blob: 04580e5d8c9c14badb82923a8d236c123d17ed43 [file] [log] [blame]
#define _GNU_SOURCE 1 // needed for O_NOFOLLOW and pread()/pwrite()
#include "utilities.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
# include <unistd.h> // For _exit.
#include <climits>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
# include <sys/utsname.h> // For uname.
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifdef HAVE_PWD_H
# include <pwd.h>
# include <syslog.h>
#include <vector>
#include <errno.h> // for errno
#include <sstream>
#include "base/commandlineflags.h" // to get the program name
#include "glog/logging.h"
#include "glog/raw_logging.h"
#include "base/googleinit.h"
# include "stacktrace.h"
using std::string;
using std::vector;
using std::ostrstream;
using std::setw;
using std::setfill;
using std::hex;
using std::dec;
using std::min;
using std::ostream;
using std::ostringstream;
using std::strstream;
// There is no thread annotation support.
static bool BoolFromEnv(const char *varname, bool defval) {
const char* const valstr = getenv(varname);
if (!valstr) {
return defval;
return memchr("tTyY1\0", valstr[0], 6) != NULL;
DEFINE_bool(logtostderr, BoolFromEnv("GOOGLE_LOGTOSTDERR", false),
"log messages go to stderr instead of logfiles");
DEFINE_bool(alsologtostderr, BoolFromEnv("GOOGLE_ALSOLOGTOSTDERR", false),
"log messages go to stderr in addition to logfiles");
#ifdef OS_LINUX
DEFINE_bool(drop_log_memory, true, "Drop in-memory buffers of log contents. "
"Logs can grow very quickly and they are rarely read before they "
"need to be evicted from memory. Instead, drop them from memory "
"as soon as they are flushed to disk.");
namespace logging {
static const int64 kPageSize = getpagesize();
// By default, errors (including fatal errors) get logged to stderr as
// well as the file.
// The default is ERROR instead of FATAL so that users can see problems
// when they run a program without having to look in another file.
"log messages at or above this level are copied to stderr in "
"addition to logfiles. This flag obsoletes --alsologtostderr.");
DEFINE_string(alsologtoemail, "",
"log messages go to these email addresses "
"in addition to logfiles");
DEFINE_bool(log_prefix, true,
"Prepend the log prefix to the start of each log line");
DEFINE_int32(minloglevel, 0, "Messages logged at a lower level than this don't "
"actually get logged anywhere");
DEFINE_int32(logbuflevel, 0,
"Buffer log messages logged at this level or lower"
" (-1 means don't buffer; 0 means buffer INFO only;"
" ...)");
DEFINE_int32(logbufsecs, 30,
"Buffer log messages for at most this many seconds");
DEFINE_int32(logemaillevel, 999,
"Email log messages logged at this level or higher"
" (0 means email all; 3 means email FATAL only;"
" ...)");
DEFINE_string(logmailer, "/bin/mail",
"Mailer used to send logging email");
// Compute the default value for --log_dir
static const char* DefaultLogDir() {
const char* env;
env = getenv("GOOGLE_LOG_DIR");
if (env != NULL && env[0] != '\0') {
return env;
env = getenv("TEST_TMPDIR");
if (env != NULL && env[0] != '\0') {
return env;
return "";
DEFINE_string(log_dir, DefaultLogDir(),
"If specified, logfiles are written into this directory instead "
"of the default logging directory.");
DEFINE_string(log_link, "", "Put additional links to the log "
"files in this directory");
DEFINE_int32(max_log_size, 1800,
"approx. maximum log file size (in MB). A value of 0 will "
"be silently overridden to 1.");
DEFINE_bool(stop_logging_if_full_disk, false,
"Stop attempting to log to disk if the disk is full.");
DEFINE_string(log_backtrace_at, "",
"Emit a backtrace when logging at file:linenum.");
// TODO(hamaji): consider windows
#define PATH_SEPARATOR '/'
static void GetHostName(string* hostname) {
#if defined(HAVE_SYS_UTSNAME_H)
struct utsname buf;
if (0 != uname(&buf)) {
// ensure null termination on failure
*buf.nodename = '\0';
*hostname = buf.nodename;
#elif defined(OS_WINDOWS)
char buf[256];
DWORD len;
if (GetComputerNameA(buf, &len)) {
*hostname = buf;
} else {
# warning There is no way to retrieve the host name.
*hostname = "(unknown)";
// Safely get max_log_size, overriding to 1 if it somehow gets defined as 0
static int32 MaxLogSize() {
return (FLAGS_max_log_size > 0 ? FLAGS_max_log_size : 1);
// A mutex that allows only one thread to log at a time, to keep things from
// getting jumbled. Some other very uncommon logging operations (like
// changing the destination file for log messages of a given severity) also
// lock this mutex. Please be sure that anybody who might possibly need to
// lock it does so.
static Mutex log_mutex;
// Number of messages sent at each severity. Under log_mutex.
int64 LogMessage::num_messages_[NUM_SEVERITIES] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
// Globally disable log writing (if disk is full)
static bool stop_writing = false;
const char*const LogSeverityNames[NUM_SEVERITIES] = {
// Has the user called SetExitOnDFatal(true)?
static bool exit_on_dfatal = true;
const char* GetLogSeverityName(LogSeverity severity) {
return LogSeverityNames[severity];
static bool SendEmailInternal(const char*dest, const char *subject,
const char*body, bool use_logging);
base::Logger::~Logger() {
namespace {
// Encapsulates all file-system related state
class LogFileObject : public base::Logger {
LogFileObject(LogSeverity severity, const char* base_filename);
virtual void Write(bool force_flush, // Should we force a flush here?
time_t timestamp, // Timestamp for this entry
const char* message,
int message_len);
// Configuration options
void SetBasename(const char* basename);
void SetExtension(const char* ext);
void SetSymlinkBasename(const char* symlink_basename);
// Normal flushing routine
virtual void Flush();
// It is the actual file length for the system loggers,
// i.e., INFO, ERROR, etc.
virtual uint32 LogSize() {
MutexLock l(&lock_);
return file_length_;
// Internal flush routine. Exposed so that FlushLogFilesUnsafe()
// can avoid grabbing a lock. Usually Flush() calls it after
// acquiring lock_.
