blob: d2e1c1296ad3101ef197df7e47a3cfef0fc452f3 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2020 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
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// Inputs/Outputs exclusion lists for GradientTape.
// This file is MACHINE GENERATED! Do not edit.
// Generated by: tensorflow/python/eager/
#include "tensorflow/python/eager/pywrap_gradient_exclusions.h"
#include "absl/types/optional.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/lib/gtl/flatmap.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/lib/gtl/flatset.h"
using tensorflow::string;
namespace {
// Keep static data in a format that's easy to init statically.
struct OpIndexInfo {
const char *op_name;
int num_indices;
std::array<int, 4> unused_indices;
// Helper function to initialize FlatMap<string,FlatSet> from OpIndexInfo.
template <typename T>
auto OpGradientInfoInit(const T &a) {
auto *m = new tensorflow::gtl::FlatMap<string, tensorflow::gtl::FlatSet<int>>;
for (const auto &item : a) {
item.unused_indices.begin() + item.num_indices));
return m;
} // namespace
absl::optional<tensorflow::gtl::FlatSet<int>> OpGradientUnusedInputIndices(
const tensorflow::string &op_name) {
static std::array<OpIndexInfo, 366> a = {{
{"AllToAll", 1, {0}},
{"AvgPool3DGrad", 1, {1}},
{"AvgPoolGrad", 1, {1}},
{"BatchNormWithGlobalNormalization", 1, {3}},
{"BatchToSpace", 1, {0}},
{"BatchToSpaceND", 1, {0}},
{"CollectivePermute", 1, {0}},
{"ConjugateTranspose", 1, {0}},
{"Conv2DBackpropFilter", 1, {1}},
{"Conv2DBackpropInput", 1, {0}},
{"Conv3DBackpropFilterV2", 1, {1}},
{"Conv3DBackpropInputV2", 1, {0}},
{"CropAndResize", 1, {3}},
{"CrossReplicaSum", 1, {0}},
{"Cumsum", 1, {0}},
{"DepthwiseConv2dNativeBackpropFilter", 1, {1}},
{"DepthwiseConv2dNativeBackpropInput", 1, {0}},
{"ExpandDims", 1, {1}},
{"FusedBatchNorm", 1, {2}},
{"FusedBatchNormGradV3", 1, {5}},
{"FusedBatchNormV2", 1, {2}},
{"FusedBatchNormV3", 1, {2}},
{"ImageProjectiveTransformV2", 1, {2}},
{"ImageProjectiveTransformV3", 2, {2, 3}},
{"LeakyReluGrad", 1, {0}},
{"MatrixBandPart", 1, {0}},
{"MatrixDiagPartV2", 1, {2}},
{"MatrixDiagPartV3", 1, {2}},
{"MatrixDiagV2", 4, {0, 2, 3, 4}},
{"MatrixDiagV3", 4, {0, 2, 3, 4}},
{"MatrixSetDiagV2", 1, {0}},
{"MatrixSetDiagV3", 1, {0}},
{"MatrixSolve", 1, {1}},
{"MaxPool3DGrad", 1, {2}},
{"MaxPool3DGradGrad", 1, {2}},
{"MaxPoolGrad", 1, {2}},
{"MaxPoolGradGrad", 1, {2}},
{"MaxPoolGradV2", 1, {2}},
{"MirrorPad", 1, {0}},
{"MirrorPadGrad", 1, {0}},
{"NthElement", 1, {1}},
{"QuantizeAndDequantizeV4Grad", 1, {3}},
{"Relu6Grad", 1, {0}},
{"ReluGrad", 1, {0}},
{"Reshape", 1, {1}},
{"ResizeBicubic", 1, {1}},
{"ResizeBilinear", 1, {1}},
{"ResizeNearestNeighbor", 1, {1}},
{"Reverse", 1, {0}},
{"ReverseSequence", 1, {0}},
{"ReverseV2", 1, {0}},
{"Roll", 1, {0}},
{"ScaleAndTranslate", 1, {1}},
{"ScatterNd", 2, {1, 2}},
