blob: 0cdc31791bad5958eb5b96dec56ff74244a2a96e [file] [log] [blame]
/* -- crc32 unit test
* Copyright (C) 2019-2021 IBM Corporation
* Authors: Rogerio Alves <>
* Matheus Castanho <>
* For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
extern "C" {
# include "zbuild.h"
# include "zutil_p.h"
# include "test_cpu_features.h"
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
typedef struct {
unsigned long crc;
const uint8_t *buf;
size_t len;
unsigned long expect;
} crc32_test;
static const crc32_test tests[] = {
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)0x0, 0, 0x0},
{0xffffffff, (const uint8_t *)0x0, 0, 0x0},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)0x0, 255, 0x0}, /* BZ 174799. */
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)0x0, 256, 0x0},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)0x0, 257, 0x0},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)0x0, 32767, 0x0},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)0x0, 32768, 0x0},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)0x0, 32769, 0x0},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"", 0, 0x0},
{0xffffffff, (const uint8_t *)"", 0, 0xffffffff},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"abacus", 6, 0xc3d7115b},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"backlog", 7, 0x269205},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"campfire", 8, 0x22a515f8},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"delta", 5, 0x9643fed9},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"executable", 10, 0xd68eda01},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"file", 4, 0x8c9f3610},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"greatest", 8, 0xc1abd6cd},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"hello", 5, 0x3610a686},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"inverter", 8, 0xc9e962c9},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"jigsaw", 6, 0xce4e3f69},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"karate", 6, 0x890be0e2},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"landscape", 9, 0xc4e0330b},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"machine", 7, 0x1505df84},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"nanometer", 9, 0xd4e19f39},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"oblivion", 8, 0xdae9de77},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"panama", 6, 0x66b8979c},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"quest", 5, 0x4317f817},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"resource", 8, 0xbc91f416},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"secret", 6, 0x5ca2e8e5},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"test", 4, 0xd87f7e0c},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"ultimate", 8, 0x3fc79b0b},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"vector", 6, 0x1b6e485b},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"walrus", 6, 0xbe769b97},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"xeno", 4, 0xe7a06444},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"yelling", 7, 0xfe3944e5},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"zlib", 4, 0x73887d3a},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"4BJD7PocN1VqX0jXVpWB", 20, 0xd487a5a1},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"F1rPWI7XvDs6nAIRx41l", 