blob: 1fea2ab596b1c9442e0afa21c98ef5f00910332c [file] [log] [blame]
<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->
Parameters and Values
<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
Standard Parameter and Value Types
<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
#GValue provides an abstract container structure which can be copied,
transformed and compared while holding a value of any (derived) type, which
is registered as a #GType with a #GTypeValueTable in its #GTypeInfo structure.
Parameter specifications for most value types can be created as
#GParamSpec derived instances, to implement e.g. #GObject properties which
operate on #GValue containers.
<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->
#GParamSpec, #GValue, g_object_class_install_property().
<!-- ##### MACRO G_IS_PARAM_SPEC_BOOLEAN ##### -->
Return whether the given #GParamSpec is of type %G_TYPE_PARAM_BOOLEAN.
@pspec: a valid #GParamSpec instance
<!-- ##### MACRO G_PARAM_SPEC_BOOLEAN ##### -->
Cast a #GParamSpec instance into a #GParamSpecBoolean.
@pspec: a valid #GParamSpec instance
<!-- ##### MACRO G_VALUE_HOLDS_BOOLEAN ##### -->
Return whether the given #GValue can hold values of type %G_TYPE_BOOLEAN.
@value: a valid #GValue structure
<!-- ##### MACRO G_TYPE_PARAM_BOOLEAN ##### -->
The #GType of #GParamSpecBoolean.
<!-- ##### STRUCT GParamSpecBoolean ##### -->
A #GParamSpec derived structure that contains the meta data for boolean properties.
@parent_instance: private #GParamSpec portion
@default_value: default value for the property specified
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_param_spec_boolean ##### -->
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_value_set_boolean ##### -->
Set the contents of a %G_TYPE_BOOLEAN #GValue to @v_boolean.
@value: a valid #GValue of type %G_TYPE_BOOLEAN
@v_boolean: boolean value to be set
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_value_get_boolean ##### -->
Get the contents of a %G_TYPE_BOOLEAN #GValue.
@value: a valid #GValue of type %G_TYPE_BOOLEAN
@Returns: boolean contents of @value
<!-- ##### MACRO G_IS_PARAM_SPEC_CHAR ##### -->
Return whether the given #GParamSpec is of type %G_TYPE_PARAM_CHAR.
@pspec: a valid #GParamSpec instance
<!-- ##### MACRO G_PARAM_SPEC_CHAR ##### -->
Cast a #GParamSpec instance into a #GParamSpecChar.
@pspec: a valid #GParamSpec instance
<!-- ##### MACRO G_VALUE_HOLDS_CHAR ##### -->
Return whether the given #GValue can hold values of type %G_TYPE_CHAR.
@value: a valid #GValue structure
<!-- ##### MACRO G_TYPE_PARAM_CHAR ##### -->
The #GType of #GParamSpecChar.
<!-- ##### STRUCT GParamSpecChar ##### -->
A #GParamSpec derived structure that contains the meta data for character properties.
@parent_instance: private #GParamSpec portion
@minimum: minimum value for the property specified
@maximum: maximum value for the property specified
@default_value: default value for the property specified
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_param_spec_char ##### -->
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_value_set_char ##### -->
Set the contents of a %G_TYPE_CHAR #GValue to @v_char.
@value: a valid #GValue of type %G_TYPE_CHAR
@v_char: character value to be set
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_value_get_char ##### -->
Get the contents of a %G_TYPE_CHAR #GValue.
@value: a valid #GValue of type %G_TYPE_CHAR
@Returns: character contents of @value
<!-- ##### MACRO G_IS_PARAM_SPEC_UCHAR ##### -->
Return whether the given #GParamSpec is of type %G_TYPE_PARAM_UCHAR.
@pspec: a valid #GParamSpec instance
<!-- ##### MACRO G_PARAM_SPEC_UCHAR ##### -->
Cast a #GParamSpec instance into a #GParamSpecUChar.
@pspec: a valid #GParamSpec instance
<!-- ##### MACRO G_VALUE_HOLDS_UCHAR ##### -->
Return whether the given #GValue can hold values of type %G_TYPE_UCHAR.
@value: a valid #GValue structure
<!-- ##### MACRO G_TYPE_PARAM_UCHAR ##### -->
The #GType of #GParamSpecUChar.
<!-- ##### STRUCT GParamSpecUChar ##### -->
A #GParamSpec derived structure that contains the meta data for unsigned character properties.
