blob: f52cad427de00eea951c5a81791331366978cd9f [file] [log] [blame]
/* example.c -- usage example of the zlib compression library
* Copyright (C) 1995-2006, 2011, 2016 Jean-loup Gailly
* For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
#include "zbuild.h"
# include "zlib.h"
# include "zlib-ng.h"
#include "deflate.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include "test_shared_ng.h"
#define TESTFILE "foo.gz"
static const char dictionary[] = "hello";
static unsigned long dictId = 0; /* Adler32 value of the dictionary */
/* Maximum dictionary size, according to inflateGetDictionary() description. */
static alloc_func zalloc = NULL;
static free_func zfree = NULL;
/* ===========================================================================
* Display error message and exit
void error(const char *format, ...) {
va_list va;
va_start(va, format);
vfprintf(stderr, format, va);
#define CHECK_ERR(err, msg) { \
if (err != Z_OK) \
error("%s error: %d\n", msg, err); \
/* ===========================================================================
* Test compress() and uncompress()
static void test_compress(unsigned char *compr, z_uintmax_t comprLen, unsigned char *uncompr, z_uintmax_t uncomprLen) {
int err;
unsigned int len = (unsigned int)strlen(hello)+1;
err = PREFIX(compress)(compr, &comprLen, (const unsigned char*)hello, len);
CHECK_ERR(err, "compress");
strcpy((char*)uncompr, "garbage");
err = PREFIX(uncompress)(uncompr, &uncomprLen, compr, comprLen);
CHECK_ERR(err, "uncompress");
if (strcmp((char*)uncompr, hello))
error("bad uncompress\n");
printf("uncompress(): %s\n", (char *)uncompr);
/* ===========================================================================
* Test read/write of .gz files
static void test_gzio(const char *fname, unsigned char *uncompr, z_size_t uncomprLen) {
fprintf(stderr, "NO_GZCOMPRESS -- gz* functions cannot compress\n");
int err;
size_t read;
size_t len = strlen(hello)+1;
gzFile file;
z_off64_t pos;
z_off64_t comprLen;
/* Write gz file with test data */
file = PREFIX(gzopen)(fname, "wb");
if (file == NULL)
error("gzopen error\n");
/* Write hello, hello! using gzputs and gzprintf */
PREFIX(gzputc)(file, 'h');
if (PREFIX(gzputs)(file, "ello") != 4)
error("gzputs err: %s\n", PREFIX(gzerror)(file, &err));
if (PREFIX(gzprintf)(file, ", %s!", "hello") != 8)
error("gzprintf err: %s\n", PREFIX(gzerror)(file, &err));
/* Write string null-teriminator using gzseek */
if (PREFIX(gzseek)(file, 1L, SEEK_CUR) < 0)
error("gzseek error, gztell=%ld\n", (long)PREFIX(gztell)(file));
/* Write hello, hello! using gzfwrite using best compression level */
error("gzsetparams err: %s\n", PREFIX(gzerror)(file, &err));
if (PREFIX(gzfwrite)(hello, len, 1, file) == 0)
error("gzfwrite err: %s\n", PREFIX(gzerror)(file, &err));
/* Flush compressed bytes to file */
if (PREFIX(gzflush)(file, Z_SYNC_FLUSH) != Z_OK)
error("gzflush err: %s\n", PREFIX(gzerror)(file, &err));
comprLen = PREFIX(gzoffset)(file);
if (comprLen <= 0)
error("gzoffset err: %s\n", PREFIX(gzerror)(file, &err));
/* Open gz file we previously wrote */
file = PREFIX(gzopen)(fname, "rb");
if (file == NULL)
error("gzopen error\n");
/* Read uncompressed data - hello, hello! string twice */
strcpy((char*)uncompr, "garbages");
if (PREFIX(gzread)(file, uncompr, (unsigned)uncomprLen) != (int)(len + len))
error("gzread err: %s\n", PREFIX(gzerror)(file, &err));
if (strcmp((char*)uncompr, hello))
error("bad gzread: %s\n", (char*)uncompr);
printf("gzread(): %s\n", (char*)uncompr);
/* Check position at the end of the gz file */