20, 0x61a0132e},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"ldhKlsVkPFOveXgkGtC2", 20, 0xdf02f76},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"5KKnGOOrs8BvJ35iKTOS", 20, 0x579b2b0a},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"0l1tw7GOcem06Ddu7yn4", 20, 0xf7d16e2d},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"MCr47CjPIn9R1IvE1Tm5", 20, 0x731788f5},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"UcixbzPKTIv0SvILHVdO", 20, 0x7112bb11},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"dGnAyAhRQDsWw0ESou24", 20, 0xf32a0dac},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"di0nvmY9UYMYDh0r45XT", 20, 0x625437bb},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"2XKDwHfAhFsV0RhbqtvH", 20, 0x896930f9},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"ZhrANFIiIvRnqClIVyeD", 20, 0x8579a37},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"v7Q9ehzioTOVeDIZioT1", 20, 0x632aa8e0},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"Yod5hEeKcYqyhfXbhxj2", 20, 0xc829af29},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"GehSWY2ay4uUKhehXYb0", 20, 0x1b08b7e8},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"kwytJmq6UqpflV8Y8GoE", 20, 0x4e33b192},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"70684206568419061514", 20, 0x59a179f0},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"42015093765128581010", 20, 0xcd1013d7},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"88214814356148806939", 20, 0xab927546},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"43472694284527343838", 20, 0x11f3b20c},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"49769333513942933689", 20, 0xd562d4ca},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"54979784887993251199", 20, 0x233395f7},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"58360544869206793220", 20, 0x2d167fd5},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"27347953487840714234", 20, 0x8b5108ba},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"07650690295365319082", 20, 0xc46b3cd8},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"42655507906821911703", 20, 0xc10b2662},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"29977409200786225655", 20, 0xc9a0f9d2},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"85181542907229116674", 20, 0x9341357b},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"87963594337989416799", 20, 0xf0424937},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"21395988329504168551", 20, 0xd7c4c31f},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"51991013580943379423", 20, 0xf11edcc4},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"*]+@!);({_$;}[_},?{?;(_?,=-][@", 30, 0x40795df4},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"_@:_).&(#.[:[{[:)$++-($_;@[)}+", 30, 0xdd61a631},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"&[!,[$_==}+.]@!;*(+},[;:)$;)-@", 30, 0xca907a99},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"]{.[.+?+[[=;[?}_#&;[=)__$$:+=_", 30, 0xf652deac},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"-%.)=/[@].:.(:,()$;=%@-$?]{%+%", 30, 0xaf39a5a9},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"+]#$(@&.=:,*];/.!]%/{:){:@(;)$", 30, 0x6bebb4cf},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)")-._.:?[&:.=+}(*$/=!.${;(=$@!