blob: 0f177ed30ae3b983bf44af7889f559713ff28540 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
#include "tensorflow/c/c_api.h"
#include "tensorflow/c/c_api_internal.h"
#include "tensorflow/c/c_test_util.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/framework/common_shape_fns.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/framework/function.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/framework/function.pb.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/framework/op_def.pb.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/lib/hash/hash.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/lib/strings/proto_serialization.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/platform/logging.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/platform/status.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/platform/str_util.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/platform/strcat.h"
#include "tensorflow/core/platform/test.h"
namespace tensorflow {
namespace {
// Specification for expected input/output and its type.
// DataType value of DT_INVALID signifies that we don't want to
// check the data type.
typedef std::pair<string, DataType> IOSpec;
std::vector<IOSpec> M(const std::initializer_list<string>& names) {
std::vector<IOSpec> v;
for (const string& name : names) {
v.push_back(IOSpec(name, DT_INVALID));
return v;
// Specification for an expected edge.
// src is either:
// - input name (as it appears in FunctionDef)
// - name of output tensor (in nested "add:z:0" format)
// dst is either:
// - output name (as it appears in FunctionDef)
// - <name_of_node>:<index_of_this_input_into_node> (this looks the same as
// output tensor naming, but it the index is actually an input index)
struct EdgeSpec : public std::pair<string, string> {
typedef std::pair<string, string> Base;
// Inherit the set of constructors
using Base::pair;
string ToString() const { return strings::StrCat(first, "->", second); }
class CApiFunctionTest : public ::testing::Test {
: s_(TF_NewStatus()),
func_(nullptr) {}
void SetUp() override {}
~CApiFunctionTest() override {
void Run(const std::vector<std::pair<TF_Operation*, TF_Tensor*>>& inputs,
TF_Operation* output, int32_t expected_result) {
Run(inputs, {{output, 0}}, {expected_result});
// Run the host graph, which now contains a function and check that
// outputs are as expected.
// 'T' stands for 'tensor' since the outputs are tensors, not scalars.
void RunT(const std::vector<std::pair<TF_Operation*, TF_Tensor*>>& inputs,
std::initializer_list<TF_Output> outputs,
const std::vector<std::vector<int32_t>>& expected_results) {
// Create a session for this graph
CSession csession(host_graph_, s_);
ASSERT_EQ(TF_OK, TF_GetCode(s_)) << TF_Message(s_);
// Run
ASSERT_EQ(TF_OK, TF_GetCode(s_)) << TF_Message(s_);
// Check results
for (int i = 0; i < expected_results.size(); ++i) {
TF_Tensor* out = csession.output_tensor(i);
ASSERT_TRUE(out != nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(TF_INT32, TF_TensorType(out));
EXPECT_EQ(1, TF_NumDims(out));
CompareInt32Tensor(expected_results[i], out);
// Run the host graph, which now contains a function and check that
// outputs are as expected.
void Run(const std::vector<std::pair<TF_Operation*, TF_Tensor*>>& inputs,
std::initializer_list<TF_Output> outputs,
const std::vector<int32_t>& expected_results) {
// Create a session for this graph.
CSession csession(host_graph_, s_);
ASSERT_EQ(TF_OK, TF_GetCode(s_)) << TF_Message(s_);
ASSERT_EQ(TF_OK, TF_GetCode(s_)) << TF_Message(s_);
for (int i = 0; i < expected_results.size(); ++i) {
TF_Tensor* out = csession.output_tensor(i);
ASSERT_TRUE(out != nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(TF_INT32, TF_TensorType(out));
EXPECT_EQ(0, TF_NumDims(out)); // scalar
ASSERT_EQ(sizeof(int32_t), TF_TensorByteSize(out));
int32_t* output_contents = static_cast<int32_t*>(TF_TensorData(out));
EXPECT_EQ(expected_results[i], *output_contents);
void CompareInt32Tensor(const std::vector<int32_t>& expected, TF_Tensor* t) {
int32_t* data = static_cast<int32_t*>(TF_TensorData(t));
size_t size = TF_TensorByteSize(t);
ASSERT_EQ(expected.size() * sizeof(int32_t), size);
for (int i = 0; i < expected.size(); ++i) {
ASSERT_EQ(expected[i], data[i]) << "Different data at index " << i;
std::vector<TF_Output> ToOutput(const std::vector<TF_Operation*> ops) {
std::vector<TF_Output> out;
for (auto op : ops) {
out.push_back({op, 0});
return out;
void Define(int num_opers, const std::vector<TF_Operation*>& opers,
const std::vector<TF_Operation*>& inputs,
const std::vector<TF_Operation*>& outputs,
const std::vector<string>& output_names,
bool expect_failure = false) {
DefineT(num_opers, opers, ToOutput(inputs), ToOutput(outputs), output_names,
// Caller must delete[] the returned value
static const char** ToArray(const std::vector<string>& strs) {
const char** ptr = nullptr;
if (!strs.empty()) {
ptr = new const char*[strs.size()];
for (size_t i = 0; i < strs.size(); ++i) {
ptr[i] = strs[i].c_str();
return ptr;
// An explicit `num_opers` is needed so that we can distinguish between the
// case of no operations specified (-1) and the case of an empty set of
// operations specified (0).
void DefineT(int num_opers, const std::vector<TF_Operation*>& opers,
const std::vector<TF_Output>& inputs,
const std::vector<TF_Output>& outputs,
const std::vector<string>& output_names,
bool expect_failure = false) {
ASSERT_EQ(func_, nullptr);
const char** output_names_ptr = ToArray(output_names);
func_ = TF_GraphToFunction(func_graph_, func_name_, false, num_opers,
num_opers == -1 ? nullptr :,
inputs.size(),, outputs.size(),, output_names_ptr,
/*opts=*/nullptr, /*description=*/nullptr, s_);
delete[] output_names_ptr;
if (expect_failure) {
ASSERT_EQ(func_, nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ(TF_OK, TF_GetCode(s_)) << TF_Message(s_);
ASSERT_NE(func_, nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ(std::string(func_name_), std::string(TF_FunctionName(func_)));
TF_GraphCopyFunction(host_graph_, func_, nullptr, s_);
ASSERT_EQ(TF_OK, TF_GetCode(s_)) << TF_Message(s_);
TF_Operation* Use(const std::vector<TF_Operation*>& inputs) {
return UseT(ToOutput(inputs));
TF_Operation* UseT(const std::vector<TF_Output>& inputs) {
TF_Operation* op;
UseHelper(inputs, &op);
return op;
// All the *Helper methods are used as a workaround for the restrictions that
// one cannot call ASSERT_* methods in non-void-returning functions (when
// exceptions are disabled during compilation)
void UseHelper(const std::vector<TF_Output>& inputs, TF_Operation** op) {
TF_OperationDescription* desc =
TF_NewOperation(host_graph_, func_name_, func_node_name_);
for (auto input : inputs) {
TF_AddInput(desc, input);
// Set device to CPU because some ops inside the function might not be
// available on GPU.
