blob: 11bfe6cd3a545bd90b776f1fde51b20190f23e68 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 sigu-399 ( )
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// author sigu-399
// author-github
// author-mail
// repository-name gojsonschema
// repository-desc An implementation of JSON Schema, based on IETF's draft v4 - Go language.
// description Extends JsonSchemaDocument and jsonSchema, implements the validation phase.
// created 28-02-2013
package gojsonschema
import (
func (v *JsonSchemaDocument) Validate(document interface{}) *ValidationResult {
result := &ValidationResult{}
context := consJsonContext(CONTEXT_ROOT, nil)
v.rootSchema.validateRecursive(v.rootSchema, document, result, context)
return result
func (v *jsonSchema) Validate(document interface{}, context *jsonContext) *ValidationResult {
result := &ValidationResult{}
v.validateRecursive(v, document, result, context)
return result
// Walker function to validate the json recursively against the schema
func (v *jsonSchema) validateRecursive(currentSchema *jsonSchema, currentNode interface{}, result *ValidationResult, context *jsonContext) {
// Handle referenced schemas, returns directly when a $ref is found
if currentSchema.refSchema != nil {
v.validateRecursive(currentSchema.refSchema, currentNode, result, context)
// Check for null value
if currentNode == nil {
if currentSchema.types.IsTyped() && !currentSchema.types.Contains(TYPE_NULL) {
result.addError(context, currentNode, fmt.Sprintf(ERROR_MESSAGE_MUST_BE_OF_TYPE_X, currentSchema.types.String()))
currentSchema.validateSchema(currentSchema, currentNode, result, context)
v.validateCommon(currentSchema, currentNode, result, context)
} else { // Not a null value
rValue := reflect.ValueOf(currentNode)
rKind := rValue.Kind()
switch rKind {
// Slice => JSON array
case reflect.Slice:
if currentSchema.types.IsTyped() && !currentSchema.types.Contains(TYPE_ARRAY) {
result.addError(context, currentNode, fmt.Sprintf(ERROR_MESSAGE_MUST_BE_OF_TYPE_X, currentSchema.types.String()))
castCurrentNode := currentNode.([]interface{})
currentSchema.validateSchema(currentSchema, castCurrentNode, result, context)
v.validateArray(currentSchema, castCurrentNode, result, context)
v.validateCommon(currentSchema, castCurrentNode, result, context)
// Map => JSON object
case reflect.Map:
if currentSchema.types.IsTyped() && !currentSchema.types.Contains(TYPE_OBJECT) {
result.addError(context, currentNode, fmt.Sprintf(ERROR_MESSAGE_MUST_BE_OF_TYPE_X, currentSchema.types.String()))
castCurrentNode := currentNode.(map[string]interface{})
currentSchema.validateSchema(currentSchema, castCurrentNode, result, context)
v.validateObject(currentSchema, castCurrentNode, result, context)
v.validateCommon(currentSchema, castCurrentNode, result, context)
for _, pSchema := range currentSchema.propertiesChildren {
nextNode, ok := castCurrentNode[]
if ok {
subContext := consJsonContext(, context)
v.validateRecursive(pSchema, nextNode, result, subContext)
// Simple JSON values : string, number, boolean
case reflect.Bool:
if currentSchema.types.IsTyped() && !currentSchema.types.Contains(TYPE_BOOLEAN) {
result.addError(context, currentNode, fmt.Sprintf(ERROR_MESSAGE_MUST_BE_OF_TYPE_X, currentSchema.types.String()))
value := currentNode.(bool)
currentSchema.validateSchema(currentSchema, value, result, context)
v.validateNumber(currentSchema, value, result, context)
v.validateCommon(currentSchema, value, result, context)
v.validateString(currentSchema, value, result, context)
case reflect.String:
if currentSchema.types.IsTyped() && !currentSchema.types.Contains(TYPE_STRING) {
result.addError(context, currentNode, fmt.Sprintf(ERROR_MESSAGE_MUST_BE_OF_TYPE_X, currentSchema.types.String()))
value := currentNode.(string)
currentSchema.validateSchema(currentSchema, value, result, context)
v.validateNumber(currentSchema, value, result, context)
v.validateCommon(currentSchema, value, result, context)
v.validateString(currentSchema, value, result, context)
case reflect.Float64:
value := currentNode.(float64)
// Note: JSON only understand one kind of numeric ( can be float or int )
// JSON schema make a distinction between fload and int
// An integer can be a number, but a number ( with decimals ) cannot be an integer
isInteger := isFloat64AnInteger(value)
validType := currentSchema.types.Contains(TYPE_NUMBER) || (isInteger && currentSchema.types.Contains(TYPE_INTEGER))
if currentSchema.types.IsTyped() && !validType {
result.addError(context, currentNode, fmt.Sprintf(ERROR_MESSAGE_MUST_BE_OF_TYPE_X, currentSchema.types.String()))
currentSchema.validateSchema(currentSchema, value, result, context)
v.validateNumber(currentSchema, value, result, context)
v.validateCommon(currentSchema, value, result, context)
v.validateString(currentSchema, value, result, context)
// Different kinds of validation there, schema / common / array / object / string...
