blob: 833212aa8afa043a17efc2d01a5f50dcbe1aea37 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 1999, 2007 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Author: Ray Sidney and many others
// Broken out from by Soren Lassen
// covers the functionality herein
#include "utilities.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <cstdio>
#include <string>
#include "base/commandlineflags.h"
#include "glog/logging.h"
#include "glog/raw_logging.h"
#include "base/googleinit.h"
// glog doesn't have annotation
#define ANNOTATE_BENIGN_RACE(address, description)
using std::string;
DEFINE_int32(v, 0, "Show all VLOG(m) messages for m <= this."
" Overridable by --vmodule.");
DEFINE_string(vmodule, "", "per-module verbose level."
" Argument is a comma-separated list of <module name>=<log level>."
" <module name> is a glob pattern, matched against the filename base"
" (that is, name ignoring .cc/.h./-inl.h)."
" <log level> overrides any value given by --v.");
namespace glog_internal_namespace_ {
// Implementation of fnmatch that does not need 0-termination
// of arguments and does not allocate any memory,
// but we only support "*" and "?" wildcards, not the "[...]" patterns.
// It's not a static function for the unittest.
GOOGLE_GLOG_DLL_DECL bool SafeFNMatch_(const char* pattern,
size_t patt_len,
const char* str,
size_t str_len) {
int p = 0;
int s = 0;
while (1) {
if (p == patt_len && s == str_len) return true;
if (p == patt_len) return false;
if (s == str_len) return p+1 == patt_len && pattern[p] == '*';
if (pattern[p] == str[s] || pattern[p] == '?') {
p += 1;
s += 1;
if (pattern[p] == '*') {
if (p+1 == patt_len) return true;
do {
if (SafeFNMatch_(pattern+(p+1), patt_len-(p+1), str+s, str_len-s)) {
return true;
s += 1;
} while (s != str_len);
return false;
return false;
} // namespace glog_internal_namespace_
using glog_internal_namespace_::SafeFNMatch_;
int32 kLogSiteUninitialized = 1000;
// List of per-module log levels from FLAGS_vmodule.
// Once created each element is never deleted/modified
// except for the vlog_level: other threads will read VModuleInfo blobs
// w/o locks and we'll store pointers to vlog_level at VLOG locations
// that will never go away.
// We can't use an STL struct here as we wouldn't know
// when it's safe to delete/update it: other threads need to use it w/o locks.
struct VModuleInfo {
string module_pattern;
mutable int32 vlog_level; // Conceptually this is an AtomicWord, but it's
// too much work to use AtomicWord type here
// w/o much actual benefit.
const VModuleInfo* next;
// This protects the following global variables.
static Mutex vmodule_lock;
// Pointer to head of the VModuleInfo list.
// It's a map from module pattern to logging level for those module(s).
static VModuleInfo* vmodule_list = 0;
// Boolean initialization flag.
static bool inited_vmodule = false;
// L >= vmodule_lock.
static void VLOG2Initializer() {
// Can now parse --vmodule flag and initialize mapping of module-specific
// logging levels.
inited_vmodule = false;
const char* vmodule = FLAGS_vmodule.c_str();
const char* sep;
VModuleInfo* head = NULL;
VModuleInfo* tail = NULL;
while ((sep = strchr(vmodule, '=')) != NULL) {
string pattern(vmodule, sep - vmodule);
int module_level;
if (sscanf(sep, "=%d", &module_level) == 1) {
VModuleInfo* info = new VModuleInfo;
info->module_pattern = pattern;
info->vlog_level = module_level;
if (head) tail->next = info;
else head = info;
tail = info;
// Skip past this entry
vmodule = strchr(sep, ',');
if (vmodule == NULL) break;
vmodule++; // Skip past ","
if (head) { // Put them into the list at the head:
tail->next = vmodule_list;
vmodule_list = head;
inited_vmodule = true;
// This can be called very early, so we use SpinLock and RAW_VLOG here.
int SetVLOGLevel(const char* module_pattern, int log_level) {
int result = FLAGS_v;
int const pattern_len = strlen(module_pattern);
bool found = false;
MutexLock l(&vmodule_lock); // protect whole read-modify-write
for (const VModuleInfo* info = vmodule_list;
info != NULL; info = info->next) {
if (info->module_pattern == module_pattern) {
if (!found) {
result = info->vlog_level;
found = true;
info->vlog_level = log_level;
} else if (!found &&
module_pattern, pattern_len)) {
result = info->vlog_level;
found = true;
if (!found) {
VModuleInfo* info = new VModuleInfo;
info->module_pattern = module_pattern;
info->vlog_level = log_level;
info->next = vmodule_list;
vmodule_list = info;
RAW_VLOG(1, "Set VLOG level for \"%s\" to %d", module_pattern, log_level);
return result;
// NOTE: Individual VLOG statements cache the integer log level pointers.
// NOTE: This function must not allocate memory or require any locks.
bool InitVLOG3__(int32** site_flag, int32* site_default,
const char* fname, int32 verbose_level) {
MutexLock l(&vmodule_lock);
bool read_vmodule_flag = inited_vmodule;
if (!read_vmodule_flag) {
// protect the errno global in case someone writes:
// VLOG(..) << "The last error was " << strerror(errno)
int old_errno = errno;
// site_default normally points to FLAGS_v
int32* site_flag_value = site_default;
// Get basename for file
const char* base = strrchr(fname, '/');
base = base ? (base+1) : fname;
const char* base_end = strchr(base, '.');
size_t base_length = base_end ? (base_end - base) : strlen(base);
// Trim out trailing "-inl" if any
if (base_length >= 4 && (memcmp(base+base_length-4, "-inl", 4) == 0)) {
base_length -= 4;
// TODO: Trim out _unittest suffix? Perhaps it is better to have
// the extra control and just leave it there.
// find target in vector of modules, replace site_flag_value with
// a module-specific verbose level, if any.
for (const VModuleInfo* info = vmodule_list;
info != NULL; info = info->next) {
if (SafeFNMatch_(info->module_pattern.c_str(), info->module_pattern.size(),
base, base_length)) {
site_flag_value = &info->vlog_level;
// value at info->vlog_level is now what controls
// the VLOG at the caller site forever
// Cache the vlog value pointer if --vmodule flag has been parsed.
"*site_flag may be written by several threads,"
" but the value will be the same");
if (read_vmodule_flag) *site_flag = site_flag_value;
// restore the errno in case something recoverable went wrong during
// the initialization of the VLOG mechanism (see above note "protect the..")
errno = old_errno;
return *site_flag_value >= verbose_level;