blob: 3944354517d6d3745a76fe6f42c52c6af0fbe15c [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Test the currently built release of Colorama from the dist/ dir.
# Run this before making a release.
# This should be run on Windows, because Colorama is mostly a no-op elsewhere.
# Hmmm, this script should probably be a .bat file then? Nah, WSL FTW.
# Uploads package from the dist/ directory to the *test* PyPI.
# Create a fresh virtualenvironment and install colorama from test PyPI.
# Import Colorama and make trivial use of it.
# Exit on error
set -eu -o pipefail
# Upload to the test PyPI.
$bin/twine upload --repository colorama-test dist/colorama-* \
|| echo " > Expect a 400 if package was already uploaded."
# cd elsewhere so we cannot import from local source.
mkdir -p $sandbox
# Create a temporary disposable virtualenv.
$syspython -m venv --clear $sandbox/venv
# voodoo sleep. I saw the following install fail, due to expected version
# not being listed at, but then a few seconds later, re-run
# manually, it worked fine.
sleep 5
version=$(grep __version__ colorama/ | cut -d' ' -f3 | tr -d "'")
cd $sandbox
# Install the package we just uploaded.
# (--extra-index-url for this project's requirements)
venv/bin/python -m pip --quiet install --index-url --extra-index-url colorama==$version
# Import and use Colorama from the temp virtualenv.
venv/bin/python -c "import colorama; colorama.init(); print(colorama.Fore.GREEN + \"OK: Colorama\", colorama.__version__, \"from test pypi install.\")"
# Tidy up
rm -rf $sandbox