
Replace client area with content area.
diff --git a/docs/input.dox b/docs/input.dox
index 73c7ef7..159fb45 100644
--- a/docs/input.dox
+++ b/docs/input.dox
@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@
 The callback functions receives the cursor position, measured in screen
-coordinates but relative to the top-left corner of the window client area.  On
+coordinates but relative to the top-left corner of the window content area.  On
 platforms that provide it, the full sub-pixel cursor position is passed on.
@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@
 Once set, the cursor image will be used as long as the system cursor is over the
-client area of the window and the [cursor mode](@ref cursor_mode) is set
+content area of the window and the [cursor mode](@ref cursor_mode) is set
 A single cursor may be set for any number of windows.
@@ -394,7 +394,7 @@
 @subsection cursor_enter Cursor enter/leave events
-If you wish to be notified when the cursor enters or leaves the client area of
+If you wish to be notified when the cursor enters or leaves the content area of
 a window, set a cursor enter/leave callback.
@@ -408,16 +408,16 @@
     if (entered)
-        // The cursor entered the client area of the window
+        // The cursor entered the content area of the window
-        // The cursor left the client area of the window
+        // The cursor left the content area of the window
-You can query whether the cursor is currently inside the client area of the
+You can query whether the cursor is currently inside the content area of the
 window with the [GLFW_HOVERED](@ref GLFW_HOVERED_attrib) window attribute.
diff --git a/docs/intro.dox b/docs/intro.dox
index 58ab8fd..36bc73e 100644
--- a/docs/intro.dox
+++ b/docs/intro.dox
@@ -208,24 +208,24 @@
 @section coordinate_systems Coordinate systems
 GLFW has two primary coordinate systems: the _virtual screen_ and the window
-_client area_ or _content area_.  Both use the same unit: _virtual screen
+_content area_ or _content area_.  Both use the same unit: _virtual screen
 coordinates_, or just _screen coordinates_, which don't necessarily correspond
 to pixels.
 <img src="spaces.svg" width="90%" />
-Both the virtual screen and the client area coordinate systems have the X-axis
+Both the virtual screen and the content area coordinate systems have the X-axis
 pointing to the right and the Y-axis pointing down.
 Window and monitor positions are specified as the position of the upper-left
 corners of their content areas relative to the virtual screen, while cursor
-positions are specified relative to a window's client area.
+positions are specified relative to a window's content area.
-Because the origin of the window's client area coordinate system is also the
-point from which the window position is specified, you can translate client area
-coordinates to the virtual screen by adding the window position.  The window
-frame, when present, extends out from the client area but does not affect the
-window position.
+Because the origin of the window's content area coordinate system is also the
+point from which the window position is specified, you can translate content
+area coordinates to the virtual screen by adding the window position.  The
+window frame, when present, extends out from the content area but does not
+affect the window position.
 Almost all positions and sizes in GLFW are measured in screen coordinates
 relative to one of the two origins above.  This includes cursor positions,
diff --git a/docs/news.dox b/docs/news.dox
index 0cdec00..43f384e 100644
--- a/docs/news.dox
+++ b/docs/news.dox
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
 @subsection news_33_hover Mouse cursor hover window attribute
-GLFW now supports polling whether the cursor is hovering over the window client
+GLFW now supports polling whether the cursor is hovering over the window content
 area with the [GLFW_HOVERED](@ref GLFW_HOVERED_attrib) window attribute.  This
 attribute corresponds to the [cursor enter/leave](@ref cursor_enter) event.
@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@
 @subsection news_31_framesize Window frame size query
 GLFW now supports querying the size, on each side, of the frame around the
-client area of a window, with @ref glfwGetWindowFrameSize.
+content area of a window, with @ref glfwGetWindowFrameSize.
 @see [Window size](@ref window_size)
@@ -506,7 +506,7 @@
 @subsection news_30_enterleave Cursor enter/leave callback
 Each window now has a callback for when the mouse cursor enters or leaves its
-client area, which is set with @ref glfwSetCursorEnterCallback.
+content area, which is set with @ref glfwSetCursorEnterCallback.
