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Parameterized testing with any Python test framework
.. image::
Parameterized testing in Python sucks.
``nose-parameterized`` fixes that. For everything. Parameterized testing for
nose, parameterized testing for py.test, parameterized testing for unittest.
.. code:: python
from import assert_equal
from nose_parameterized import parameterized
import unittest
import math
(2, 2, 4),
(2, 3, 8),
(1, 9, 1),
(0, 9, 0),
def test_pow(base, exponent, expected):
assert_equal(math.pow(base, exponent), expected)
class TestMathUnitTest(unittest.TestCase):
("negative", -1.5, -2.0),
("integer", 1, 1.0),
("large fraction", 1.6, 1),
def test_floor(self, name, input, expected):
assert_equal(math.floor(input), expected)
With nose (and nose2)::
$ nosetests -v
test_math.test_pow(2, 2, 4) ... ok
test_math.test_pow(2, 3, 8) ... ok
test_math.test_pow(1, 9, 1) ... ok
test_math.test_pow(0, 9, 0) ... ok
test_floor_0_negative (test_math.TestMathUnitTest) ... ok
test_floor_1_integer (test_math.TestMathUnitTest) ... ok
test_floor_2_large_fraction (test_math.TestMathUnitTest) ... ok
Ran 7 tests in 0.002s
As the package name suggests, nose is best supported and will be used for all
further examples.
With py.test (version 2.0 and above)::
$ py.test -v
============================== test session starts ==============================
platform darwin -- Python 2.7.2 -- py-1.4.30 -- pytest-2.7.1
collected 7 items[0] PASSED[1] PASSED[2] PASSED[3] PASSED
=========================== 7 passed in 0.10 seconds ============================
With unittest (and unittest2)::
$ python -m unittest -v test_math
test_floor_0_negative (test_math.TestMathUnitTest) ... ok
test_floor_1_integer (test_math.TestMathUnitTest) ... ok
test_floor_2_large_fraction (test_math.TestMathUnitTest) ... ok
Ran 3 tests in 0.000s
(note: because unittest does not support test decorators, only tests created
with ``@parameterized.expand`` will be executed)
$ pip install nose-parameterized
.. list-table::
:header-rows: 1
:stub-columns: 1
* -
- Py2.6
- Py2.7
- Py3.3
- Py3.4
- PyPy
* - nose
- yes
- yes
- yes
- yes
- yes
* - nose2
- yes
- yes
- yes
- yes
- yes
* - py.test
- yes
- yes
- yes
- yes
- yes
* - | unittest
| (``@parameterized.expand``)
- yes
- yes
- yes
- yes
- yes
* - | unittest2
| (``@parameterized.expand``)
- yes
- yes
- yes
- yes
- yes
(this section left intentionally blank)
Exhaustive Usage Examples
The ``@parameterized`` and ``@parameterized.expand`` decorators accept a list
or iterable of tuples or ``param(...)``, or a callable which returns a list or
.. code:: python
from nose_parameterized import parameterized, param
# A list of tuples
(2, 3, 5),
(3, 5, 8),
def test_add(a, b, expected):
assert_equal(a + b, expected)
# A list of params
param("10", 10),
param("10", 16, base=16),
def test_int(str_val, expected, base=10):
assert_equal(int(str_val, base=base), expected)
# An iterable of params
for line in open("testcases.jsons")
def test_from_json_file(...):
# A callable which returns a list of tuples
def load_test_cases():
return [
("test1", ),
("test2", ),
def test_from_function(name):
.. **
Note that, when using an iterator or a generator, all the items will be loaded
into memory before the start of the test run (we do this explicitly to ensure
that generators are exhausted exactly once in multi-process or multi-threaded
testing environments).