TF_SetDevice(desc, "/cpu:0");
*op = TF_FinishOperation(desc, s_);
ASSERT_EQ(TF_OK, TF_GetCode(s_)) << TF_Message(s_);
ASSERT_NE(*op, nullptr);
FunctionDef fdef() {
tensorflow::FunctionDef fdef;
EXPECT_TRUE(GetFunctionDef(func_, &fdef));
return fdef;
// logging utility
template <class Container>
string ToString(const Container& v) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "{";
size_t i = 0;
for (const auto& e : v) {
if (i != 0) {
ss << ", ";
ss << e.ToString();
ss << "}";
return ss.str();
void VerifyFDefNodes(const tensorflow::FunctionDef& fdef,
const std::unordered_set<string>& nodes) {
ASSERT_EQ(nodes.size(), fdef.node_def_size())
<< "Got unexpected number of nodes. Expected: ["
<< absl::StrJoin(nodes, ", ")
<< "] Actual nodes in fdef: " << fdef.DebugString();
for (const NodeDef& node_def : fdef.node_def()) {
ASSERT_TRUE(nodes.find( != nodes.end())
<< "Got unexpected node: " <<
<< " in fdef: " << fdef.DebugString();
void VerifyFDefInputs(const tensorflow::FunctionDef& fdef,
const std::vector<IOSpec>& inputs) {
const OpDef& signature = fdef.signature();
ASSERT_EQ(inputs.size(), signature.input_arg_size());
for (int i = 0; i < inputs.size(); ++i) {
const OpDef::ArgDef& arg = signature.input_arg(i);
const IOSpec& in = inputs[i];
if (in.second != DT_INVALID) {
ASSERT_EQ(arg.type(), in.second)
<< "Got unexpected type for input " << i
<< ". fdef: " << fdef.DebugString();
ASSERT_EQ(, in.first) << "Got unexpected name for input " << i
<< ". fdef: " << fdef.DebugString();
void VerifyFDefOutputs(const tensorflow::FunctionDef& fdef,
const std::vector<IOSpec>& outputs) {
const OpDef& signature = fdef.signature();
ASSERT_EQ(outputs.size(), signature.output_arg_size());
for (int i = 0; i < outputs.size(); ++i) {
const OpDef::ArgDef& arg = signature.output_arg(i);
const IOSpec& out = outputs[i];
if (out.second != DT_INVALID) {
ASSERT_EQ(arg.type(), out.second)
<< "Got unexpected type for output " << i
<< ". fdef: " << fdef.DebugString();
ASSERT_EQ(, out.first) << "Got unexpected name for output " << i
<< ". fdef: " << fdef.DebugString();
void VerifyFDefEdges(
const tensorflow::FunctionDef& fdef,
const std::vector<EdgeSpec>& e_edges, // expected edges
const std::vector<EdgeSpec>& c_edges, // expected ctrl edges
bool is_exact_edges = true) {
// Build a set of edges from fdef
std::set<EdgeSpec> a_edges; // actual edges
// Get edges from inputs to body nodes and between body nodes
for (const NodeDef& node_def : fdef.node_def()) {
for (int i = 0; i < node_def.input_size(); ++i) {
const string& in = node_def.input(i);
const auto& v =
a_edges.insert({in, strings::StrCat(, ":", i)});
ASSERT_TRUE(v.second) << "Duplicate edge " << in << " -> "
<< strings::StrCat(, ":", i)
<< ". fdef: " << fdef.DebugString();
// Get edges from body nodes to outputs and from inputs to outputs
for (const OpDef::ArgDef& arg : fdef.signature().output_arg()) {
const auto& iter = fdef.ret().find(;
if (iter != fdef.ret().end()) {
const auto& v = a_edges.insert({iter->second,});
ASSERT_TRUE(v.second) << "Duplicate edge " << iter->second << " -> "
<< << ". fdef: " << fdef.DebugString();
} else {
const auto& v = a_edges.insert({,});
ASSERT_TRUE(v.second) << "Duplicate edge " << << " -> "
<< << ". fdef: " << fdef.DebugString();
// Verify edges
for (const EdgeSpec& e : e_edges) {
ASSERT_TRUE(a_edges.find(e) != a_edges.end())
<< "Failed to find expected edge " << e.ToString()
<< " in fdef: " << fdef.DebugString();
for (const EdgeSpec& e : c_edges) {
ASSERT_TRUE(a_edges.find(e) != a_edges.end())
<< "Failed to find expected control edge " << e.ToString()
<< " in fdef: " << fdef.DebugString();
// If caller specified all edges, check that we have seen all
if (is_exact_edges) {
ASSERT_EQ(e_edges.size() + c_edges.size(), a_edges.size())
<< "Expected edges: " << ToString(e_edges)
<< " Expected Control edges: " << ToString(c_edges)
<< " Actual edges: " << ToString(a_edges)
<< " in fdef: " << fdef.DebugString();
void VerifyFDef(const std::unordered_set<string>& nodes,
const std::vector<IOSpec>& inputs,
const std::vector<IOSpec>& outputs,
const std::vector<EdgeSpec>& e_edges, // expected edges
const std::vector<EdgeSpec>& c_edges, // expected ctrl edges
bool is_exact_edges = true) {
tensorflow::FunctionDef fdef;
ASSERT_TRUE(GetFunctionDef(func_, &fdef));
VerifyFDefNodes(fdef, nodes);
VerifyFDefInputs(fdef, inputs);
VerifyFDefOutputs(fdef, outputs);
VerifyFDefEdges(fdef, e_edges, c_edges, is_exact_edges);
// Serialize func_ to fdef and import it back
void Reincarnate() {
// func_ -> fdef
tensorflow::FunctionDef fdef;
ASSERT_TRUE(GetFunctionDef(func_, &fdef));
// fdef -> func_
string buf;
func_ = TF_FunctionImportFunctionDef(, buf.size(), s_);
ASSERT_EQ(TF_OK, TF_GetCode(s_)) << TF_Message(s_);
void GetAttr(const char* attr_name, AttrValue* out_attr) {
TF_Buffer* attr_buf = TF_NewBuffer();
TF_FunctionGetAttrValueProto(func_, attr_name, attr_buf, s_);
ASSERT_TRUE(out_attr->ParseFromArray(attr_buf->data, attr_buf->length));
const char* func_name_ = "MyFunc";
const char* func_node_name_ = "MyFunc_0";
TF_Status* s_;
TF_Graph* func_graph_;
TF_Graph* host_graph_;
TF_Function* func_;
// Workaround for not being able to initialize empty map using {}
std::unordered_set<string> empty_;
TEST_F(CApiFunctionTest, OneOp_ZeroInputs_OneOutput) {
* constant
* |
* v
// Define
TF_Operation* c = ScalarConst(10, func_graph_, s_, "scalar10");
Define(-1, {}, {}, {c}, {});
// Use, run, and verify
TF_Operation* func_op = Use({});
Run({}, func_op, 10);
VerifyFDef({"scalar10_0"}, {}, {{"scalar10", DT_INT32}},
{{"scalar10_0:output:0", "scalar10"}}, {});
TEST_F(CApiFunctionTest, OneOp_OneInput_OneOutput) {
* |
* v
* negate
* |
* v
// Define
TF_Operation* feed = Placeholder(func_graph_, s_);
TF_Operation* neg = Neg(feed, func_graph_, s_);
Define(-1, {}, {feed}, {neg}, {});
// Use, run, and verify
TF_Operation* func_feed = Placeholder(host_graph_, s_);
TF_Operation* func_op = Use({func_feed});
Run({{func_feed, Int32Tensor(3)}}, func_op, -3);
VerifyFDef({"neg_0"}, {{"feed", DT_INT32}}, {{"neg", DT_INT32}},
{{"feed", "neg_0:0"}, {"neg_0:y:0", "neg"}}, {});
TEST_F(CApiFunctionTest, OneOutput_OutputNames) {
* |
* v
* negate
* |
* v
// Define
TF_Operation* feed = Placeholder(func_graph_, s_);
TF_Operation* neg = Neg(feed, func_graph_, s_);
Define(-1, {}, {feed}, {neg}, {"negated_num"});
// Use, run, and verify
TF_Operation* func_feed = Placeholder(host_graph_, s_);
TF_Operation* func_op = Use({func_feed});
Run({{func_feed, Int32Tensor(3)}}, func_op, -3);
VerifyFDef({"neg"}, {{"feed", DT_INT32}}, {{"negated_num", DT_INT32}},
{{"feed", "neg:0"}, {"neg:y:0", "negated_num"}}, {});
TEST_F(CApiFunctionTest, OutputNames_SameNameAsInput) {
* |
* v
* negate
