blob: b133f0d9d37da721625367861f563994737187e4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2006 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Author: Satoru Takabayashi
// Unit tests for functions in
#include "utilities.h"
#include <signal.h>
#include <iostream>
#include "glog/logging.h"
#include "symbolize.h"
#include "googletest.h"
#include "config.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace GOOGLE_NAMESPACE;
#if defined(HAVE_STACKTRACE) && defined(__ELF__)
#define always_inline
// This unit tests make sense only with GCC.
// Uses lots of GCC specific features.
#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__OPENCC__)
# if __GNUC__ >= 4
# if __i386__ // always_inline isn't supported for x86_64 with GCC 4.1.0.
# undef always_inline
# define always_inline __attribute__((always_inline))
# endif // __i386__
# else
# endif // __GNUC__ >= 4
# if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
# define TEST_X86_32_AND_64 1
# endif // defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
// A wrapper function for Symbolize() to make the unit test simple.
static const char *TrySymbolize(void *pc) {
static char symbol[4096];
if (Symbolize(pc, symbol, sizeof(symbol))) {
return symbol;
} else {
return NULL;
// Make them C linkage to avoid mangled names.
extern "C" {
void nonstatic_func() {
volatile int a = 0;
static void static_func() {
volatile int a = 0;
TEST(Symbolize, Symbolize) {
// We do C-style cast since GCC 2.95.3 doesn't allow
// reinterpret_cast<void *>(&func).
// Compilers should give us pointers to them.
EXPECT_STREQ("nonstatic_func", TrySymbolize((void *)(&nonstatic_func)));
EXPECT_STREQ("static_func", TrySymbolize((void *)(&static_func)));
EXPECT_TRUE(NULL == TrySymbolize(NULL));
struct Foo {
static void func(int x);
void ATTRIBUTE_NOINLINE Foo::func(int x) {
volatile int a = x;
// With a modern GCC, Symbolize() should return demangled symbol
// names. Function parameters should be omitted.
TEST(Symbolize, SymbolizeWithDemangling) {
EXPECT_STREQ("Foo::func()", TrySymbolize((void *)(&Foo::func)));
// Tests that verify that Symbolize footprint is within some limit.
// To measure the stack footprint of the Symbolize function, we create
// a signal handler (for SIGUSR1 say) that calls the Symbolize function
// on an alternate stack. This alternate stack is initialized to some
// known pattern (0x55, 0x55, 0x55, ...). We then self-send this signal,
// and after the signal handler returns, look at the alternate stack
// buffer to see what portion has been touched.
// This trick gives us the the stack footprint of the signal handler.
// But the signal handler, even before the call to Symbolize, consumes
// some stack already. We however only want the stack usage of the
// Symbolize function. To measure this accurately, we install two signal
// handlers: one that does nothing and just returns, and another that
// calls Symbolize. The difference between the stack consumption of these
// two signals handlers should give us the Symbolize stack foorprint.
static void *g_pc_to_symbolize;
static char g_symbolize_buffer[4096];
static char *g_symbolize_result;
static void EmptySignalHandler(int signo) {}
static void SymbolizeSignalHandler(int signo) {
if (Symbolize(g_pc_to_symbolize, g_symbolize_buffer,
sizeof(g_symbolize_buffer))) {
g_symbolize_result = g_symbolize_buffer;
} else {
g_symbolize_result = NULL;
const int kAlternateStackSize = 8096;
const char kAlternateStackFillValue = 0x55;
// These helper functions look at the alternate stack buffer, and figure
// out what portion of this buffer has been touched - this is the stack
// consumption of the signal handler running on this alternate stack.
static ATTRIBUTE_NOINLINE bool StackGrowsDown(int *x) {
int y;
return &y < x;
static int GetStackConsumption(const char* alt_stack) {
int x;
if (StackGrowsDown(&x)) {
for (int i = 0; i < kAlternateStackSize; i++) {
if (alt_stack[i] != kAlternateStackFillValue) {
return (kAlternateStackSize - i);
} else {
for (int i = (kAlternateStackSize - 1); i >= 0; i--) {
if (alt_stack[i] != kAlternateStackFillValue) {
return i;
return -1;
// Call Symbolize and figure out the stack footprint of this call.
static const char *SymbolizeStackConsumption(void *pc, int *stack_consumed) {
g_pc_to_symbolize = pc;
// The alt-signal-stack cannot be heap allocated because there is a
// bug in glibc-2.2 where some signal handler setup code looks at the
// current stack pointer to figure out what thread is currently running.
