blob: 0570741eef4b4fd1ccce243aaed98f5a79b90103 [file] [log] [blame]
"""Build rules for Tensorflow/XLA testing."""
load("//tensorflow:tensorflow.bzl", "py_test")
load("//tensorflow:strict.default.bzl", "py_strict_test")
load("//tensorflow/compiler/tests:plugin.bzl", "plugins")
all_backends = ["cpu", "gpu"] + plugins.keys()
def tf_xla_py_test(
srcs = [],
deps = [],
tags = [],
data = [],
main = None,
enabled_backends = None,
disabled_backends = None,
use_xla_device = True,
enable_mlir_bridge = True,
test_rule = py_test,
"""Generates py_test targets, one per XLA backend.
This rule generates py_test() targets named name_backend, for each backend
in all_backends. The rule also generates a test suite with named `name` that
tests all backends for the test.
For example, the following rule generates test cases foo_test_cpu,
foo_test_gpu, and a test suite name foo_test that tests both.
name: Name of the target.
srcs: Sources for the target.
deps: Dependencies of the target.
tags: Tags to apply to the generated targets.
data: Data dependencies of the target.
main: Same as py_test's main attribute.
enabled_backends: A list of backends that should be tested. Supported
values include "cpu" and "gpu". If not specified, defaults to None.
disabled_backends: A list of backends that should not be tested. Supported
values include "cpu" and "gpu". If not specified, defaults to None.
use_xla_device: If true then the --test_device argument is set to XLA_CPU
and XLA_GPU for the CPU and GPU tests. Otherwise it is set to CPU and
enable_mlir_bridge: If true, then runs the test with and without mlir
bridge enabled.
**kwargs: keyword arguments passed onto the generated py_test() rules.
if enabled_backends == None:
enabled_backends = all_backends
if disabled_backends == None:
disabled_backends = []
if type(disabled_backends) != "list":
fail("disabled_backends must be a list of strings", "disabled_backends")
backends = [b for b in enabled_backends if b not in disabled_backends]
test_names = []
if use_xla_device:
cpu_xla_device = "XLA_CPU"
gpu_xla_device = "XLA_GPU"
cpu_xla_device = "CPU"
gpu_xla_device = "GPU"
for backend in backends:
test_name = "{}_{}".format(name, backend)
backend_tags = ["tf_xla_{}".format(backend)]
backend_args = []
backend_deps = []
backend_data = []
if backend == "cpu":
backend_args += [
"--test_device=" + cpu_xla_device,
elif backend in ("gpu", "gpu_a100"):
backend_args += [
"--test_device=" + gpu_xla_device,
backend_tags += tf_cuda_tests_tags()
elif backend in plugins:
backend_args += [
"--test_device=" + plugins[backend]["device"],
"--types=" + plugins[backend]["types"],
backend_tags += plugins[backend]["tags"]
backend_args += plugins[backend]["args"]
backend_deps += plugins[backend]["deps"]
backend_data += plugins[backend]["data"]
fail("Unknown backend {}".format(backend))
test_tags = tags + backend_tags
enable_mlir_bridge_options = [False]
if enable_mlir_bridge:
for mlir_option in enable_mlir_bridge_options:
extra_dep = []
extra_tag = []
updated_name = test_name
mlir_bridge_dep = "//tensorflow/python:is_mlir_bridge_test_true"
has_mlir_dep = (mlir_bridge_dep in deps)
if mlir_option:
if updated_name.endswith("_test"):
updated_name = updated_name[:-5]
updated_name += "_mlir_bridge_test"
extra_dep = [] if has_mlir_dep else [mlir_bridge_dep]
# Mark gpu mlir_bridge tests as ondemand
# This is for testing book keeping because the bridge does not have any gpu specific
# logic at this time, so CPU testing is good enough and cheaper.
extra_tag = ["ondemand"] if backend in ("gpu", "gpu_a100") else []
elif has_mlir_dep:
# Some tests run only with mlir_bridge by explicitly adding the MLIR
# bridge dep so if the dep is already present skip non MLIR
# version.
name = updated_name,
srcs = srcs,
srcs_version = "PY3",
args = backend_args,
main = "{}.py".format(name) if main == None else main,
data = data + backend_data,
deps = deps + backend_deps + extra_dep,
tags = test_tags + extra_tag,
exec_properties = tf_exec_properties({"tags": test_tags}),
native.test_suite(name = name, tests = test_names)
def tf_xla_py_strict_test(**kwargs):
tf_xla_py_test(test_rule = py_strict_test, **kwargs)
def generate_backend_suites(backends = []):
"""Generates per-backend test_suites that run all tests for a backend."""
if not backends:
backends = all_backends
for backend in backends:
native.test_suite(name = "%s_tests" % backend, tags = ["tf_xla_%s" % backend])