* |
* v
// Define
TF_Operation* feed = Placeholder(func_graph_, s_, "negation");
TF_Operation* neg = Neg(feed, func_graph_, s_, "neg");
Define(-1, {}, {feed}, {neg}, {"negation"});
// Use, run, and verify
TF_Operation* func_feed = Placeholder(host_graph_, s_);
TF_Operation* func_op = Use({func_feed});
Run({{func_feed, Int32Tensor(3)}}, func_op, -3);
VerifyFDef({"neg"}, {{"negation_0", DT_INT32}}, {{"negation", DT_INT32}},
{{"negation_0", "neg:0"}, {"neg:y:0", "negation"}}, {});
TEST_F(CApiFunctionTest, ZeroOps_Identity) {
* |
* |
* |
* v
// Define
TF_Operation* feed = Placeholder(func_graph_, s_);
Define(-1, {}, {feed}, {feed}, {});
// Use, run, and verify
TF_Operation* func_feed = Placeholder(host_graph_, s_);
TF_Operation* func_op = Use({func_feed});
Run({{func_feed, Int32Tensor(3)}}, func_op, 3);
VerifyFDef(empty_, {{"feed_0", DT_INT32}}, {{"feed", DT_INT32}},
{{"feed_0", "feed"}}, {});
TEST_F(CApiFunctionTest, ZeroOps_Permutation) {
* | |
* \ /
* \/
* x
* /\
* / \
* | |
* v v
// Define
TF_Operation* feed1 = Placeholder(func_graph_, s_, "feed1");
TF_Operation* feed2 = Placeholder(func_graph_, s_, "feed2");
Define(-1, {}, {feed1, feed2}, {feed2, feed1}, {});
// Use, run, and verify
TF_Operation* two = ScalarConst(2, host_graph_, s_);
TF_Operation* func_feed = Placeholder(host_graph_, s_);
TF_Operation* func_op = Use({two, func_feed});
Run({{func_feed, Int32Tensor(3)}}, {{func_op, 0}, {func_op, 1}}, {3, 2});
VerifyFDef(empty_, M({{"feed1_0"}, {"feed2_0"}}), M({{"feed2"}, {"feed1"}}),
{{"feed1_0", "feed1"}, {"feed2_0", "feed2"}}, {});
TEST_F(CApiFunctionTest, ZeroOps_Permutation_OutputNames) {
* | |
* \ /
* \/
* x
* /\
* / \
* | |
* v v
// Define
TF_Operation* feed1 = Placeholder(func_graph_, s_, "feed1");
TF_Operation* feed2 = Placeholder(func_graph_, s_, "feed2");
Define(-1, {}, {feed1, feed2}, {feed2, feed1}, {"first", "second"});
// Use, run, and verify
TF_Operation* two = ScalarConst(2, host_graph_, s_);
TF_Operation* func_feed = Placeholder(host_graph_, s_);
TF_Operation* func_op = Use({two, func_feed});
Run({{func_feed, Int32Tensor(3)}}, {{func_op, 0}, {func_op, 1}}, {3, 2});
VerifyFDef(empty_, M({{"feed1"}, {"feed2"}}), M({{"first"}, {"second"}}),
{{"feed1", "second"}, {"feed2", "first"}}, {});
TEST_F(CApiFunctionTest, OneOp_TwoInputs_OneOutput) {
* | |
* v v
* add
* |
* v
// Define
TF_Operation* feed1 = Placeholder(func_graph_, s_, "feed1");
TF_Operation* feed2 = Placeholder(func_graph_, s_, "feed2");
TF_Operation* add = Add(feed1, feed2, func_graph_, s_);
Define(-1, {}, {feed1, feed2}, {add}, {});
// Use, run, and verify
TF_Operation* two = ScalarConst(2, host_graph_, s_);
TF_Operation* func_feed = Placeholder(host_graph_, s_);
TF_Operation* func_op = Use({two, func_feed});
Run({{func_feed, Int32Tensor(3)}}, func_op, 2 + 3);
{"add_0"}, M({{"feed1"}, {"feed2"}}), M({{"add"}}),
{{"feed1", "add_0:0"}, {"feed2", "add_0:1"}, {"add_0:sum:0", "add"}}, {});
TEST_F(CApiFunctionTest, OneOp_TwoInputs_ZeroOutputs) {
* | |
* v v
* add
* (output ignored)
// Define
TF_Operation* feed1 = Placeholder(func_graph_, s_, "feed1");
TF_Operation* feed2 = Placeholder(func_graph_, s_, "feed2");
Add(feed1, feed2, func_graph_, s_);
Define(-1, {}, {feed1, feed2}, {}, {});
// Use, run, and verify
TF_Operation* two = ScalarConst(2, host_graph_, s_);
TF_Operation* func_feed = Placeholder(host_graph_, s_);
Use({two, func_feed});
VerifyFDef({"add"}, M({{"feed1"}, {"feed2"}}), {},
{{"feed1", "add:0"}, {"feed2", "add:1"}}, {});
TEST_F(CApiFunctionTest, TwoOps_ThreeInputs_OneOutput) {
* | | |
* v v /
* add1 /
* | |
* v v
* add2
* |
* v
// Define
TF_Operation* feed1 = Placeholder(func_graph_, s_, "feed1");
TF_Operation* feed2 = Placeholder(func_graph_, s_, "feed2");
TF_Operation* feed3 = Placeholder(func_graph_, s_, "feed3");
TF_Operation* add1 = Add(feed1, feed2, func_graph_, s_, "add1");
TF_Operation* add2 = Add(add1, feed3, func_graph_, s_, "add2");
Define(-1, {}, {feed1, feed2, feed3}, {add2}, {});
// Use, run, and verify
TF_Operation* two = ScalarConst(2, host_graph_, s_, "two");
TF_Operation* ten = ScalarConst(10, host_graph_, s_, "ten");
TF_Operation* func_feed = Placeholder(host_graph_, s_);
TF_Operation* func_op = Use({two, ten, func_feed});
Run({{func_feed, Int32Tensor(3)}}, func_op, 2 + 10 + 3);
VerifyFDef({"add1", "add2_0"}, M({{"feed1"}, {"feed2"}, {"feed3"}}),
{{"feed1", "add1:0"},
{"feed2", "add1:1"},
{"add1:sum:0", "add2_0:0"},
{"feed3", "add2_0:1"},
{"add2_0:sum:0", "add2"}},
TEST_F(CApiFunctionTest, OneOp_TwoInputs_TwoDuplicateOutputs) {
* | |
* v v
* add
* |
* +-+-+
* | |
* v v
// Define
TF_Operation* feed1 = Placeholder(func_graph_, s_, "feed1");
TF_Operation* feed2 = Placeholder(func_graph_, s_, "feed2");
TF_Operation* add = Add(feed1, feed2, func_graph_, s_);
Define(-1, {}, {feed1, feed2}, {add, add}, {});
// Use, run, and verify
TF_Operation* two = ScalarConst(2, host_graph_, s_);
TF_Operation* func_feed = Placeholder(host_graph_, s_);
TF_Operation* func_op = Use({two, func_feed});
Run({{func_feed, Int32Tensor(3)}}, {{func_op, 0}, {func_op, 1}}, {5, 5});
VerifyFDef({"add_1"}, M({{"feed1"}, {"feed2"}}), M({{"add"}, {"add_0"}}),
{{"feed1", "add_1:0"},
{"feed2", "add_1:1"},
{"add_1:sum:0", "add"},
{"add_1:sum:0", "add_0"}},
TEST_F(CApiFunctionTest, TwoDuplicateOutputs_OutputNames) {
* | |
* v v
* add
* |
* +-+-+
* | |
* v v
// Define
TF_Operation* feed1 = Placeholder(func_graph_, s_, "feed1");
TF_Operation* feed2 = Placeholder(func_graph_, s_, "feed2");
TF_Operation* add = Add(feed1, feed2, func_graph_, s_);
Define(-1, {}, {feed1, feed2}, {add, add}, {"out1", "out2"});
// Use, run, and verify
TF_Operation* two = ScalarConst(2, host_graph_, s_);
TF_Operation* func_feed = Placeholder(host_graph_, s_);
TF_Operation* func_op = Use({two, func_feed});
Run({{func_feed, Int32Tensor(3)}}, {{func_op, 0}, {func_op, 1}}, {5, 5});
VerifyFDef({"add"}, M({{"feed1"}, {"feed2"}}), M({{"out1"}, {"out2"}}),
{{"feed1", "add:0"},
{"feed2", "add:1"},
{"add:sum:0", "out1"},
{"add:sum:0", "out2"}},
TEST_F(CApiFunctionTest, TwoOps_ThreeInputs_TwoOutputs) {
* | | |
* v v /
* add /
* | |
* +-+ |
* | | |
* | v v
* | add
* | |
* v v
// Define
TF_Operation* feed1 = Placeholder(func_graph_, s_, "feed1");
TF_Operation* feed2 = Placeholder(func_graph_, s_, "feed2");
TF_Operation* feed3 = Placeholder(func_graph_, s_, "feed3");
TF_Operation* add1 = Add(feed1, feed2, func_graph_, s_, "add1");
TF_Operation* add2 = Add(add1, feed3, func_graph_, s_, "add2");
Define(-1, {}, {feed1, feed2, feed3}, {add1, add2}, {});
// Use, run, and verify
TF_Operation* two = ScalarConst(2, host_graph_, s_, "two");
TF_Operation* ten = ScalarConst(10, host_graph_, s_, "ten");
TF_Operation* func_feed = Placeholder(host_graph_, s_);
