blob: 313893c50b38cbc32136fdc4d21cc1208219d402 [file] [log] [blame]
load("//tensorflow:tensorflow.bzl", "tf_gen_op_wrapper_py")
# Intended only for use within this directory.
# Generated python wrappers are "private" visibility, users should depend on the
# full python code that incorporates the wrappers. The generated targets have
# a _gen suffix, so that the full python version can use the bare name.
# We also hard code the hidden_file here to reduce duplication.
# We should consider moving the "out" default pattern into here, many other
# consumers of the tf_gen_op_wrapper_py rule would be simplified if we don't
# hard code the ops/ directory.
def tf_gen_op_wrapper_private_py(
out = None,
deps = [],
require_shape_functions = False,
visibility = []):
if not name.endswith("_gen"):
fail("name must end in _gen")
new_name = name[:-4]
if not out:
out = "gen_" + new_name + ".py"
name = new_name, # Strip off _gen
out = out,
visibility = visibility or ["//visibility:private"],
deps = deps,
require_shape_functions = require_shape_functions,
generated_target_name = name,
api_def_srcs = [