if (PREFIX(gzeof)(file) != 1)
error("gzeof err: not reporting end of stream\n");
/* Seek backwards mid-string and check char reading with gzgetc and gzungetc */
pos = PREFIX(gzseek)(file, -22L, SEEK_CUR);
if (pos != 6 || PREFIX(gztell)(file) != pos)
error("gzseek error, pos=%ld, gztell=%ld\n", (long)pos, (long)PREFIX(gztell)(file));
if (PREFIX(gzgetc)(file) != ' ')
error("gzgetc error\n");
if (PREFIX(gzungetc)(' ', file) != ' ')
error("gzungetc error\n");
/* Read first hello, hello! string with gzgets */
strcpy((char*)uncompr, "garbages");
PREFIX(gzgets)(file, (char*)uncompr, (int)uncomprLen);
if (strlen((char*)uncompr) != 7) /* " hello!" */
error("gzgets err after gzseek: %s\n", PREFIX(gzerror)(file, &err));
if (strcmp((char*)uncompr, hello + 6))
error("bad gzgets after gzseek\n");
printf("gzgets() after gzseek: %s\n", (char*)uncompr);
/* Seek to second hello, hello! string */
pos = PREFIX(gzseek)(file, 14L, SEEK_SET);
if (pos != 14 || PREFIX(gztell)(file) != pos)
error("gzseek error, pos=%ld, gztell=%ld\n", (long)pos, (long)PREFIX(gztell)(file));
/* Check position not at end of file */
if (PREFIX(gzeof)(file) != 0)
error("gzeof err: reporting end of stream\n");
/* Read first hello, hello! string with gzfread */
strcpy((char*)uncompr, "garbages");
read = PREFIX(gzfread)(uncompr, uncomprLen, 1, file);
if (strcmp((const char *)uncompr, hello) != 0)
error("bad gzgets\n");
printf("gzgets(): %s\n", (char*)uncompr);
pos = PREFIX(gzoffset)(file);
if (pos < 0 || pos != (comprLen + 10))
error("gzoffset err: wrong offset at end\n");
/* Trigger an error and clear it with gzclearerr */
PREFIX(gzfread)(uncompr, (size_t)-1, (size_t)-1, file);
PREFIX(gzerror)(file, &err);
if (err == 0)
error("gzerror err: no error returned\n");
PREFIX(gzerror)(file, &err);
if (err != 0)
error("gzclearerr err: not zero %d\n", err);
if (PREFIX(gzclose)(NULL) != Z_STREAM_ERROR)
error("gzclose unexpected return when handle null\n");
/* ===========================================================================
* Test deflate() with small buffers
static void test_deflate(unsigned char *compr, size_t comprLen) {
PREFIX3(stream) c_stream; /* compression stream */
int err;
size_t len = strlen(hello)+1;
c_stream.zalloc = zalloc;
c_stream.zfree = zfree;
c_stream.opaque = (void *)0;
c_stream.total_in = 0;
c_stream.total_out = 0;
err = PREFIX(deflateInit)(&c_stream, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION);
CHECK_ERR(err, "deflateInit");
c_stream.next_in = (z_const unsigned char *)hello;
c_stream.next_out = compr;
while (c_stream.total_in != len && c_stream.total_out < comprLen) {
c_stream.avail_in = c_stream.avail_out = 1; /* force small buffers */
err = PREFIX(deflate)(&c_stream, Z_NO_FLUSH);
CHECK_ERR(err, "deflate");
/* Finish the stream, still forcing small buffers: */
for (;;) {
c_stream.avail_out = 1;
err = PREFIX(deflate)(&c_stream, Z_FINISH);
if (err == Z_STREAM_END) break;
CHECK_ERR(err, "deflate");
err = PREFIX(deflateEnd)(&c_stream);
CHECK_ERR(err, "deflateEnd");
/* ===========================================================================
* Test inflate() with small buffers
static void test_inflate(unsigned char *compr, size_t comprLen, unsigned char *uncompr, size_t uncomprLen) {
int err;
PREFIX3(stream) d_stream; /* decompression stream */
strcpy((char*)uncompr, "garbage");
d_stream.zalloc = zalloc;
d_stream.zfree = zfree;
d_stream.opaque = (void *)0;
d_stream.next_in = compr;
d_stream.avail_in = 0;
d_stream.next_out = uncompr;
d_stream.total_in = 0;
d_stream.total_out = 0;
err = PREFIX(inflateInit)(&d_stream);