TF_Operation* func_op = Use({two, ten, func_feed});
Run({{func_feed, Int32Tensor(3)}}, {{func_op, 0}, {func_op, 1}}, {12, 15});
VerifyFDef({"add1_0", "add2_0"}, M({{"feed1"}, {"feed2"}, {"feed3"}}),
M({{"add1"}, {"add2"}}),
{{"feed1", "add1_0:0"},
{"feed2", "add1_0:1"},
{"add1_0:sum:0", "add2_0:0"},
{"feed3", "add2_0:1"},
{"add1_0:sum:0", "add1"},
{"add2_0:sum:0", "add2"}},
TEST_F(CApiFunctionTest, FromSubsetOfOps) {
* | | |
* v v /
* add /
* | |
* +---+--+---+
* Ops used | | | |
* for func | v v |
* | | add |
* +-------> | | |
* | v |
* | |
* +----------+
// Define
TF_Operation* feed1 = Placeholder(func_graph_, s_, "feed1");
TF_Operation* feed2 = Placeholder(func_graph_, s_, "feed2");
TF_Operation* feed3 = Placeholder(func_graph_, s_, "feed3");
TF_Operation* add1 = Add(feed1, feed2, func_graph_, s_, "add1");
TF_Operation* add2 = Add(add1, feed3, func_graph_, s_, "add2");
Define(1, {add2}, {add1, feed3}, {add2}, {});
// Use, run, and verify
TF_Operation* two = ScalarConst(2, host_graph_, s_, "two");
TF_Operation* func_feed = Placeholder(host_graph_, s_);
TF_Operation* func_op = Use({two, func_feed});
Run({{func_feed, Int32Tensor(3)}}, func_op, 2 + 3);
{"add2_0"}, M({{"add1"}, {"feed3"}}), M({{"add2"}}),
{{"add1", "add2_0:0"}, {"feed3", "add2_0:1"}, {"add2_0:sum:0", "add2"}},
TEST_F(CApiFunctionTest, UsingOneOutputOfSplit) {
* feed
* |
* +---------+---+
* | const0 | |
* | | | |
* | v / |
* | split |
* | | | | |
* | v | v |
* | | |
* +------+------+
* |
* v
* Only the second output from split is used as function output
// Define
TF_Operation* feed = Placeholder(func_graph_, s_);
TF_Operation* split = Split3(feed, func_graph_, s_);
DefineT(-1, {}, {{feed, 0}}, {{split, 1}}, {});
// Use, run, and verify
TF_Operation* func_feed = Placeholder(host_graph_, s_);
TF_Operation* func_op = Use({func_feed});
RunT({{func_feed, Int32Tensor({1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6})}}, {{func_op, 0}},
{{3, 4}});
VerifyFDef({"split3_const0", "split3_0"}, M({{"feed"}}), M({{"split3"}}),
{{"split3_const0:output:0", "split3_0:0"},
{"feed", "split3_0:1"},
{"split3_0:output:1", "split3"}},
TEST_F(CApiFunctionTest, UsingTwoOutputsOfSplit) {
* feed
* |
* +---------+---+
* | const0 | |
* | | | |
* | v / |
* | split |
* | | | | |
* | | v | |
* | | | |
* +---+-----+---+
* | |
* v v
* Second output from split is not used as function output
// Define
TF_Operation* feed = Placeholder(func_graph_, s_);
TF_Operation* split = Split3(feed, func_graph_, s_);
DefineT(-1, {}, {{feed, 0}}, {{split, 0}, {split, 2}}, {});
// Use, run, and verify
TF_Operation* func_feed = Placeholder(host_graph_, s_);
TF_Operation* func_op = Use({func_feed});
RunT({{func_feed, Int32Tensor({1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6})}},
{{func_op, 0}, {func_op, 1}}, {{1, 2}, {5, 6}});
VerifyFDef({"split3_const0", "split3_1"}, M({{"feed"}}),
M({{"split3"}, {"split3_0"}}),
{{"split3_const0:output:0", "split3_1:0"},
{"feed", "split3_1:1"},
{"split3_1:output:0", "split3"},
{"split3_1:output:2", "split3_0"}},
TEST_F(CApiFunctionTest, UsingTwoOutputsOfSplitAsInputs) {
* |
* v
* split
* | | |
* | v |
* | |
* +---+-----+---+
* | | | |
* | v v |
* | add |
* | | |
* | | |
* +------+------+
* |
* v
// Define
TF_Operation* feed = Placeholder(func_graph_, s_);
TF_Operation* split = Split3(feed, func_graph_, s_);
TF_Operation* add = Add({split, 0}, {split, 2}, func_graph_, s_);
ASSERT_EQ(TF_OK, TF_GetCode(s_)) << TF_Message(s_);
DefineT(1, {add}, {{split, 0}, {split, 2}}, {{add, 0}}, {});
// Use, run, and verify
TF_Operation* two = ScalarConst(2, host_graph_, s_, "two");
TF_Operation* func_feed = Placeholder(host_graph_, s_);
TF_Operation* func_op = Use({two, func_feed});
Run({{func_feed, Int32Tensor(3)}}, func_op, 2 + 3);
{"add_0"}, M({{"split3"}, {"split3_0"}}), M({{"add"}}),
{{"split3", "add_0:0"}, {"split3_0", "add_0:1"}, {"add_0:sum:0", "add"}},
TEST_F(CApiFunctionTest, NodesUsedInInputsMustHaveSingleOutput) {
* |
* v
* split
* | | |
* | v |
* | |
* input --->| |<--- input
* | |
* v v
* add
* |
* |
* v
// Define
TF_Tensor* tensor_123 = Int32Tensor({1, 2, 3});
TF_Operation* c = Const(tensor_123, func_graph_, s_, "const_array");
ASSERT_EQ(TF_OK, TF_GetCode(s_)) << TF_Message(s_);
TF_Operation* split = Split3(c, func_graph_, s_);
TF_Operation* add = Add({split, 0}, {split, 2}, func_graph_, s_);
ASSERT_EQ(TF_OK, TF_GetCode(s_)) << TF_Message(s_);
DefineT(-1, {}, {{split, 0}, {split, 2}}, {{add, 0}}, {}, true);
EXPECT_EQ(string("When `num_opers` is set to -1, nodes referenced in "
"`inputs` must have a single output. Node split3 has "
"3 outputs. Encountered while creating function 'MyFunc'"),
TEST_F(CApiFunctionTest, FunctionWithWhileLoop) {
// Inputs to the while loop and the function as a whole
TF_Operation* feed1 = Placeholder(func_graph_, s_, "feed1");
TF_Operation* feed2 = Placeholder(func_graph_, s_, "feed2");
// Outputs of the while loop corresponding to the two inputs above
// The first one will the function's output
std::vector<TF_Output> outputs;
// Add while loop to func_graph_
// The inputs to the while loop
std::vector<TF_Output> inputs = {{feed1, 0}, {feed2, 0}};
std::unique_ptr<TF_WhileParams> params(new TF_WhileParams(
TF_NewWhile(func_graph_, &inputs[0], inputs.size(), s_)));
ASSERT_EQ(TF_OK, TF_GetCode(s_)) << TF_Message(s_);
params->name = "test_loop";
// Initialize outputs so we can easily detect errors/bugs
outputs.resize(2, {nullptr, -1});
// Create loop: while (input1 < input2) input1 += input2 + 1
TF_Operation* less_than = LessThan(
params->cond_inputs[0], params->cond_inputs[1], params->cond_graph, s_);
ASSERT_EQ(TF_OK, TF_GetCode(s_)) << TF_Message(s_);
params->cond_output = {less_than, 0};
TF_Operation* add1 = Add(params->body_inputs[0], params->body_inputs[1],
params->body_graph, s_, "add1");
ASSERT_EQ(TF_OK, TF_GetCode(s_)) << TF_Message(s_);
TF_Operation* one = ScalarConst(1, params->body_graph, s_);
ASSERT_EQ(TF_OK, TF_GetCode(s_)) << TF_Message(s_);
TF_Operation* add2 = Add(add1, one, params->body_graph, s_, "add2");
ASSERT_EQ(TF_OK, TF_GetCode(s_)) << TF_Message(s_);
params->body_outputs[0] = {add2, 0};
params->body_outputs[1] = params->body_inputs[1];
// Finalize while loop
TF_FinishWhile(params.get(), s_, &outputs[0]);
EXPECT_EQ(TF_OK, TF_GetCode(s_)) << TF_Message(s_);
// Define function, use it in graph, and run
DefineT(-1, {}, {{feed1, 0}, {feed2, 0}}, {outputs[0]}, {});
TF_Operation* five = ScalarConst(5, host_graph_, s_, "five");
TF_Operation* func_feed = Placeholder(host_graph_, s_);
TF_Operation* func_op = Use({func_feed, five});
Run({{func_feed, Int32Tensor(2)}}, func_op, 2 /*+=*/ + 5 + 1);
// Verify input, output, and subset of edges in fdef.
