blob: acde7db912f9be6af53effa4709c7e93e6f4e10e [file] [log] [blame]
Shader version: 320
Requested GL_KHR_shader_subgroup_basic
input primitive = isolines
vertex spacing = none
triangle order = none
0:? Sequence
0:9 Function Definition: main( ( global void)
0:9 Function Parameters:
0:11 Sequence
0:11 move second child to first child ( temp highp 4-component vector of uint)
0:11 indirect index (layout( column_major std430 offset=0) temp highp 4-component vector of uint)
0:11 result: direct index for structure (layout( column_major std430 offset=0) buffer runtime-sized array of highp 4-component vector of uint)
0:11 'anon@0' (layout( set=0 binding=0 column_major std430) buffer block{layout( column_major std430 offset=0) buffer runtime-sized array of highp 4-component vector of uint result})
0:11 Constant:
0:11 0 (const uint)
0:11 'gl_PrimitiveID' ( in highp int PrimitiveID)
0:11 Construct uvec4 ( temp highp 4-component vector of uint)
0:11 'gl_SubgroupSize' ( in mediump uint unknown built-in variable)
0:11 'gl_SubgroupInvocationID' ( in mediump uint unknown built-in variable)
0:11 Constant:
0:11 0 (const uint)
0:11 Constant:
0:11 0 (const uint)
0:? Linker Objects
0:? 'anon@0' (layout( set=0 binding=0 column_major std430) buffer block{layout( column_major std430 offset=0) buffer runtime-sized array of highp 4-component vector of uint result})
Linked tessellation evaluation stage:
Shader version: 320
Requested GL_KHR_shader_subgroup_basic
input primitive = isolines
vertex spacing = equal_spacing
triangle order = ccw
0:? Sequence
0:9 Function Definition: main( ( global void)
0:9 Function Parameters:
0:11 Sequence
0:11 move second child to first child ( temp highp 4-component vector of uint)
0:11 indirect index (layout( column_major std430 offset=0) temp highp 4-component vector of uint)
0:11 result: direct index for structure (layout( column_major std430 offset=0) buffer runtime-sized array of highp 4-component vector of uint)
0:11 'anon@0' (layout( set=0 binding=0 column_major std430) buffer block{layout( column_major std430 offset=0) buffer runtime-sized array of highp 4-component vector of uint result})
0:11 Constant:
0:11 0 (const uint)
0:11 'gl_PrimitiveID' ( in highp int PrimitiveID)
0:11 Construct uvec4 ( temp highp 4-component vector of uint)
0:11 'gl_SubgroupSize' ( in mediump uint unknown built-in variable)
0:11 'gl_SubgroupInvocationID' ( in mediump uint unknown built-in variable)
0:11 Constant:
0:11 0 (const uint)
0:11 Constant:
0:11 0 (const uint)
0:? Linker Objects
0:? 'anon@0' (layout( set=0 binding=0 column_major std430) buffer block{layout( column_major std430 offset=0) buffer runtime-sized array of highp 4-component vector of uint result})