CHECK_ERR(err, "inflateInit");
while (d_stream.total_out < uncomprLen && d_stream.total_in < comprLen) {
d_stream.avail_in = d_stream.avail_out = 1; /* force small buffers */
err = PREFIX(inflate)(&d_stream, Z_NO_FLUSH);
if (err == Z_STREAM_END) break;
CHECK_ERR(err, "inflate");
err = PREFIX(inflateEnd)(&d_stream);
CHECK_ERR(err, "inflateEnd");
if (strcmp((char*)uncompr, hello))
error("bad inflate\n");
printf("inflate(): %s\n", (char *)uncompr);
static unsigned int diff;
/* ===========================================================================
* Test deflate() with large buffers and dynamic change of compression level
static void test_large_deflate(unsigned char *compr, size_t comprLen, unsigned char *uncompr, size_t uncomprLen, int zng_params) {
PREFIX3(stream) c_stream; /* compression stream */
int err;
int level = -1;
int strategy = -1;
zng_deflate_param_value params[2];
params[0].param = Z_DEFLATE_LEVEL;
params[0].buf = &level;
params[0].size = sizeof(level);
params[1].param = Z_DEFLATE_STRATEGY;
params[1].buf = &strategy;
params[1].size = sizeof(strategy);
c_stream.zalloc = zalloc;
c_stream.zfree = zfree;
c_stream.opaque = (void *)0;
err = PREFIX(deflateInit)(&c_stream, Z_BEST_SPEED);
CHECK_ERR(err, "deflateInit");
c_stream.next_out = compr;
c_stream.avail_out = (unsigned int)comprLen;
/* At this point, uncompr is still mostly zeroes, so it should compress
* very well:
c_stream.next_in = uncompr;
c_stream.avail_in = (unsigned int)uncomprLen;
err = PREFIX(deflate)(&c_stream, Z_NO_FLUSH);
CHECK_ERR(err, "deflate");
if (c_stream.avail_in != 0)
error("deflate not greedy\n");
/* Feed in already compressed data and switch to no compression: */
if (zng_params) {
zng_deflateGetParams(&c_stream, params, sizeof(params) / sizeof(params[0]));
if (level != Z_BEST_SPEED)
error("Expected compression level Z_BEST_SPEED, got %d\n", level);
if (strategy != Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY)
error("Expected compression strategy Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY, got %d\n", strategy);
zng_deflateSetParams(&c_stream, params, sizeof(params) / sizeof(params[0]));
error("test_large_deflate() called with zng_params=1 in compat mode\n");
} else {
c_stream.next_in = compr;
diff = (unsigned int)(c_stream.next_out - compr);
c_stream.avail_in = diff;
err = PREFIX(deflate)(&c_stream, Z_NO_FLUSH);
CHECK_ERR(err, "deflate");
/* Switch back to compressing mode: */
if (zng_params) {
level = -1;
strategy = -1;
zng_deflateGetParams(&c_stream, params, sizeof(params) / sizeof(params[0]));
if (level != Z_NO_COMPRESSION)
error("Expected compression level Z_NO_COMPRESSION, got %d\n", level);
if (strategy != Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY)
error("Expected compression strategy Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY, got %d\n", strategy);
strategy = Z_FILTERED;
zng_deflateSetParams(&c_stream, params, sizeof(params) / sizeof(params[0]));
error("test_large_deflate() called with zng_params=1 in compat mode\n");
} else {
PREFIX(deflateParams)(&c_stream, Z_BEST_COMPRESSION, Z_FILTERED);
c_stream.next_in = uncompr;
c_stream.avail_in = (unsigned int)uncomprLen;
err = PREFIX(deflate)(&c_stream, Z_NO_FLUSH);
CHECK_ERR(err, "deflate");
err = PREFIX(deflate)(&c_stream, Z_FINISH);
if (err != Z_STREAM_END)
error("deflate should report Z_STREAM_END\n");
err = PREFIX(deflateEnd)(&c_stream);
CHECK_ERR(err, "deflateEnd");
/* ===========================================================================
* Test inflate() with large buffers