 @subsection news_30_wndtitle Initial window title
diff --git a/docs/spaces.svg b/docs/spaces.svg
index 562fa8b..5b32646 100644
--- a/docs/spaces.svg
+++ b/docs/spaces.svg
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
-   inkscape:version="0.48.4 r9939"
+   inkscape:version="0.92.4 (5da689c313, 2019-01-14)"
@@ -38,11 +38,11 @@
-     inkscape:zoom="2.5611424"
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-     inkscape:cy="163.9911"
+     inkscape:zoom="1.8110012"
+     inkscape:cx="320.68941"
+     inkscape:cy="159.80509"
-     inkscape:current-layer="svg2"
+     inkscape:current-layer="layer1"
@@ -475,18 +475,18 @@
        inkscape:export-ydpi="109.89113" />
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@@ -649,74 +649,6 @@
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+         d="m 172.21587,456.09125 v 1.04004 q -0.49805,-0.46387 -1.06446,-0.69336 -0.56152,-0.22949 -1.19629,-0.22949 -1.25,0 -1.91406,0.7666 -0.66406,0.76172 -0.66406,2.20703 0,1.44043 0.66406,2.20703 0.66406,0.76172 1.91406,0.76172 0.63477,0 1.19629,-0.22949 0.56641,-0.2295 1.06446,-0.69336 v 1.03027 q -0.51758,0.35156 -1.09864,0.52734 -0.57617,0.17578 -1.2207,0.17578 -1.65527,0 -2.60742,-1.01074 -0.95215,-1.01562 -0.95215,-2.76855 0,-1.75781 0.95215,-2.76856 0.95215,-1.01562 2.60742,-1.01562 0.6543,0 1.23047,0.17578 0.58105,0.1709 1.08887,0.51758 z"
+         style="font-size:10px"
+         id="path4091" />
+      <path
+         d="m 175.82915,457.9809 q -0.72266,0 -1.14258,0.5664 -0.41992,0.56153 -0.41992,1.54297 0,0.98145 0.41504,1.54785 0.41992,0.56153 1.14746,0.56153 0.71777,0 1.13769,-0.56641 0.41992,-0.56641 0.41992,-1.54297 0,-0.97168 -0.41992,-1.53808 -0.41992,-0.57129 -1.13769,-0.57129 z m 0,-0.76172 q 1.17187,0 1.84082,0.76172 0.66894,0.76171 0.66894,2.10937 0,1.34277 -0.66894,2.10938 -0.66895,0.76171 -1.84082,0.76171 -1.17676,0 -1.84571,-0.76171 -0.66406,-0.76661 -0.66406,-2.10938 0,-1.34766 0.66406,-2.10937 0.66895,-0.76172 1.84571,-0.76172 z"
+         style="font-size:10px"
+         id="path4093" />
+      <path
+         d="m 184.36919,459.51898 v 3.30078 h -0.89844 v -3.27148 q 0,-0.77637 -0.30274,-1.16211 -0.30273,-0.38574 -0.9082,-0.38574 -0.72754,0 -1.14746,0.46386 -0.41992,0.46387 -0.41992,1.26465 v 3.09082 h -0.90332 v -5.46875 h 0.90332 v 0.84961 q 0.32226,-0.49316 0.75683,-0.7373 0.43946,-0.24414 1.01075,-0.24414 0.94238,0 1.42578,0.58593 0.4834,0.58106 0.4834,1.71387 z"
+         style="font-size:10px"
+         id="path4095" />
+      <path
+         d="m 187.05962,455.79828 v 1.55273 h 1.85058 v 0.69825 h -1.85058 v 2.96875 q 0,0.66894 0.18066,0.85937 0.18555,0.19043 0.74707,0.19043 h 0.92285 v 0.75195 h -0.92285 q -1.04004,0 -1.43555,-0.38574 -0.3955,-0.39062 -0.3955,-1.41601 v -2.96875 h -0.65918 v -0.69825 h 0.65918 v -1.55273 z"
+         style="font-size:10px"
+         id="path4097" />
+      <path
+         d="m 194.77446,459.86078 v 0.43945 h -4.13086 q 0.0586,0.92774 0.55664,1.41602 0.50293,0.4834 1.39649,0.4834 0.51757,0 1.00097,-0.12696 0.48828,-0.12695 0.9668,-0.38086 v 0.84961 q -0.4834,0.20508 -0.99121,0.3125 -0.50781,0.10742 -1.03028,0.10742 -1.30859,0 -2.07519,-0.76171 -0.76172,-0.76172 -0.76172,-2.06055 0,-1.34277 0.72266,-2.12891 0.72754,-0.79101 1.958,-0.79101 1.10352,0 1.74317,0.71289 0.64453,0.70801 0.64453,1.92871 z m -0.89844,-0.26367 q -0.01,-0.73731 -0.41504,-1.17676 -0.40039,-0.43945 -1.06445,-0.43945 -0.75195,0 -1.20605,0.4248 -0.44922,0.42481 -0.51758,1.19629 z"
+         style="font-size:10px"
+         id="path4099" />
+      <path
+         d="m 200.79497,459.51898 v 3.30078 h -0.89844 v -3.27148 q 0,-0.77637 -0.30273,-1.16211 -0.30274,-0.38574 -0.90821,-0.38574 -0.72754,0 -1.14746,0.46386 -0.41992,0.46387 -0.41992,1.26465 v 3.09082 h -0.90332 v -5.46875 h 0.90332 v 0.84961 q 0.32227,-0.49316 0.75684,-0.7373 0.43945,-0.24414 1.01074,-0.24414 0.94238,0 1.42578,0.58593 0.4834,0.58106 0.4834,1.71387 z"
+         style="font-size:10px"
+         id="path4101" />
+      <path
+         d="m 203.4854,455.79828 v 1.55273 h 1.85058 v 0.69825 h -1.85058 v 2.96875 q 0,0.66894 0.18066,0.85937 0.18555,0.19043 0.74707,0.19043 h 0.92285 v 0.75195 h -0.92285 q -1.04004,0 -1.43555,-0.38574 -0.3955,-0.39062 -0.3955,-1.41601 v -2.96875 h -0.65918 v -0.69825 h 0.65918 v -1.55273 z"
+         style="font-size:10px"