// The subset of edges we verify is a chain between feed1 and output to
// make sure that the correct output is picked.
tensorflow::FunctionDef fdef;
ASSERT_TRUE(GetFunctionDef(func_, &fdef));
VerifyFDefInputs(fdef, M({{"feed1"}, {"feed2"}}));
VerifyFDefOutputs(fdef, M({{"test_loop_exit"}}));
{{"feed1", "test_loop/Enter:0"},
{"test_loop/Enter:output:0", "test_loop/Merge:0"},
{"test_loop/Merge:output:0", "test_loop/Switch:0"},
{"test_loop/Switch:output_false:0", "test_loop/Exit:0"},
{"test_loop/Exit:output:0", "test_loop_exit"}},
{}, false);
TEST_F(CApiFunctionTest, ControlDependency) {
* | | scalar
* | | .
* v v . <---- control dependency
* add < -
* |
* v
// Define
TF_Operation* feed1 = Placeholder(func_graph_, s_, "feed1");
TF_Operation* feed2 = Placeholder(func_graph_, s_, "feed2");
TF_Operation* five = ScalarConst(5, func_graph_, s_);
TF_Operation* add =
AddWithCtrlDependency(feed1, feed2, func_graph_, five, s_);
EXPECT_EQ(TF_OK, TF_GetCode(s_)) << TF_Message(s_);
Define(-1, {}, {feed1, feed2}, {add}, {});
// Use, run, and verify
TF_Operation* two = ScalarConst(2, host_graph_, s_);
TF_Operation* func_feed = Placeholder(host_graph_, s_);
TF_Operation* func_op = Use({two, func_feed});
Run({{func_feed, Int32Tensor(3)}}, func_op, 2 + 3);
{"add_0", "scalar"}, M({{"feed1"}, {"feed2"}}), M({{"add"}}),
{{"feed1", "add_0:0"}, {"feed2", "add_0:1"}, {"add_0:sum:0", "add"}},
{{"^scalar", "add_0:2"}});
TEST_F(CApiFunctionTest, ControlDependencyOutsideOfBody) {
* | | scalar
* | | .
* v v . <---- control dependency
* add < -
* |
* v
// Define
TF_Operation* feed1 = Placeholder(func_graph_, s_, "feed1");
TF_Operation* feed2 = Placeholder(func_graph_, s_, "feed2");
TF_Operation* five = ScalarConst(5, func_graph_, s_);
TF_Operation* add =
AddWithCtrlDependency(feed1, feed2, func_graph_, five, s_);
EXPECT_EQ(TF_OK, TF_GetCode(s_)) << TF_Message(s_);
Define(1, {add}, {feed1, feed2}, {add}, {}, true);
EXPECT_EQ(string("The source of control edge [id=3 scalar:-1 -> add:-1] "
"is not in the body. Encountered while creating "
"function 'MyFunc'"),
TEST_F(CApiFunctionTest, ControlDependencyOutsideOfBody_FromInputNode) {
* | |.
* | | .
* | | .
* v v . <---- control dependency
* add < -
* |
* v
// Define
TF_Operation* feed1 = Placeholder(func_graph_, s_, "feed1");
TF_Operation* feed2 = Placeholder(func_graph_, s_, "feed2");
TF_Operation* add =
AddWithCtrlDependency(feed1, feed2, func_graph_, feed1, s_);
EXPECT_EQ(TF_OK, TF_GetCode(s_)) << TF_Message(s_);
Define(-1, {}, {feed1, feed2}, {add}, {});
// Use, run, and verify
TF_Operation* two = ScalarConst(2, host_graph_, s_);
TF_Operation* func_feed = Placeholder(host_graph_, s_);
TF_Operation* func_op = Use({two, func_feed});
Run({{func_feed, Int32Tensor(3)}}, func_op, 2 + 3);
{"add_0"}, M({{"feed1"}, {"feed2"}}), M({{"add"}}),
{{"feed1", "add_0:0"}, {"feed2", "add_0:1"}, {"add_0:sum:0", "add"}},
{{"^feed1", "add_0:2"}});
TEST_F(CApiFunctionTest, DuplicateInputsAreNotAllowed) {
* feed
* |
* +++
* | |
* +---+-+---+
* | | | |
* | v v |
* | add |
* | | |
* | | |
* +----+----+
* |
* v
TF_Operation* feed1 = Placeholder(func_graph_, s_, "feed1");
TF_Operation* add = Add(feed1, feed1, func_graph_, s_);
Define(-1, {}, {feed1, feed1}, {add}, {}, true);
string("TF_Output feed1:0 appears more than once in the input list"),
TEST_F(CApiFunctionTest, DuplicateOutputNamesAreNotAllowed) {
* | | |
* v v /
* add /
* | |
* +-+ |
* | | |
* | v v
* | add
* | |
* v v
// Define
TF_Operation* feed1 = Placeholder(func_graph_, s_, "feed1");
TF_Operation* feed2 = Placeholder(func_graph_, s_, "feed2");
TF_Operation* feed3 = Placeholder(func_graph_, s_, "feed3");
TF_Operation* add1 = Add(feed1, feed2, func_graph_, s_, "add1");
TF_Operation* add2 = Add(add1, feed3, func_graph_, s_, "add2");
Define(-1, {}, {feed1, feed2, feed3}, {add1, add2}, {"my_out", "my_out"},
EXPECT_EQ(string("Cannot have duplicate output names. Name 'my_out' "
"appears more than once in 'output_names' array."),
TEST_F(CApiFunctionTest, InvalidInputTensor_HighIndex) {
* | |
* v v
* add
* |
* v
TF_Operation* feed1 = Placeholder(func_graph_, s_, "feed1");
TF_Operation* feed2 = Placeholder(func_graph_, s_, "feed2");
TF_Operation* add = Add(feed1, feed2, func_graph_, s_);
DefineT(-1, {}, {{feed1, 0}, {feed2, 2}}, {{add, 0}}, {}, true);
EXPECT_EQ(string("Node 'feed2' (type: 'Placeholder', num of outputs: 1) does "
"not have output 2\n\tEncountered while processing "
"input 1 into function 'MyFunc'"),
TEST_F(CApiFunctionTest, InvalidInputTensor_BadNodePtr) {
* | |
* v v
* add
* |
* v
TF_Operation* feed1 = Placeholder(func_graph_, s_, "feed1");
TF_Operation* feed2 = Placeholder(func_graph_, s_, "feed2");
TF_Operation* add = Add(feed1, feed2, func_graph_, s_);
DefineT(-1, {}, {{feed1, 0}, {nullptr, 0}}, {{add, 0}}, {}, true);
EXPECT_EQ(string("Node is null\n\tEncountered while processing input 1 "
"into function 'MyFunc'"),
TEST_F(CApiFunctionTest, InvalidOutputTensor_HighIndex) {
* | |
* v v
* add
* |
* v
TF_Operation* feed1 = Placeholder(func_graph_, s_, "feed1");
TF_Operation* feed2 = Placeholder(func_graph_, s_, "feed2");
TF_Operation* add = Add(feed1, feed2, func_graph_, s_);
DefineT(-1, {}, {{feed1, 0}, {feed2, 0}}, {{add, 3}}, {}, true);
EXPECT_EQ(string("Node 'add' (type: 'AddN', num of outputs: 1) does "
"not have output 3\n\tEncountered while processing "
"output 0 from function 'MyFunc'"),
TEST_F(CApiFunctionTest, InvalidOutputTensor_BadNodePtr) {
* | |
* v v
* add
* |
* v