{"ScatterNdNonAliasingAdd", 2, {0, 2}},
{"SegmentSum", 1, {0}},
{"Select", 1, {2}},
{"Slice", 1, {2}},
{"SoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits", 1, {1}},
{"SpaceToBatch", 1, {0}},
{"SpaceToBatchND", 1, {0}},
{"SparseAdd", 3, {2, 5, 6}},
{"SparseReduceSum", 1, {1}},
{"SparseReorder", 1, {1}},
{"SparseSegmentMeanWithNumSegments", 1, {3}},
{"SparseSegmentSqrtNWithNumSegments", 1, {3}},
{"SparseSegmentSumWithNumSegments", 1, {3}},
{"SparseSlice", 2, {2, 4}},
{"SparseSoftmax", 1, {1}},
{"SparseSoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits", 1, {1}},
{"SparseTensorDenseAdd", 3, {1, 2, 3}},
{"Split", 1, {1}},
{"SqrtGrad", 1, {1}},
{"StatelessParameterizedTruncatedNormal", 1, {1}},
{"StatelessRandomGammaV2", 1, {1}},
{"StatelessRandomGammaV3", 3, {1, 2, 3}},
{"StridedSliceGrad", 2, {0, 4}},
{"TensorArrayScatter", 2, {2, 3}},
{"TensorArrayScatterV2", 2, {2, 3}},
{"TensorArrayScatterV3", 2, {2, 3}},
{"TensorArraySplit", 3, {1, 2, 3}},
{"TensorArraySplitV2", 3, {1, 2, 3}},
{"TensorArraySplitV3", 3, {1, 2, 3}},
{"TensorArrayWrite", 2, {2, 3}},
{"TensorArrayWriteV2", 2, {2, 3}},
{"TensorArrayWriteV3", 2, {2, 3}},
{"TensorListConcatV2", 2, {1, 2}},
{"TensorListFromTensor", 1, {1}},
{"TensorListGetItem", 1, {2}},
{"TensorListPushBack", 1, {0}},
{"TensorListScatter", 1, {2}},
{"TensorListScatterV2", 2, {2, 3}},
{"TensorScatterAdd", 2, {0, 2}},
{"TensorScatterSub", 2, {0, 2}},
{"TensorScatterUpdate", 1, {0}},
{"TensorStridedSliceUpdate", 1, {0}},
{"TopKV2", 1, {1}},
{"Transpose", 1, {0}},
{"TridiagonalSolve", 1, {1}},
{"UnsortedSegmentSum", 2, {0, 2}},
static const auto &m = *OpGradientInfoInit(a);
auto it = m.find(op_name);
if (it != m.end()) {
return it->second;
return absl::nullopt;
absl::optional<tensorflow::gtl::FlatSet<int>> OpGradientUnusedOutputIndices(
const tensorflow::string &op_name) {
static std::array<OpIndexInfo, 485> a = {{
{"ApproxTopK", 1, {0}},
{"CSRSparseMatrixToSparseTensor", 1, {1}},
{"CTCLoss", 1, {0}},
{"CTCLossV2", 1, {0}},
{"FractionalAvgPool", 1, {0}},
{"FusedBatchNorm", 3, {0, 1, 2}},
{"FusedBatchNormV2", 3, {0, 1, 2}},
{"FusedBatchNormV3", 3, {0, 1, 2}},
{"IsotonicRegression", 1, {0}},
{"LogMatrixDeterminant", 1, {0}},
{"MaxPoolWithArgmax", 1, {0}},
{"Merge", 1, {0}},
{"RaggedFillEmptyRows", 3, {0, 1, 2}},
{"RefMerge", 1, {0}},
{"SoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits", 1, {0}},
{"SparseAdd", 2, {1, 2}},
{"SparseFillEmptyRows", 3, {0, 1, 2}},
{"SparseSlice", 2, {1, 2}},
{"SparseSoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits", 1, {0}},
{"TensorArrayConcat", 1, {0}},
{"TensorArrayConcatV2", 1, {0}},
{"TensorArrayConcatV3", 1, {0}},
{"TensorListConcat", 1, {0}},
{"TensorListConcatV2", 1, {0}},
{"TopK", 1, {0}},
{"TopKV2", 1, {0}},
static const auto &m = *OpGradientInfoInit(a);
auto it = m.find(op_name);
if (it != m.end()) {
return it->second;
return absl::nullopt;