void FlushUnlocked();
static const uint32 kRolloverAttemptFrequency = 0x20;
Mutex lock_;
bool base_filename_selected_;
string base_filename_;
string symlink_basename_;
string filename_extension_; // option users can specify (eg to add port#)
FILE* file_;
LogSeverity severity_;
uint32 bytes_since_flush_;
uint32 file_length_;
unsigned int rollover_attempt_;
int64 next_flush_time_; // cycle count at which to flush log
// Actually create a logfile using the value of base_filename_ and the
// supplied argument time_pid_string
// REQUIRES: lock_ is held
bool CreateLogfile(const char* time_pid_string);
} // namespace
class LogDestination {
friend class LogMessage;
friend void ReprintFatalMessage();
friend base::Logger* base::GetLogger(LogSeverity);
friend void base::SetLogger(LogSeverity, base::Logger*);
// These methods are just forwarded to by their global versions.
static void SetLogDestination(LogSeverity severity,
const char* base_filename);
static void SetLogSymlink(LogSeverity severity,
const char* symlink_basename);
static void AddLogSink(LogSink *destination);
static void RemoveLogSink(LogSink *destination);
static void SetLogFilenameExtension(const char* filename_extension);
static void SetStderrLogging(LogSeverity min_severity);
static void SetEmailLogging(LogSeverity min_severity, const char* addresses);
static void LogToStderr();
// Flush all log files that are at least at the given severity level
static void FlushLogFiles(int min_severity);
static void FlushLogFilesUnsafe(int min_severity);
// we set the maximum size of our packet to be 1400, the logic being
// to prevent fragmentation.
// Really this number is arbitrary.
static const int kNetworkBytes = 1400;
static const string& hostname();
LogDestination(LogSeverity severity, const char* base_filename);
~LogDestination() { }
// Take a log message of a particular severity and log it to stderr
// iff it's of a high enough severity to deserve it.
static void MaybeLogToStderr(LogSeverity severity, const char* message,
size_t len);
// Take a log message of a particular severity and log it to email
// iff it's of a high enough severity to deserve it.
static void MaybeLogToEmail(LogSeverity severity, const char* message,
size_t len);
// Take a log message of a particular severity and log it to a file
// iff the base filename is not "" (which means "don't log to me")
static void MaybeLogToLogfile(LogSeverity severity,
time_t timestamp,
const char* message, size_t len);
// Take a log message of a particular severity and log it to the file
// for that severity and also for all files with severity less than
// this severity.
static void LogToAllLogfiles(LogSeverity severity,
time_t timestamp,
const char* message, size_t len);
// Send logging info to all registered sinks.
static void LogToSinks(LogSeverity severity,
const char *full_filename,
const char *base_filename,
int line,
const struct ::tm* tm_time,
const char* message,
size_t message_len);
// Wait for all registered sinks via WaitTillSent
// including the optional one in "data".
static void WaitForSinks(LogMessage::LogMessageData* data);
static LogDestination* log_destination(LogSeverity severity);
LogFileObject fileobject_;
base::Logger* logger_; // Either &fileobject_, or wrapper around it
static LogDestination* log_destinations_[NUM_SEVERITIES];
static LogSeverity email_logging_severity_;
static string addresses_;
static string hostname_;
// arbitrary global logging destinations.
static vector<LogSink*>* sinks_;
// Protects the vector sinks_,
// but not the LogSink objects its elements reference.
static Mutex sink_mutex_;
// Disallow
LogDestination(const LogDestination&);
LogDestination& operator=(const LogDestination&);
// Errors do not get logged to email by default.
LogSeverity LogDestination::email_logging_severity_ = 99999;
string LogDestination::addresses_;
string LogDestination::hostname_;
vector<LogSink*>* LogDestination::sinks_ = NULL;
Mutex LogDestination::sink_mutex_;
/* static */
const string& LogDestination::hostname() {
if (hostname_.empty()) {
if (hostname_.empty()) {
hostname_ = "(unknown)";
return hostname_;
LogDestination::LogDestination(LogSeverity severity,
const char* base_filename)
: fileobject_(severity, base_filename),
logger_(&fileobject_) {
inline void LogDestination::FlushLogFilesUnsafe(int min_severity) {
// assume we have the log_mutex or we simply don't care
// about it
for (int i = min_severity; i < NUM_SEVERITIES; i++) {
LogDestination* log = log_destination(i);
if (log != NULL) {
// Flush the base fileobject_ logger directly instead of going
// through any wrappers to reduce chance of deadlock.
inline void LogDestination::FlushLogFiles(int min_severity) {
// Prevent any subtle race conditions by wrapping a mutex lock around
// all this stuff.
MutexLock l(&log_mutex);
for (int i = min_severity; i < NUM_SEVERITIES; i++) {
LogDestination* log = log_destination(i);
if (log != NULL) {
inline void LogDestination::SetLogDestination(LogSeverity severity,
const char* base_filename) {
assert(severity >= 0 && severity < NUM_SEVERITIES);
// Prevent any subtle race conditions by wrapping a mutex lock around
// all this stuff.
MutexLock l(&log_mutex);
inline void LogDestination::SetLogSymlink(LogSeverity severity,
const char* symlink_basename) {
CHECK_GE(severity, 0);
MutexLock l(&log_mutex);
inline void LogDestination::AddLogSink(LogSink *destination) {
// Prevent any subtle race conditions by wrapping a mutex lock around
// all this stuff.
MutexLock l(&sink_mutex_);
if (!sinks_) sinks_ = new vector<LogSink*>;
inline void LogDestination::RemoveLogSink(LogSink *destination) {
// Prevent any subtle race conditions by wrapping a mutex lock around
// all this stuff.
MutexLock l(&sink_mutex_);
// This doesn't keep the sinks in order, but who cares?
if (sinks_) {
for (int i = sinks_->size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if ((*sinks_)[i] == destination) {
(*sinks_)[i] = (*sinks_)[sinks_->size() - 1];
inline void LogDestination::SetLogFilenameExtension(const char* ext) {
// Prevent any subtle race conditions by wrapping a mutex lock around
// all this stuff.
MutexLock l(&log_mutex);
for ( int severity = 0; severity < NUM_SEVERITIES; ++severity ) {
inline void LogDestination::SetStderrLogging(LogSeverity min_severity) {
assert(min_severity >= 0 && min_severity < NUM_SEVERITIES);
// Prevent any subtle race conditions by wrapping a mutex lock around
// all this stuff.
MutexLock l(&log_mutex);
FLAGS_stderrthreshold = min_severity;
inline void LogDestination::LogToStderr() {
// *Don't* put this stuff in a mutex lock, since SetStderrLogging &
// SetLogDestination already do the locking!