@parent_instance: private #GParamSpec portion
@minimum: minimum value for the property specified
@maximum: maximum value for the property specified
@default_value: default value for the property specified
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_param_spec_uchar ##### -->
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_value_set_uchar ##### -->
Set the contents of a %G_TYPE_UCHAR #GValue to @v_uchar.
@value: a valid #GValue of type %G_TYPE_UCHAR
@v_uchar: unsigned character value to be set
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_value_get_uchar ##### -->
Get the contents of a %G_TYPE_UCHAR #GValue.
@value: a valid #GValue of type %G_TYPE_UCHAR
@Returns: unsigned character contents of @value
<!-- ##### MACRO G_IS_PARAM_SPEC_INT ##### -->
Return whether the given #GParamSpec is of type %G_TYPE_PARAM_INT.
@pspec: a valid #GParamSpec instance
<!-- ##### MACRO G_PARAM_SPEC_INT ##### -->
Cast a #GParamSpec instance into a #GParamSpecInt.
@pspec: a valid #GParamSpec instance
<!-- ##### MACRO G_VALUE_HOLDS_INT ##### -->
Return whether the given #GValue can hold values of type %G_TYPE_INT.
@value: a valid #GValue structure
<!-- ##### MACRO G_TYPE_PARAM_INT ##### -->
The #GType of #GParamSpecInt.
<!-- ##### STRUCT GParamSpecInt ##### -->
A #GParamSpec derived structure that contains the meta data for integer properties.
@parent_instance: private #GParamSpec portion
@minimum: minimum value for the property specified
@maximum: maximum value for the property specified
@default_value: default value for the property specified
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_param_spec_int ##### -->
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_value_set_int ##### -->
Set the contents of a %G_TYPE_INT #GValue to @v_int.
@value: a valid #GValue of type %G_TYPE_INT
@v_int: integer value to be set
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_value_get_int ##### -->
Get the contents of a %G_TYPE_INT #GValue.
@value: a valid #GValue of type %G_TYPE_INT
@Returns: integer contents of @value
<!-- ##### MACRO G_IS_PARAM_SPEC_UINT ##### -->
Return whether the given #GParamSpec is of type %G_TYPE_PARAM_UINT.
@pspec: a valid #GParamSpec instance
<!-- ##### MACRO G_PARAM_SPEC_UINT ##### -->
Cast a #GParamSpec instance into a #GParamSpecUInt.
@pspec: a valid #GParamSpec instance
<!-- ##### MACRO G_VALUE_HOLDS_UINT ##### -->
Return whether the given #GValue can hold values of type %G_TYPE_UINT.
@value: a valid #GValue structure
<!-- ##### MACRO G_TYPE_PARAM_UINT ##### -->
The #GType of #GParamSpecUInt.
<!-- ##### STRUCT GParamSpecUInt ##### -->
A #GParamSpec derived structure that contains the meta data for unsigned integer properties.
@parent_instance: private #GParamSpec portion
@minimum: minimum value for the property specified
@maximum: maximum value for the property specified
@default_value: default value for the property specified
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_param_spec_uint ##### -->
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_value_set_uint ##### -->
Set the contents of a %G_TYPE_UINT #GValue to @v_uint.
@value: a valid #GValue of type %G_TYPE_UINT
@v_uint: unsigned integer value to be set
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_value_get_uint ##### -->
Get the contents of a %G_TYPE_UINT #GValue.
@value: a valid #GValue of type %G_TYPE_UINT
@Returns: unsigned integer contents of @value
<!-- ##### MACRO G_IS_PARAM_SPEC_LONG ##### -->
Return whether the given #GParamSpec is of type %G_TYPE_PARAM_LONG.
@pspec: a valid #GParamSpec instance
<!-- ##### MACRO G_PARAM_SPEC_LONG ##### -->
Cast a #GParamSpec instance into a #GParamSpecLong.
@pspec: a valid #GParamSpec instance
<!-- ##### MACRO G_VALUE_HOLDS_LONG ##### -->
Return whether the given #GValue can hold values of type %G_TYPE_LONG.
@value: a valid #GValue structure
<!-- ##### MACRO G_TYPE_PARAM_LONG ##### -->
The #GType of #GParamSpecLong.
<!-- ##### STRUCT GParamSpecLong ##### -->
A #GParamSpec derived structure that contains the meta data for long integer properties.
