blob: 67b9e772a38f3f709a5996b0940741cbb32bf138 [file] [log] [blame]
package git
import (
. ""
type SuiteCommit struct {
repos map[string]*Repository
var _ = Suite(&SuiteCommit{})
// create the repositories of the fixtures
func (s *SuiteCommit) SetUpSuite(c *C) {
fixtureRepos := [...]struct {
url string
packfile string
{"", "formats/packfile/fixtures/git-fixture.ofs-delta"},
s.repos = make(map[string]*Repository, 0)
for _, fixRepo := range fixtureRepos {
s.repos[fixRepo.url] = NewPlainRepository()
d, err := os.Open(fixRepo.packfile)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
r := packfile.NewReader(d)
r.Format = packfile.OFSDeltaFormat // TODO: how to know the format of a pack file ahead of time?
_, err = r.Read(s.repos[fixRepo.url].Storage)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(d.Close(), IsNil)
func (s *SuiteCommit) TestIterClose(c *C) {
i := &iter{ch: make(chan core.Object, 1)}
var fileTests = []struct {
repo string // the repo name as in localRepos
commit string // the commit to search for the file
path string // the path of the file to find
blobHash string // expected hash of the returned file
found bool // expected found value
// use git ls-tree commit to get the hash of the blobs
{"", "b029517f6300c2da0f4b651b8642506cd6aaf45d", "not-found",
"", false},
{"", "b029517f6300c2da0f4b651b8642506cd6aaf45d", ".gitignore",
"32858aad3c383ed1ff0a0f9bdf231d54a00c9e88", true},
{"", "b029517f6300c2da0f4b651b8642506cd6aaf45d", "LICENSE",
"c192bd6a24ea1ab01d78686e417c8bdc7c3d197f", true},
{"", "6ecf0ef2c2dffb796033e5a02219af86ec6584e5", "not-found",
"", false},
{"", "6ecf0ef2c2dffb796033e5a02219af86ec6584e5", ".gitignore",
"32858aad3c383ed1ff0a0f9bdf231d54a00c9e88", true},
{"", "6ecf0ef2c2dffb796033e5a02219af86ec6584e5", "binary.jpg",
"d5c0f4ab811897cadf03aec358ae60d21f91c50d", true},
{"", "6ecf0ef2c2dffb796033e5a02219af86ec6584e5", "LICENSE",
"c192bd6a24ea1ab01d78686e417c8bdc7c3d197f", true},
{"", "35e85108805c84807bc66a02d91535e1e24b38b9", "binary.jpg",
"d5c0f4ab811897cadf03aec358ae60d21f91c50d", true},
{"", "b029517f6300c2da0f4b651b8642506cd6aaf45d", "binary.jpg",
"", false},
{"", "6ecf0ef2c2dffb796033e5a02219af86ec6584e5", "CHANGELOG",
"d3ff53e0564a9f87d8e84b6e28e5060e517008aa", true},
{"", "1669dce138d9b841a518c64b10914d88f5e488ea", "CHANGELOG",
"d3ff53e0564a9f87d8e84b6e28e5060e517008aa", true},
{"", "a5b8b09e2f8fcb0bb99d3ccb0958157b40890d69", "CHANGELOG",
"d3ff53e0564a9f87d8e84b6e28e5060e517008aa", true},
{"", "35e85108805c84807bc66a02d91535e1e24b38b9", "CHANGELOG",
"d3ff53e0564a9f87d8e84b6e28e5060e517008aa", false},
{"", "b8e471f58bcbca63b07bda20e428190409c2db47", "CHANGELOG",
"d3ff53e0564a9f87d8e84b6e28e5060e517008aa", true},
{"", "b029517f6300c2da0f4b651b8642506cd6aaf45d", "CHANGELOG",
"d3ff53e0564a9f87d8e84b6e28e5060e517008aa", false},
func (s *SuiteCommit) TestFile(c *C) {
for i, t := range fileTests {
commit, err := s.repos[t.repo].Commit(core.NewHash(t.commit))
c.Assert(err, IsNil, Commentf("subtest %d: %v (%s)", i, err, t.commit))
file, err := commit.File(t.path)
found := err == nil
c.Assert(found, Equals, t.found, Commentf("subtest %d, path=%s, commit=%s", i, t.path, t.commit))
if found {
c.Assert(file.Hash.String(), Equals, t.blobHash, Commentf("subtest %d, commit=%s, path=%s", i, t.commit, t.path))