}", 30, 0x76430bac},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)":(_*&%/[[}+,?#$&*+#[([*-/#;%(]", 30, 0x6c80c388},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"{[#-;:$/{)(+[}#]/{&!%(@)%:@-$:", 30, 0xd54d977d},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"_{$*,}(&,@.)):=!/%(&(,,-?$}}}!", 30, 0xe3966ad5},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"e$98KNzqaV)Y:2X?]77].{gKRD4G5{mHZk,Z)SpU%L3FSgv!Wb8MLAFdi{+fp)c,@8m6v)yXg@]HBDFk?.4&}g5_udE*JHCiH=aL", 100, 0xe7c71db9},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"r*Fd}ef+5RJQ;+W=4jTR9)R*p!B;]Ed7tkrLi;88U7g@3v!5pk2X6D)vt,.@N8c]@yyEcKi[vwUu@.Ppm@C6%Mv*3Nw}Y,58_aH)", 100, 0xeaa52777},
{0x0, (const uint8_t *)"h{bcmdC+a;t+Cf{6Y_dFq-{X4Yu&7uNfVDh?q&_u.UWJU],-GiH7ADzb7-V.Q%4=+v!$L9W+T=bP]$_:]Vyg}A.ygD.r;h-D]m%&", 100, 0xcd472048},
{0x7a30360d, (const uint8_t *)"abacus", 6, 0xf8655a84},
{0x6fd767ee, (const uint8_t *)"backlog", 7, 0x1ed834b1},
{0xefeb7589, (const uint8_t *)"campfire", 8, 0x686cfca},
{0x61cf7e6b, (const uint8_t *)"delta", 5, 0x1554e4b1},
{0xdc712e2, (const uint8_t *)"executable", 10, 0x761b4254},
{0xad23c7fd, (const uint8_t *)"file", 4, 0x7abdd09b},
{0x85cb2317, (const uint8_t *)"greatest", 8, 0x4ba91c6b},
{0x9eed31b0, (const uint8_t *)"inverter", 8, 0xd5e78ba5},
{0xb94f34ca, (const uint8_t *)"jigsaw", 6, 0x23649109},
{0xab058a2, (const uint8_t *)"karate", 6, 0xc5591f41},
{0x5bff2b7a, (const uint8_t *)"landscape", 9, 0xf10eb644},
{0x605c9a5f, (const uint8_t *)"machine", 7, 0xbaa0a636},
{0x51bdeea5, (const uint8_t *)"nanometer", 9, 0x6af89afb},
{0x85c21c79, (const uint8_t *)"oblivion", 8, 0xecae222b},
{0x97216f56, (const uint8_t *)"panama", 6, 0x47dffac4},
{0x18444af2, (const uint8_t *)"quest", 5, 0x70c2fe36},
{0xbe6ce359, (const uint8_t *)"resource", 8, 0x1471d925},
{0x843071f1, (const uint8_t *)"secret", 6, 0x50c9a0db},
{0xf2480c60, (const uint8_t *)"ultimate", 8, 0xf973daf8},
{0x2d2feb3d, (const uint8_t *)"vector", 6, 0x344ac03d},
{0x7490310a, (const uint8_t *)"walrus", 6, 0x6d1408ef},
{0x97d247d4, (const uint8_t *)"xeno", 4, 0xe62670b5},
{0x93cf7599, (const uint8_t *)"yelling", 7, 0x1b36da38},
{0x73c84278, (const uint8_t *)"zlib", 4, 0x6432d127},
{0x228a87d1, (const uint8_t *)"4BJD7PocN1VqX0jXVpWB", 20, 0x997107d0},
{0xa7a048d0, (const uint8_t *)"F1rPWI7XvDs6nAIRx41l", 20, 0xdc567274},
{0x1f0ded40, (const uint8_t *)"ldhKlsVkPFOveXgkGtC2", 20, 0xdcc63870},
{0xa804a62f, (const uint8_t *)"5KKnGOOrs8BvJ35iKTOS", 20, 0x6926cffd},
{0x508fae6a, (const uint8_t *)"0l1tw7GOcem06Ddu7yn4", 20, 0xb52b38bc},
{0xe5adaf4f, (const uint8_t *)"MCr47CjPIn9R1IvE1Tm5", 20, 0xf83b8178},
{0x67136a40, (const uint8_t *)"UcixbzPKTIv0SvILHVdO", 20, 0xc5213070},
{0xb00c4a10, (const uint8_t *)"dGnAyAhRQDsWw0ESou24", 20, 0xbc7648b0},
{0x2e0c84b5, (const uint8_t *)"di0nvmY9UYMYDh0r45XT", 20, 0xd8123a72},
{0x81238d44, (const uint8_t *)"2XKDwHfAhFsV0RhbqtvH", 20, 0xd5ac5620},
{0xf853aa92, (const uint8_t *)"ZhrANFIiIvRnqClIVyeD", 20, 0xceae099d},
{0x5a692325, (const uint8_t *)"v7Q9ehzioTOVeDIZioT1", 20, 0xb07d2b24},
{0x3275b9f, (const uint8_t *)"Yod5hEeKcYqyhfXbhxj2", 20, 0x24ce91df},
{0x38371feb, (const uint8_t *)"GehSWY2ay4uUKhehXYb0", 20, 0x707b3b30},
{0xafc8bf62, (const uint8_t *)"kwytJmq6UqpflV8Y8GoE", 20, 0x16abc6a9},
{0x9b07db73, (const uint8_t *)"70684206568419061514", 20, 0xae1fb7b7},
{0xe75b214, (const uint8_t *)"42015093765128581010", 20, 0xd4eecd2d},