static void test_large_inflate(unsigned char *compr, size_t comprLen, unsigned char *uncompr, size_t uncomprLen) {
int err;
PREFIX3(stream) d_stream; /* decompression stream */
strcpy((char*)uncompr, "garbage");
d_stream.zalloc = zalloc;
d_stream.zfree = zfree;
d_stream.opaque = (void *)0;
d_stream.next_in = compr;
d_stream.avail_in = (unsigned int)comprLen;
d_stream.total_in = 0;
d_stream.total_out = 0;
err = PREFIX(inflateInit)(&d_stream);
CHECK_ERR(err, "inflateInit");
for (;;) {
d_stream.next_out = uncompr; /* discard the output */
d_stream.avail_out = (unsigned int)uncomprLen;
err = PREFIX(inflate)(&d_stream, Z_NO_FLUSH);
if (err == Z_STREAM_END) break;
CHECK_ERR(err, "large inflate");
err = PREFIX(inflateEnd)(&d_stream);
CHECK_ERR(err, "inflateEnd");
if (d_stream.total_out != 2*uncomprLen + diff)
error("bad large inflate: %" PRIu64 "\n", (uint64_t)d_stream.total_out);
printf("large_inflate(): OK\n");
/* ===========================================================================
* Test deflate() with full flush
static void test_flush(unsigned char *compr, z_uintmax_t *comprLen) {
PREFIX3(stream) c_stream; /* compression stream */
int err;
unsigned int len = (unsigned int)strlen(hello)+1;
c_stream.zalloc = zalloc;
c_stream.zfree = zfree;
c_stream.opaque = (void *)0;
err = PREFIX(deflateInit)(&c_stream, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION);
CHECK_ERR(err, "deflateInit");
c_stream.next_in = (z_const unsigned char *)hello;
c_stream.next_out = compr;
c_stream.avail_in = 3;
c_stream.avail_out = (unsigned int)*comprLen;
err = PREFIX(deflate)(&c_stream, Z_FULL_FLUSH);
CHECK_ERR(err, "deflate");
compr[3]++; /* force an error in first compressed block */
c_stream.avail_in = len - 3;
err = PREFIX(deflate)(&c_stream, Z_FINISH);
if (err != Z_STREAM_END) {
CHECK_ERR(err, "deflate");
err = PREFIX(deflateEnd)(&c_stream);
CHECK_ERR(err, "deflateEnd");
*comprLen = (z_size_t)c_stream.total_out;
/* ===========================================================================
* Test inflateSync()
* We expect a certain compressed block layout, so skip this with the original zlib.
static void test_sync(unsigned char *compr, size_t comprLen, unsigned char *uncompr, size_t uncomprLen) {
int err;
PREFIX3(stream) d_stream; /* decompression stream */
strcpy((char*)uncompr, "garbage");
d_stream.zalloc = zalloc;
d_stream.zfree = zfree;
d_stream.opaque = (void *)0;
d_stream.next_in = compr;
d_stream.avail_in = 2; /* just read the zlib header */
err = PREFIX(inflateInit)(&d_stream);
CHECK_ERR(err, "inflateInit");
d_stream.next_out = uncompr;
d_stream.avail_out = (unsigned int)uncomprLen;
err = PREFIX(inflate)(&d_stream, Z_NO_FLUSH);
CHECK_ERR(err, "inflate");
d_stream.avail_in = (unsigned int)comprLen-2; /* read all compressed data */
err = PREFIX(inflateSync)(&d_stream); /* but skip the damaged part */
CHECK_ERR(err, "inflateSync");
err = PREFIX(inflate)(&d_stream, Z_FINISH);
if (err != Z_STREAM_END)
error("inflate should report Z_STREAM_END\n");
err = PREFIX(inflateEnd)(&d_stream);
CHECK_ERR(err, "inflateEnd");
printf("after inflateSync(): hel%s\n", (char *)uncompr);
/* ===========================================================================
* Test deflate() with preset dictionary
static void test_dict_deflate(unsigned char *compr, size_t comprLen) {
PREFIX3(stream) c_stream; /* compression stream */
int err;
c_stream.zalloc = zalloc;
c_stream.zfree = zfree;
c_stream.opaque = (void *)0;
c_stream.adler = 0;
err = PREFIX(deflateInit)(&c_stream, Z_BEST_COMPRESSION);
CHECK_ERR(err, "deflateInit");