The ``@parameterized`` decorator can be used test class methods, and standalone
.. code:: python
from nose_parameterized import parameterized
class AddTest(object):
(2, 3, 5),
def test_add(self, a, b, expected):
assert_equal(a + b, expected)
(2, 3, 5),
def test_add(a, b, expected):
assert_equal(a + b, expected)
And ``@parameterized.expand`` can be used to generate test methods in
situations where test generators cannot be used (for example, when the test
class is a subclass of ``unittest.TestCase``):
.. code:: python
import unittest
from nose_parameterized import parameterized
class AddTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
("2 and 3", 2, 3, 5),
("3 and 5", 2, 3, 5),
def test_add(self, _, a, b, expected):
assert_equal(a + b, expected)
Will create the test cases::
$ nosetests
test_add_0_2_and_3 (example.AddTestCase) ... ok
test_add_1_3_and_5 (example.AddTestCase) ... ok
Ran 2 tests in 0.001s
Note that ``@parameterized.expand`` works by creating new methods on the test
class. If the first parameter is a string, that string will be added to the end
of the method name. For example, the test case above will generate the methods
``test_add_0_2_and_3`` and ``test_add_1_3_and_5``.
The names of the test cases generated by ``@parameterized.expand`` can be
customized using the ``testcase_func_name`` keyword argument. The value should
be a function which accepts three arguments: ``testcase_func``, ``param_num``,
and ``params``, and it should return the name of the test case.
``testcase_func`` will be the function to be tested, ``param_num`` will be the
index of the test case parameters in the list of parameters, and ``param``
(an instance of ``param``) will be the parameters which will be used.
.. code:: python
import unittest
from nose_parameterized import parameterized
def custom_name_func(testcase_func, param_num, param):
return "%s_%s" %(
parameterized.to_safe_name("_".join(str(x) for x in param.args)),
class AddTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
(2, 3, 5),
(2, 3, 5),
], testcase_func_name=custom_name_func)
def test_add(self, a, b, expected):
assert_equal(a + b, expected)
Will create the test cases::
$ nosetests
test_add_1_2_3 (example.AddTestCase) ... ok
test_add_2_3_5 (example.AddTestCase) ... ok
Ran 2 tests in 0.001s
The ``param(...)`` helper class stores the parameters for one specific test
case. It can be used to pass keyword arguments to test cases:
.. code:: python
from nose_parameterized import parameterized, param
param("10", 10),
param("10", 16, base=16),
def test_int(str_val, expected, base=10):
assert_equal(int(str_val, base=base), expected)
If test cases have a docstring, the parameters for that test case will be
appended to the first line of the docstring. This behavior can be controlled
with the ``doc_func`` argument:
.. code:: python
from nose_parameterized import parameterized
(1, 2, 3),
(4, 5, 9),
def test_add(a, b, expected):
""" Test addition. """
assert_equal(a + b, expected)
def my_doc_func(func, num, param):
return "%s: %s with %s" %(num, func.__name__, param)
(5, 4, 1),
(9, 6, 3),
], doc_func=my_doc_func)
def test_subtraction(a, b, expected):
assert_equal(a - b, expected)
$ nosetests
Test addition. [with a=1, b=2, expected=3] ... ok
Test addition. [with a=4, b=5, expected=9] ... ok
0: test_subtraction with param(*(5, 4, 1)) ... ok
1: test_subtraction with param(*(9, 6, 3)) ... ok
Ran 4 tests in 0.001s
If all the major testing frameworks are supported, why is it called ``nose-parameterized``?
Originally only nose was supported. But now everything is supported!
What do you mean when you say "nose is best supported"?
There are small caveates with ``py.test`` and ``unittest``: ``py.test``
does not show the parameter values (ex, it will show ``test_add[0]``
instead of ``test_add[1, 2, 3]``), and ``unittest``/``unittest2`` do not
support test generators so ``@parameterized.expand`` must be used.
Why not use ``@pytest.mark.parametrize``?
Because spelling is difficult. Also, ``nose-parameterized`` doesn't
require you to repeat argument names, and (using ``param``) it supports
optional keyword arguments.