{0x72d0fe6f, (const uint8_t *)"88214814356148806939", 20, 0x4660ec7},
{0xf857a4b1, (const uint8_t *)"43472694284527343838", 20, 0xfd8afdf7},
{0x54b8e14, (const uint8_t *)"49769333513942933689", 20, 0xc6d1b5f2},
{0xd6aa5616, (const uint8_t *)"54979784887993251199", 20, 0x32476461},
{0x11e63098, (const uint8_t *)"58360544869206793220", 20, 0xd917cf1a},
{0xbe92385, (const uint8_t *)"27347953487840714234", 20, 0x4ad14a12},
{0x49511de0, (const uint8_t *)"07650690295365319082", 20, 0xe37b5c6c},
{0x3db13bc1, (const uint8_t *)"42655507906821911703", 20, 0x7cc497f1},
{0xbb899bea, (const uint8_t *)"29977409200786225655", 20, 0x99781bb2},
{0xf6cd9436, (const uint8_t *)"85181542907229116674", 20, 0x132256a1},
{0x9109e6c3, (const uint8_t *)"87963594337989416799", 20, 0xbfdb2c83},
{0x75770fc, (const uint8_t *)"21395988329504168551", 20, 0x8d9d1e81},
{0x69b1d19b, (const uint8_t *)"51991013580943379423", 20, 0x7b6d4404},
{0xc6132975, (const uint8_t *)"*]+@!);({_$;}[_},?{?;(_?,=-][@", 30, 0x8619f010},
{0xd58cb00c, (const uint8_t *)"_@:_).&(#.[:[{[:)$++-($_;@[)}+", 30, 0x15746ac3},
{0xb63b8caa, (const uint8_t *)"&[!,[$_==}+.]@!;*(+},[;:)$;)-@", 30, 0xaccf812f},
{0x8a45a2b8, (const uint8_t *)"]{.[.+?+[[=;[?}_#&;[=)__$$:+=_", 30, 0x78af45de},
{0xcbe95b78, (const uint8_t *)"-%.)=/[@].:.(:,()$;=%@-$?]{%+%", 30, 0x25b06b59},
{0x4ef8a54b, (const uint8_t *)"+]#$(@&.=:,*];/.!]%/{:){:@(;)$", 30, 0x4ba0d08f},
{0x76ad267a, (const uint8_t *)")-._.:?[&:.=+}(*$/=!.${;(=$@!}", 30, 0xe26b6aac},
{0x569e613c, (const uint8_t *)":(_*&%/[[}+,?#$&*+#[([*-/#;%(]", 30, 0x7e2b0a66},
{0x36aa61da, (const uint8_t *)"{[#-;:$/{)(+[}#]/{&!%(@)%:@-$:", 30, 0xb3430dc7},
{0xf67222df, (const uint8_t *)"_{$*,}(&,@.)):=!/%(&(,,-?$}}}!", 30, 0x626c17a},
{0x74b34fd3, (const uint8_t *)"e$98KNzqaV)Y:2X?]77].{gKRD4G5{mHZk,Z)SpU%L3FSgv!Wb8MLAFdi{+fp)c,@8m6v)yXg@]HBDFk?.4&}g5_udE*JHCiH=aL", 100, 0xccf98060},
{0x351fd770, (const uint8_t *)"r*Fd}ef+5RJQ;+W=4jTR9)R*p!B;]Ed7tkrLi;88U7g@3v!5pk2X6D)vt,.@N8c]@yyEcKi[vwUu@.Ppm@C6%Mv*3Nw}Y,58_aH)", 100, 0xd8b95312},
{0xc45aef77, (const uint8_t *)"h{bcmdC+a;t+Cf{6Y_dFq-{X4Yu&7uNfVDh?q&_u.UWJU],-GiH7ADzb7-V.Q%4=+v!$L9W+T=bP]$_:]Vyg}A.ygD.r;h-D]m%&", 100, 0xbb1c9912},
{0xc45aef77, (const uint8_t *)
"h{bcmdC+a;t+Cf{6Y_dFq-{X4Yu&7uNfVDh?q&_u.UWJU],-GiH7ADzb7-V.Q%4=+v!$L9W+T=bP]$_:]Vyg}A.ygD.r;h-D]m%&", 600, 0x888AFA5B}
class crc32_variant : public ::testing::TestWithParam<crc32_test> {
void hash(crc32_test param, crc32_func crc32) {
uint32_t crc = 0;
if (param.buf != NULL) {
if (param.len) {
crc = crc32(param.crc, param.buf, param.len);
} else {
crc = param.crc;
EXPECT_EQ(crc, param.expect);
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(crc32, crc32_variant, testing::ValuesIn(tests));
#define TEST_CRC32(name, func, support_flag) \
TEST_P(crc32_variant, name) { \
if (!(support_flag)) { \
return; \
} \
hash(GetParam(), func); \
TEST_CRC32(braid, PREFIX(crc32_braid), 1)
#ifdef ARM_ACLE
TEST_CRC32(acle, crc32_acle, test_cpu_features.arm.has_crc32)
#ifdef POWER8_VSX_CRC32
TEST_CRC32(power8, crc32_power8, test_cpu_features.power.has_arch_2_07)
#ifdef S390_CRC32_VX
TEST_CRC32(vx, crc32_s390_vx, test_cpu_features.s390.has_vx)
TEST_CRC32(pclmulqdq, crc32_pclmulqdq, test_cpu_features.x86.has_pclmulqdq)
TEST_CRC32(vpclmulqdq, crc32_vpclmulqdq, (test_cpu_features.x86.has_pclmulqdq && test_cpu_features.x86.has_avx512 && test_cpu_features.x86.has_vpclmulqdq))