err = PREFIX(deflateSetDictionary)(&c_stream,
(const unsigned char*)dictionary, (int)sizeof(dictionary));
CHECK_ERR(err, "deflateSetDictionary");
dictId = c_stream.adler;
c_stream.next_out = compr;
c_stream.avail_out = (unsigned int)comprLen;
c_stream.next_in = (z_const unsigned char *)hello;
c_stream.avail_in = (unsigned int)strlen(hello)+1;
err = PREFIX(deflate)(&c_stream, Z_FINISH);
if (err != Z_STREAM_END)
error("deflate should report Z_STREAM_END\n");
err = PREFIX(deflateEnd)(&c_stream);
CHECK_ERR(err, "deflateEnd");
/* ===========================================================================
* Test inflate() with a preset dictionary
static void test_dict_inflate(unsigned char *compr, size_t comprLen, unsigned char *uncompr, size_t uncomprLen) {
int err;
uint8_t check_dictionary[MAX_DICTIONARY_SIZE];
uint32_t check_dictionary_len = 0;
PREFIX3(stream) d_stream; /* decompression stream */
strcpy((char*)uncompr, "garbage garbage garbage");
d_stream.zalloc = zalloc;
d_stream.zfree = zfree;
d_stream.opaque = (void *)0;
d_stream.adler = 0;
d_stream.next_in = compr;
d_stream.avail_in = (unsigned int)comprLen;
err = PREFIX(inflateInit)(&d_stream);
CHECK_ERR(err, "inflateInit");
d_stream.next_out = uncompr;
d_stream.avail_out = (unsigned int)uncomprLen;
for (;;) {
err = PREFIX(inflate)(&d_stream, Z_NO_FLUSH);
if (err == Z_STREAM_END) break;
if (err == Z_NEED_DICT) {
if (d_stream.adler != dictId)
error("unexpected dictionary");
err = PREFIX(inflateSetDictionary)(&d_stream, (const unsigned char*)dictionary,
CHECK_ERR(err, "inflate with dict");
err = PREFIX(inflateGetDictionary)(&d_stream, NULL, &check_dictionary_len);
CHECK_ERR(err, "inflateGetDictionary");
if (check_dictionary_len < sizeof(dictionary))
error("bad dictionary length\n");
err = PREFIX(inflateGetDictionary)(&d_stream, check_dictionary, &check_dictionary_len);
CHECK_ERR(err, "inflateGetDictionary");
if (memcmp(dictionary, check_dictionary, sizeof(dictionary)) != 0)
error("bad dictionary\n");
err = PREFIX(inflateEnd)(&d_stream);
CHECK_ERR(err, "inflateEnd");
if (strncmp((char*)uncompr, hello, sizeof(hello)))
error("bad inflate with dict\n");
printf("inflate with dictionary: %s\n", (char *)uncompr);
/* ===========================================================================
* Test deflateBound() with small buffers
static void test_deflate_bound(void) {
PREFIX3(stream) c_stream; /* compression stream */
int err;
unsigned int len = (unsigned int)strlen(hello)+1;
int estimateLen = 0;
unsigned char *outBuf = NULL;
c_stream.zalloc = zalloc;
c_stream.zfree = zfree;
c_stream.opaque = (voidpf)0;
c_stream.avail_in = len;
c_stream.next_in = (z_const unsigned char *)hello;
c_stream.avail_out = 0;
c_stream.next_out = outBuf;
err = PREFIX(deflateInit)(&c_stream, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION);
CHECK_ERR(err, "deflateInit");
/* calculate actual output length and update structure */
estimateLen = PREFIX(deflateBound)(&c_stream, len);
outBuf = malloc(estimateLen);
if (outBuf != NULL) {
/* update zlib configuration */
c_stream.avail_out = estimateLen;
c_stream.next_out = outBuf;
/* do the compression */
err = PREFIX(deflate)(&c_stream, Z_FINISH);
if (err == Z_STREAM_END) {
printf("deflateBound(): OK\n");
} else {
CHECK_ERR(err, "deflate");
err = PREFIX(deflateEnd)(&c_stream);
CHECK_ERR(err, "deflateEnd");
/* ===========================================================================
* Test deflateCopy() with small buffers
static void test_deflate_copy(unsigned char *compr, size_t comprLen) {
PREFIX3(stream) c_stream, c_stream_copy; /* compression stream */