SetStderrLogging(0); // thus everything is "also" logged to stderr
for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_SEVERITIES; ++i ) {
SetLogDestination(i, ""); // "" turns off logging to a logfile
inline void LogDestination::SetEmailLogging(LogSeverity min_severity,
const char* addresses) {
assert(min_severity >= 0 && min_severity < NUM_SEVERITIES);
// Prevent any subtle race conditions by wrapping a mutex lock around
// all this stuff.
MutexLock l(&log_mutex);
LogDestination::email_logging_severity_ = min_severity;
LogDestination::addresses_ = addresses;
static void WriteToStderr(const char* message, size_t len) {
// Avoid using cerr from this module since we may get called during
// exit code, and cerr may be partially or fully destroyed by then.
write(STDERR_FILENO, message, len);
inline void LogDestination::MaybeLogToStderr(LogSeverity severity,
const char* message, size_t len) {
if ((severity >= FLAGS_stderrthreshold) || FLAGS_alsologtostderr) {
WriteToStderr(message, len);
// On Windows, also output to the debugger
inline void LogDestination::MaybeLogToEmail(LogSeverity severity,
const char* message, size_t len) {
if (severity >= email_logging_severity_ ||
severity >= FLAGS_logemaillevel) {
string to(FLAGS_alsologtoemail);
if (!addresses_.empty()) {
if (!to.empty()) {
to += ",";
to += addresses_;
const string subject(string("[LOG] ") + LogSeverityNames[severity] + ": " +
string body(hostname());
body += "\n\n";
body.append(message, len);
// should NOT use SendEmail(). The caller of this function holds the
// log_mutex and SendEmail() calls LOG/VLOG which will block trying to
// acquire the log_mutex object. Use SendEmailInternal() and set
// use_logging to false.
SendEmailInternal(to.c_str(), subject.c_str(), body.c_str(), false);
inline void LogDestination::MaybeLogToLogfile(LogSeverity severity,
time_t timestamp,
const char* message,
size_t len) {
const bool should_flush = severity > FLAGS_logbuflevel;
LogDestination* destination = log_destination(severity);
destination->logger_->Write(should_flush, timestamp, message, len);
inline void LogDestination::LogToAllLogfiles(LogSeverity severity,
time_t timestamp,
const char* message,
size_t len) {
if ( FLAGS_logtostderr ) // global flag: never log to file
WriteToStderr(message, len);
for (int i = severity; i >= 0; --i)
LogDestination::MaybeLogToLogfile(i, timestamp, message, len);
inline void LogDestination::LogToSinks(LogSeverity severity,
const char *full_filename,
const char *base_filename,
int line,
const struct ::tm* tm_time,
const char* message,
size_t message_len) {
ReaderMutexLock l(&sink_mutex_);
if (sinks_) {
for (int i = sinks_->size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
(*sinks_)[i]->send(severity, full_filename, base_filename,
line, tm_time, message, message_len);
inline void LogDestination::WaitForSinks(LogMessage::LogMessageData* data) {
ReaderMutexLock l(&sink_mutex_);
if (sinks_) {
for (int i = sinks_->size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const bool send_to_sink =
(data->send_method_ == &LogMessage::SendToSink) ||
(data->send_method_ == &LogMessage::SendToSinkAndLog);
if (send_to_sink && data->sink_ != NULL) {
LogDestination* LogDestination::log_destinations_[NUM_SEVERITIES];
inline LogDestination* LogDestination::log_destination(LogSeverity severity) {
assert(severity >=0 && severity < NUM_SEVERITIES);
if (!log_destinations_[severity]) {
log_destinations_[severity] = new LogDestination(severity, NULL);
return log_destinations_[severity];
namespace {
LogFileObject::LogFileObject(LogSeverity severity,
const char* base_filename)
: base_filename_selected_(base_filename != NULL),
base_filename_((base_filename != NULL) ? base_filename : ""),
next_flush_time_(0) {
assert(severity >= 0);
assert(severity < NUM_SEVERITIES);
LogFileObject::~LogFileObject() {
MutexLock l(&lock_);
if (file_ != NULL) {
file_ = NULL;
void LogFileObject::SetBasename(const char* basename) {
MutexLock l(&lock_);
base_filename_selected_ = true;
if (base_filename_ != basename) {
// Get rid of old log file since we are changing names
if (file_ != NULL) {
file_ = NULL;
rollover_attempt_ = kRolloverAttemptFrequency-1;
base_filename_ = basename;
void LogFileObject::SetExtension(const char* ext) {
MutexLock l(&lock_);
if (filename_extension_ != ext) {
// Get rid of old log file since we are changing names
if (file_ != NULL) {
file_ = NULL;
rollover_attempt_ = kRolloverAttemptFrequency-1;
filename_extension_ = ext;
void LogFileObject::SetSymlinkBasename(const char* symlink_basename) {
MutexLock l(&lock_);
symlink_basename_ = symlink_basename;
void LogFileObject::Flush() {
MutexLock l(&lock_);
void LogFileObject::FlushUnlocked(){
if (file_ != NULL) {
bytes_since_flush_ = 0;
// Figure out when we are due for another flush.
const int64 next = (FLAGS_logbufsecs
* static_cast<int64>(1000000)); // in usec
next_flush_time_ = CycleClock_Now() + UsecToCycles(next);
bool LogFileObject::CreateLogfile(const char* time_pid_string) {
string string_filename = base_filename_+filename_extension_+
const char* filename = string_filename.c_str();
int fd = open(filename, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0664);
if (fd == -1) return false;
// Mark the file close-on-exec. We don't really care if this fails
fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
file_ = fdopen(fd, "a"); // Make a FILE*.
if (file_ == NULL) { // Man, we're screwed!
unlink(filename); // Erase the half-baked evidence: an unusable log file
return false;
// We try to create a symlink called <program_name>.<severity>,
// which is easier to use. (Every time we create a new logfile,
// we destroy the old symlink and create a new one, so it always
// points to the latest logfile.) If it fails, we're sad but it's
// no error.
if (!symlink_basename_.empty()) {
// take directory from filename
const char* slash = strrchr(filename, PATH_SEPARATOR);
const string linkname =
symlink_basename_ + '.' + LogSeverityNames[severity_];
string linkpath;
if ( slash ) linkpath = string(filename, slash-filename+1); // get dirname
linkpath += linkname;
unlink(linkpath.c_str()); // delete old one if it exists
// We must have unistd.h.
