blob: 1e63065ad08978295916c511a4b1f8de2035015c [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# For the license, see the LICENSE file in the root directory.
ROOT=${abs_top_builddir:-$(dirname "$0")/..}
TESTDIR=${abs_top_testdir:-$(dirname "$0")}
TPMDIR="$(mktemp -d)" || exit 1
source "${TESTDIR}/common"
source "${TESTDIR}/test_common"
skip_test_no_chardev "${SWTPM_EXE}"
skip_test_no_tpm20 "${SWTPM_EXE}"
trap "cleanup" SIGTERM EXIT
function cleanup()
rm -rf "$TPMDIR"
if [ -n "$PID" ]; then
kill_quiet -SIGTERM "$PID" 2>/dev/null
# Test 1: test the control channel on the chardev tpm
if [ "$(id -u)" -eq 0 ]; then
FOWNER=",uid=$(id -u nobody),gid=$(id -G nobody | cut -d" " -f1)"
FILEOWNER="$(id -u nobody) $(id -G nobody | cut -d" " -f1)"
# make sure --print-capabiities exits with '0'
if ! msg=$($SWTPM_EXE chardev --print-capabilities 2>&1); then
echo "Error: swtpm chardev --print-capabilities failed"
echo "$msg"
exit 1
# use a pseudo terminal
exec 100<>/dev/ptmx
$SWTPM_EXE chardev \
--fd 100 \
--tpmstate "dir=$TPMDIR" \
--pid "file=$PID_FILE" \
--ctrl "type=unixio,path=$SOCK_PATH,mode=${FILEMODE}${FOWNER}" \
--tpm2 \
if wait_for_file "$PID_FILE" 3; then
echo "Error: Chardev TPM did not write pidfile."
exit 1
validate_pidfile "$PID" "$PID_FILE"
# Get the capability bits: CMD_GET_CAPABILITY = 0x00 00 00 01
if ! act=$($SWTPM_IOCTL --unix "$SOCK_PATH" -c 2>&1); then
echo "Error: $SWTPM_IOCTL CMD_GET_CAPABILITY failed: $act"
exit 1
filemode=$(get_filemode "$SOCK_PATH")
if [ "$filemode" != "$FILEMODE" ]; then
echo "Filemode bits are wrong"
echo "Expected: $FILEMODE"
echo "Actual : $filemode"
exit 1
fileowner=$(get_fileowner "$SOCK_PATH")
if [ -n "$FILEOWNER" ] && [ "$fileowner" != "$FILEOWNER" ]; then
echo "File ownership is wrong"
echo "Expected: $FILEOWNER"
echo "Actual : $fileowner"
exit 1
exp="ptm capability is 0x([[:xdigit:]]+)"
if ! [[ "$act" =~ ^${exp}$ ]]; then
echo "Error: Expected string following regular expression '$exp' from ioctl tool but got '$act'."
exit 1
# Send TPM_Init to the TPM: CMD_INIT = 0x00 00 00 02 + flags
if ! act=$($SWTPM_IOCTL --unix "$SOCK_PATH" -i 2>&1); then
echo "Error: $SWTPM_IOCTL CMD_INIT failed: $act"
exit 1
# Save the volatile state: CMD_STORE_VOLATILE = 0x00 00 00 0a
if ! act=$($SWTPM_IOCTL --unix "$SOCK_PATH" -v 2>&1); then
echo "Error: $SWTPM_IOCTL CMD_STORE_VOLATILE failed: $act"
exit 1
if [ ! -r "$TPMDIR/tpm2-00.volatilestate" ]; then
echo "Error: Socket TPM: Did not write volatile state file"
exit 1
# Send stop command to the TPM: CMD_STOP = 00 00 00 0e
if ! act=$($SWTPM_IOCTL --unix "$SOCK_PATH" --stop 2>&1); then
echo "Error: $SWTPM_IOCTL CMD_STOP failed: $act"
exit 1
# Send get config command to the TPM: CMD_GET_CONFIG = 00 00 00 0f
if ! act=$($SWTPM_IOCTL --unix "$SOCK_PATH" -g 2>&1); then
echo "Error: $SWTPM_IOCTL CMD_GET_CONFIG failed: $act"
exit 1
exp="ptm configuration flags: 0x([[:xdigit:]]+)"
if ! [[ "$act" =~ ^${exp}$ ]]; then
echo "Error: Expected string following regular expression '$exp' from ioctl tool but got '$act'."