int err;
size_t len = strlen(hello)+1;
memset(&c_stream, 0, sizeof(c_stream));
c_stream.zalloc = zalloc;
c_stream.zfree = zfree;
c_stream.opaque = (voidpf)0;
err = PREFIX(deflateInit)(&c_stream, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION);
CHECK_ERR(err, "deflateInit");
c_stream.next_in = (z_const unsigned char *)hello;
c_stream.next_out = compr;
while (c_stream.total_in != len && c_stream.total_out < comprLen) {
c_stream.avail_in = c_stream.avail_out = 1; /* force small buffers */
err = PREFIX(deflate)(&c_stream, Z_NO_FLUSH);
CHECK_ERR(err, "deflate");
/* Finish the stream, still forcing small buffers: */
for (;;) {
c_stream.avail_out = 1;
err = PREFIX(deflate)(&c_stream, Z_FINISH);
if (err == Z_STREAM_END) break;
CHECK_ERR(err, "deflate");
err = PREFIX(deflateCopy)(&c_stream_copy, &c_stream);
CHECK_ERR(err, "deflate_copy");
if (c_stream.state->status == c_stream_copy.state->status) {
printf("deflate_copy(): OK\n");
err = PREFIX(deflateEnd)(&c_stream);
CHECK_ERR(err, "deflateEnd original");
err = PREFIX(deflateEnd)(&c_stream_copy);
CHECK_ERR(err, "deflateEnd copy");
/* ===========================================================================
* Test deflateGetDictionary() with small buffers
static void test_deflate_get_dict(unsigned char *compr, size_t comprLen) {
PREFIX3(stream) c_stream; /* compression stream */
int err;
unsigned char *dictNew = NULL;
unsigned int *dictLen;
c_stream.zalloc = zalloc;
c_stream.zfree = zfree;
c_stream.opaque = (voidpf)0;
err = PREFIX(deflateInit)(&c_stream, Z_BEST_COMPRESSION);
CHECK_ERR(err, "deflateInit");
c_stream.next_out = compr;
c_stream.avail_out = (uInt)comprLen;
c_stream.next_in = (z_const unsigned char *)hello;
c_stream.avail_in = (unsigned int)strlen(hello)+1;
err = PREFIX(deflate)(&c_stream, Z_FINISH);
if (err != Z_STREAM_END)
error("deflate should report Z_STREAM_END\n");
dictNew = calloc(256, 1);
dictLen = (unsigned int *)calloc(4, 1);
err = PREFIX(deflateGetDictionary)(&c_stream, dictNew, dictLen);
CHECK_ERR(err, "deflateGetDictionary");
if (err == Z_OK) {
printf("deflateGetDictionary(): %s\n", dictNew);
err = PREFIX(deflateEnd)(&c_stream);
CHECK_ERR(err, "deflateEnd");
/* ===========================================================================
* Test deflatePending() with small buffers
static void test_deflate_pending(unsigned char *compr, size_t comprLen) {
PREFIX3(stream) c_stream; /* compression stream */
int err;
int *bits = calloc(256, 1);
unsigned *ped = calloc(256, 1);
size_t len = strlen(hello)+1;
c_stream.zalloc = zalloc;
c_stream.zfree = zfree;
c_stream.opaque = (voidpf)0;
err = PREFIX(deflateInit)(&c_stream, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION);
CHECK_ERR(err, "deflateInit");
c_stream.next_in = (z_const unsigned char *)hello;
c_stream.next_out = compr;
while (c_stream.total_in != len && c_stream.total_out < comprLen) {
c_stream.avail_in = c_stream.avail_out = 1; /* force small buffers */
err = PREFIX(deflate)(&c_stream, Z_NO_FLUSH);
CHECK_ERR(err, "deflate");
err = PREFIX(deflatePending)(&c_stream, ped, bits);
CHECK_ERR(err, "deflatePending");
if (*bits >= 0 && *bits <= 7) {
printf("deflatePending(): OK\n");
} else {
printf("deflatePending(): error\n");
/* Finish the stream, still forcing small buffers: */
for (;;) {
c_stream.avail_out = 1;
err = PREFIX(deflate)(&c_stream, Z_FINISH);
if (err == Z_STREAM_END) break;
CHECK_ERR(err, "deflate");
err = PREFIX(deflateEnd)(&c_stream);
CHECK_ERR(err, "deflateEnd");
/* ===========================================================================