// Make the symlink be relative (in the same dir) so that if the
// entire log directory gets relocated the link is still valid.
const char *linkdest = slash ? (slash + 1) : filename;
symlink(linkdest, linkpath.c_str()); // silently ignore failures
// Make an additional link to the log file in a place specified by
// FLAGS_log_link, if indicated
if (!FLAGS_log_link.empty()) {
linkpath = FLAGS_log_link + "/" + linkname;
unlink(linkpath.c_str()); // delete old one if it exists
symlink(filename, linkpath.c_str()); // silently ignore failures
return true; // Everything worked
void LogFileObject::Write(bool force_flush,
time_t timestamp,
const char* message,
int message_len) {
MutexLock l(&lock_);
// We don't log if the base_name_ is "" (which means "don't write")
if (base_filename_selected_ && base_filename_.empty()) {
if (static_cast<int>(file_length_ >> 20) >= MaxLogSize()) {
if (file_ != NULL) fclose(file_);
file_ = NULL;
file_length_ = bytes_since_flush_ = 0;
rollover_attempt_ = kRolloverAttemptFrequency-1;
// If there's no destination file, make one before outputting
if (file_ == NULL) {
// Try to rollover the log file every 32 log messages. The only time
// this could matter would be when we have trouble creating the log
// file. If that happens, we'll lose lots of log messages, of course!
if (++rollover_attempt_ != kRolloverAttemptFrequency) return;
rollover_attempt_ = 0;
struct ::tm tm_time;
localtime_r(&timestamp, &tm_time);
// The logfile's filename will have the date/time & pid in it
char time_pid_string[256]; // More than enough chars for time, pid, \0
ostrstream time_pid_stream(time_pid_string, sizeof(time_pid_string));
time_pid_stream << 1900+tm_time.tm_year
<< setw(2) << 1+tm_time.tm_mon
<< setw(2) << tm_time.tm_mday
<< '-'
<< setw(2) << tm_time.tm_hour
<< setw(2) << tm_time.tm_min
<< setw(2) << tm_time.tm_sec
<< '.'
<< GetMainThreadPid()
<< '\0';
if (base_filename_selected_) {
if (!CreateLogfile(time_pid_string)) {
perror("Could not create log file");
fprintf(stderr, "COULD NOT CREATE LOGFILE '%s'!\n", time_pid_string);
} else {
// If no base filename for logs of this severity has been set, use a
// default base filename of
// "<program name>.<hostname>.<user name>.log.<severity level>.". So
// logfiles will have names like
// webserver.examplehost.root.log.INFO.19990817-150000.4354, where
// 19990817 is a date (1999 August 17), 150000 is a time (15:00:00),
// and 4354 is the pid of the logging process. The date & time reflect
// when the file was created for output.
// Where does the file get put? Successively try the directories
// "/tmp", and "."
string stripped_filename(ProgramInvocationShortName()); // in cmdlineflag
string hostname;
string uidname = MyUserName();
// We should not call CHECK() here because this function can be
// called after holding on to log_mutex. We don't want to
// attempt to hold on to the same mutex, and get into a
// deadlock. Simply use a name like invalid-user.
if (uidname.empty()) uidname = "invalid-user";
stripped_filename = stripped_filename+'.'+hostname+'.'
// We're going to (potentially) try to put logs in several different dirs
const vector<string> & log_dirs = GetLoggingDirectories();
// Go through the list of dirs, and try to create the log file in each
// until we succeed or run out of options
bool success = false;
for (vector<string>::const_iterator dir = log_dirs.begin();
dir != log_dirs.end();
++dir) {
base_filename_ = *dir + "/" + stripped_filename;
if ( CreateLogfile(time_pid_string) ) {
success = true;
// If we never succeeded, we have to give up
if ( success == false ) {
perror("Could not create logging file");
fprintf(stderr, "COULD NOT CREATE A LOGGINGFILE %s!", time_pid_string);
// Write a header message into the log file
char file_header_string[512]; // Enough chars for time and binary info
ostrstream file_header_stream(file_header_string,
file_header_stream << "Log file created at: "
<< 1900+tm_time.tm_year << '/'
<< setw(2) << 1+tm_time.tm_mon << '/'
<< setw(2) << tm_time.tm_mday
<< ' '
<< setw(2) << tm_time.tm_hour << ':'
<< setw(2) << tm_time.tm_min << ':'
<< setw(2) << tm_time.tm_sec << '\n'
<< "Running on machine: "
<< LogDestination::hostname() << '\n'
<< "Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu "
<< "threadid file:line] msg" << '\n'
<< '\0';
int header_len = strlen(file_header_string);
fwrite(file_header_string, 1, header_len, file_);
file_length_ += header_len;
bytes_since_flush_ += header_len;
// Write to LOG file
if ( !stop_writing ) {
// fwrite() doesn't return an error when the disk is full, for
// messages that are less than 4096 bytes. When the disk is full,
// it returns the message length for messages that are less than
// 4096 bytes. fwrite() returns 4096 for message lengths that are
// greater than 4096, thereby indicating an error.
errno = 0;
fwrite(message, 1, message_len, file_);
if ( FLAGS_stop_logging_if_full_disk &&
errno == ENOSPC ) { // disk full, stop writing to disk
stop_writing = true; // until the disk is
} else {
file_length_ += message_len;
bytes_since_flush_ += message_len;
} else {
if ( CycleClock_Now() >= next_flush_time_ )
stop_writing = false; // check to see if disk has free space.
return; // no need to flush
// See important msgs *now*. Also, flush logs at least every 10^6 chars,
// or every "FLAGS_logbufsecs" seconds.
if ( force_flush ||
(bytes_since_flush_ >= 1000000) ||
(CycleClock_Now() >= next_flush_time_) ) {
#ifdef OS_LINUX
if (FLAGS_drop_log_memory) {
if (file_length_ >= logging::kPageSize) {
// don't evict the most recent page
uint32 len = file_length_ & ~(logging::kPageSize - 1);
posix_fadvise(fileno(file_), 0, len, POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED);
} // namespace
// An arbitrary limit on the length of a single log message. This
// is so that streaming can be done more efficiently.
const size_t LogMessage::kMaxLogMessageLen = 30000;
// Static log data space to avoid alloc failures in a LOG(FATAL)
// Since multiple threads may call LOG(FATAL), and we want to preserve
// the data from the first call, we allocate two sets of space. One
// for exclusive use by the first thread, and one for shared use by
// all other threads.