+         id="path4103" />
+      <path
+         d="m 212.19145,460.07074 q -1.08887,0 -1.50879,0.24902 -0.41992,0.24903 -0.41992,0.84961 0,0.47852 0.3125,0.76172 0.31738,0.27832 0.85938,0.27832 0.74707,0 1.19629,-0.52734 0.4541,-0.53223 0.4541,-1.41113 v -0.2002 z m 1.79199,-0.37109 v 3.12011 h -0.89843 v -0.83007 q -0.30762,0.49804 -0.7666,0.7373 -0.45899,0.23437 -1.12305,0.23437 -0.83985,0 -1.33789,-0.46875 -0.49317,-0.47363 -0.49317,-1.26464 0,-0.92286 0.61524,-1.39161 0.62012,-0.46875 1.8457,-0.46875 h 1.25977 v -0.0879 q 0,-0.62011 -0.41016,-0.95703 -0.40527,-0.34179 -1.14258,-0.34179 -0.46875,0 -0.91308,0.1123 -0.44434,0.11231 -0.8545,0.33691 v -0.83007 q 0.49317,-0.19043 0.95704,-0.28321 0.46386,-0.0976 0.90332,-0.0976 1.18652,0 1.77246,0.61523 0.58593,0.61524 0.58593,1.86524 z"
+         style="font-size:10px"
+         id="path4105" />
+      <path
+         d="m 219.00786,458.19086 q -0.15137,-0.0879 -0.33203,-0.12696 -0.17578,-0.0439 -0.39063,-0.0439 -0.76172,0 -1.17187,0.49805 -0.40528,0.49316 -0.40528,1.42089 v 2.88086 h -0.90332 v -5.46875 h 0.90332 v 0.84961 q 0.28321,-0.49804 0.73731,-0.7373 0.4541,-0.24414 1.10351,-0.24414 0.0928,0 0.20508,0.0147 0.11231,0.01 0.24903,0.0342 z"
+         style="font-size:10px"
+         id="path4107" />
+      <path
+         d="m 224.4229,459.86078 v 0.43945 h -4.13086 q 0.0586,0.92774 0.55664,1.41602 0.50293,0.4834 1.39648,0.4834 0.51758,0 1.00098,-0.12696 0.48828,-0.12695 0.9668,-0.38086 v 0.84961 q -0.4834,0.20508 -0.99121,0.3125 -0.50782,0.10742 -1.03028,0.10742 -1.30859,0 -2.07519,-0.76171 -0.76172,-0.76172 -0.76172,-2.06055 0,-1.34277 0.72265,-2.12891 0.72754,-0.79101 1.95801,-0.79101 1.10352,0 1.74317,0.71289 0.64453,0.70801 0.64453,1.92871 z m -0.89844,-0.26367 q -0.01,-0.73731 -0.41504,-1.17676 -0.40039,-0.43945 -1.06445,-0.43945 -0.75196,0 -1.20606,0.4248 -0.44922,0.42481 -0.51758,1.19629 z"
+         style="font-size:10px"
+         id="path4109" />
+      <path
+         d="m 228.38286,460.07074 q -1.08887,0 -1.50879,0.24902 -0.41992,0.24903 -0.41992,0.84961 0,0.47852 0.3125,0.76172 0.31738,0.27832 0.85937,0.27832 0.74707,0 1.19629,-0.52734 0.4541,-0.53223 0.4541,-1.41113 v -0.2002 z m 1.79199,-0.37109 v 3.12011 h -0.89844 v -0.83007 q -0.30761,0.49804 -0.7666,0.7373 -0.45898,0.23437 -1.12305,0.23437 -0.83984,0 -1.33789,-0.46875 -0.49316,-0.47363 -0.49316,-1.26464 0,-0.92286 0.61523,-1.39161 0.62012,-0.46875 1.84571,-0.46875 h 1.25976 v -0.0879 q 0,-0.62011 -0.41015,-0.95703 -0.40528,-0.34179 -1.14258,-0.34179 -0.46875,0 -0.91309,0.1123 -0.44433,0.11231 -0.85449,0.33691 v -0.83007 q 0.49316,-0.19043 0.95703,-0.28321 0.46387,-0.0976 0.90332,-0.0976 1.18653,0 1.77246,0.61523 0.58594,0.61524 0.58594,1.86524 z"
+         style="font-size:10px"
+         id="path4111" />
+      <path
+         d="m 237.33305,457.9809 q -0.72265,0 -1.14257,0.5664 -0.41993,0.56153 -0.41993,1.54297 0,0.98145 0.41504,1.54785 0.41992,0.56153 1.14746,0.56153 0.71778,0 1.1377,-0.56641 0.41992,-0.56641 0.41992,-1.54297 0,-0.97168 -0.41992,-1.53808 -0.41992,-0.57129 -1.1377,-0.57129 z m 0,-0.76172 q 1.17188,0 1.84082,0.76172 0.66895,0.76171 0.66895,2.10937 0,1.34277 -0.66895,2.10938 -0.66894,0.76171 -1.84082,0.76171 -1.17675,0 -1.8457,-0.76171 -0.66406,-0.76661 -0.66406,-2.10938 0,-1.34766 0.66406,-2.10937 0.66895,-0.76172 1.8457,-0.76172 z"
+         style="font-size:10px"
+         id="path4113" />
+      <path
+         d="m 244.49614,458.19086 q -0.15137,-0.0879 -0.33203,-0.12696 -0.17578,-0.0439 -0.39063,-0.0439 -0.76172,0 -1.17187,0.49805 -0.40528,0.49316 -0.40528,1.42089 v 2.88086 h -0.90332 v -5.46875 h 0.90332 v 0.84961 q 0.28321,-0.49804 0.73731,-0.7373 0.4541,-0.24414 1.10352,-0.24414 0.0928,0 0.20507,0.0147 0.11231,0.01 0.24903,0.0342 z"
+         style="font-size:10px"
+         id="path4115" />
+      <path
+         d="m 245.44829,457.35101 h 0.89844 v 5.46875 h -0.89844 z m 0,-2.1289 h 0.89844 v 1.13769 h -0.89844 z"
+         style="font-size:10px"
+         id="path4117" />
+      <path
