blob: 4a808716bde2cbe695451e9284bc6c56c80bf0f1 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
import itertools
import sys
import png
Description = """Join PNG images in a column top-to-bottom."""
class FormatError(Exception):
Some problem with the image format.
def join_col(out, l):
Join the list of images.
All input images must be same width and
have the same number of channels.
They are joined top-to-bottom.
`out` is the (open file) destination for the output image.
`l` should be a list of open files (the input image files).
image = 0
stream = 0
# When the first image is read, this will be the reference width,
# which must be the same for all images.
width = None
# Total height (accumulated as images are read).
height = 0
# Accumulated rows.
rows = []
for f in l:
stream += 1
while True:
im = png.Reader(file=f)
except EOFError:
image += 1
if not width:
width = im.width
elif width != im.width:
raise FormatError('Image %d in stream %d has width %d; does not match %d.' %
(image, stream, im.width, width))
height += im.height
# Various bugs here because different numbers of channels and depths go wrong.
w, h, p, info = im.asDirect()
# Alarmingly re-use the last info object.
tinfo = dict(info)
del tinfo['size']
w = png.Writer(width, height, **tinfo)
w.write(out, rows)
def main(argv):
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=Description)
"input", nargs="*", default="-", type=png.cli_open, metavar="PNG"
args = parser.parse_args()
return join_col(png.binary_stdout(), args.input)
if __name__ == '__main__':