@parent_instance: private #GParamSpec portion
@minimum: minimum value for the property specified
@maximum: maximum value for the property specified
@default_value: default value for the property specified
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_param_spec_long ##### -->
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_value_set_long ##### -->
Set the contents of a %G_TYPE_LONG #GValue to @v_long.
@value: a valid #GValue of type %G_TYPE_LONG
@v_long: long integer value to be set
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_value_get_long ##### -->
Get the contents of a %G_TYPE_LONG #GValue.
@value: a valid #GValue of type %G_TYPE_LONG
@Returns: long integer contents of @value
<!-- ##### MACRO G_IS_PARAM_SPEC_ULONG ##### -->
Return whether the given #GParamSpec is of type %G_TYPE_PARAM_ULONG.
@pspec: a valid #GParamSpec instance
<!-- ##### MACRO G_PARAM_SPEC_ULONG ##### -->
Cast a #GParamSpec instance into a #GParamSpecULong.
@pspec: a valid #GParamSpec instance
<!-- ##### MACRO G_VALUE_HOLDS_ULONG ##### -->
Return whether the given #GValue can hold values of type %G_TYPE_ULONG.
@value: a valid #GValue structure
<!-- ##### MACRO G_TYPE_PARAM_ULONG ##### -->
The #GType of #GParamSpecULong.
<!-- ##### STRUCT GParamSpecULong ##### -->
A #GParamSpec derived structure that contains the meta data for unsigned long integer properties.
@parent_instance: private #GParamSpec portion
@minimum: minimum value for the property specified
@maximum: maximum value for the property specified
@default_value: default value for the property specified
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_param_spec_ulong ##### -->
Create a new #GParamSpecULong instance specifying a %G_TYPE_ULONG property.
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_value_set_ulong ##### -->
Set the contents of a %G_TYPE_ULONG #GValue to @v_ulong.
@value: a valid #GValue of type %G_TYPE_ULONG
@v_ulong: unsigned long integer value to be set
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_value_get_ulong ##### -->
Get the contents of a %G_TYPE_ULONG #GValue.
@value: a valid #GValue of type %G_TYPE_ULONG
@Returns: unsigned long integer contents of @value
<!-- ##### MACRO G_IS_PARAM_SPEC_INT64 ##### -->
Return whether the given #GParamSpec is of type %G_TYPE_PARAM_INT64.
@pspec: a valid #GParamSpec instance
<!-- ##### MACRO G_PARAM_SPEC_INT64 ##### -->
Cast a #GParamSpec instance into a #GParamSpecInt64.
@pspec: a valid #GParamSpec instance
<!-- ##### MACRO G_VALUE_HOLDS_INT64 ##### -->
Return whether the given #GValue can hold values of type %G_TYPE_INT64.
@value: a valid #GValue structure
<!-- ##### MACRO G_TYPE_PARAM_INT64 ##### -->
The #GType of #GParamSpecInt64.
<!-- ##### STRUCT GParamSpecInt64 ##### -->
A #GParamSpec derived structure that contains the meta data for 64bit integer properties.
@parent_instance: private #GParamSpec portion
@minimum: minimum value for the property specified
@maximum: maximum value for the property specified
@default_value: default value for the property specified
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_param_spec_int64 ##### -->
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_value_set_int64 ##### -->
Set the contents of a %G_TYPE_INT64 #GValue to @v_int64.
@value: a valid #GValue of type %G_TYPE_INT64
@v_int64: 64bit integer value to be set
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_value_get_int64 ##### -->
Get the contents of a %G_TYPE_INT64 #GValue.
@value: a valid #GValue of type %G_TYPE_INT64
@Returns: 64bit integer contents of @value
<!-- ##### MACRO G_IS_PARAM_SPEC_UINT64 ##### -->
Return whether the given #GParamSpec is of type %G_TYPE_PARAM_UINT64.
@pspec: a valid #GParamSpec instance
<!-- ##### MACRO G_PARAM_SPEC_UINT64 ##### -->
Cast a #GParamSpec instance into a #GParamSpecUInt64.
@pspec: a valid #GParamSpec instance
<!-- ##### MACRO G_VALUE_HOLDS_UINT64 ##### -->
Return whether the given #GValue can hold values of type %G_TYPE_UINT64.
@value: a valid #GValue structure
<!-- ##### MACRO G_TYPE_PARAM_UINT64 ##### -->
The #GType of #GParamSpecUInt64.