exit 1
# Send shutdown command to the TPM: CMD_SHUTDOWN = 00 00 00 03
if ! act=$($SWTPM_IOCTL --unix "$SOCK_PATH" -s 2>&1); then
echo "Error: $SWTPM_IOCTL CMD_SHUTDOWN failed: $act"
exit 1
if wait_file_gone "$PID_FILE" 2; then
echo "Error: TPM should have removed PID file by now."
exit 1
if wait_process_gone "${PID}" 4; then
echo "Error: TPM should not be running anymore."
exit 1
echo "OK"
# Test 2: test the control channel on the socket tpm
# There are a few more tests here that require sending commands to the TPM
# use a pseudo terminal
$SWTPM_EXE socket \
--server port=65532,disconnect=true \
--tpmstate "dir=$TPMDIR" \
--pid "file=$PID_FILE" \
--ctrl "type=unixio,path=$SOCK_PATH" \
--log "file=$LOGFILE,level=20" \
--tpm2 \
--flags startup-clear \
if wait_for_file "$PID_FILE" 3; then
echo "Error: Socket TPM did not write pidfile."
exit 1
validate_pidfile "$PID" "$PID_FILE"
exec 100<>/dev/tcp/localhost/65532
# Get the capability bits: CMD_GET_CAPABILITY = 0x00 00 00 01
if ! act=$($SWTPM_IOCTL --unix "$SOCK_PATH" -c 2>&1); then
echo "Error: $SWTPM_IOCTL CMD_GET_CAPABILITY failed: $act"
exit 1
exp="ptm capability is 0x([[:xdigit:]]+)"
if ! [[ "$act" =~ ^${exp}$ ]]; then
echo "Error: Expected string following regular expression '$exp' from ioctl tool but got '$act'."
exit 1
# Startup the TPM; we used --flags startup-clear so expect this to fail now with 0x100
echo -en '\x80\x01\x00\x00\x00\x0c\x00\x00\x01\x44\x00\x00' >&100
RES=$(cat <&100 | od -t x1 -A n)
exp=' 80 01 00 00 00 0a 00 00 01 00'
if [ "$RES" != "$exp" ]; then
echo "Error: Did not get expected result from TPM_Startup(SU_Clear)"
echo "expected: $exp"
echo "received: $RES"
exit 1
# Save the volatile state: CMD_STORE_VOLATILE = 0x00 00 00 0a
if ! act=$($SWTPM_IOCTL --unix "$SOCK_PATH" -v 2>&1); then
echo "Error: $SWTPM_IOCTL CMD_STORE_VOLATILE failed: $act"
exit 1
if [ ! -r "$TPMDIR/tpm2-00.volatilestate" ]; then
echo "Error: Socket TPM: Did not write volatile state file"
exit 1
# 1. Send command to get TPM established flag: CMD_GET_TPMESTABLISHED = 00 00 00 04
if ! act=$($SWTPM_IOCTL --unix "$SOCK_PATH" -e 2>&1); then
echo "Error: $SWTPM_IOCTL CMD_GET_TPMESTABLISHED failed: $act"
exit 1
exp="tpmEstablished is 0"
if [ "$act" != "$exp" ]; then
echo "Error: Expected '$exp' but got '$act'."