+         d="m 251.82036,460.02191 q 0,-0.97656 -0.40528,-1.51367 -0.40039,-0.53711 -1.12792,-0.53711 -0.72266,0 -1.12793,0.53711 -0.4004,0.53711 -0.4004,1.51367 0,0.97168 0.4004,1.50879 0.40527,0.53711 1.12793,0.53711 0.72753,0 1.12792,-0.53711 0.40528,-0.53711 0.40528,-1.50879 z m 0.89844,2.11914 q 0,1.39649 -0.62012,2.0752 -0.62012,0.68359 -1.89942,0.68359 -0.47363,0 -0.89355,-0.0732 -0.41992,-0.0684 -0.81543,-0.21484 v -0.87403 q 0.39551,0.21485 0.78125,0.31738 0.38574,0.10254 0.78613,0.10254 0.88379,0 1.32325,-0.46386 0.43945,-0.45899 0.43945,-1.3916 v -0.44434 q -0.27832,0.4834 -0.71289,0.72266 -0.43457,0.23925 -1.04004,0.23925 -1.00586,0 -1.6211,-0.7666 -0.61523,-0.7666 -0.61523,-2.03125 0,-1.26953 0.61523,-2.03613 0.61524,-0.7666 1.6211,-0.7666 0.60547,0 1.04004,0.23926 0.43457,0.23925 0.71289,0.72265 v -0.83008 h 0.89844 z"
+         style="font-size:10px"
+         id="path4119" />
+      <path
+         d="m 254.56938,457.35101 h 0.89844 v 5.46875 h -0.89844 z m 0,-2.1289 h 0.89844 v 1.13769 h -0.89844 z"
+         style="font-size:10px"
+         id="path4121" />
+      <path
+         d="m 261.88872,459.51898 v 3.30078 h -0.89844 v -3.27148 q 0,-0.77637 -0.30273,-1.16211 -0.30274,-0.38574 -0.90821,-0.38574 -0.72754,0 -1.14746,0.46386 -0.41992,0.46387 -0.41992,1.26465 v 3.09082 h -0.90332 v -5.46875 h 0.90332 v 0.84961 q 0.32227,-0.49316 0.75684,-0.7373 0.43945,-0.24414 1.01074,-0.24414 0.94238,0 1.42578,0.58593 0.4834,0.58106 0.4834,1.71387 z"
+         style="font-size:10px"
+         id="path4123" />
+    </g>
diff --git a/docs/window.dox b/docs/window.dox
index f301278..5f94f35 100644
--- a/docs/window.dox
+++ b/docs/window.dox
@@ -599,7 +599,7 @@
 The size of a window can be changed with @ref glfwSetWindowSize.  For windowed
 mode windows, this sets the size, in
-[screen coordinates](@ref coordinate_systems) of the _client area_ or _content
+[screen coordinates](@ref coordinate_systems) of the _content area_ or _content
 area_ of the window.  The window system may impose limits on window size.
@@ -619,7 +619,7 @@
 The callback function receives the new size, in screen coordinates, of the
-client area of the window when the window is resized.
+content area of the window when the window is resized.
 void window_size_callback(GLFWwindow* window, int width, int height)
@@ -640,9 +640,9 @@
 [framebuffer size](@ref window_fbsize), which is in pixels, for pixel-based
-The above functions work with the size of the client area, but decorated windows
-typically have title bars and window frames around this rectangle.  You can
-retrieve the extents of these with @ref glfwGetWindowFrameSize.
+The above functions work with the size of the content area, but decorated
+windows typically have title bars and window frames around this rectangle.  You
+can retrieve the extents of these with @ref glfwGetWindowFrameSize.
 int left, top, right, bottom;
@@ -650,7 +650,7 @@
 The returned values are the distances, in screen coordinates, from the edges of
-the client area to the corresponding edges of the full window.  As they are
+the content area to the corresponding edges of the full window.  As they are
 distances and not coordinates, they are always zero or positive.
@@ -737,10 +737,10 @@
 @subsection window_sizelimits Window size limits
-The minimum and maximum size of the client area of a windowed mode window can be
-enforced with @ref glfwSetWindowSizeLimits.  The user may resize the window to
-any size and aspect ratio within the specified limits, unless the aspect ratio
-is also set.
+The minimum and maximum size of the content area of a windowed mode window can
+be enforced with @ref glfwSetWindowSizeLimits.  The user may resize the window
+to any size and aspect ratio within the specified limits, unless the aspect
+ratio is also set.
 glfwSetWindowSizeLimits(window, 200, 200, 400, 400);
@@ -755,7 +755,7 @@
 To disable size limits for a window, set them all to `GLFW_DONT_CARE`.
-The aspect ratio of the client area of a windowed mode window can be enforced
+The aspect ratio of the content area of a windowed mode window can be enforced
 with @ref glfwSetWindowAspectRatio.  The user may resize the window freely
 unless size limits are also set, but the size will be constrained to maintain
 the aspect ratio.
@@ -785,7 +785,7 @@
 The position of a windowed-mode window can be changed with @ref
 glfwSetWindowPos.  This moves the window so that the upper-left corner of its
-client area has the specified [screen coordinates](@ref coordinate_systems).
+content area has the specified [screen coordinates](@ref coordinate_systems).