TF_Operation* feed1 = Placeholder(func_graph_, s_, "feed1");
TF_Operation* feed2 = Placeholder(func_graph_, s_, "feed2");
Add(feed1, feed2, func_graph_, s_);
DefineT(-1, {}, {{feed1, 0}, {feed2, 0}}, {{nullptr, 3}}, {}, true);
EXPECT_EQ(string("Node is null\n\tEncountered while processing output 0 "
"from function 'MyFunc'"),
TEST_F(CApiFunctionTest, NodeMissingInput) {
* input---> | | <----missing input
* v v
* body----> add
* |
* v
TF_Operation* feed1 = Placeholder(func_graph_, s_, "feed1");
TF_Operation* feed2 = Placeholder(func_graph_, s_, "feed2");
TF_Operation* add = Add(feed1, feed2, func_graph_, s_);
DefineT(1, {add}, {{feed1, 0}}, {{add, 0}}, {}, true);
EXPECT_EQ(string("Input 1, 'feed2:0', of node 'add' in function 'MyFunc' "
"is not available. You might need to include it in inputs "
"or include its source node in the body"),
TEST_F(CApiFunctionTest, OutputOpNotInBody) {
* | |
* v v
* add scalar (scalar not included in body)
* | |
* v v (function has two outputs)
// Define
TF_Operation* feed1 = Placeholder(func_graph_, s_, "feed1");
TF_Operation* feed2 = Placeholder(func_graph_, s_, "feed2");
TF_Operation* scalar = ScalarConst(2, func_graph_, s_);
TF_Operation* add = Add(feed1, feed2, func_graph_, s_);
Define(1, {add}, {feed1, feed2}, {add, scalar}, {}, true);
EXPECT_EQ(string("TF_Output scalar:0 is neither in the function body nor "
"among function inputs. Encountered while creating "
"function 'MyFunc'"),
class TestStackTrace : public AbstractStackTrace {
absl::Span<StackFrame const> ToFrames() const override { return frames_; }
StackFrame LastUserFrame() const override { return frames_.back(); }
std::vector<StackFrame> GetUserFrames(int limit) const override {
return frames_;
string ToString(const TracePrintingOptions& opts) const override {
auto frame = LastUserFrame();
return absl::StrCat(frame.file_name, ":", frame.line_number, ":",
std::vector<StackFrame> frames_{
StackFrame({"dummy_file_name", 10, "dummy_function_name"})};
void DefineFunction(const char* name, TF_Function** func,
const char* description = nullptr,
bool append_hash = false) {
std::unique_ptr<TF_Graph, decltype(&TF_DeleteGraph)> func_graph(
TF_NewGraph(), TF_DeleteGraph);
std::unique_ptr<TF_Status, decltype(&TF_DeleteStatus)> s(TF_NewStatus(),
TF_Operation* feed = Placeholder(func_graph.get(), s.get());
TF_Operation* neg = Neg(feed, func_graph.get(), s.get());
TF_Output inputs[] = {{feed, 0}};
TF_Output outputs[] = {{neg, 0}};
*func = TF_GraphToFunction(func_graph.get(), name, append_hash, -1,
/*opers=*/nullptr, 1, inputs, 1, outputs,
/*opts=*/nullptr, description, s.get());
ASSERT_EQ(TF_OK, TF_GetCode(s.get())) << TF_Message(s.get());
ASSERT_NE(*func, nullptr);
.Output("output: float32")
.Attr("index: int")
void NodeWithPlaceholderAttrHelper(TF_Graph* graph, TF_Status* s,
const char* name, const char* placeholder,
TF_Operation** op) {
TF_OperationDescription* desc = TF_NewOperation(graph, "CustomOp", name);
TF_SetAttrPlaceholder(desc, "index", placeholder);
*op = TF_FinishOperation(desc, s);
ASSERT_EQ(TF_OK, TF_GetCode(s)) << TF_Message(s);
ASSERT_NE(*op, nullptr);
TEST_F(CApiFunctionTest, GraphToFunctionDefWithPlaceholderAttr) {
std::unique_ptr<TF_Graph, decltype(&TF_DeleteGraph)> func_graph(
TF_NewGraph(), TF_DeleteGraph);
std::unique_ptr<TF_Status, decltype(&TF_DeleteStatus)> s(TF_NewStatus(),
TF_Operation *node1, *node2, *node3;
NodeWithPlaceholderAttrHelper(func_graph.get(), s.get(), "node1", "v1",
NodeWithPlaceholderAttrHelper(func_graph.get(), s.get(), "node2", "v1",
NodeWithPlaceholderAttrHelper(func_graph.get(), s.get(), "node3", "v2",
TF_Output outputs[] = {{node1, 0}, {node2, 0}, {node3, 0}};
func_ = TF_GraphToFunction(
func_graph.get(), "func", /*append_hash_to_fn_name=*/false, -1,
/*opers=*/nullptr, 0, nullptr, 3, outputs,
/*opts=*/nullptr, /*description=*/nullptr, s.get());
ASSERT_EQ(TF_OK, TF_GetCode(s.get())) << TF_Message(s.get());
ASSERT_NE(func_, nullptr);
// Verify that FunctionDef has 2 attributes, "v1" and "v2".
ASSERT_EQ(func_->record->fdef().signature().attr().size(), 2);
EXPECT_EQ(func_->record->fdef().signature().attr(0).name(), "v1");
EXPECT_EQ(func_->record->fdef().signature().attr(0).type(), "int");
EXPECT_EQ(func_->record->fdef().signature().attr(1).name(), "v2");
EXPECT_EQ(func_->record->fdef().signature().attr(1).type(), "int");
void NodeWithAttrHelper(TF_Graph* graph, TF_Status* s, const char* name,
const char* attr_name, const char* attr_value,
TF_Operation** op) {
TF_OperationDescription* desc = TF_NewOperation(graph, "Placeholder", name);
TF_SetAttrType(desc, "dtype", TF_INT32);
TF_SetAttrString(desc, attr_name, attr_value, strlen(attr_value));
*op = TF_FinishOperation(desc, s);
ASSERT_EQ(TF_OK, TF_GetCode(s)) << TF_Message(s);
ASSERT_NE(*op, nullptr);
TEST_F(CApiFunctionTest, GraphToFunctionDefWithArgAttr) {
std::unique_ptr<TF_Graph, decltype(&TF_DeleteGraph)> func_graph(
TF_NewGraph(), TF_DeleteGraph);
std::unique_ptr<TF_Status, decltype(&TF_DeleteStatus)> s(TF_NewStatus(),
TF_Operation* node;
NodeWithAttrHelper(func_graph.get(), s.get(), "node", "_test_attr", "value",
TF_Output inputs[] = {{node, 0}};
func_ = TF_GraphToFunction(
func_graph.get(), "func", /*append_hash_to_fn_name=*/false, -1,
/*opers=*/nullptr, 1, inputs, 0, nullptr,
/*opts=*/nullptr, /*description=*/nullptr, s.get());
ASSERT_EQ(TF_OK, TF_GetCode(s.get())) << TF_Message(s.get());
ASSERT_NE(func_, nullptr);
// Verify that FunctionDef ArgDef has attributes.
