blob: 295e7c86272ee42fea07d8211526b586b4cc3d61 [file] [log] [blame]
import re
import sys
import inspect
from functools import wraps
from collections import namedtuple
from collections import OrderedDict as MaybeOrderedDict
except ImportError:
MaybeOrderedDict = dict
from import nottest
from unittest import TestCase
PY3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3
if PY3:
def new_instancemethod(f, *args):
return f
# Python 3 doesn't have an InstanceType, so just use a dummy type.
class InstanceType():
lzip = lambda *a: list(zip(*a))
text_type = str
string_types = str,
bytes_type = bytes
import new
new_instancemethod = new.instancemethod
from types import InstanceType
lzip = zip
text_type = unicode
bytes_type = str
string_types = basestring,
_param = namedtuple("param", "args kwargs")
class param(_param):
""" Represents a single parameter to a test case.
For example::
>>> p = param("foo", bar=16)
>>> p
param("foo", bar=16)
>>> p.args
('foo', )
>>> p.kwargs
{'bar': 16}
Intended to be used as an argument to ``@parameterized``::
param("foo", bar=16),
def test_stuff(foo, bar=16):
def __new__(cls, *args , **kwargs):
return _param.__new__(cls, args, kwargs)
def explicit(cls, args=None, kwargs=None):
""" Creates a ``param`` by explicitly specifying ``args`` and
>>> param.explicit([1,2,3])
param(*(1, 2, 3))
>>> param.explicit(kwargs={"foo": 42})
param(*(), **{"foo": "42"})
args = args or ()
kwargs = kwargs or {}
return cls(*args, **kwargs)
def from_decorator(cls, args):
""" Returns an instance of ``param()`` for ``@parameterized`` argument
>>> param.from_decorator((42, ))
param(args=(42, ), kwargs={})
>>> param.from_decorator("foo")
param(args=("foo", ), kwargs={})
if isinstance(args, param):
return args
if isinstance(args, string_types):
args = (args, )
return cls(*args)
def __repr__(self):
return "param(*%r, **%r)" %self
class QuietOrderedDict(MaybeOrderedDict):
""" When OrderedDict is available, use it to make sure that the kwargs in
doc strings are consistently ordered. """
__str__ = dict.__str__
__repr__ = dict.__repr__
def parameterized_argument_value_pairs(func, p):
"""Return tuples of parameterized arguments and their values.
This is useful if you are writing your own testcase_func_doc
function and need to know the values for each parameter name::
>>> def func(a, foo=None, bar=42, **kwargs): pass
>>> p = param(1, foo=7, extra=99)
>>> parameterized_argument_value_pairs(func, p)
[("a", 1), ("foo", 7), ("bar", 42), ("**kwargs", {"extra": 99})]
If the function's first argument is named ``self`` then it will be
>>> def func(self, a): pass
>>> p = param(1)
>>> parameterized_argument_value_pairs(func, p)
[("a", 1)]
Additionally, empty ``*args`` or ``**kwargs`` will be ignored::
>>> def func(foo, *args): pass
>>> p = param(1)
>>> parameterized_argument_value_pairs(func, p)
[("foo", 1)]
>>> p = param(1, 16)
>>> parameterized_argument_value_pairs(func, p)
[("foo", 1), ("*args", (16, ))]
argspec = inspect.getargspec(func)
arg_offset = 1 if argspec.args[0] == "self" else 0
named_args = argspec.args[arg_offset:]
result = lzip(named_args, p.args)
named_args = argspec.args[len(result) + arg_offset:]
varargs = p.args[len(result):]
(name, p.kwargs.get(name, default))
for (name, default)
in zip(named_args, argspec.defaults or [])
seen_arg_names = set([ n for (n, _) in result ])
keywords = QuietOrderedDict(sorted([
(name, p.kwargs[name])
for name in p.kwargs
if name not in seen_arg_names
if varargs:
result.append(("*%s" %(argspec.varargs, ), tuple(varargs)))
if keywords:
result.append(("**%s" %(argspec.keywords, ), keywords))
return result
def short_repr(x, n=64):
""" A shortened repr of ``x`` which is guaranteed to be ``unicode``::
>>> short_repr("foo")
>>> short_repr("123456789", n=4)
x_repr = repr(x)
if isinstance(x_repr, bytes_type):
x_repr = text_type(x_repr, "utf-8")
except UnicodeDecodeError:
x_repr = text_type(x_repr, "latin1")
if len(x_repr) > n:
x_repr = x_repr[:n//2] + "..." + x_repr[len(x_repr) - n//2:]
return x_repr
def default_testcase_func_doc(func, num, p):
if func.__doc__ is None:
return None
all_args_with_values = parameterized_argument_value_pairs(func, p)
# Assumes that the function passed is a bound method.
descs = [u"{0}={1}".format(n, short_repr(v)) for n, v in all_args_with_values]
# The documentation might be a multiline string, so split it
# and just work with the first string, ignoring the period
# at the end if there is one.
split_doc = func.__doc__.split("\n")
first = split_doc[0]
append = u""
if first[-1] == ".":
append = u"."