static Mutex fatal_msg_lock;
static CrashReason crash_reason;
static bool fatal_msg_exclusive = true;
static char fatal_msg_buf_exclusive[LogMessage::kMaxLogMessageLen+1];
static char fatal_msg_buf_shared[LogMessage::kMaxLogMessageLen+1];
static LogMessage::LogStream fatal_msg_stream_exclusive(
fatal_msg_buf_exclusive, LogMessage::kMaxLogMessageLen, 0);
static LogMessage::LogStream fatal_msg_stream_shared(
fatal_msg_buf_shared, LogMessage::kMaxLogMessageLen, 0);
LogMessage::LogMessageData LogMessage::fatal_msg_data_exclusive_;
LogMessage::LogMessageData LogMessage::fatal_msg_data_shared_;
LogMessage::LogMessageData::~LogMessageData() {
delete[] buf_;
delete stream_alloc_;
LogMessage::LogMessage(const char* file, int line, LogSeverity severity,
int ctr, void (LogMessage::*send_method)()) {
Init(file, line, severity, send_method);
LogMessage::LogMessage(const char* file, int line,
const CheckOpString& result) {
Init(file, line, FATAL, &LogMessage::SendToLog);
stream() << "Check failed: " << (*result.str_) << " ";
LogMessage::LogMessage(const char* file, int line) {
Init(file, line, INFO, &LogMessage::SendToLog);
LogMessage::LogMessage(const char* file, int line, LogSeverity severity) {
Init(file, line, severity, &LogMessage::SendToLog);
LogMessage::LogMessage(const char* file, int line, LogSeverity severity,
LogSink* sink, bool also_send_to_log) {
Init(file, line, severity, also_send_to_log ? &LogMessage::SendToSinkAndLog :
data_->sink_ = sink; // override Init()'s setting to NULL
LogMessage::LogMessage(const char* file, int line, LogSeverity severity,
vector<string> *outvec) {
Init(file, line, severity, &LogMessage::SaveOrSendToLog);
data_->outvec_ = outvec; // override Init()'s setting to NULL
LogMessage::LogMessage(const char* file, int line, LogSeverity severity,
string *message) {
Init(file, line, severity, &LogMessage::WriteToStringAndLog);
data_->message_ = message; // override Init()'s setting to NULL
void LogMessage::Init(const char* file,
int line,
LogSeverity severity,
void (LogMessage::*send_method)()) {
allocated_ = NULL;
if (severity != FATAL || !exit_on_dfatal) {
allocated_ = new LogMessageData();
data_ = allocated_;
data_->buf_ = new char[kMaxLogMessageLen+1];
data_->message_text_ = data_->buf_;
data_->stream_alloc_ =
new LogStream(data_->message_text_, kMaxLogMessageLen, 0);
data_->stream_ = data_->stream_alloc_;
data_->first_fatal_ = false;
} else {
MutexLock l(&fatal_msg_lock);
if (fatal_msg_exclusive) {
fatal_msg_exclusive = false;
data_ = &fatal_msg_data_exclusive_;
data_->message_text_ = fatal_msg_buf_exclusive;
data_->stream_ = &fatal_msg_stream_exclusive;
data_->first_fatal_ = true;
} else {
data_ = &fatal_msg_data_shared_;
data_->message_text_ = fatal_msg_buf_shared;
data_->stream_ = &fatal_msg_stream_shared;
data_->first_fatal_ = false;
data_->stream_alloc_ = NULL;
data_->preserved_errno_ = errno;
data_->severity_ = severity;
data_->line_ = line;
data_->send_method_ = send_method;
data_->sink_ = NULL;
data_->outvec_ = NULL;
WallTime now = WallTime_Now();
data_->timestamp_ = static_cast<time_t>(now);
localtime_r(&data_->timestamp_, &data_->tm_time_);
int usecs = static_cast<int>((now - data_->timestamp_) * 1000000);
RawLog__SetLastTime(data_->tm_time_, usecs);
data_->num_chars_to_log_ = 0;
data_->num_chars_to_syslog_ = 0;
data_->basename_ = const_basename(file);
data_->fullname_ = file;
data_->has_been_flushed_ = false;
// If specified, prepend a prefix to each line. For example:
// I1018 160715 f5d4fbb0]
// (log level, GMT month, date, time, thread_id, file basename, line)
// We exclude the thread_id for the default thread.
if (FLAGS_log_prefix && (line != kNoLogPrefix)) {
stream() << LogSeverityNames[severity][0]
<< setw(2) << 1+data_->tm_time_.tm_mon
<< setw(2) << data_->tm_time_.tm_mday
<< ' '
<< setw(2) << data_->tm_time_.tm_hour << ':'
<< setw(2) << data_->tm_time_.tm_min << ':'
<< setw(2) << data_->tm_time_.tm_sec << "."
<< setw(6) << usecs
<< ' '
<< setfill(' ') << setw(5)
<< static_cast<unsigned int>(GetTID()) << setfill('0')
<< ' '
<< data_->basename_ << ':' << data_->line_ << "] ";
data_->num_prefix_chars_ = data_->stream_->pcount();
if (!FLAGS_log_backtrace_at.empty()) {
char fileline[128];
snprintf(fileline, sizeof(fileline), "%s:%d", data_->basename_, line);
if (!strcmp(FLAGS_log_backtrace_at.c_str(), fileline)) {
string stacktrace;
stream() << " (stacktrace:\n" << stacktrace << ") ";
LogMessage::~LogMessage() {
delete allocated_;
// Flush buffered message, called by the destructor, or any other function
// that needs to synchronize the log.
void LogMessage::Flush() {
if (data_->has_been_flushed_ || data_->severity_ < FLAGS_minloglevel)
data_->num_chars_to_log_ = data_->stream_->pcount();
data_->num_chars_to_syslog_ =
data_->num_chars_to_log_ - data_->num_prefix_chars_;
// Do we need to add a \n to the end of this message?
bool append_newline =
(data_->message_text_[data_->num_chars_to_log_-1] != '\n');
char original_final_char = '\0';
// If we do need to add a \n, we'll do it by violating the memory of the
// ostrstream buffer. This is quick, and we'll make sure to undo our
// modification before anything else is done with the ostrstream. It
// would be preferable not to do things this way, but it seems to be
// the best way to deal with this.
if (append_newline) {
original_final_char = data_->message_text_[data_->num_chars_to_log_];
data_->message_text_[data_->num_chars_to_log_++] = '\n';
// Prevent any subtle race conditions by wrapping a mutex lock around
// the actual logging action per se.