exit 1
# 2. Hash the given data
while [ ${#data} -lt $((0x2000)) ]; do
if ! act=$($SWTPM_IOCTL --unix "$SOCK_PATH" -h $data 2>&1); then
echo "Error: $SWTPM_IOCTL data hashing failed: $act"
exit 1
# 3. Send command to get TPM established flag: CMD_GET_TPMESTABLISHED = 00 00 00 04
if ! act=$($SWTPM_IOCTL --unix "$SOCK_PATH" -e 2>&1); then
echo "Error: $SWTPM_IOCTL CMD_GET_TPMESTABLISHED failed: $act"
exit 1
exp="tpmEstablished is 1"
if [ "$act" != "$exp" ]; then
echo "Error: Expected '$exp' but got '$act'."
exit 1
# 4. Send command to reset TPM established flag: CMD_RESET_TPMESTABLISHED = 00 00 00 0b 03
if ! act=$($SWTPM_IOCTL --unix "$SOCK_PATH" -r 3 2>&1); then
exit 1
# 5. Send command to get TPM established flag: CMD_GET_TPMESTABLISHED = 00 00 00 04
if ! act=$($SWTPM_IOCTL --unix "$SOCK_PATH" -e 2>&1); then
echo "Error: $SWTPM_IOCTL CMD_GET_TPMESTABLISHED failed: $act"
exit 1
exp="tpmEstablished is 0"
if [ "$act" != "$exp" ]; then
echo "Error: Expected '$exp' but got '$act'."
exit 1
# Read PCR 17
exec 100<>/dev/tcp/localhost/65532
# length CC count hashalg sz
echo -en '\x80\x01\x00\x00\x00\x14\x00\x00\x01\x7e\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x0b\x03\x00\x00\x02' >&100
RES=$(cat <&100 | od -t x1 -A n | tr -d "\n")
exp=' 80 01 00 00 00 3e 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 01 00 0b 03 00 00 02 00 00 00 01 00 20 e5 17 e3 9b 10 a3 5b 3b b7 29 95 79 4b c6 4a 07 f8 bc b0 bd e6 bb 31 ad 35 27 fb 6f 64 f8 4c b9'
if [ "$RES" != "$exp" ]; then
echo "Error: (1) Did not get expected result from TPM_PCRRead(17)"
echo "expected: $exp"
echo "received: $RES"
exit 1
# Get the volatile state of the TPM: CMD_GET_STATEBLOB = 00 00 00 0c
if ! act=$($SWTPM_IOCTL --unix "$SOCK_PATH" --save volatile "$VOLATILESTATE" 2>&1); then
echo "Error: $SWTPM_IOCTL CMD_GET_STATEBLOB failed: $act"
exit 1
# Send stop command to the TPM: CMD_STOP = 00 00 00 0e
if ! act=$($SWTPM_IOCTL --unix "$SOCK_PATH" --stop 2>&1); then
echo "Error: $SWTPM_IOCTL CMD_STOP failed: $act"
exit 1
# Read PCR 17 -- should fail now
exec 100<>/dev/tcp/localhost/65532
# length CC count hashalg sz
echo -en '\x80\x01\x00\x00\x00\x14\x00\x00\x01\x7e\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x0b\x03\x00\x00\x02' >&100
RES=$(cat <&100 | od -t x1 -A n | tr -d "\n")
exp=' 80 01 00 00 00 0a 00 00 01 01'
if [ "$RES" != "$exp" ]; then
echo "Error: (1) Did not get expected result from TPM_PCRRead(17)"
echo "expected: $exp"
echo "received: $RES"
exit 1
# Send get config command to the TPM: CMD_GET_CONFIG = 00 00 00 0f
if ! act=$($SWTPM_IOCTL --unix "$SOCK_PATH" -g 2>&1); then
echo "Error: $SWTPM_IOCTL CMD_GET_CONFIG failed: $act"
exit 1
exp="ptm configuration flags: 0x([[:xdigit:]]+)"
if ! [[ "$act" =~ ^${exp}$ ]]; then
echo "Error: Expected string following regular expression '$exp' from ioctl tool but got '$act'."
exit 1
# Send shutdown command to the TPM: CMD_SHUTDOWN = 00 00 00 03
if ! act=$($SWTPM_IOCTL --unix "$SOCK_PATH" -s 2>&1); then
echo "Error: $SWTPM_IOCTL CMD_SHUTDOWN failed: $act"
exit 1
if wait_file_gone "$PID_FILE" 2; then
echo "Error: TPM should have removed PID file by now."
exit 1
if wait_process_gone "${PID}" 4; then
echo "Error: TPM should not be running anymore."
exit 1
echo "OK"
# Test 3: test the control channel on the socket tpm: resume encrypted state
# copy all the state files
cp "${TESTDIR}/data/tpm2state2/"* "${TPMDIR}"
$SWTPM_EXE socket \
--server port=65532,disconnect=true \
--tpmstate "dir=$TPMDIR" \
--pid "file=$PID_FILE" \
--ctrl "type=unixio,path=$SOCK_PATH" \
--key "pwdfile=${TESTDIR}/data/tpm2state2/pwdfile.txt,kdf=sha512" \
--tpm2 \
--flags not-need-init \
if wait_for_file "$PID_FILE" 3; then
echo "Error: Socket TPM did not write pidfile."
exit 1
validate_pidfile "$PID" "$PID_FILE"
# Read PCR 10
exec 100<>/dev/tcp/localhost/65532
# length CC count hashalg sz
echo -en '\x80\x01\x00\x00\x00\x14\x00\x00\x01\x7e\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x0b\x03\x00\x04\x00' >&100
RES=$(cat <&100 | od -t x1 -A n -w128)
exp=' 80 01 00 00 00 3e 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 16 00 00 00 01 00 0b 03 00 04 00 00 00 00 01 00 20 f6 85 98 e5 86 8d e6 8b 97 29 99 60 f2 71 7d 17 67 89 a4 2f 9a ae a8 c7 b7 aa 79 a8 62 56 c1 de'
if [ "$RES" != "$exp" ]; then
echo "Error: (1) Did not get expected result from TPM2_PCRRead(10)"
echo "expected: $exp"
echo "received: $RES"
exit 1
# Get the volatile state of the TPM: CMD_GET_STATEBLOB = 00 00 00 0c
if ! act=$($SWTPM_IOCTL --unix "$SOCK_PATH" --save volatile "$VOLATILESTATE" 2>&1); then
echo "Error: $SWTPM_IOCTL CMD_GET_STATEBLOB failed: $act"
exit 1
# Send shutdown command to the TPM: CMD_SHUTDOWN = 00 00 00 03
if ! act=$($SWTPM_IOCTL --unix "$SOCK_PATH" -s 2>&1); then
echo "Error: $SWTPM_IOCTL CMD_SHUTDOWN failed: $act"
exit 1
if wait_process_gone "${PID}" 4; then
echo "Error: TPM should not be running anymore."
exit 1
if [ -f "$PID_FILE" ]; then
echo "Error: Socket TPM should have removed the PID file."
exit 1
# remove volatile state
rm -f "$TPMDIR"/*.volatilestate
$SWTPM_EXE socket \
--server port=65532,disconnect=true \
--tpmstate "dir=$TPMDIR" \
--pid "file=$PID_FILE" \
--ctrl "type=unixio,path=$SOCK_PATH" \
--key "pwdfile=${TESTDIR}/data/tpm2state2/pwdfile.txt,kdf=sha512" \
--tpm2 \
--flags not-need-init \
if wait_for_file "$PID_FILE" 3; then
echo "Error: Socket TPM did not write pidfile."