// Therefore, the alternate stack must be allocated from the main stack
// itself.
char altstack[kAlternateStackSize];
memset(altstack, kAlternateStackFillValue, kAlternateStackSize);
// Set up the alt-signal-stack (and save the older one).
stack_t sigstk = {}; // Zero-clear.
stack_t old_sigstk;
sigstk.ss_sp = altstack;
sigstk.ss_size = kAlternateStackSize;
sigstk.ss_flags = 0;
CHECK_ERR(sigaltstack(&sigstk, &old_sigstk));
// Set up SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2 signal handlers (and save the older ones).
struct sigaction sa = {}; // Zero-clear;
struct sigaction old_sa1, old_sa2;
sa.sa_flags = SA_ONSTACK;
// SIGUSR1 maps to EmptySignalHandler.
sa.sa_handler = EmptySignalHandler;
CHECK_ERR(sigaction(SIGUSR1, &sa, &old_sa1));
// SIGUSR2 maps to SymbolizeSignalHanlder.
sa.sa_handler = SymbolizeSignalHandler;
CHECK_ERR(sigaction(SIGUSR2, &sa, &old_sa2));
// Send SIGUSR1 signal and measure the stack consumption of the empty
// signal handler.
CHECK_ERR(kill(getpid(), SIGUSR1));
int stack_consumption1 = GetStackConsumption(altstack);
// Send SIGUSR2 signal and measure the stack consumption of the symbolize
// signal handler.
CHECK_ERR(kill(getpid(), SIGUSR2));
int stack_consumption2 = GetStackConsumption(altstack);
// The difference between the two stack consumption values is the
// stack footprint of the Symbolize function.
if (stack_consumption1 != -1 && stack_consumption2 != -1) {
*stack_consumed = stack_consumption2 - stack_consumption1;
} else {
*stack_consumed = -1;
// Log the stack consumption values.
LOG(INFO) << "Stack consumption of empty signal handler: "
<< stack_consumption1;
LOG(INFO) << "Stack consumption of symbolize signal handler: "
<< stack_consumption2;
LOG(INFO) << "Stack consumption of Symbolize: " << *stack_consumed;
// Now restore the old alt-signal-stack and signal handlers.
CHECK_ERR(sigaltstack(&old_sigstk, NULL));
CHECK_ERR(sigaction(SIGUSR1, &old_sa1, NULL));
CHECK_ERR(sigaction(SIGUSR2, &old_sa2, NULL));
return g_symbolize_result;
// Symbolize stack consumption should be within 2kB.
const int kStackConsumptionUpperLimit = 2048;
TEST(Symbolize, SymbolizeStackConsumption) {
int stack_consumed;
const char* symbol;
symbol = SymbolizeStackConsumption((void *)(&nonstatic_func),
EXPECT_STREQ("nonstatic_func", symbol);
EXPECT_GT(stack_consumed, 0);
EXPECT_LT(stack_consumed, kStackConsumptionUpperLimit);
symbol = SymbolizeStackConsumption((void *)(&static_func),
EXPECT_STREQ("static_func", symbol);
EXPECT_GT(stack_consumed, 0);
EXPECT_LT(stack_consumed, kStackConsumptionUpperLimit);
TEST(Symbolize, SymbolizeWithDemanglingStackConsumption) {
int stack_consumed;
const char* symbol;
symbol = SymbolizeStackConsumption((void *)(&Foo::func), &stack_consumed);
EXPECT_STREQ("Foo::func()", symbol);
EXPECT_GT(stack_consumed, 0);
EXPECT_LT(stack_consumed, kStackConsumptionUpperLimit);
// x86 specific tests. Uses some inline assembler.
extern "C" {
inline void* always_inline inline_func() {
register void *pc = NULL;
#ifdef TEST_X86_32_AND_64
__asm__ __volatile__("call 1f; 1: pop %0" : "=r"(pc));
return pc;
void* ATTRIBUTE_NOINLINE non_inline_func() {
register void *pc = NULL;
#ifdef TEST_X86_32_AND_64
__asm__ __volatile__("call 1f; 1: pop %0" : "=r"(pc));
return pc;
void ATTRIBUTE_NOINLINE TestWithPCInsideNonInlineFunction() {
#if defined(TEST_X86_32_AND_64) && defined(HAVE_ATTRIBUTE_NOINLINE)
void *pc = non_inline_func();
const char *symbol = TrySymbolize(pc);
CHECK(symbol != NULL);
CHECK_STREQ(symbol, "non_inline_func");
cout << "Test case TestWithPCInsideNonInlineFunction passed." << endl;
void ATTRIBUTE_NOINLINE TestWithPCInsideInlineFunction() {
#if defined(TEST_X86_32_AND_64) && defined(HAVE_ALWAYS_INLINE)
void *pc = inline_func(); // Must be inlined.
const char *symbol = TrySymbolize(pc);
CHECK(symbol != NULL);
cout << "Test case TestWithPCInsideInlineFunction passed." << endl;
// Test with a return address.
void ATTRIBUTE_NOINLINE TestWithReturnAddress() {
void *return_address = __builtin_return_address(0);
const char *symbol = TrySymbolize(return_address);
CHECK(symbol != NULL);
CHECK_STREQ(symbol, "main");
cout << "Test case TestWithReturnAddress passed." << endl;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
FLAGS_logtostderr = true;
InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
// We don't want to get affected by the callback interface, that may be
// used to install some callback function at InitGoogle() time.
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
return 0;
int main() {
printf("PASS (no symbolize_unittest support)\n");
printf("PASS (no symbolize support)\n");
return 0;