* Test deflatePrime() wrapping gzip around deflate stream
static void test_deflate_prime(unsigned char *compr, size_t comprLen, unsigned char *uncompr, size_t uncomprLen) {
PREFIX3(stream) c_stream; /* compression stream */
PREFIX3(stream) d_stream; /* decompression stream */
int err;
size_t len = strlen(hello)+1;
uint32_t crc = 0;
c_stream.zalloc = zalloc;
c_stream.zfree = zfree;
c_stream.opaque = (voidpf)0;
/* Raw deflate windowBits is -15 */
CHECK_ERR(err, "deflateInit2");
/* Gzip magic number */
err = PREFIX(deflatePrime)(&c_stream, 16, 0x8b1f);
CHECK_ERR(err, "deflatePrime");
/* Gzip compression method (deflate) */
err = PREFIX(deflatePrime)(&c_stream, 8, 0x08);
CHECK_ERR(err, "deflatePrime");
/* Gzip flags (one byte, using two odd bit calls) */
err = PREFIX(deflatePrime)(&c_stream, 3, 0x0);
CHECK_ERR(err, "deflatePrime");
err = PREFIX(deflatePrime)(&c_stream, 5, 0x0);
CHECK_ERR(err, "deflatePrime");
/* Gzip modified time */
err = deflate_prime_32(&c_stream, 0);
CHECK_ERR(err, "deflatePrime");
/* Gzip extra flags */
err = PREFIX(deflatePrime)(&c_stream, 8, 0x0);
CHECK_ERR(err, "deflatePrime");
/* Gzip operating system */
err = PREFIX(deflatePrime)(&c_stream, 8, 255);
CHECK_ERR(err, "deflatePrime");
c_stream.next_in = (z_const unsigned char *)hello;
c_stream.avail_in = (uint32_t)len;
c_stream.next_out = compr;
c_stream.avail_out = (uint32_t)comprLen;
err = PREFIX(deflate)(&c_stream, Z_FINISH);
if (err != Z_STREAM_END)
CHECK_ERR(err, "deflate");
/* Gzip uncompressed data crc32 */
crc = PREFIX(crc32)(0, (const uint8_t *)hello, (uint32_t)len);
err = deflate_prime_32(&c_stream, crc);
CHECK_ERR(err, "deflatePrime");
/* Gzip uncompressed data length */
err = deflate_prime_32(&c_stream, (uint32_t)len);
CHECK_ERR(err, "deflatePrime");
err = PREFIX(deflateEnd)(&c_stream);
CHECK_ERR(err, "deflateEnd");
d_stream.zalloc = zalloc;
d_stream.zfree = zfree;
d_stream.opaque = (void *)0;
d_stream.next_in = compr;
d_stream.avail_in = (uint32_t)c_stream.total_out;
d_stream.next_out = uncompr;
d_stream.avail_out = (uint32_t)uncomprLen;
d_stream.total_in = 0;
d_stream.total_out = 0;
/* Inflate with gzip header */
err = PREFIX(inflateInit2)(&d_stream, MAX_WBITS + 32);
CHECK_ERR(err, "inflateInit");
err = PREFIX(inflate)(&d_stream, Z_FINISH);
if (err != Z_BUF_ERROR) {
CHECK_ERR(err, "inflate");
err = PREFIX(inflateEnd)(&d_stream);
CHECK_ERR(err, "inflateEnd");
if (strcmp((const char *)uncompr, hello) != 0)
error("bad deflatePrime\n");
if (err == Z_OK)
printf("deflatePrime(): OK\n");
/* ===========================================================================
* Test deflateSetHeader() with small buffers
static void test_deflate_set_header(unsigned char *compr, size_t comprLen) {
PREFIX(gz_header) *head = calloc(1, sizeof(PREFIX(gz_header)));
PREFIX3(stream) c_stream; /* compression stream */
int err;
size_t len = strlen(hello)+1;
if (head == NULL)
error("out of memory\n");
c_stream.zalloc = zalloc;
c_stream.zfree = zfree;
c_stream.opaque = (voidpf)0;
/* gzip */
CHECK_ERR(err, "deflateInit2");
head->text = 1;
head->comment = (uint8_t *)"comment";
head->name = (uint8_t *)"name";
head->hcrc = 1;
head->extra = (uint8_t *)"extra";
head->extra_len = (uint32_t)strlen((const char *)head->extra);
err = PREFIX(deflateSetHeader)(&c_stream, head);
CHECK_ERR(err, "deflateSetHeader");
if (err == Z_OK) {
printf("deflateSetHeader(): OK\n");
PREFIX(deflateBound)(&c_stream, (unsigned long)comprLen);
c_stream.next_in = (unsigned char *)hello;
c_stream.next_out = compr;
while (c_stream.total_in != len && c_stream.total_out < comprLen) {