func (v *jsonSchema) validateSchema(currentSchema *jsonSchema, currentNode interface{}, result *ValidationResult, context *jsonContext) {
if len(currentSchema.anyOf) > 0 {
validatedAnyOf := false
var bestValidationResult *ValidationResult
for _, anyOfSchema := range currentSchema.anyOf {
if !validatedAnyOf {
validationResult := anyOfSchema.Validate(currentNode, context)
validatedAnyOf = validationResult.Valid()
if !validatedAnyOf && (bestValidationResult == nil || validationResult.score > bestValidationResult.score) {
bestValidationResult = validationResult
if !validatedAnyOf {
result.addError(context, currentNode, ERROR_MESSAGE_NUMBER_MUST_VALIDATE_ANYOF)
if bestValidationResult != nil {
// add error messages of closest matching schema as
// that's probably the one the user was trying to match
if len(currentSchema.oneOf) > 0 {
nbValidated := 0
var bestValidationResult *ValidationResult
for _, oneOfSchema := range currentSchema.oneOf {
validationResult := oneOfSchema.Validate(currentNode, context)
if validationResult.Valid() {
} else if nbValidated == 0 && (bestValidationResult == nil || validationResult.score > bestValidationResult.score) {
bestValidationResult = validationResult
if nbValidated != 1 {
result.addError(context, currentNode, ERROR_MESSAGE_NUMBER_MUST_VALIDATE_ONEOF)
if nbValidated == 0 {
// add error messages of closest matching schema as
// that's probably the one the user was trying to match
if len(currentSchema.allOf) > 0 {
nbValidated := 0
for _, allOfSchema := range currentSchema.allOf {
validationResult := allOfSchema.Validate(currentNode, context)
if validationResult.Valid() {
if nbValidated != len(currentSchema.allOf) {
result.addError(context, currentNode, ERROR_MESSAGE_NUMBER_MUST_VALIDATE_ALLOF)
if currentSchema.not != nil {
validationResult := currentSchema.not.Validate(currentNode, context)
if validationResult.Valid() {
result.addError(context, currentNode, ERROR_MESSAGE_NUMBER_MUST_VALIDATE_NOT)
if currentSchema.dependencies != nil && len(currentSchema.dependencies) > 0 {
if isKind(currentNode, reflect.Map) {
for elementKey := range currentNode.(map[string]interface{}) {
if dependency, ok := currentSchema.dependencies[elementKey]; ok {
switch dependency := dependency.(type) {
case []string:
for _, dependOnKey := range dependency {
if _, dependencyResolved := currentNode.(map[string]interface{})[dependOnKey]; !dependencyResolved {
result.addError(context, currentNode, fmt.Sprintf(ERROR_MESSAGE_HAS_DEPENDENCY_ON, dependOnKey))
case *jsonSchema:
dependency.validateRecursive(dependency, currentNode, result, context)
func (v *jsonSchema) validateCommon(currentSchema *jsonSchema, value interface{}, result *ValidationResult, context *jsonContext) {
// enum:
if len(currentSchema.enum) > 0 {
has, err := currentSchema.ContainsEnum(value)
if err != nil {
result.addError(context, value, fmt.Sprintf(ERROR_MESSAGE_INTERNAL, err))
if !has {
result.addError(context, value, fmt.Sprintf(ERROR_MESSAGE_MUST_MATCH_ONE_ENUM_VALUES, strings.Join(currentSchema.enum, ",")))
func (v *jsonSchema) validateArray(currentSchema *jsonSchema, value []interface{}, result *ValidationResult, context *jsonContext) {
nbItems := len(value)
// TODO explain
if currentSchema.itemsChildrenIsSingleSchema {
for i := range value {
subContext := consJsonContext(strconv.Itoa(i), context)
validationResult := currentSchema.itemsChildren[0].Validate(value[i], subContext)
} else {
if currentSchema.itemsChildren != nil && len(currentSchema.itemsChildren) > 0 {
nbItems := len(currentSchema.itemsChildren)
nbValues := len(value)
if nbItems == nbValues {
for i := 0; i != nbItems; i++ {
subContext := consJsonContext(strconv.Itoa(i), context)
validationResult := currentSchema.itemsChildren[i].Validate(value[i], subContext)
} else if nbItems < nbValues {
switch currentSchema.additionalItems.(type) {
case bool:
if !currentSchema.additionalItems.(bool) {
result.addError(context, value, ERROR_MESSAGE_ARRAY_NO_ADDITIONAL_ITEM)
