InstanceIndex?)";
error(symbol->getLoc(), "undeclared identifier", symbol->getName().c_str(), extraInfoFormat);
// Add to symbol table to prevent future error messages on the same name
if (symbol->getName().size() > 0) {
TVariable* fakeVariable = new TVariable(&symbol->getName(), TType(EbtFloat));
// substitute a symbol node for this new variable
nodePtr = intermediate.addSymbol(*fakeVariable, symbol->getLoc());
} else {
switch (symbol->getQualifier().storage) {
case EvqPointCoord:
profileRequires(symbol->getLoc(), ENoProfile, 120, nullptr, "gl_PointCoord");
default: break; // some compilers want this
// Both test and if necessary, spit out an error, to see if the node is really
// an l-value that can be operated on this way.
// Returns true if there was an error.
bool TParseContext::lValueErrorCheck(const TSourceLoc& loc, const char* op, TIntermTyped* node)
TIntermBinary* binaryNode = node->getAsBinaryNode();
if (binaryNode) {
bool errorReturn = false;
switch(binaryNode->getOp()) {
case EOpIndexDirect:
case EOpIndexIndirect:
// ... tessellation control shader ...
// If a per-vertex output variable is used as an l-value, it is a
// compile-time or link-time error if the expression indicating the
// vertex index is not the identifier gl_InvocationID.
if (language == EShLangTessControl) {
const TType& leftType = binaryNode->getLeft()->getType();
if (leftType.getQualifier().storage == EvqVaryingOut && ! leftType.getQualifier().patch && binaryNode->getLeft()->getAsSymbolNode()) {
// we have a per-vertex output
const TIntermSymbol* rightSymbol = binaryNode->getRight()->getAsSymbolNode();
if (! rightSymbol || rightSymbol->getQualifier().builtIn != EbvInvocationId)
error(loc, "tessellation-control per-vertex output l-value must be indexed with gl_InvocationID", "[]", "");
break; // left node is checked by base class
case EOpVectorSwizzle:
errorReturn = lValueErrorCheck(loc, op, binaryNode->getLeft());
if (!errorReturn)