 The window system may put limitations on window placement.
@@ -800,7 +800,7 @@
 The callback function receives the new position, in screen coordinates, of the
-upper-left corner of the client area when the window is moved.
+upper-left corner of the content area when the window is moved.
 void window_pos_callback(GLFWwindow* window, int xpos, int ypos)
@@ -809,7 +809,7 @@
 There is also @ref glfwGetWindowPos for directly retrieving the current position
-of the client area of the window.
+of the content area of the window.
 int xpos, ypos;
@@ -1249,8 +1249,8 @@
 @anchor GLFW_HOVERED_attrib
 __GLFW_HOVERED__ indicates whether the cursor is currently directly over the
-client area of the window, with no other windows between.  See @ref cursor_enter
-for details.
+content area of the window, with no other windows between.  See @ref
+cursor_enter for details.
 @anchor GLFW_VISIBLE_attrib
 __GLFW_VISIBLE__ indicates whether the specified window is visible.  See @ref
diff --git a/include/GLFW/glfw3.h b/include/GLFW/glfw3.h
index 8606edc..35a781c 100644
--- a/include/GLFW/glfw3.h
+++ b/include/GLFW/glfw3.h
@@ -1170,9 +1170,9 @@
  *  @param[in] window The window that was moved.
  *  @param[in] xpos The new x-coordinate, in screen coordinates, of the
- *  upper-left corner of the client area of the window.
+ *  upper-left corner of the content area of the window.
  *  @param[in] ypos The new y-coordinate, in screen coordinates, of the
- *  upper-left corner of the client area of the window.
+ *  upper-left corner of the content area of the window.
  *  @sa @ref window_pos
  *  @sa @ref glfwSetWindowPosCallback
@@ -1349,9 +1349,9 @@
  *  @param[in] window The window that received the event.
  *  @param[in] xpos The new cursor x-coordinate, relative to the left edge of
- *  the client area.
+ *  the content area.
  *  @param[in] ypos The new cursor y-coordinate, relative to the top edge of the
- *  client area.
+ *  content area.
  *  @sa @ref cursor_pos
  *  @sa @ref glfwSetCursorPosCallback
@@ -1367,7 +1367,7 @@
  *  This is the function signature for cursor enter/leave callback functions.
  *  @param[in] window The window that received the event.
- *  @param[in] entered `GLFW_TRUE` if the cursor entered the window's client
+ *  @param[in] entered `GLFW_TRUE` if the cursor entered the window's content
  *  area, or `GLFW_FALSE` if it left it.
  *  @sa @ref cursor_enter
@@ -2644,19 +2644,19 @@
 GLFWAPI void glfwSetWindowIcon(GLFWwindow* window, int count, const GLFWimage* images);
-/*! @brief Retrieves the position of the client area of the specified window.
+/*! @brief Retrieves the position of the content area of the specified window.
  *  This function retrieves the position, in screen coordinates, of the
- *  upper-left corner of the client area of the specified window.
+ *  upper-left corner of the content area of the specified window.
  *  Any or all of the position arguments may be `NULL`.  If an error occurs, all
  *  non-`NULL` position arguments will be set to zero.
  *  @param[in] window The window to query.
  *  @param[out] xpos Where to store the x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of
- *  the client area, or `NULL`.
+ *  the content area, or `NULL`.
  *  @param[out] ypos Where to store the y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of
- *  the client area, or `NULL`.
+ *  the content area, or `NULL`.
  *  @errors Possible errors include @ref GLFW_NOT_INITIALIZED and @ref
@@ -2676,10 +2676,10 @@
 GLFWAPI void glfwGetWindowPos(GLFWwindow* window, int* xpos, int* ypos);
-/*! @brief Sets the position of the client area of the specified window.
+/*! @brief Sets the position of the content area of the specified window.
  *  This function sets the position, in screen coordinates, of the upper-left
- *  corner of the client area of the specified windowed mode window.  If the
+ *  corner of the content area of the specified windowed mode window.  If the
  *  window is a full screen window, this function does nothing.
  *  __Do not use this function__ to move an already visible window unless you
@@ -2689,8 +2689,8 @@
  *  cannot and should not override these limits.
  *  @param[in] window The window to query.
- *  @param[in] xpos The x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the client area.
- *  @param[in] ypos The y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the client area.
+ *  @param[in] xpos The x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the content area.
+ *  @param[in] ypos The y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the content area.
  *  @errors Possible errors include @ref GLFW_NOT_INITIALIZED and @ref
@@ -2711,9 +2711,9 @@
 GLFWAPI void glfwSetWindowPos(GLFWwindow* window, int xpos, int ypos);
-/*! @brief Retrieves the size of the client area of the specified window.
+/*! @brief Retrieves the size of the content area of the specified window.
- *  This function retrieves the size, in screen coordinates, of the client area
+ *  This function retrieves the size, in screen coordinates, of the content area
  *  of the specified window.  If you wish to retrieve the size of the
  *  framebuffer of the window in pixels, see @ref glfwGetFramebufferSize.
@@ -2722,9 +2722,9 @@
  *  @param[in] window The window whose size to retrieve.
  *  @param[out] width Where to store the width, in screen coordinates, of the
- *  client area, or `NULL`.
+ *  content area, or `NULL`.
  *  @param[out] height Where to store the height, in screen coordinates, of the
- *  client area, or `NULL`.
+ *  content area, or `NULL`.