first = first[:-1]
first = first + u" [with {0}]".format(", ".join(descs)) + append
return u"\n".join([first] + split_doc[1:])
class parameterized(object):
""" Parameterize a test case::
class TestInt(object):
("A", 10),
("F", 15),
param("10", 42, base=42)
def test_int(self, input, expected, base=16):
actual = int(input, base=base)
assert_equal(actual, expected)
(2, 3, 5)
(3, 5, 8),
def test_add(a, b, expected):
assert_equal(a + b, expected)
def __init__(self, input):
self.get_input = self.input_as_callable(input)
def __call__(self, test_func):
def parameterized_helper_method(test_self=None):
f = test_func
if test_self is not None:
# If we are a test method (which we suppose to be true if we
# are being passed a "self" argument), we first need to create
# an instance method, attach it to the instance of the test
# class, then pull it back off to turn it into a bound method.
# If we don't do this, Nose gets cranky.
f = self.make_bound_method(test_self, test_func)
# Note: because nose is so very picky, the more obvious
# ``return self.yield_nose_tuples(f)`` won't work here.
for nose_tuple in self.yield_nose_tuples(f):
yield nose_tuple
test_func.__name__ = "_helper_for_%s" %(test_func.__name__, )
parameterized_helper_method.parameterized_input = input
parameterized_helper_method.parameterized_func = test_func
return parameterized_helper_method
def yield_nose_tuples(self, func):
for args in self.get_input():
p = param.from_decorator(args)
# ... then yield that as a tuple. If those steps aren't
# followed precicely, Nose gets upset and doesn't run the test
# or doesn't run setup methods.
yield self.param_as_nose_tuple(p, func)
def param_as_nose_tuple(self, p, func):
nose_func = func
nose_args = p.args
if p.kwargs:
nose_func = wraps(func)(lambda args, kwargs: func(*args, **kwargs))
nose_args = (p.args, p.kwargs)
return (nose_func, ) + nose_args
def make_bound_method(self, instance, func):
cls = type(instance)
if issubclass(cls, InstanceType):
raise TypeError((
"@parameterized can't be used with old-style classes, but "
"%r has an old-style class. Consider using a new-style "
"class, or '@parameterized.expand' "
"(see for more "
"information on old-style classes)."
) %(instance, ))
im_f = new_instancemethod(func, None, cls)
setattr(cls, func.__name__, im_f)
return getattr(instance, func.__name__)
def assert_not_in_testcase_subclass(self):
parent_classes = self._terrible_magic_get_defining_classes()
if any(issubclass(cls, TestCase) for cls in parent_classes):
raise Exception("Warning: '@parameterized' tests won't work "
"inside subclasses of 'TestCase' - use "
"'@parameterized.expand' instead")
def _terrible_magic_get_defining_classes(self):
""" Returns the set of parent classes of the class currently being defined.
Will likely only work if called from the ``parameterized`` decorator.
This function is entirely @brandon_rhodes's fault, as he suggested
the implementation:
stack = inspect.stack()
if len(stack) <= 4:
return []
frame = stack[4]
code_context = frame[4] and frame[4][0].strip()
if not (code_context and code_context.startswith("class ")):
return []
_, _, parents = code_context.partition("(")
parents, _, _ = parents.partition(")")
return eval("[" + parents + "]", frame[0].f_globals, frame[0].f_locals)
def input_as_callable(cls, input):
if callable(input):
return lambda: cls.check_input_values(input())
input_values = cls.check_input_values(input)
return lambda: input_values
def check_input_values(cls, input_values):
if not hasattr(input_values, "__iter__"):
raise ValueError("expected iterable input; got %r" %(input, ))
return input_values
def expand(cls, input, testcase_func_name=None, testcase_func_doc=None):
""" A "brute force" method of parameterizing test cases. Creates new
test cases and injects them into the namespace that the wrapped
function is being defined in. Useful for parameterizing tests in
subclasses of 'UnitTest', where Nose test generators don't work.
>>> @parameterized.expand([("foo", 1, 2)])
... def test_add1(name, input, expected):
... actual = add1(input)
... assert_equal(actual, expected)
>>> locals()
... 'test_add1_foo_0': <function ...> ...
def parameterized_expand_wrapper(f, instance=None):
stack = inspect.stack()
frame = stack[1]
frame_locals = frame[0].f_locals
base_name = f.__name__
get_input = cls.input_as_callable(input)
for num, args in enumerate(get_input()):
p = param.from_decorator(args)
if testcase_func_name:
# Caller wants to over-ride default test case func/method naming scheme.
name = testcase_func_name(f, num, p)
name_suffix = "_%s" %(num, )
if len(p.args) > 0 and isinstance(p.args[0], string_types):
name_suffix += "_" + cls.to_safe_name(p.args[0])
name = base_name + name_suffix
testcase_func_doc_func = (testcase_func_doc or default_testcase_func_doc)
doc = testcase_func_doc_func(f, num, p)
frame_locals[name] = cls.param_as_standalone_func(p, f, name)
frame_locals[name].__doc__ = doc
return nottest(f)
return parameterized_expand_wrapper
def param_as_standalone_func(cls, p, func, name):
def standalone_func(*a):
return func(*(a + p.args), **p.kwargs)
standalone_func.__name__ = name
return standalone_func
def to_safe_name(cls, s):
return str(re.sub("[^a-zA-Z0-9_]+", "_", s))