blob: 664dcb9aaef3583614cf1615ffbfef7facaaf03f [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto3";
package tensorflow;
import "tensorflow/core/framework/graph.proto";
// Tensor Tracer Report proto gives information about the trace including:
// - TensorTracerConfig: version, device, num replicas, trace mode.
// - Graphdef, e.g., list of operations, tensors
// - TracedTensorDef:
// * Name of the tensor
// * Tracepoint name if provided.
// * Index of the tensor in the compact cache if traced.
// * Explanation for why the tensor is traced or not.
message TensorTracerReport {
TensorTracerConfig config = 1;
// Tensorflow graph.
tensorflow.GraphDef graphdef = 2;
// A map from tensor name to its TracedTensorDef.
map<string, TracedTensorDef> tensordef = 3;
// The fingerprint of the TensorTracerReport (fingerprint calculation excludes
// this field and graphdef).
string fingerprint = 4;
// The function_name passed to the function_callback
// that produced this TensorTracerReport
string concrete_function_name = 5;
// The index of the last stack frame where the stack traces for all output
// operations in the graph have the same value.
int32 last_common_frame_no = 6;
// List of names of output tensors of the function being traced.
repeated string outputs = 7;
// Information about the number of tensors traced and skipped.
TracingStats tracing_stats = 8;
message TensorTracerConfig {
// Tensor tracer version, e.g. hostcall, outside compilation.
string version = 1;
// Traced device, CPU, TPU...
string device = 2;
// Trace mode, norm, summary, full-trace.
string trace_mode = 3;
// Number of cores, e.g. TPU cores, in the system.
int32 num_cores = 4;
// Number of hosts, e.g. compute nodes in the system.
int32 num_hosts = 5;
// Keep submode as string for backward compatibility.
string submode = 6;
// Keep num cores per host for backward compatibility.
int32 num_cores_per_host = 7;
// Id of the included cores, if a subset of cores are traced.
repeated int32 included_cores = 8;
// The names of the signatures corresponding to the cache indices.
repeated string signatures = 9;
message TracingStats {
// The total number of tensors in the function.
int32 total_tensors = 1;
// The number of traced tensors in the function.
int32 traced_tensors = 2;
// Counts of traced tensors by op type.
map<string, int32> traced_tensor_types = 3;
// The number of tensors added by Tensor Tracer.
int32 added_tensors = 4;
message TracedTensorDef {
// Name of the tensor as appears in tf graph.
string name = 1;
// Cache index of the tensor. This may be different than topological index.
int32 cache_index = 2;
// If trace points are provided, corresponding tracepoint name of the
// tensor. Trace points are placed on the edges (tensors) in the tensorflow
// graph, and they force tensor tracer to trace the corresponding tensor.
// Tracepoints can be added using the programatic interface
// tensor_tracer.tensor_tracepoint(tensor, trace_point_name) function.
// This will add a trace point with the given trace_point_name for the given
// tensor. If a trace_point is provided for the tensor,
// trace_point name will be used for the rest of the analysis instead of
// tensor names. One can use trace_point_name's to compare two models with
// arbitrary tensor names by providing the same trace point name for the
// tensors that are comparable.
string trace_point_name = 3;
// Whether the tensor is traced or not.
bool is_traced = 4;
// Detailed explanation why the tensor is traced or not.
string explanation = 5;
// Detailed stack of operation
Stack op_stack_info = 6;
message Stack {
// Function names from stack
repeated string stack_fn_names = 1;
// Line in stack
repeated string stack_lines = 2;
// Filenames from stack
repeated string stack_filenames = 3;
// Line number in file from stack
repeated int32 stack_linenos = 4;