  *  @errors Possible errors include @ref GLFW_NOT_INITIALIZED and @ref
@@ -2743,7 +2743,7 @@
 /*! @brief Sets the size limits of the specified window.
- *  This function sets the size limits of the client area of the specified
+ *  This function sets the size limits of the content area of the specified
  *  window.  If the window is full screen, the size limits only take effect
  *  once it is made windowed.  If the window is not resizable, this function
  *  does nothing.
@@ -2755,14 +2755,14 @@
  *  dimensions and all must be greater than or equal to zero.
  *  @param[in] window The window to set limits for.
- *  @param[in] minwidth The minimum width, in screen coordinates, of the client
+ *  @param[in] minwidth The minimum width, in screen coordinates, of the content
  *  area, or `GLFW_DONT_CARE`.
  *  @param[in] minheight The minimum height, in screen coordinates, of the
- *  client area, or `GLFW_DONT_CARE`.
- *  @param[in] maxwidth The maximum width, in screen coordinates, of the client
+ *  content area, or `GLFW_DONT_CARE`.
+ *  @param[in] maxwidth The maximum width, in screen coordinates, of the content
  *  area, or `GLFW_DONT_CARE`.
  *  @param[in] maxheight The maximum height, in screen coordinates, of the
- *  client area, or `GLFW_DONT_CARE`.
+ *  content area, or `GLFW_DONT_CARE`.
  *  @errors Possible errors include @ref GLFW_NOT_INITIALIZED, @ref
@@ -2786,7 +2786,7 @@
 /*! @brief Sets the aspect ratio of the specified window.
- *  This function sets the required aspect ratio of the client area of the
+ *  This function sets the required aspect ratio of the content area of the
  *  specified window.  If the window is full screen, the aspect ratio only takes
  *  effect once it is made windowed.  If the window is not resizable, this
  *  function does nothing.
@@ -2827,9 +2827,9 @@
 GLFWAPI void glfwSetWindowAspectRatio(GLFWwindow* window, int numer, int denom);
-/*! @brief Sets the size of the client area of the specified window.
+/*! @brief Sets the size of the content area of the specified window.
- *  This function sets the size, in screen coordinates, of the client area of
+ *  This function sets the size, in screen coordinates, of the content area of
  *  the specified window.
  *  For full screen windows, this function updates the resolution of its desired
@@ -2845,9 +2845,9 @@
  *  @param[in] window The window to resize.
  *  @param[in] width The desired width, in screen coordinates, of the window
- *  client area.
+ *  content area.
  *  @param[in] height The desired height, in screen coordinates, of the window
- *  client area.
+ *  content area.
  *  @errors Possible errors include @ref GLFW_NOT_INITIALIZED and @ref
@@ -3251,7 +3251,7 @@
  *  The window position is ignored when setting a monitor.
  *  When the monitor is `NULL`, the position, width and height are used to
- *  place the window client area.  The refresh rate is ignored when no monitor
+ *  place the window content area.  The refresh rate is ignored when no monitor
  *  is specified.
  *  If you only wish to update the resolution of a full screen window or the
@@ -3264,12 +3264,12 @@
  *  @param[in] window The window whose monitor, size or video mode to set.
  *  @param[in] monitor The desired monitor, or `NULL` to set windowed mode.
  *  @param[in] xpos The desired x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the
- *  client area.
+ *  content area.
  *  @param[in] ypos The desired y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the
- *  client area.
- *  @param[in] width The desired with, in screen coordinates, of the client area
- *  or video mode.
- *  @param[in] height The desired height, in screen coordinates, of the client
+ *  content area.
+ *  @param[in] width The desired with, in screen coordinates, of the content
+ *  area or video mode.
+ *  @param[in] height The desired height, in screen coordinates, of the content
  *  area or video mode.
  *  @param[in] refreshRate The desired refresh rate, in Hz, of the video mode,
  *  or `GLFW_DONT_CARE`.
@@ -3419,8 +3419,8 @@
  *  This function sets the position callback of the specified window, which is
  *  called when the window is moved.  The callback is provided with the
- *  position, in screen coordinates, of the upper-left corner of the client area
- *  of the window.
+ *  position, in screen coordinates, of the upper-left corner of the content
+ *  area of the window.
  *  @param[in] window The window whose callback to set.
  *  @param[in] cbfun The new callback, or `NULL` to remove the currently set
@@ -3447,7 +3447,7 @@
  *  This function sets the size callback of the specified window, which is
  *  called when the window is resized.  The callback is provided with the size,
- *  in screen coordinates, of the client area of the window.
+ *  in screen coordinates, of the content area of the window.
  *  @param[in] window The window whose callback to set.
  *  @param[in] cbfun The new callback, or `NULL` to remove the currently set
@@ -3504,7 +3504,7 @@
 /*! @brief Sets the refresh callback for the specified window.
  *  This function sets the refresh callback of the specified window, which is
- *  called when the client area of the window needs to be redrawn, for example
+ *  called when the content area of the window needs to be redrawn, for example
  *  if the window has been exposed after having been covered by another window.
  *  On compositing window systems such as Aero, Compiz, Aqua or Wayland, where
@@ -3838,8 +3838,8 @@
  *  If the mode is `GLFW_CURSOR`, the value must be one of the following cursor
  *  modes:
  *  - `GLFW_CURSOR_NORMAL` makes the cursor visible and behaving normally.
- *  - `GLFW_CURSOR_HIDDEN` makes the cursor invisible when it is over the client
- *    area of the window but does not restrict the cursor from leaving.
