blob: 4396dff3ad969d821a072b9988d7ac03a653389d [file] [log] [blame]
Warning, version 310 is not yet complete; most version-specific features are present, but some are missing.
Linked compute stage:
TBD functionality: Is atomic_uint an opaque handle in the uniform storage class, or an addresses in the atomic storage class?
// Module Version 99
// Generated by (magic number): 51a00bb
// Id's are bound by 77
Source ESSL 310
Capability Shader
1: ExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
MemoryModel Logical GLSL450
EntryPoint GLCompute 4 "main"
Name 4 "main"
Name 11 "func(au1;"
Name 10 "c"
Name 13 "atoms("
Name 23 "counter"
Name 24 "param"
Name 27 "val"
Name 31 "countArr"
Name 41 "origi"
Name 43 "atomi"
Name 47 "origu"
Name 49 "atomu"
Name 51 "value"
Name 74 "arrX"
Name 75 "arrY"
Name 76 "arrZ"
Decorate 23(counter) Binding 0
Decorate 31(countArr) Binding 0
Decorate 74(arrX) NoStaticUse
Decorate 75(arrY) NoStaticUse
Decorate 76(arrZ) NoStaticUse
2: TypeVoid
3: TypeFunction 2
7: TypeInt 32 0
8: TypePointer Function 7(int)
9: TypeFunction 7(int) 8(ptr)
16: 7(int) Constant 1
17: 7(int) Constant 0
21: 7(int) Constant 256
22: TypePointer UniformConstant 7(int)
23(counter): 22(ptr) Variable UniformConstant
28: 7(int) Constant 4
29: TypeArray 7(int) 28
30: TypePointer UniformConstant 29
31(countArr): 30(ptr) Variable UniformConstant
32: TypeInt 32 1
33: 32(int) Constant 2
40: TypePointer Function 32(int)
42: TypePointer WorkgroupLocal 32(int)
43(atomi): 42(ptr) Variable WorkgroupLocal
45: 32(int) Constant 3
48: TypePointer WorkgroupLocal 7(int)
49(atomu): 48(ptr) Variable WorkgroupLocal
51(value): 22(ptr) Variable UniformConstant
55: 7(int) Constant 7
63: 32(int) Constant 7
69: 7(int) Constant 10
72: TypeArray 32(int) 16
73: TypePointer PrivateGlobal 72
74(arrX): 73(ptr) Variable PrivateGlobal
75(arrY): 73(ptr) Variable PrivateGlobal
76(arrZ): 73(ptr) Variable PrivateGlobal
4(main): 2 Function None 3
5: Label
24(param): 8(ptr) Variable Function
27(val): 8(ptr) Variable Function
MemoryBarrier 16 21
25: 7(int) Load 23(counter)
Store 24(param) 25
26: 7(int) FunctionCall 11(func(au1;) 24(param)
34: 22(ptr) AccessChain 31(countArr) 33
35: 7(int) Load 34
36: 7(int) AtomicLoad 35 16 17
37: 7(int) Load 34
Store 27(val) 37
38: 7(int) Load 23(counter)
39: 7(int) AtomicIDecrement 38 16 17
Branch 6
6: Label
11(func(au1;): 7(int) Function None 9
10(c): 8(ptr) FunctionParameter
12: Label
15: 7(int) Load 10(c)
18: 7(int) AtomicIIncrement 15 16 17
19: 7(int) Load 10(c)
ReturnValue 19
13(atoms(): 2 Function None 3
14: Label
41(origi): 40(ptr) Variable Function
47(origu): 8(ptr) Variable Function
44: 32(int) Load 43(atomi)
46: 32(int) AtomicIAdd 44 16 17 45
Store 41(origi) 46
50: 7(int) Load 49(atomu)
52: 7(int) Load 51(value)
53: 7(int) AtomicAnd 50 16 17 52
Store 47(origu) 53
54: 7(int) Load 49(atomu)
56: 7(int) AtomicOr 54 16 17 55
Store 47(origu) 56
57: 7(int) Load 49(atomu)
58: 7(int) AtomicXor 57 16 17 55
Store 47(origu) 58
59: 7(int) Load 49(atomu)
60: 7(int) Load 51(value)
61: 7(int) AtomicSMin 59 16 17 60
Store 47(origu) 61
62: 32(int) Load 43(atomi)
64: 32(int) AtomicSMax 62 16 17 63
Store 41(origi) 64
65: 32(int) Load 43(atomi)
66: 32(int) Load 41(origi)
67: 32(int) AtomicExchange 65 16 17 66
Store 41(origi) 67
68: 7(int) Load 49(atomu)
70: 7(int) Load 51(value)
71: 7(int) AtomicCompareExchange 68 16 17 69 70
Store 47(origu) 71