MutexLock l(&log_mutex);
if (append_newline) {
// Fix the ostrstream back how it was before we screwed with it.
// It's 99.44% certain that we don't need to worry about doing this.
data_->message_text_[data_->num_chars_to_log_-1] = original_final_char;
// If errno was already set before we enter the logging call, we'll
// set it back to that value when we return from the logging call.
// It happens often that we log an error message after a syscall
// failure, which can potentially set the errno to some other
// values. We would like to preserve the original errno.
if (data_->preserved_errno_ != 0) {
errno = data_->preserved_errno_;
// Note that this message is now safely logged. If we're asked to flush
// again, as a result of destruction, say, we'll do nothing on future calls.
data_->has_been_flushed_ = true;
// Copy of first FATAL log message so that we can print it out again
// after all the stack traces. To preserve legacy behavior, we don't
// use fatal_msg_buf_exclusive.
static time_t fatal_time;
static char fatal_message[256];
void ReprintFatalMessage() {
if (fatal_message[0]) {
const int n = strlen(fatal_message);
if (!FLAGS_logtostderr) {
// Also write to stderr
WriteToStderr(fatal_message, n);
LogDestination::LogToAllLogfiles(ERROR, fatal_time, fatal_message, n);
// L >= log_mutex (callers must hold the log_mutex).
void LogMessage::SendToLog() EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(log_mutex) {
static bool already_warned_before_initgoogle = false;
RAW_DCHECK(data_->num_chars_to_log_ > 0 &&
data_->message_text_[data_->num_chars_to_log_-1] == '\n', "");
// Messages of a given severity get logged to lower severity logs, too
if (!already_warned_before_initgoogle && !IsGoogleLoggingInitialized()) {
const char w[] = "WARNING: Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is "
"written to STDERR\n";
WriteToStderr(w, strlen(w));
already_warned_before_initgoogle = true;
// global flag: never log to file if set. Also -- don't log to a
// file if we haven't parsed the command line flags to get the
// program name.
if (FLAGS_logtostderr || !IsGoogleLoggingInitialized()) {
WriteToStderr(data_->message_text_, data_->num_chars_to_log_);
// this could be protected by a flag if necessary.
data_->fullname_, data_->basename_,
data_->line_, &data_->tm_time_,
data_->message_text_ + data_->num_prefix_chars_,
(data_->num_chars_to_log_ -
data_->num_prefix_chars_ - 1));
} else {
// log this message to all log files of severity <= severity_
LogDestination::LogToAllLogfiles(data_->severity_, data_->timestamp_,
LogDestination::MaybeLogToStderr(data_->severity_, data_->message_text_,
LogDestination::MaybeLogToEmail(data_->severity_, data_->message_text_,
data_->fullname_, data_->basename_,
data_->line_, &data_->tm_time_,
data_->message_text_ + data_->num_prefix_chars_,
- data_->num_prefix_chars_ - 1));
// NOTE: -1 removes trailing \n
// If we log a FATAL message, flush all the log destinations, then toss
// a signal for others to catch. We leave the logs in a state that
// someone else can use them (as long as they flush afterwards)
if (data_->severity_ == FATAL && exit_on_dfatal) {
if (data_->first_fatal_) {
crash_reason.filename = fatal_msg_data_exclusive_.fullname_;
crash_reason.line_number = fatal_msg_data_exclusive_.line_;
crash_reason.message = fatal_msg_buf_exclusive +
crash_reason.depth = GetStackTrace(crash_reason.stack,
crash_reason.depth = 0;
// Store shortened fatal message for other logs and GWQ status
const int copy = min<int>(data_->num_chars_to_log_,
memcpy(fatal_message, data_->message_text_, copy);
fatal_message[copy] = '\0';
fatal_time = data_->timestamp_;
if (!FLAGS_logtostderr) {
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SEVERITIES; ++i) {
if ( LogDestination::log_destinations_[i] )
LogDestination::log_destinations_[i]->logger_->Write(true, 0, "", 0);
// release the lock that our caller (directly or indirectly)
// LogMessage::~LogMessage() grabbed so that signal handlers
// can use the logging facility. Alternately, we could add
// an entire unsafe logging interface to bypass locking
// for signal handlers but this seems simpler.
const char* message = "*** Check failure stack trace: ***\n";
write(STDERR_FILENO, message, strlen(message));
static void logging_fail() {
#if defined(_DEBUG) && defined(_MSC_VER)
// When debugging on windows, avoid the obnoxious dialog and make
// it possible to continue past a LOG(FATAL) in the debugger
_asm int 3
void (*g_logging_fail_func)() __attribute__((noreturn)) = &logging_fail;
GOOGLE_GLOG_DLL_DECL void (*g_logging_fail_func)() = &logging_fail;
void InstallFailureFunction(void (*fail_func)()) {
g_logging_fail_func = fail_func;
void LogMessage::Fail() {
// L >= log_mutex (callers must hold the log_mutex).
void LogMessage::SendToSink() EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(log_mutex) {
if (data_->sink_ != NULL) {
RAW_DCHECK(data_->num_chars_to_log_ > 0 &&
data_->message_text_[data_->num_chars_to_log_-1] == '\n', "");
data_->sink_->send(data_->severity_, data_->fullname_, data_->basename_,
data_->line_, &data_->tm_time_,
data_->message_text_ + data_->num_prefix_chars_,
(data_->num_chars_to_log_ -
data_->num_prefix_chars_ - 1));
// L >= log_mutex (callers must hold the log_mutex).
void LogMessage::SendToSinkAndLog() EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(log_mutex) {
// L >= log_mutex (callers must hold the log_mutex).
void LogMessage::SaveOrSendToLog() EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(log_mutex) {
if (data_->outvec_ != NULL) {
RAW_DCHECK(data_->num_chars_to_log_ > 0 &&
data_->message_text_[data_->num_chars_to_log_-1] == '\n', "");
// Omit prefix of message and trailing newline when recording in outvec_.
const char *start = data_->message_text_ + data_->num_prefix_chars_;
int len = data_->num_chars_to_log_ - data_->num_prefix_chars_ - 1;
data_->outvec_->push_back(string(start, len));
} else {
void LogMessage::WriteToStringAndLog() EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(log_mutex) {
if (data_->message_ != NULL) {
RAW_DCHECK(data_->num_chars_to_log_ > 0 &&
data_->message_text_[data_->num_chars_to_log_-1] == '\n', "");
// Omit prefix of message and trailing newline when writing to message_.