ASSERT_EQ(func_->record->fdef().arg_attr_size(), 1);
auto arg_attrs = func_->record->fdef().arg_attr().find(0);
ASSERT_NE(arg_attrs, func_->record->fdef().arg_attr().end());
auto iter = arg_attrs->second.attr().find("_test_attr");
ASSERT_NE(iter, arg_attrs->second.attr().end());
EXPECT_EQ(iter->second.s(), "value");
TEST_F(CApiFunctionTest, TFGraphToFunctionWithStackTraces) {
DefineFunction(func_name_, &func_);
auto stack_traces = func_->record->stack_traces();
EXPECT_EQ(stack_traces.size(), 4);
TEST_F(CApiFunctionTest, TFGraphCopyFunctionWithStackTraces) {
// Define the function and its grad
DefineFunction(func_name_, &func_);
TF_Function* grad_func;
DefineFunction("MyGrad", &grad_func);
// Add func and its gradient to host graph
TF_GraphCopyFunction(host_graph_, func_, grad_func, s_);
ASSERT_EQ(TF_OK, TF_GetCode(s_)) << TF_Message(s_);
const StackTracesMap* func_stack_traces;
const StackTracesMap* grad_stack_traces;
mutex_lock l(host_graph_->mu);
auto flib_def = host_graph_->graph.flib_def();
func_stack_traces = flib_def.GetStackTraces(func_name_);
grad_stack_traces = flib_def.GetStackTraces("MyGrad");
// Verify that stack traces of func is copied to graph function library.
ASSERT_NE(func_stack_traces, nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(func_stack_traces->size(), 4);
// Verify that stack traces of grad_func is copied to graph function library.
ASSERT_NE(grad_stack_traces, nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(grad_stack_traces->size(), 4);
TEST_F(CApiFunctionTest, SetGradientAndRun) {
// Define the function and its grad
DefineFunction(func_name_, &func_);
TF_Function* grad_func;
DefineFunction("MyGrad", &grad_func);
// Add func and its gradient to host graph
TF_GraphCopyFunction(host_graph_, func_, grad_func, s_);
ASSERT_EQ(TF_OK, TF_GetCode(s_)) << TF_Message(s_);
// Verify that function and its grad are in host graph's GraphDef
GraphDef gdef;
GetGraphDef(host_graph_, &gdef);
std::vector<string> func_names = GetFuncNames(gdef);
ASSERT_EQ(2, func_names.size());
ASSERT_EQ(func_name_, func_names[0]);
ASSERT_EQ("MyGrad", func_names[1]);
std::vector<std::pair<string, string>> grads = GetGradDefs(gdef);
ASSERT_EQ(1, grads.size());
ASSERT_EQ(func_name_, grads[0].first);
ASSERT_EQ("MyGrad", grads[0].second);
// These calls must be noops
TF_GraphCopyFunction(host_graph_, func_, grad_func, s_);
ASSERT_EQ(TF_OK, TF_GetCode(s_)) << TF_Message(s_);
TF_GraphCopyFunction(host_graph_, func_, nullptr, s_);
ASSERT_EQ(TF_OK, TF_GetCode(s_)) << TF_Message(s_);
// Delete the gradient func.
// It is safe to delete after adding a copy to host graph.
// Check that GraphDef did not change
GraphDef gdef2;
GetGraphDef(host_graph_, &gdef2);
ASSERT_EQ(gdef.DebugString(), gdef2.DebugString());
// Use and run func
TF_Operation* func_feed = Placeholder(host_graph_, s_);
TF_Operation* func_op = Use({func_feed});
Run({{func_feed, Int32Tensor(3)}}, func_op, -3);
TEST_F(CApiFunctionTest, SameGradForTwoFunctions) {
// Define the functions
TF_Function* func1;
TF_Function* func2;
TF_Function* grad_func;
DefineFunction("FooFunc1", &func1);
DefineFunction("FooFunc2", &func2);
DefineFunction("MyGrad", &grad_func);
// Make grad_func be a gradient of func1 and func2
TF_GraphCopyFunction(host_graph_, func1, grad_func, s_);
ASSERT_EQ(TF_OK, TF_GetCode(s_)) << TF_Message(s_);
TF_GraphCopyFunction(host_graph_, func2, grad_func, s_);
ASSERT_EQ(TF_OK, TF_GetCode(s_)) << TF_Message(s_);
// Verify that functions and their gradients are in host graph's GraphDef
GraphDef gdef;
GetGraphDef(host_graph_, &gdef);
std::vector<std::pair<string, string>> grads = GetGradDefs(gdef);
ASSERT_EQ(2, grads.size());
ASSERT_EQ("FooFunc1", grads[0].first);
ASSERT_EQ("MyGrad", grads[0].second);
ASSERT_EQ("FooFunc2", grads[1].first);
ASSERT_EQ("MyGrad", grads[1].second);
TEST_F(CApiFunctionTest, AddFunctionsThenMakeOneGradientOfAnother) {
// Define the functions
TF_Function* func;
TF_Function* grad_func;
DefineFunction("FooFunc", &func);
DefineFunction("MyGrad", &grad_func);
// Add functions individually
TF_GraphCopyFunction(host_graph_, func, nullptr, s_);
ASSERT_EQ(TF_OK, TF_GetCode(s_)) << TF_Message(s_);
TF_GraphCopyFunction(host_graph_, grad_func, nullptr, s_);
ASSERT_EQ(TF_OK, TF_GetCode(s_)) << TF_Message(s_);
// Check that functions are added but not linked
GraphDef gdef;
GetGraphDef(host_graph_, &gdef);
std::vector<string> func_names = GetFuncNames(gdef);
ASSERT_EQ(2, func_names.size());
ASSERT_EQ("FooFunc", func_names[0]);
ASSERT_EQ("MyGrad", func_names[1]);
ASSERT_EQ(0, GetGradDefs(gdef).size());
// Make grad_func a gradient of func
TF_GraphCopyFunction(host_graph_, func, grad_func, s_);
ASSERT_EQ(TF_OK, TF_GetCode(s_)) << TF_Message(s_);
// Verify that function and its grad are linked
GetGraphDef(host_graph_, &gdef);
std::vector<std::pair<string, string>> grads = GetGradDefs(gdef);
ASSERT_EQ(1, grads.size());
ASSERT_EQ("FooFunc", grads[0].first);
ASSERT_EQ("MyGrad", grads[0].second);
TEST_F(CApiFunctionTest, GradientErrorCases) {
// Define the function
DefineFunction(func_name_, &func_);
TF_Function* grad_func1;
TF_Function* grad_func2;
DefineFunction("MyGrad1", &grad_func1);
DefineFunction("MyGrad2", &grad_func2);
// func cannot be null
TF_GraphCopyFunction(host_graph_, nullptr, func_, s_);
EXPECT_EQ(string("'func' argument to TF_GraphCopyFunction cannot be null"),
// Cannot change gradient
TF_GraphCopyFunction(host_graph_, func_, grad_func1, s_);
ASSERT_EQ(TF_OK, TF_GetCode(s_)) << TF_Message(s_);
TF_GraphCopyFunction(host_graph_, func_, grad_func2, s_);
EXPECT_EQ(string("Cannot assign gradient function 'MyGrad2' to 'MyFunc' "
"because it already has gradient function 'MyGrad1'"),
TEST_F(CApiFunctionTest, ImportFunctionDef) {
* Using a fairly complex function with output names
* | | |
* v v /
* add /
* | |
* +------+ |
* | | |
* | v v
* | add
* | |
* v v
* internal_out final_out
// Define
TF_Operation* feed1 = Placeholder(func_graph_, s_, "feed1");
TF_Operation* feed2 = Placeholder(func_graph_, s_, "feed2");
TF_Operation* feed3 = Placeholder(func_graph_, s_, "feed3");
TF_Operation* add1 = Add(feed1, feed2, func_graph_, s_, "add1");
TF_Operation* add2 = Add(add1, feed3, func_graph_, s_, "add2");
Define(-1, {}, {feed1, feed2, feed3}, {add1, add2},
{"internal_out", "final_out"});
// Save func_ to FunctionDef and import it back
// Use, run, and verify
TF_Operation* two = ScalarConst(2, host_graph_, s_, "two");
TF_Operation* ten = ScalarConst(10, host_graph_, s_, "ten");
