blob: cedd284dbeb47d557a1312203fa81bad26b60220 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "zbuild.h"
# include "zlib.h"
# include "zlib-ng.h"
int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t *data, size_t dataLen) {
uint32_t crc0 = PREFIX(crc32)(0L, NULL, 0);
uint32_t crc1 = crc0;
uint32_t crc2 = crc0;
uint32_t adler0 = PREFIX(adler32)(0L, NULL, 0);
uint32_t adler1 = adler0;
uint32_t adler2 = adler0;
uint32_t combine1, combine2;
/* Checksum with a buffer of size equal to the first byte in the input. */
uint32_t buffSize = data[0];
uint32_t offset = 0;
uint32_t op;
/* Discard inputs larger than 1Mb. */
static size_t kMaxSize = 1024 * 1024;
if (dataLen < 1 || dataLen > kMaxSize)
return 0;
/* Make sure the buffer has at least a byte. */
if (buffSize == 0)
/* CRC32 */
op = PREFIX(crc32_combine_gen)(buffSize);
for (offset = 0; offset + buffSize <= dataLen; offset += buffSize) {
uint32_t crc3 = PREFIX(crc32_z)(crc0, data + offset, buffSize);
uint32_t crc4 = PREFIX(crc32_combine_op)(crc1, crc3, op);
crc1 = PREFIX(crc32_z)(crc1, data + offset, buffSize);
assert(crc1 == crc4);
crc1 = PREFIX(crc32_z)(crc1, data + offset, dataLen % buffSize);
crc2 = PREFIX(crc32_z)(crc2, data, dataLen);
assert(crc1 == crc2);
combine1 = PREFIX(crc32_combine)(crc1, crc2, (z_off_t)dataLen);
combine2 = PREFIX(crc32_combine)(crc1, crc1, (z_off_t)dataLen);
assert(combine1 == combine2);
/* Fast CRC32 combine. */
op = PREFIX(crc32_combine_gen)((z_off_t)dataLen);
combine1 = PREFIX(crc32_combine_op)(crc1, crc2, op);
combine2 = PREFIX(crc32_combine_op)(crc2, crc1, op);
assert(combine1 == combine2);
combine1 = PREFIX(crc32_combine)(crc1, crc2, (z_off_t)dataLen);
combine2 = PREFIX(crc32_combine_op)(crc2, crc1, op);
assert(combine1 == combine2);
/* Adler32 */
for (offset = 0; offset + buffSize <= dataLen; offset += buffSize)
adler1 = PREFIX(adler32_z)(adler1, data + offset, buffSize);
adler1 = PREFIX(adler32_z)(adler1, data + offset, dataLen % buffSize);
adler2 = PREFIX(adler32_z)(adler2, data, dataLen);
assert(adler1 == adler2);
combine1 = PREFIX(adler32_combine)(adler1, adler2, (z_off_t)dataLen);
combine2 = PREFIX(adler32_combine)(adler1, adler1, (z_off_t)dataLen);
assert(combine1 == combine2);
/* This function must return 0. */
return 0;