<!-- ##### STRUCT GParamSpecUInt64 ##### -->
A #GParamSpec derived structure that contains the meta data for unsigned 64bit integer properties.
@parent_instance: private #GParamSpec portion
@minimum: minimum value for the property specified
@maximum: maximum value for the property specified
@default_value: default value for the property specified
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_param_spec_uint64 ##### -->
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_value_set_uint64 ##### -->
Set the contents of a %G_TYPE_UINT64 #GValue to @v_uint64.
@value: a valid #GValue of type %G_TYPE_UINT64
@v_uint64: unsigned 64bit integer value to be set
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_value_get_uint64 ##### -->
Get the contents of a %G_TYPE_UINT64 #GValue.
@value: a valid #GValue of type %G_TYPE_UINT64
@Returns: unsigned 64bit integer contents of @value
<!-- ##### MACRO G_IS_PARAM_SPEC_FLOAT ##### -->
Return whether the given #GParamSpec is of type %G_TYPE_PARAM_FLOAT.
@pspec: a valid #GParamSpec instance
<!-- ##### MACRO G_PARAM_SPEC_FLOAT ##### -->
Cast a #GParamSpec instance into a #GParamSpecFloat.
@pspec: a valid #GParamSpec instance
<!-- ##### MACRO G_VALUE_HOLDS_FLOAT ##### -->
Return whether the given #GValue can hold values of type %G_TYPE_FLOAT.
@value: a valid #GValue structure
<!-- ##### MACRO G_TYPE_PARAM_FLOAT ##### -->
The #GType of #GParamSpecFloat.
<!-- ##### STRUCT GParamSpecFloat ##### -->
A #GParamSpec derived structure that contains the meta data for float properties.
@parent_instance: private #GParamSpec portion
@minimum: minimum value for the property specified
@maximum: maximum value for the property specified
@default_value: default value for the property specified
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_param_spec_float ##### -->
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_value_set_float ##### -->
Set the contents of a %G_TYPE_FLOAT #GValue to @v_float.
@value: a valid #GValue of type %G_TYPE_FLOAT
@v_float: float value to be set
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_value_get_float ##### -->
Get the contents of a %G_TYPE_FLOAT #GValue.
@value: a valid #GValue of type %G_TYPE_FLOAT
@Returns: float contents of @value
<!-- ##### MACRO G_IS_PARAM_SPEC_DOUBLE ##### -->
Return whether the given #GParamSpec is of type %G_TYPE_PARAM_DOUBLE.
@pspec: a valid #GParamSpec instance
<!-- ##### MACRO G_PARAM_SPEC_DOUBLE ##### -->
Cast a #GParamSpec instance into a #GParamSpecDouble.
@pspec: a valid #GParamSpec instance
<!-- ##### MACRO G_VALUE_HOLDS_DOUBLE ##### -->
Return whether the given #GValue can hold values of type %G_TYPE_DOUBLE.
@value: a valid #GValue structure
<!-- ##### MACRO G_TYPE_PARAM_DOUBLE ##### -->
The #GType of #GParamSpecDouble.
<!-- ##### STRUCT GParamSpecDouble ##### -->
A #GParamSpec derived structure that contains the meta data for double properties.
@parent_instance: private #GParamSpec portion
@minimum: minimum value for the property specified
@maximum: maximum value for the property specified
@default_value: default value for the property specified
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_param_spec_double ##### -->
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_value_set_double ##### -->
Set the contents of a %G_TYPE_DOUBLE #GValue to @v_double.
@value: a valid #GValue of type %G_TYPE_DOUBLE
@v_double: double value to be set
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_value_get_double ##### -->
Get the contents of a %G_TYPE_DOUBLE #GValue.
@value: a valid #GValue of type %G_TYPE_DOUBLE
@Returns: double contents of @value
<!-- ##### MACRO G_IS_PARAM_SPEC_ENUM ##### -->
Returns whether the given #GParamSpec is of type %G_TYPE_PARAM_ENUM.
@pspec: a valid #GParamSpec instance
<!-- ##### MACRO G_PARAM_SPEC_ENUM ##### -->
Cast a #GParamSpec instance into a #GParamSpecEnum.
@pspec: a valid #GParamSpec instance
<!-- ##### MACRO G_VALUE_HOLDS_ENUM ##### -->
<!-- ##### MACRO G_TYPE_PARAM_ENUM ##### -->
The #GType of #GParamSpecEnum.