const char *start = data_->message_text_ + data_->num_prefix_chars_;
int len = data_->num_chars_to_log_ - data_->num_prefix_chars_ - 1;
data_->message_->assign(start, len);
// L >= log_mutex (callers must hold the log_mutex).
void LogMessage::SendToSyslogAndLog() {
// Before any calls to syslog(), make a single call to openlog()
static bool openlog_already_called = false;
if (!openlog_already_called) {
openlog(ProgramInvocationShortName(), LOG_CONS | LOG_NDELAY | LOG_PID,
openlog_already_called = true;
// This array maps Google severity levels to syslog levels
syslog(LOG_USER | SEVERITY_TO_LEVEL[static_cast<int>(data_->severity_)], "%.*s",
data_->message_text_ + data_->num_prefix_chars_);
LOG(ERROR) << "No syslog support: message=" << data_->message_text_;
base::Logger* base::GetLogger(LogSeverity severity) {
MutexLock l(&log_mutex);
return LogDestination::log_destination(severity)->logger_;
void base::SetLogger(LogSeverity severity, base::Logger* logger) {
MutexLock l(&log_mutex);
LogDestination::log_destination(severity)->logger_ = logger;
// L < log_mutex. Acquires and releases mutex_.
int64 LogMessage::num_messages(int severity) {
MutexLock l(&log_mutex);
return num_messages_[severity];
// Output the COUNTER value. This is only valid if ostream is a
// LogStream.
ostream& operator<<(ostream &os, const PRIVATE_Counter&) {
LogMessage::LogStream *log = dynamic_cast<LogMessage::LogStream*>(&os);
CHECK(log == log->self());
os << log->ctr();
return os;
ErrnoLogMessage::ErrnoLogMessage(const char* file, int line,
LogSeverity severity, int ctr,
void (LogMessage::*send_method)())
: LogMessage(file, line, severity, ctr, send_method) {
ErrnoLogMessage::~ErrnoLogMessage() {
// Don't access errno directly because it may have been altered
// while streaming the message.
char buf[100];
posix_strerror_r(preserved_errno(), buf, sizeof(buf));
stream() << ": " << buf << " [" << preserved_errno() << "]";
void FlushLogFiles(LogSeverity min_severity) {
void FlushLogFilesUnsafe(LogSeverity min_severity) {
void SetLogDestination(LogSeverity severity, const char* base_filename) {
LogDestination::SetLogDestination(severity, base_filename);
void SetLogSymlink(LogSeverity severity, const char* symlink_basename) {
LogDestination::SetLogSymlink(severity, symlink_basename);
LogSink::~LogSink() {
void LogSink::WaitTillSent() {
// noop default
string LogSink::ToString(LogSeverity severity, const char* file, int line,
const struct ::tm* tm_time,
const char* message, size_t message_len) {
ostringstream stream(string(message, message_len));
// FIXME(jrvb): Updating this to use the correct value for usecs
// requires changing the signature for both this method and
// LogSink::send(). This change needs to be done in a separate CL
// so subclasses of LogSink can be updated at the same time.
int usecs = 0;
stream << LogSeverityNames[severity][0]
<< setw(2) << 1+tm_time->tm_mon
<< setw(2) << tm_time->tm_mday
<< ' '
<< setw(2) << tm_time->tm_hour << ':'
<< setw(2) << tm_time->tm_min << ':'
<< setw(2) << tm_time->tm_sec << '.'
<< setw(6) << usecs
<< ' '
<< setfill(' ') << setw(5) << GetTID() << setfill('0')
<< ' '
<< file << ':' << line << "] ";
stream << string(message, message_len);
return stream.str();
void AddLogSink(LogSink *destination) {
void RemoveLogSink(LogSink *destination) {
void SetLogFilenameExtension(const char* ext) {
void SetStderrLogging(LogSeverity min_severity) {
void SetEmailLogging(LogSeverity min_severity, const char* addresses) {
LogDestination::SetEmailLogging(min_severity, addresses);
void LogToStderr() {
namespace base {
namespace internal {
bool GetExitOnDFatal() {
MutexLock l(&log_mutex);
return exit_on_dfatal;
// Determines whether we exit the program for a LOG(DFATAL) message in
// debug mode. It does this by skipping the call to Fail/FailQuietly.
// This is intended for testing only.
// This can have some effects on LOG(FATAL) as well. Failure messages
// are always allocated (rather than sharing a buffer), the crash
// reason is not recorded, the "gwq" status message is not updated,
// and the stack trace is not recorded. The LOG(FATAL) *will* still
// exit the program. Since this function is used only in testing,
// these differences are acceptable.
void SetExitOnDFatal(bool value) {
MutexLock l(&log_mutex);
exit_on_dfatal = value;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace base
// use_logging controls whether the logging functions LOG/VLOG are used
// to log errors. It should be set to false when the caller holds the
// log_mutex.
static bool SendEmailInternal(const char*dest, const char *subject,
const char*body, bool use_logging) {
if (dest && *dest) {
if ( use_logging ) {
VLOG(1) << "Trying to send TITLE:" << subject
<< " BODY:" << body << " to " << dest;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Trying to send TITLE: %s BODY: %s to %s\n",
subject, body, dest);
string cmd =
FLAGS_logmailer + " -s\"" + subject + "\" " + dest;
FILE* pipe = popen(cmd.c_str(), "w");
if (pipe != NULL) {
// Add the body if we have one
if (body)
fwrite(body, sizeof(char), strlen(body), pipe);
bool ok = pclose(pipe) != -1;
if ( !ok ) {
if ( use_logging ) {
char buf[100];
posix_strerror_r(errno, buf, sizeof(buf));
LOG(ERROR) << "Problems sending mail to " << dest << ": " << buf;
} else {
char buf[100];
posix_strerror_r(errno, buf, sizeof(buf));
fprintf(stderr, "Problems sending mail to %s: %s\n", dest, buf);
return ok;
} else {
if ( use_logging ) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to send mail to " << dest;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to send mail to %s\n", dest);
return false;
bool SendEmail(const char*dest, const char *subject, const char*body){
return SendEmailInternal(dest, subject, body, true);
static void GetTempDirectories(vector<string>* list) {
// On windows we'll try to find a directory in this order:
// C:/Documents & Settings/whomever/TEMP (or whatever GetTempPath() is)
// C:/TMP/
// C:/TEMP/
// .