+ *  - `GLFW_CURSOR_HIDDEN` makes the cursor invisible when it is over the
+ *    content area of the window but does not restrict the cursor from leaving.
  *  - `GLFW_CURSOR_DISABLED` hides and grabs the cursor, providing virtual
  *    and unlimited cursor movement.  This is useful for implementing for
  *    example 3D camera controls.
@@ -4042,11 +4042,11 @@
 GLFWAPI int glfwGetMouseButton(GLFWwindow* window, int button);
-/*! @brief Retrieves the position of the cursor relative to the client area of
+/*! @brief Retrieves the position of the cursor relative to the content area of
  *  the window.
  *  This function returns the position of the cursor, in screen coordinates,
- *  relative to the upper-left corner of the client area of the specified
+ *  relative to the upper-left corner of the content area of the specified
  *  window.
  *  If the cursor is disabled (with `GLFW_CURSOR_DISABLED`) then the cursor
@@ -4062,9 +4062,9 @@
  *  @param[in] window The desired window.
  *  @param[out] xpos Where to store the cursor x-coordinate, relative to the
- *  left edge of the client area, or `NULL`.
+ *  left edge of the content area, or `NULL`.
  *  @param[out] ypos Where to store the cursor y-coordinate, relative to the to
- *  top edge of the client area, or `NULL`.
+ *  top edge of the content area, or `NULL`.
  *  @errors Possible errors include @ref GLFW_NOT_INITIALIZED and @ref
@@ -4080,11 +4080,11 @@
 GLFWAPI void glfwGetCursorPos(GLFWwindow* window, double* xpos, double* ypos);
-/*! @brief Sets the position of the cursor, relative to the client area of the
+/*! @brief Sets the position of the cursor, relative to the content area of the
  *  window.
  *  This function sets the position, in screen coordinates, of the cursor
- *  relative to the upper-left corner of the client area of the specified
+ *  relative to the upper-left corner of the content area of the specified
  *  window.  The window must have input focus.  If the window does not have
  *  input focus when this function is called, it fails silently.
@@ -4099,9 +4099,9 @@
  *  @param[in] window The desired window.
  *  @param[in] xpos The desired x-coordinate, relative to the left edge of the
- *  client area.
+ *  content area.
  *  @param[in] ypos The desired y-coordinate, relative to the top edge of the
- *  client area.
+ *  content area.
  *  @errors Possible errors include @ref GLFW_NOT_INITIALIZED and @ref
@@ -4211,7 +4211,7 @@
 /*! @brief Sets the cursor for the window.
  *  This function sets the cursor image to be used when the cursor is over the
- *  client area of the specified window.  The set cursor will only be visible
+ *  content area of the specified window.  The set cursor will only be visible
  *  when the [cursor mode](@ref cursor_mode) of the window is
@@ -4384,7 +4384,7 @@
  *  This function sets the cursor position callback of the specified window,
  *  which is called when the cursor is moved.  The callback is provided with the
  *  position, in screen coordinates, relative to the upper-left corner of the
- *  client area of the window.
+ *  content area of the window.
  *  @param[in] window The window whose callback to set.
  *  @param[in] cbfun The new callback, or `NULL` to remove the currently set
@@ -4407,7 +4407,7 @@
 /*! @brief Sets the cursor enter/exit callback.
  *  This function sets the cursor boundary crossing callback of the specified
- *  window, which is called when the cursor enters or leaves the client area of
+ *  window, which is called when the cursor enters or leaves the content area of
  *  the window.
  *  @param[in] window The window whose callback to set.
diff --git a/src/cocoa_window.m b/src/cocoa_window.m
index 6382968..28c7ef5 100644
--- a/src/cocoa_window.m
+++ b/src/cocoa_window.m
@@ -67,9 +67,9 @@
     return styleMask;
-// Returns whether the cursor is in the client area of the specified window
+// Returns whether the cursor is in the content area of the specified window
-static GLFWbool cursorInClientArea(_GLFWwindow* window)
+static GLFWbool cursorInContentArea(_GLFWwindow* window)
     const NSPoint pos = [window->ns.object mouseLocationOutsideOfEventStream];
     return [window->ns.view mouse:pos inRect:[window->ns.view frame]];
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
-        _glfwCenterCursor(window);
+        _glfwCenterCursorInContentArea(window);
     else if (_glfw.ns.disabledCursorWindow == window)
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
-    if (cursorInClientArea(window))
+    if (cursorInContentArea(window))
@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@
         [window->context.nsgl.object update];
     if (_glfw.ns.disabledCursorWindow == window)
-        _glfwCenterCursor(window);
+        _glfwCenterCursorInContentArea(window);
     const int maximized = [window->ns.object isZoomed];
     if (window->ns.maximized != maximized)
@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@
         [window->context.nsgl.object update];
     if (_glfw.ns.disabledCursorWindow == window)
-        _glfwCenterCursor(window);
+        _glfwCenterCursorInContentArea(window);
     int x, y;
     _glfwPlatformGetWindowPos(window, &x, &y);
@@ -332,7 +332,7 @@
 - (void)windowDidBecomeKey:(NSNotification *)notification
     if (_glfw.ns.disabledCursorWindow == window)
-        _glfwCenterCursor(window);
+        _glfwCenterCursorInContentArea(window);