<!-- ##### STRUCT GParamSpecEnum ##### -->
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_param_spec_enum ##### -->
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_value_set_enum ##### -->
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_value_get_enum ##### -->
<!-- ##### MACRO G_IS_PARAM_SPEC_FLAGS ##### -->
Returns whether the given #GParamSpec is of type %G_TYPE_PARAM_FLAGS.
@pspec: a valid #GParamSpec instance
<!-- ##### MACRO G_PARAM_SPEC_FLAGS ##### -->
Cast a #GParamSpec instance into a #GParamSpecChar.
@pspec: a valid #GParamSpec instance
<!-- ##### MACRO G_VALUE_HOLDS_FLAGS ##### -->
<!-- ##### MACRO G_TYPE_PARAM_FLAGS ##### -->
The #GType of #GParamSpecFlags.
<!-- ##### STRUCT GParamSpecFlags ##### -->
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_param_spec_flags ##### -->
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_value_set_flags ##### -->
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_value_get_flags ##### -->
<!-- ##### MACRO G_IS_PARAM_SPEC_STRING ##### -->
Returns whether the given #GParamSpec is of type %G_TYPE_PARAM_STRING.
@pspec: a valid #GParamSpec instance
<!-- ##### MACRO G_PARAM_SPEC_STRING ##### -->
Casts a #GParamSpec instance into a #GParamSpecString.
@pspec: a valid #GParamSpec instance
<!-- ##### MACRO G_VALUE_HOLDS_STRING ##### -->
<!-- ##### MACRO G_TYPE_PARAM_STRING ##### -->
The #GType of #GParamSpecString.
<!-- ##### STRUCT GParamSpecString ##### -->
<!-- ##### TYPEDEF gchararray ##### -->
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_param_spec_string ##### -->
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_value_set_string ##### -->
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_value_set_static_string ##### -->
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_value_set_string_take_ownership ##### -->
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_value_get_string ##### -->
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_value_dup_string ##### -->
<!-- ##### MACRO G_IS_PARAM_SPEC_PARAM ##### -->
Returns whether the given #GParamSpec is of type %G_TYPE_PARAM_PARAM.
@pspec: a valid #GParamSpec instance
<!-- ##### MACRO G_PARAM_SPEC_PARAM ##### -->
Casts a #GParamSpec instance into a #GParamSpecParam.
@pspec: a valid #GParamSpec instance
<!-- ##### MACRO G_VALUE_HOLDS_PARAM ##### -->
<!-- ##### MACRO G_TYPE_PARAM_PARAM ##### -->
The #GType of #GParamSpecParam.
<!-- ##### STRUCT GParamSpecParam ##### -->
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_param_spec_param ##### -->
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_value_set_param ##### -->
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_value_set_param_take_ownership ##### -->
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_value_get_param ##### -->
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_value_dup_param ##### -->
<!-- ##### MACRO G_IS_PARAM_SPEC_BOXED ##### -->
Return whether the given #GParamSpec is of type %G_TYPE_PARAM_BOXED.
@pspec: a valid #GParamSpec instance
<!-- ##### MACRO G_PARAM_SPEC_BOXED ##### -->
Cast a #GParamSpec instance into a #GParamSpecBoxed.
@pspec: a valid #GParamSpec instance
<!-- ##### MACRO G_VALUE_HOLDS_BOXED ##### -->
Return whether the given #GValue can hold values derived from type %G_TYPE_BOXED.
@value: a valid #GValue structure
<!-- ##### MACRO G_TYPE_PARAM_BOXED ##### -->
The #GType of #GParamSpecBoxed.
<!-- ##### STRUCT GParamSpecBoxed ##### -->
A #GParamSpec derived structure that contains the meta data for boxed properties.
@parent_instance: private #GParamSpec portion
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_param_spec_boxed ##### -->
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_value_set_boxed ##### -->
Set the contents of a %G_TYPE_BOXED derived #GValue to @v_boxed.
@value: a valid #GValue of %G_TYPE_BOXED derived type
@v_boxed: boxed value to be set
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_value_set_static_boxed ##### -->
Set the contents of a %G_TYPE_BOXED derived #GValue to @v_boxed.
The boxed value is assumed to be static, and is thus not duplicated
when setting the #GValue.
@value: a valid #GValue of %G_TYPE_BOXED derived type
@v_boxed: static boxed value to be set
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_value_set_boxed_take_ownership ##### -->
This is an internal function introduced mainly for C marshallers.