case *jsonSchema:
additionalItemSchema := currentSchema.additionalItems.(*jsonSchema)
for i := nbItems; i != nbValues; i++ {
subContext := consJsonContext(strconv.Itoa(i), context)
validationResult := additionalItemSchema.Validate(value[i], subContext)
// minItems & maxItems
if currentSchema.minItems != nil {
if nbItems < *currentSchema.minItems {
result.addError(context, value, fmt.Sprintf(ERROR_MESSAGE_ARRAY_MIN_ITEMS, *currentSchema.minItems))
if currentSchema.maxItems != nil {
if nbItems > *currentSchema.maxItems {
result.addError(context, value, fmt.Sprintf(ERROR_MESSAGE_ARRAY_MAX_ITEMS, *currentSchema.maxItems))
// uniqueItems:
if currentSchema.uniqueItems {
var stringifiedItems []string
for _, v := range value {
vString, err := marshalToJsonString(v)
if err != nil {
result.addError(context, value, fmt.Sprintf(ERROR_MESSAGE_INTERNAL, err))
if isStringInSlice(stringifiedItems, *vString) {
result.addError(context, value, ERROR_MESSAGE_ARRAY_ITEMS_MUST_BE_UNIQUE)
stringifiedItems = append(stringifiedItems, *vString)
func (v *jsonSchema) validateObject(currentSchema *jsonSchema, value map[string]interface{}, result *ValidationResult, context *jsonContext) {
// minProperties & maxProperties:
if currentSchema.minProperties != nil {
if len(value) < *currentSchema.minProperties {
result.addError(context, value, fmt.Sprintf(ERROR_MESSAGE_ARRAY_MIN_PROPERTIES, *currentSchema.minProperties))
if currentSchema.maxProperties != nil {
if len(value) > *currentSchema.maxProperties {
result.addError(context, value, fmt.Sprintf(ERROR_MESSAGE_ARRAY_MAX_PROPERTIES, *currentSchema.maxProperties))
// required:
for _, requiredProperty := range currentSchema.required {
_, ok := value[requiredProperty]
if ok {
} else {
result.addError(context, value, fmt.Sprintf(ERROR_MESSAGE_X_IS_MISSING_AND_REQUIRED, fmt.Sprintf(`"%s" property`, requiredProperty)))
// additionalProperty & patternProperty:
if currentSchema.additionalProperties != nil {
switch currentSchema.additionalProperties.(type) {
case bool:
if !currentSchema.additionalProperties.(bool) {
for pk := range value {
found := false
for _, spValue := range currentSchema.propertiesChildren {
if pk == {
found = true
pp_has, pp_match := v.validatePatternProperty(currentSchema, pk, value[pk], result, context)
if found {
if pp_has && !pp_match {
result.addError(context, value, fmt.Sprintf(ERROR_MESSAGE_ADDITIONAL_PROPERTY_NOT_ALLOWED, pk))
} else {
if !pp_has || !pp_match {
result.addError(context, value, fmt.Sprintf(ERROR_MESSAGE_ADDITIONAL_PROPERTY_NOT_ALLOWED, pk))
case *jsonSchema:
additionalPropertiesSchema := currentSchema.additionalProperties.(*jsonSchema)
for pk := range value {
found := false
for _, spValue := range currentSchema.propertiesChildren {
if pk == {
found = true
pp_has, pp_match := v.validatePatternProperty(currentSchema, pk, value[pk], result, context)
if found {
if pp_has && !pp_match {
validationResult := additionalPropertiesSchema.Validate(value[pk], context)
} else {
if !pp_has || !pp_match {
validationResult := additionalPropertiesSchema.Validate(value[pk], context)
} else {
for pk := range value {
pp_has, pp_match := v.validatePatternProperty(currentSchema, pk, value[pk], result, context)
if pp_has && !pp_match {
result.addError(context, value, fmt.Sprintf(ERROR_MESSAGE_INVALID_PATTERN_PROPERTY, pk, currentSchema.PatternPropertiesString()))
func (v *jsonSchema) validatePatternProperty(currentSchema *jsonSchema, key string, value interface{}, result *ValidationResult, context *jsonContext) (has bool, matched bool) {
has = false
validatedkey := false
for pk, pv := range currentSchema.patternProperties {
if matches, _ := regexp.MatchString(pk, key); matches {
has = true
subContext := consJsonContext(key, context)
validationResult := pv.Validate(value, subContext)
if validationResult.Valid() {
validatedkey = true
if !validatedkey {
return has, false
return has, true
func (v *jsonSchema) validateString(currentSchema *jsonSchema, value interface{}, result *ValidationResult, context *jsonContext) {