char tmp[MAX_PATH];
if (GetTempPathA(MAX_PATH, tmp))
// Directories, in order of preference. If we find a dir that
// exists, we stop adding other less-preferred dirs
const char * candidates[] = {
// Non-null only during unittest/regtest
// Explicitly-supplied temp dirs
getenv("TMPDIR"), getenv("TMP"),
// If all else fails
for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(candidates); i++) {
const char *d = candidates[i];
if (!d) continue; // Empty env var
// Make sure we don't surprise anyone who's expecting a '/'
string dstr = d;
if (dstr[dstr.size() - 1] != '/') {
dstr += "/";
struct stat statbuf;
if (!stat(d, &statbuf) && S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)) {
// We found a dir that exists - we're done.
static vector<string>* logging_directories_list;
const vector<string>& GetLoggingDirectories() {
// Not strictly thread-safe but we're called early in InitGoogle().
if (logging_directories_list == NULL) {
logging_directories_list = new vector<string>;
if ( !FLAGS_log_dir.empty() ) {
// A dir was specified, we should use it
} else {
char tmp[MAX_PATH];
if (GetWindowsDirectoryA(tmp, MAX_PATH))
return *logging_directories_list;
void TestOnly_ClearLoggingDirectoriesList() {
fprintf(stderr, "TestOnly_ClearLoggingDirectoriesList should only be "
"called from test code.\n");
delete logging_directories_list;
logging_directories_list = NULL;
void GetExistingTempDirectories(vector<string>* list) {
vector<string>::iterator i_dir = list->begin();
while( i_dir != list->end() ) {
// zero arg to access means test for existence; no constant
// defined on windows
if ( access(i_dir->c_str(), 0) ) {
i_dir = list->erase(i_dir);
} else {
void TruncateLogFile(const char *path, int64 limit, int64 keep) {
struct stat statbuf;
const int kCopyBlockSize = 8 << 10;
char copybuf[kCopyBlockSize];
int64 read_offset, write_offset;
// Don't follow symlinks unless they're our own fd symlinks in /proc
int flags = O_RDWR;
const char *procfd_prefix = "/proc/self/fd/";
if (strncmp(procfd_prefix, path, strlen(procfd_prefix))) flags |= O_NOFOLLOW;
int fd = open(path, flags);
if (fd == -1) {
if (errno == EFBIG) {
// The log file in question has got too big for us to open. The
// real fix for this would be to compile (or probably
// all of base/...) with -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 but that's
// rather scary.
// Instead just truncate the file to something we can manage
if (truncate(path, 0) == -1) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Unable to truncate " << path;
} else {
LOG(ERROR) << "Truncated " << path << " due to EFBIG error";
} else {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Unable to open " << path;
if (fstat(fd, &statbuf) == -1) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Unable to fstat()";
goto out_close_fd;
// See if the path refers to a regular file bigger than the
// specified limit
if (!S_ISREG(statbuf.st_mode)) goto out_close_fd;
if (statbuf.st_size <= limit) goto out_close_fd;
if (statbuf.st_size <= keep) goto out_close_fd;
// This log file is too large - we need to truncate it
LOG(INFO) << "Truncating " << path << " to " << keep << " bytes";
// Copy the last "keep" bytes of the file to the beginning of the file
read_offset = statbuf.st_size - keep;
write_offset = 0;
int bytesin, bytesout;
while ((bytesin = pread(fd, copybuf, sizeof(copybuf), read_offset)) > 0) {
bytesout = pwrite(fd, copybuf, bytesin, write_offset);
if (bytesout == -1) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Unable to write to " << path;
} else if (bytesout != bytesin) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Expected to write " << bytesin << ", wrote " << bytesout;
read_offset += bytesin;
write_offset += bytesout;
if (bytesin == -1) PLOG(ERROR) << "Unable to read from " << path;
// Truncate the remainder of the file. If someone else writes to the
// end of the file after our last read() above, we lose their latest
// data. Too bad ...
if (ftruncate(fd, write_offset) == -1) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Unable to truncate " << path;
LOG(ERROR) << "No log truncation support.";
void TruncateStdoutStderr() {
int64 limit = MaxLogSize() << 20;
int64 keep = 1 << 20;
TruncateLogFile("/proc/self/fd/1", limit, keep);
TruncateLogFile("/proc/self/fd/2", limit, keep);
LOG(ERROR) << "No log truncation support.";
// Helper functions for string comparisons.
#define DEFINE_CHECK_STROP_IMPL(name, func, expected) \
string* Check##func##expected##Impl(const char* s1, const char* s2, \
const char* names) { \
bool equal = s1 == s2 || (s1 && s2 && !func(s1, s2)); \
if (equal == expected) return NULL; \
else { \
strstream ss; \
if (!s1) s1 = ""; \
if (!s2) s2 = ""; \
ss << #name " failed: " << names << " (" << s1 << " vs. " << s2 << ")"; \
return new string(ss.str(), ss.pcount()); \
} \
int posix_strerror_r(int err, char *buf, size_t len) {
// Sanity check input parameters
if (buf == NULL || len <= 0) {
errno = EINVAL;
return -1;
// Reset buf and errno, and try calling whatever version of strerror_r()
// is implemented by glibc
buf[0] = '\000';
int old_errno = errno;
errno = 0;
char *rc = reinterpret_cast<char *>(strerror_r(err, buf, len));
// Both versions set errno on failure
if (errno) {
// Should already be there, but better safe than sorry
buf[0] = '\000';
return -1;
errno = old_errno;
// POSIX is vague about whether the string will be terminated, although
// is indirectly implies that typically ERANGE will be returned, instead
// of truncating the string. This is different from the GNU implementation.
// We play it safe by always terminating the string explicitly.
buf[len-1] = '\000';
// If the function succeeded, we can use its exit code to determine the
// semantics implemented by glibc
if (!rc) {
return 0;
} else {
// GNU semantics detected
if (rc == buf) {
return 0;
} else {
buf[0] = '\000';
#if defined(OS_MACOSX) || defined(OS_FREEBSD)
if (reinterpret_cast<int>(rc) < sys_nerr) {
// This means an error on MacOSX or FreeBSD.
return -1;
strncat(buf, rc, len-1);
return 0;
LogMessageFatal::LogMessageFatal(const char* file, int line) :
LogMessage(file, line, FATAL) {}
LogMessageFatal::LogMessageFatal(const char* file, int line,
const CheckOpString& result) :
LogMessage(file, line, result) {}
LogMessageFatal::~LogMessageFatal() {