@value: a valid #GValue of %G_TYPE_BOXED derived type
@v_boxed: duplicated unowned boxed value to be set
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_value_get_boxed ##### -->
Get the contents of a %G_TYPE_BOXED derived #GValue.
@value: a valid #GValue of %G_TYPE_BOXED derived type
@Returns: boxed contents of @value
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_value_dup_boxed ##### -->
Get the contents of a %G_TYPE_BOXED derived #GValue.
Upon getting, the boxed value is duplicated and needs to be
later freed with g_boxed_free(), e.g. like: g_boxed_free (G_VALUE_TYPE (@value), return_value);
@value: a valid #GValue of %G_TYPE_BOXED derived type
@Returns: boxed contents of @value
<!-- ##### MACRO G_IS_PARAM_SPEC_POINTER ##### -->
Returns whether the given #GParamSpec is of type %G_TYPE_PARAM_POINTER.
@pspec: a valid #GParamSpec instance
<!-- ##### MACRO G_PARAM_SPEC_POINTER ##### -->
Casts a #GParamSpec instance into a #GParamSpecPointer.
@pspec: a valid #GParamSpec instance
<!-- ##### MACRO G_VALUE_HOLDS_POINTER ##### -->
<!-- ##### MACRO G_TYPE_PARAM_POINTER ##### -->
The #GType of #GParamSpecPointer.
<!-- ##### STRUCT GParamSpecPointer ##### -->
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_param_spec_pointer ##### -->
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_value_set_pointer ##### -->
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_value_get_pointer ##### -->
<!-- ##### MACRO G_IS_PARAM_SPEC_OBJECT ##### -->
Returns whether the given #GParamSpec is of type %G_TYPE_PARAM_OBJECT.
@pspec: a valid #GParamSpec instance
<!-- ##### MACRO G_PARAM_SPEC_OBJECT ##### -->
Casts a #GParamSpec instance into a #GParamSpecObject.
@pspec: a valid #GParamSpec instance
<!-- ##### MACRO G_VALUE_HOLDS_OBJECT ##### -->
<!-- ##### MACRO G_TYPE_PARAM_OBJECT ##### -->
The #GType of #GParamSpecObject.
<!-- ##### STRUCT GParamSpecObject ##### -->
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_param_spec_object ##### -->
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_value_set_object ##### -->
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_value_set_object_take_ownership ##### -->
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_value_get_object ##### -->
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_value_dup_object ##### -->
<!-- ##### MACRO G_IS_PARAM_SPEC_UNICHAR ##### -->
Return whether the given #GParamSpec is of type %G_TYPE_PARAM_UNICHAR.
@pspec: a valid #GParamSpec instance
<!-- ##### MACRO G_PARAM_SPEC_UNICHAR ##### -->
Cast a #GParamSpec instance into a #GParamSpecUnichar.
@pspec: a valid #GParamSpec instance
<!-- ##### MACRO G_TYPE_PARAM_UNICHAR ##### -->
The #GType of #GParamSpecUnichar.
<!-- ##### STRUCT GParamSpecUnichar ##### -->
A #GParamSpec derived structure that contains the meta data for unichar (unsigned integer) properties.
@parent_instance: private #GParamSpec portion
@default_value: default value for the property specified
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_param_spec_unichar ##### -->
<!-- ##### MACRO G_IS_PARAM_SPEC_VALUE_ARRAY ##### -->
Return whether the given #GParamSpec is of type %G_TYPE_PARAM_VALUE_ARRAY.
@pspec: a valid #GParamSpec instance
<!-- ##### MACRO G_PARAM_SPEC_VALUE_ARRAY ##### -->
Cast a #GParamSpec instance into a #GParamSpecValueArray.
@pspec: a valid #GParamSpec instance
<!-- ##### MACRO G_TYPE_PARAM_VALUE_ARRAY ##### -->
The #GType of #GParamSpecValueArray.
<!-- ##### STRUCT GParamSpecValueArray ##### -->
A #GParamSpec derived structure that contains the meta data for #GValueArray properties.
@parent_instance: private #GParamSpec portion
@element_spec: a #GParamSpec describing the elements contained in arrays of this property, may be %NULL
@fixed_n_elements: if greater than 0, arrays of this property will always have this many elements
<!-- ##### FUNCTION g_param_spec_value_array ##### -->