// Ignore non strings
if !isKind(value, reflect.String) {
stringValue := value.(string)
// minLength & maxLength:
if currentSchema.minLength != nil {
if len(stringValue) < *currentSchema.minLength {
result.addError(context, value, fmt.Sprintf(ERROR_MESSAGE_STRING_LENGTH_MUST_BE_GREATER_OR_EQUAL, *currentSchema.minLength))
if currentSchema.maxLength != nil {
if len(stringValue) > *currentSchema.maxLength {
result.addError(context, value, fmt.Sprintf(ERROR_MESSAGE_STRING_LENGTH_MUST_BE_LOWER_OR_EQUAL, *currentSchema.maxLength))
// pattern:
if currentSchema.pattern != nil {
if !currentSchema.pattern.MatchString(stringValue) {
result.addError(context, value, fmt.Sprintf(ERROR_MESSAGE_DOES_NOT_MATCH_PATTERN, currentSchema.pattern))
func (v *jsonSchema) validateNumber(currentSchema *jsonSchema, value interface{}, result *ValidationResult, context *jsonContext) {
// Ignore non numbers
if !isKind(value, reflect.Float64) {
float64Value := value.(float64)
// multipleOf:
if currentSchema.multipleOf != nil {
if !isFloat64AnInteger(float64Value / *currentSchema.multipleOf) {
result.addError(context, validationErrorFormatNumber(float64Value), fmt.Sprintf(ERROR_MESSAGE_MULTIPLE_OF, validationErrorFormatNumber(*currentSchema.multipleOf)))
//maximum & exclusiveMaximum:
if currentSchema.maximum != nil {
if currentSchema.exclusiveMaximum {
if float64Value >= *currentSchema.maximum {
result.addError(context, validationErrorFormatNumber(float64Value), fmt.Sprintf(ERROR_MESSAGE_NUMBER_MUST_BE_LOWER_OR_EQUAL, validationErrorFormatNumber(*currentSchema.maximum)))
} else {
if float64Value > *currentSchema.maximum {
result.addError(context, validationErrorFormatNumber(float64Value), fmt.Sprintf(ERROR_MESSAGE_NUMBER_MUST_BE_LOWER, validationErrorFormatNumber(*currentSchema.maximum)))
//minimum & exclusiveMinimum:
if currentSchema.minimum != nil {
if currentSchema.exclusiveMinimum {
if float64Value <= *currentSchema.minimum {
result.addError(context, validationErrorFormatNumber(float64Value), fmt.Sprintf(ERROR_MESSAGE_NUMBER_MUST_BE_GREATER_OR_EQUAL, validationErrorFormatNumber(*currentSchema.minimum)))
} else {
if float64Value < *currentSchema.minimum {
result.addError(context, validationErrorFormatNumber(float64Value), fmt.Sprintf(ERROR_MESSAGE_NUMBER_MUST_BE_GREATER, validationErrorFormatNumber(*currentSchema.minimum)))
type ValidationError struct {
Context *jsonContext // Tree like notation of the part that failed the validation. ex (root).a.b ...
Description string // A human readable error message
Value interface{} // Value given by the JSON file that is the source of the error
func (v ValidationError) String() string {
// as a fallback, the value is displayed go style
valueString := fmt.Sprintf("%v", v.Value)
// marshall the go value value to json
if v.Value == nil {
valueString = TYPE_NULL
} else {
if vs, err := marshalToJsonString(v.Value); err == nil {
if vs == nil {
valueString = TYPE_NULL
} else {
valueString = *vs
return fmt.Sprintf("%s : %s, given %s", v.Context, v.Description, valueString)
type ValidationResult struct {
errors []ValidationError
// Scores how well the validation matched. Useful in generating
// better error messages for anyOf and oneOf.
score int
func (v *ValidationResult) Valid() bool {
return len(v.errors) == 0
func (v *ValidationResult) Errors() []ValidationError {
return v.errors
func (v *ValidationResult) addError(context *jsonContext, value interface{}, description string) {
v.errors = append(v.errors, ValidationError{Context: context, Value: value, Description: description})
v.score -= 2 // results in a net -1 when added to the +1 we get at the end of the validation function
// Used to copy errors from a sub-schema to the main one
func (v *ValidationResult) mergeErrors(otherResult *ValidationResult) {
v.errors = append(v.errors, otherResult.Errors()...)
v.score += otherResult.score
func (v *ValidationResult) incrementScore() {