     _glfwInputWindowFocus(window, GLFW_TRUE);
@@ -1513,7 +1513,7 @@
 void _glfwPlatformSetCursor(_GLFWwindow* window, _GLFWcursor* cursor)
-    if (cursorInClientArea(window))
+    if (cursorInContentArea(window))
diff --git a/src/input.c b/src/input.c
index c3da79d..33ed060 100644
--- a/src/input.c
+++ b/src/input.c
@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@
 // Notifies shared code of a cursor motion event
-// The position is specified in client-area relative screen coordinates
+// The position is specified in content area relative screen coordinates
 void _glfwInputCursorPos(_GLFWwindow* window, double xpos, double ypos)
@@ -453,9 +453,9 @@
     memset(js, 0, sizeof(_GLFWjoystick));
-// Center the cursor in the middle of the window
+// Center the cursor in the content area of the specified window
-void _glfwCenterCursor(_GLFWwindow* window)
+void _glfwCenterCursorInContentArea(_GLFWwindow* window)
     int width, height;
diff --git a/src/internal.h b/src/internal.h
index aa83768..e8df80a 100644
--- a/src/internal.h
+++ b/src/internal.h
@@ -760,7 +760,7 @@
                                   int buttonCount,
                                   int hatCount);
 void _glfwFreeJoystick(_GLFWjoystick* js);
-void _glfwCenterCursor(_GLFWwindow* window);
+void _glfwCenterCursorInContentArea(_GLFWwindow* window);
 GLFWbool _glfwInitVulkan(int mode);
 void _glfwTerminateVulkan(void);
diff --git a/src/win32_window.c b/src/win32_window.c
index 0953292..afcdc9e 100644
--- a/src/win32_window.c
+++ b/src/win32_window.c
@@ -186,14 +186,14 @@
     return handle;
-// Translate client window size to full window size according to styles and DPI
+// Translate content area size to full window size according to styles and DPI
 static void getFullWindowSize(DWORD style, DWORD exStyle,
-                              int clientWidth, int clientHeight,
+                              int contentWidth, int contentHeight,
                               int* fullWidth, int* fullHeight,
                               UINT dpi)
-    RECT rect = { 0, 0, clientWidth, clientHeight };
+    RECT rect = { 0, 0, contentWidth, contentHeight };
     if (_glfwIsWindows10AnniversaryUpdateOrGreaterWin32())
         AdjustWindowRectExForDpi(&rect, style, FALSE, exStyle, dpi);
@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@
     *fullHeight = rect.bottom -;
-// Enforce the client rect aspect ratio based on which edge is being dragged
+// Enforce the content area aspect ratio based on which edge is being dragged
 static void applyAspectRatio(_GLFWwindow* window, int edge, RECT* area)
@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@
-    _glfwCenterCursor(window);
+    _glfwCenterCursorInContentArea(window);
     if (!RegisterRawInputDevices(&rid, 1, sizeof(rid)))
@@ -308,9 +308,9 @@
-// Returns whether the cursor is in the client area of the specified window
+// Returns whether the cursor is in the content area of the specified window
-static GLFWbool cursorInClientArea(_GLFWwindow* window)
+static GLFWbool cursorInContentArea(_GLFWwindow* window)
     RECT area;
     POINT pos;
@@ -1074,7 +1074,7 @@
             if (window->win32.scaleToMonitor)
-            // Adjust the window size to keep the client area size constant
+            // Adjust the window size to keep the content area size constant
             if (_glfwIsWindows10CreatorsUpdateOrGreaterWin32())
                 RECT source = {0}, target = {0};
@@ -1244,7 +1244,7 @@
     window->win32.scaleToMonitor = wndconfig->scaleToMonitor;
     // Adjust window size to account for DPI scaling of the window frame and
-    // optionally DPI scaling of the client area
+    // optionally DPI scaling of the content area
     // This cannot be done until we know what monitor it was placed on
     if (!window->monitor)
@@ -1779,7 +1779,7 @@
 int _glfwPlatformWindowHovered(_GLFWwindow* window)
-    return cursorInClientArea(window);
+    return cursorInContentArea(window);
 int _glfwPlatformFramebufferTransparent(_GLFWwindow* window)
@@ -1972,7 +1972,7 @@
     else if (_glfw.win32.disabledCursorWindow == window)
-    else if (cursorInClientArea(window))
+    else if (cursorInContentArea(window))
@@ -2035,7 +2035,7 @@
 void _glfwPlatformSetCursor(_GLFWwindow* window, _GLFWcursor* cursor)
-    if (cursorInClientArea(window))
+    if (cursorInContentArea(window))
diff --git a/src/window.c b/src/window.c
index 6367f2b..24e6005 100644
--- a/src/window.c
+++ b/src/window.c
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
 // Notifies shared code that a window has moved
-// The position is specified in client-area relative screen coordinates
+// The position is specified in content area relative screen coordinates
 void _glfwInputWindowPos(_GLFWwindow* window, int x, int y)
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@
     if (window->monitor)
         if (wndconfig.centerCursor)
-            _glfwCenterCursor(window);
+            _glfwCenterCursorInContentArea(window);
diff --git a/src/x11_window.c b/src/x11_window.c
index 252d914..4a23a1e 100644
--- a/src/x11_window.c
+++ b/src/x11_window.c
@@ -544,7 +544,7 @@
-    _glfwCenterCursor(window);
+    _glfwCenterCursorInContentArea(window);
     XGrabPointer(_glfw.x11.display, window->x11.handle, True,
                  ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | PointerMotionMask,
                  GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync,