blob: 19f633af182bcd9f77bcfb281d7cda06ce95cced [file] [log] [blame]
// author sigu-399
// author-github
// author-mail
// repository-name gojsonpointer
// repository-desc An implementation of JSON Pointer - Go language
// description Main and unique file.
// created 25-02-2013
package gojsonpointer
import (
const (
const_empty_pointer = ``
const_pointer_separator = `/`
const_invalid_start = `JSON pointer must be empty or start with a "` + const_pointer_separator
type implStruct struct {
mode string // "SET" or "GET"
inDocument interface{}
setInValue interface{}
getOutNode interface{}
getOutKind reflect.Kind
setOutDocument interface{}
outError error
func NewJsonPointer(jsonPointerString string) (JsonPointer, error) {
var p JsonPointer
err := p.parse(jsonPointerString)
return p, err
type JsonPointer struct {
referenceTokens []string
// "Constructor", parses the given string JSON pointer
func (p *JsonPointer) parse(jsonPointerString string) error {
var err error
if jsonPointerString != const_empty_pointer {
if !strings.HasPrefix(jsonPointerString, const_pointer_separator) {
err = errors.New(const_invalid_start)
} else {
referenceTokens := strings.Split(jsonPointerString, const_pointer_separator)
for _, referenceToken := range referenceTokens[1:] {
p.referenceTokens = append(p.referenceTokens, decodeReferenceToken(referenceToken))
return err
// Uses the pointer to retrieve a value from a JSON document
func (p *JsonPointer) Get(document interface{}) (interface{}, reflect.Kind, error) {
is := &implStruct{mode: "GET", inDocument: document}
return is.getOutNode, is.getOutKind, is.outError
// Uses the pointer to update a value from a JSON document
func (p *JsonPointer) Set(document interface{}, value interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
is := &implStruct{mode: "SET", inDocument: document, setInValue: value}
return is.setOutDocument, is.outError
func (p *JsonPointer) implementation(i *implStruct) {
kind := reflect.Invalid
// Full document when empty
if len(p.referenceTokens) == 0 {
i.getOutNode = i.inDocument
i.outError = nil
i.getOutKind = kind
i.setOutDocument = i.setInValue
i.outError = nil
node := i.inDocument
for ti, token := range p.referenceTokens {
isLastToken := ti == len(p.referenceTokens)-1
rValue := reflect.ValueOf(node)
kind = rValue.Kind()
switch kind {
case reflect.Map:
m := node.(map[string]interface{})
if _, ok := m[token]; ok {
node = m[token]
if isLastToken && i.mode == "SET" {
m[token] = i.setInValue
} else {
i.outError = errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Object has no key '%s'", token))
i.getOutKind = kind
i.getOutNode = nil
i.setOutDocument = nil
case reflect.Slice:
s := node.([]interface{})
tokenIndex, err := strconv.Atoi(token)
if err != nil {
i.outError = errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid array index '%s'", token))
i.getOutKind = kind
i.getOutNode = nil
i.setOutDocument = nil
sLength := len(s)
if tokenIndex < 0 || tokenIndex >= sLength {
i.outError = errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Out of bound array[0,%d] index '%d'", tokenIndex, sLength))
i.getOutKind = kind
i.getOutNode = nil
i.setOutDocument = nil
node = s[tokenIndex]
if isLastToken && i.mode == "SET" {
s[tokenIndex] = i.setInValue
i.outError = errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid token reference '%s'", token))
i.getOutKind = kind
i.getOutNode = nil
i.setOutDocument = nil
rValue := reflect.ValueOf(node)
kind = rValue.Kind()
i.getOutNode = node
i.getOutKind = kind
i.outError = nil
i.setOutDocument = i.inDocument
// Pointer to string representation function
func (p *JsonPointer) String() string {
if len(p.referenceTokens) == 0 {
return const_empty_pointer
tokens := p.referenceTokens
for i := range tokens {
tokens[i] = encodeReferenceToken(tokens[i])
pointerString := const_pointer_separator + strings.Join(tokens, const_pointer_separator)
return pointerString
// Specific JSON pointer encoding here
// ~0 => ~
// ~1 => /
// ... and vice versa
const (
const_encoded_reference_token_0 = `~0`
const_encoded_reference_token_1 = `~1`
const_decoded_reference_token_0 = `~`
const_decoded_reference_token_1 = `/`
func decodeReferenceToken(token string) string {
step1 := strings.Replace(token, const_encoded_reference_token_1, const_decoded_reference_token_1, -1)
step2 := strings.Replace(step1, const_encoded_reference_token_0, const_decoded_reference_token_0, -1)
return step2
func encodeReferenceToken(token string) string {
step1 := strings.Replace(token, const_decoded_reference_token_1, const_encoded_reference_token_1, -1)
step2 := strings.Replace(step1, const_decoded_reference_token_0, const_encoded_reference_token_0, -1)
return step2