exit 1
validate_pidfile "$PID" "$PID_FILE"
# Read PCR 10 -- this should fail now
exec 100<>/dev/tcp/localhost/65532
# length CC count hashalg sz
echo -en '\x80\x01\x00\x00\x00\x14\x00\x00\x01\x7e\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x0b\x03\x00\x04\x00' >&100
RES=$(cat <&100 | od -t x1 -A n -w128)
exp=' 80 01 00 00 00 0a 00 00 01 00'
if [ "$RES" != "$exp" ]; then
echo "Error: (1) Did not get expected result from TPM2_PCRRead(10)"
echo "expected: $exp"
echo "received: $RES"
exit 1
# Send stop command to the TPM: CMD_STOP = 00 00 00 0e
if ! act=$($SWTPM_IOCTL --unix "$SOCK_PATH" --stop 2>&1); then
echo "Error: $SWTPM_IOCTL CMD_STOP failed: $act"
exit 1
# Send the volatile state to the TPM (while it is stopped)
if ! act=$($SWTPM_IOCTL --unix "$SOCK_PATH" --load volatile "$VOLATILESTATE" 2>&1); then
echo "Error: $SWTPM_IOCTL CMD_SET_STATEBLOB failed: $act"
exit 1
# Send init command to the TPM: CMD_INIT = 00 00 00 02
if ! act=$($SWTPM_IOCTL --unix "$SOCK_PATH" -i 2>&1); then
echo "Error: $SWTPM_IOCTL CMD_INIT failed: $act"
exit 1
# Read PCR 10 -- has to return same result as before
exec 100<>/dev/tcp/localhost/65532
# length CC count hashalg sz
echo -en '\x80\x01\x00\x00\x00\x14\x00\x00\x01\x7e\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x0b\x03\x00\x04\x00' >&100
RES=$(cat <&100 | od -t x1 -A n -w128)
exp=' 80 01 00 00 00 3e 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 16 00 00 00 01 00 0b 03 00 04 00 00 00 00 01 00 20 f6 85 98 e5 86 8d e6 8b 97 29 99 60 f2 71 7d 17 67 89 a4 2f 9a ae a8 c7 b7 aa 79 a8 62 56 c1 de'
if [ "$RES" != "$exp" ]; then
echo "Error: (1) Did not get expected result from TPM2_PCRRead(10)"
echo "expected: $exp"
echo "received: $RES"
exit 1
# Reset PCR 20 while in locality 0 -- should not work
exec 100<>/dev/tcp/localhost/65532
echo -en '\x80\x02\x00\x00\x00\x1b\x00\x00\x01\x3d\x00\x00\x00\x14\x00\x00\x00\x09\x40\x00\x00\x09\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' >&100
RES=$(cat <&100 | od -t x1 -A n)
exp=' 80 01 00 00 00 0a 00 00 09 07'
if [ "$RES" != "$exp" ]; then
echo "Error: Trying to reset PCR 20 in locality 0 returned unexpected result"
echo "expected: $exp"
echo "received: $RES"
exit 1
# In locality 2 we can reset PCR 20
# Set the locality on the TPM: CMD_SET_LOCALITY = 00 00 00 05 <locality>
if ! act=$($SWTPM_IOCTL --unix "$SOCK_PATH" -l 2 2>&1); then
echo "Error: $SWTPM_IOCTL CMD_SET_LOCALITY failed: $act"
exit 1
# Reset PCR 20 while in locality 2 -- has to work
exec 100<>/dev/tcp/localhost/65532
echo -en '\x80\x02\x00\x00\x00\x1b\x00\x00\x01\x3d\x00\x00\x00\x14\x00\x00\x00\x09\x40\x00\x00\x09\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' >&100
RES=$(cat <&100 | od -t x1 -A n -w512)
exp=' 80 02 00 00 00 13 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00'
if [ "$RES" != "$exp" ]; then
echo "Error: Could not reset PCR 20 in locality 2"
echo "expected: $exp"
echo "received: $RES"
exit 1
# Send shutdown command to the TPM: CMD_SHUTDOWN = 00 00 00 03
if ! act=$($SWTPM_IOCTL --unix "$SOCK_PATH" -s 2>&1); then
echo "Error: $SWTPM_IOCTL CMD_SHUTDOWN failed: $act"
exit 1
if wait_file_gone "$PID_FILE" 2; then
echo "Error: TPM should have removed PID file by now."
exit 1
if wait_process_gone "${PID}" 4; then
echo "Error: TPM should not be running anymore."
exit 1
echo "OK"
exit 0