TF_Operation* func_feed = Placeholder(host_graph_, s_);
TF_Operation* func_op = Use({two, ten, func_feed});
Run({{func_feed, Int32Tensor(3)}}, {{func_op, 0}, {func_op, 1}}, {12, 15});
VerifyFDef({"add1", "add2"}, M({{"feed1"}, {"feed2"}, {"feed3"}}),
M({{"internal_out"}, {"final_out"}}),
{{"feed1", "add1:0"},
{"feed2", "add1:1"},
{"add1:sum:0", "add2:0"},
{"feed3", "add2:1"},
{"add1:sum:0", "internal_out"},
{"add2:sum:0", "final_out"}},
TEST_F(CApiFunctionTest, ImportFunctionDef_InvalidProto) {
// Invalid protobuf data (protos cannot start with 4 bytes of zeros)
char proto[] = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0};
func_ = TF_FunctionImportFunctionDef(proto, 4, s_);
EXPECT_TRUE(func_ == nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(string("Invalid FunctionDef given to TF_FunctionImportFunctionDef"),
TEST_F(CApiFunctionTest, Attribute) {
DefineFunction(func_name_, &func_);
// Get non existent attribute
TF_Buffer* attr_buf = TF_NewBuffer();
TF_FunctionGetAttrValueProto(func_, "foo_attr", attr_buf, s_);
EXPECT_EQ(string("Function 'MyFunc' has no attr named 'foo_attr'."),
// Set attr
tensorflow::AttrValue attr;
string bytes;
TF_FunctionSetAttrValueProto(func_, "test_attr_name",,
bytes.size(), s_);
ASSERT_EQ(TF_OK, TF_GetCode(s_)) << TF_Message(s_);
// Get attr
AttrValue read_attr;
GetAttr("test_attr_name", &read_attr);
ASSERT_EQ(attr.DebugString(), read_attr.DebugString());
// Retrieve the same attr after save/restore
AttrValue read_attr2;
GetAttr("test_attr_name", &read_attr2);
ASSERT_EQ(attr.DebugString(), read_attr2.DebugString());
TEST_F(CApiFunctionTest, Description) {
DefineFunction(func_name_, &func_, "Return something");
tensorflow::FunctionDef fdef;
ASSERT_TRUE(GetFunctionDef(func_, &fdef));
ASSERT_EQ(string("Return something"), fdef.signature().description());
TEST_F(CApiFunctionTest, Name) {
DefineFunction("long_func_name", &func_, "Return something",
tensorflow::FunctionDef fdef;
ASSERT_TRUE(GetFunctionDef(func_, &fdef));
ASSERT_EQ(string("long_func_name"), fdef.signature().name());
TEST_F(CApiFunctionTest, AppendHash) {
DefineFunction("func_name_base", &func_, "Return something",
tensorflow::FunctionDef fdef;
ASSERT_TRUE(GetFunctionDef(func_, &fdef));
ASSERT_EQ(string("func_name_base_ZpgUD4x8oqk"), fdef.signature().name());
ASSERT_EQ(string("func_name_base_qaJ8jA8UmGY"), fdef.signature().name());
TEST_F(CApiFunctionTest, GetOpDef) {
DefineFunction(func_name_, &func_);
TF_GraphCopyFunction(host_graph_, func_, nullptr, s_);
ASSERT_EQ(TF_OK, TF_GetCode(s_)) << TF_Message(s_);
// Test we can retrieve function OpDef from graph
TF_Buffer* buffer = TF_NewBuffer();
TF_GraphGetOpDef(host_graph_, func_name_, buffer, s_);
ASSERT_EQ(TF_OK, TF_GetCode(s_)) << TF_Message(s_);
// Sanity check returned OpDef
string data(static_cast<const char*>(buffer->data), buffer->length);
OpDef op_def;
EXPECT_EQ(, func_name_);
EXPECT_EQ(op_def.input_arg_size(), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(op_def.output_arg_size(), 1);
void DefineStatefulFunction(const char* name, TF_Function** func) {
std::unique_ptr<TF_Graph, decltype(&TF_DeleteGraph)> func_graph(
TF_NewGraph(), TF_DeleteGraph);
std::unique_ptr<TF_Status, decltype(&TF_DeleteStatus)> s(TF_NewStatus(),
TF_Tensor* tensor_shape = Int32Tensor({37, 1});
TF_Operation* shape = Const(tensor_shape, func_graph.get(), s.get(), "shape");
TF_Operation* random =
RandomUniform(shape, TF_FLOAT, func_graph.get(), s.get());
TF_Output outputs[] = {{random, 0}};
*func = TF_GraphToFunction(func_graph.get(), name,
/*append_hash_to_fn_name=*/false, -1,
/*opers=*/nullptr, 0, nullptr, 1, outputs,
/*opts=*/nullptr, "", s.get());
ASSERT_EQ(TF_OK, TF_GetCode(s.get())) << TF_Message(s.get());
ASSERT_NE(*func, nullptr);
TEST_F(CApiFunctionTest, StatefulOpDef) {
DefineStatefulFunction(func_name_, &func_);
TF_GraphCopyFunction(host_graph_, func_, nullptr, s_);
ASSERT_EQ(TF_OK, TF_GetCode(s_)) << TF_Message(s_);
// Test we can retrieve function OpDef from graph
TF_Buffer* buffer = TF_NewBuffer();
TF_GraphGetOpDef(host_graph_, func_name_, buffer, s_);
ASSERT_EQ(TF_OK, TF_GetCode(s_)) << TF_Message(s_);
// Sanity check returned OpDef
string data(static_cast<const char*>(buffer->data), buffer->length);
OpDef op_def;
EXPECT_EQ(, func_name_);
EXPECT_EQ(op_def.input_arg_size(), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(op_def.output_arg_size(), 1);
void AssertEqual(TF_Function* f1, TF_Function* f2) {
string s1, s2;
tensorflow::FunctionDef fdef1, fdef2;
ASSERT_TRUE(GetFunctionDef(f1, &fdef1));
ASSERT_TRUE(GetFunctionDef(f2, &fdef2));
SerializeToStringDeterministic(fdef1, &s1);
SerializeToStringDeterministic(fdef2, &s2);
ASSERT_EQ(s1, s2);
string GetName(TF_Function* func) {
tensorflow::FunctionDef fdef;
GetFunctionDef(func, &fdef);
return fdef.signature().name();
TEST_F(CApiFunctionTest, GetFunctionsFromGraph) {
TF_Function* funcs[2];
// Get functions from empty graph
EXPECT_EQ(TF_GraphNumFunctions(host_graph_), 0);
TF_GraphGetFunctions(host_graph_, nullptr, 0, s_);
ASSERT_EQ(TF_OK, TF_GetCode(s_)) << TF_Message(s_);
// Define a function and add it to host_graph_
TF_Function* func0;
DefineFunction("FooFunc0", &func0);
TF_GraphCopyFunction(host_graph_, func0, nullptr, s_);
ASSERT_EQ(TF_OK, TF_GetCode(s_)) << TF_Message(s_);
// Get this function from host_graph_
EXPECT_EQ(TF_GraphNumFunctions(host_graph_), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(TF_GraphGetFunctions(host_graph_, funcs, 0, s_), 0);
ASSERT_EQ(TF_OK, TF_GetCode(s_)) << TF_Message(s_);
EXPECT_EQ(TF_GraphGetFunctions(host_graph_, funcs, 1, s_), 1);
ASSERT_EQ(TF_OK, TF_GetCode(s_)) << TF_Message(s_);
AssertEqual(func0, funcs[0]);
EXPECT_EQ(TF_GraphGetFunctions(host_graph_, funcs, 2, s_), 1);
ASSERT_EQ(TF_OK, TF_GetCode(s_)) << TF_Message(s_);
AssertEqual(func0, funcs[0]);
// Define a second function
TF_Function* func1;
DefineFunction("FooFunc1", &func1);
TF_GraphCopyFunction(host_graph_, func1, nullptr, s_);
ASSERT_EQ(TF_OK, TF_GetCode(s_)) << TF_Message(s_);
// Get both function from host_graph_
EXPECT_EQ(TF_GraphNumFunctions(host_graph_), 2);
EXPECT_EQ(TF_GraphGetFunctions(host_graph_, funcs, 0, s_), 0);
ASSERT_EQ(TF_OK, TF_GetCode(s_)) << TF_Message(s_);
EXPECT_EQ(TF_GraphGetFunctions(host_graph_, funcs, 2, s_), 2);
ASSERT_EQ(TF_OK, TF_GetCode(s_)) << TF_Message(s_);
if (GetName(funcs[0]) == GetName(func0)) {
AssertEqual(func0, funcs[0]);
AssertEqual(func1, funcs[1]);
} else {
AssertEqual(func0, funcs[1]);
AssertEqual(func1, funcs[0]);
} // namespace
} // namespace tensorflow