c_stream.avail_in = c_stream.avail_out = 1; /* force small buffers */
err = PREFIX(deflate)(&c_stream, Z_NO_FLUSH);
CHECK_ERR(err, "deflate");
/* Finish the stream, still forcing small buffers: */
for (;;) {
c_stream.avail_out = 1;
err = PREFIX(deflate)(&c_stream, Z_FINISH);
if (err == Z_STREAM_END) break;
CHECK_ERR(err, "deflate");
err = PREFIX(deflateEnd)(&c_stream);
CHECK_ERR(err, "deflateEnd");
/* ===========================================================================
* Test deflateTune() with small buffers
static void test_deflate_tune(unsigned char *compr, size_t comprLen) {
PREFIX3(stream) c_stream; /* compression stream */
int err;
int good_length = 3;
int max_lazy = 5;
int nice_length = 18;
int max_chain = 6;
size_t len = strlen(hello)+1;
c_stream.zalloc = zalloc;
c_stream.zfree = zfree;
c_stream.opaque = (voidpf)0;
err = PREFIX(deflateInit)(&c_stream, Z_BEST_COMPRESSION);
CHECK_ERR(err, "deflateInit");
err = PREFIX(deflateTune)(&c_stream,(uInt)good_length,(uInt)max_lazy,nice_length,(uInt)max_chain);
CHECK_ERR(err, "deflateTune");
if (err == Z_OK) {
printf("deflateTune(): OK\n");
c_stream.next_in = (z_const unsigned char *)hello;
c_stream.next_out = compr;
while (c_stream.total_in != len && c_stream.total_out < comprLen) {
c_stream.avail_in = c_stream.avail_out = 1; /* force small buffers */
err = PREFIX(deflate)(&c_stream, Z_NO_FLUSH);
CHECK_ERR(err, "deflate");
/* Finish the stream, still forcing small buffers: */
for (;;) {
c_stream.avail_out = 1;
err = PREFIX(deflate)(&c_stream, Z_FINISH);
if (err == Z_STREAM_END) break;
CHECK_ERR(err, "deflate");
err = PREFIX(deflateEnd)(&c_stream);
CHECK_ERR(err, "deflateEnd");
/* ===========================================================================
* Usage: example [output.gz [input.gz]]
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
unsigned char *compr, *uncompr;
z_uintmax_t comprLen = 10000*sizeof(int); /* don't overflow on MSDOS */
z_uintmax_t uncomprLen = comprLen;
static const char* myVersion = PREFIX2(VERSION);
if (zVersion()[0] != myVersion[0]) {
fprintf(stderr, "incompatible zlib version\n");
} else if (strcmp(zVersion(), PREFIX2(VERSION)) != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "warning: different zlib version linked: %s\n", zVersion());
printf("zlib-ng version %s = 0x%08lx, compile flags = 0x%lx\n",
compr = (unsigned char*)calloc((unsigned int)comprLen, 1);
uncompr = (unsigned char*)calloc((unsigned int)uncomprLen, 1);
/* compr and uncompr are cleared to avoid reading uninitialized
* data and to ensure that uncompr compresses well.
if (compr == NULL || uncompr == NULL)
error("out of memory\n");
test_compress(compr, comprLen, uncompr, uncomprLen);
test_gzio((argc > 1 ? argv[1] : TESTFILE),
uncompr, uncomprLen);
test_deflate(compr, comprLen);
test_inflate(compr, comprLen, uncompr, uncomprLen);
test_large_deflate(compr, comprLen, uncompr, uncomprLen, 0);
test_large_inflate(compr, comprLen, uncompr, uncomprLen);
test_large_deflate(compr, comprLen, uncompr, uncomprLen, 1);
test_large_inflate(compr, comprLen, uncompr, uncomprLen);
test_flush(compr, &comprLen);
test_sync(compr, comprLen, uncompr, uncomprLen);
comprLen = uncomprLen;
test_dict_deflate(compr, comprLen);
test_dict_inflate(compr, comprLen, uncompr, uncomprLen);
test_deflate_copy(compr, comprLen);
test_deflate_get_dict(compr, comprLen);
test_deflate_set_header(compr, comprLen);
test_deflate_tune(compr, comprLen);
test_deflate_pending(compr, comprLen);
test_deflate_prime(compr, comprLen, uncompr, uncomprLen);
return 0;