blob: de7fc5db0418fd123438c43b580caee73802023e [file] [log] [blame]
create a weakref:
>>> import dill
>>> import weakref
>>> class Object:
... pass
>>> o = Object()
>>> r = weakref.ref(o) #XXX: type: weakref.ReferenceType
>>> r
<weakref at 0xb12f60; to 'instance' at 0xb23080>
>>> o
<__main__.Object instance at 0xb23080>
>>> r()
<__main__.Object instance at 0xb23080>
>>> r.__call__()
<__main__.Object instance at 0xb23080>
>>> r.__hash__()
>>> id(o)
>>> o2 = Object()
>>> r2 = weakref.ref(o2)
>>> del o2
>>> r2
<weakref at 0xb306f0; dead>
>>> r2()
>>> r2.__call__()
>>> r2.__hash__()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: weak object has gone away
>>> o3 = Object()
>>> r3 = weakref.proxy(o3) #XXX: type: weakref.ProxyType
>>> r3
<weakproxy at 0x85b10 to instance at 0x8d530>
>>> o3
<__main__.Object instance at 0x8d530>
>>> r3.__class__
<class __main__.Object at 0x6aa50>
>>> o3.__class__
<class __main__.Object at 0x6aa50>
>>> del o3
>>> r3
<weakproxy at 0x85b10 to NoneType at 0x4f1aa0>
>>> r3.__class__
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ReferenceError: weakly-referenced object no longer exists
>>> class Object2:
... def __call__(self):
... pass
>>> oo = Object2()
>>> oo
<__main__.Object instance at 0x8ca30>
>>> oo()
>>> rr = weakref.proxy(oo) #XXX: type: weakref.CallableProxyType
>>> rr
<weakproxy at 0x82930 to instance at 0x8ca30>
>>> rr()
>>> rr.__call__
<bound method Object.__call__ of <__main__.Object instance at 0x8ca30>>
>>> rr.__call__()
approach to pickling weakrefs:
*) register the weakref types ? (see line ~228 of
*) use hash to create hard copy of ref object
then upon unpickle, create new weakref
*) propose that pickling a weakref will always provide a dead reference
unless the reference object is pickled along with the weakref
pickling generators:
*) need to avoid the "new" method for FrameTypes...
don't see how to do that, without going into C to get the GID Thread.
*) currently inspecting: Objects/object.c Objects/dictobject.c Objects/genobject.c Objects/frameobject.c Python/pystate.c Python/thread.c Python/pythonrun.c
*) the package "generator_tools" may have the answer.