blob: a68329e77046bbb35acef628784ebdd061a38897 [file] [log] [blame]
// Package test implements common test suite for different transport
// implementations.
package test
import (
. ""
type ReceivePackSuite struct {
Endpoint *transport.Endpoint
EmptyEndpoint *transport.Endpoint
NonExistentEndpoint *transport.Endpoint
EmptyAuth transport.AuthMethod
Client transport.Transport
func (s *ReceivePackSuite) TestAdvertisedReferencesEmpty(c *C) {
r, err := s.Client.NewReceivePackSession(s.EmptyEndpoint, s.EmptyAuth)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
defer func() { c.Assert(r.Close(), IsNil) }()
ar, err := r.AdvertisedReferences()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(ar.Head, IsNil)
func (s *ReceivePackSuite) TestAdvertisedReferencesNotExists(c *C) {
r, err := s.Client.NewReceivePackSession(s.NonExistentEndpoint, s.EmptyAuth)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
ar, err := r.AdvertisedReferences()
c.Assert(err, Equals, transport.ErrRepositoryNotFound)
c.Assert(ar, IsNil)
c.Assert(r.Close(), IsNil)
r, err = s.Client.NewReceivePackSession(s.NonExistentEndpoint, s.EmptyAuth)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
req := packp.NewReferenceUpdateRequest()
req.Commands = []*packp.Command{
{Name: "master", Old: plumbing.ZeroHash, New: plumbing.NewHash("6ecf0ef2c2dffb796033e5a02219af86ec6584e5")},
writer, err := r.ReceivePack(context.Background(), req)
c.Assert(err, Equals, transport.ErrRepositoryNotFound)
c.Assert(writer, IsNil)
c.Assert(r.Close(), IsNil)
func (s *ReceivePackSuite) TestCallAdvertisedReferenceTwice(c *C) {
r, err := s.Client.NewReceivePackSession(s.Endpoint, s.EmptyAuth)
defer func() { c.Assert(r.Close(), IsNil) }()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
ar1, err := r.AdvertisedReferences()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(ar1, NotNil)
ar2, err := r.AdvertisedReferences()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(ar2, DeepEquals, ar1)
func (s *ReceivePackSuite) TestDefaultBranch(c *C) {
r, err := s.Client.NewReceivePackSession(s.Endpoint, s.EmptyAuth)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
defer func() { c.Assert(r.Close(), IsNil) }()
info, err := r.AdvertisedReferences()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
ref, ok := info.References["refs/heads/master"]
c.Assert(ok, Equals, true)
c.Assert(ref, Equals, fixtures.Basic().One().Head)
func (s *ReceivePackSuite) TestCapabilities(c *C) {
r, err := s.Client.NewReceivePackSession(s.Endpoint, s.EmptyAuth)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
defer func() { c.Assert(r.Close(), IsNil) }()
info, err := r.AdvertisedReferences()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(info.Capabilities.Get("agent"), HasLen, 1)
func (s *ReceivePackSuite) TestFullSendPackOnEmpty(c *C) {
endpoint := s.EmptyEndpoint
full := true
fixture := fixtures.Basic().ByTag("packfile").One()
req := packp.NewReferenceUpdateRequest()
req.Commands = []*packp.Command{
{Name: "refs/heads/master", Old: plumbing.ZeroHash, New: fixture.Head},
s.receivePack(c, endpoint, req, fixture, full)
s.checkRemoteHead(c, endpoint, fixture.Head)
func (s *ReceivePackSuite) TestSendPackWithContext(c *C) {
fixture := fixtures.Basic().ByTag("packfile").One()
req := packp.NewReferenceUpdateRequest()
req.Packfile = fixture.Packfile()
req.Commands = []*packp.Command{
{Name: "refs/heads/master", Old: plumbing.ZeroHash, New: fixture.Head},
r, err := s.Client.NewReceivePackSession(s.EmptyEndpoint, s.EmptyAuth)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
defer func() { c.Assert(r.Close(), IsNil) }()
info, err := r.AdvertisedReferences()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(info, NotNil)
ctx, close := context.WithCancel(context.TODO())
report, err := r.ReceivePack(ctx, req)
c.Assert(err, NotNil)
c.Assert(report, IsNil)
func (s *ReceivePackSuite) TestSendPackOnEmpty(c *C) {
endpoint := s.EmptyEndpoint
full := false
fixture := fixtures.Basic().ByTag("packfile").One()
req := packp.NewReferenceUpdateRequest()
req.Commands = []*packp.Command{
{Name: "refs/heads/master", Old: plumbing.ZeroHash, New: fixture.Head},
s.receivePack(c, endpoint, req, fixture, full)
s.checkRemoteHead(c, endpoint, fixture.Head)
func (s *ReceivePackSuite) TestSendPackOnEmptyWithReportStatus(c *C) {
endpoint := s.EmptyEndpoint
full := false
fixture := fixtures.Basic().ByTag("packfile").One()
req := packp.NewReferenceUpdateRequest()
req.Commands = []*packp.Command{
{Name: "refs/heads/master", Old: plumbing.ZeroHash, New: fixture.Head},
s.receivePack(c, endpoint, req, fixture, full)
s.checkRemoteHead(c, endpoint, fixture.Head)
func (s *ReceivePackSuite) TestFullSendPackOnNonEmpty(c *C) {
endpoint := s.Endpoint
full := true
fixture := fixtures.Basic().ByTag("packfile").One()
req := packp.NewReferenceUpdateRequest()
req.Commands = []*packp.Command{
{Name: "refs/heads/master", Old: fixture.Head, New: fixture.Head},
s.receivePack(c, endpoint, req, fixture, full)
s.checkRemoteHead(c, endpoint, fixture.Head)
func (s *ReceivePackSuite) TestSendPackOnNonEmpty(c *C) {
endpoint := s.Endpoint
full := false
fixture := fixtures.Basic().ByTag("packfile").One()
req := packp.NewReferenceUpdateRequest()
req.Commands = []*packp.Command{
{Name: "refs/heads/master", Old: fixture.Head, New: fixture.Head},
s.receivePack(c, endpoint, req, fixture, full)
s.checkRemoteHead(c, endpoint, fixture.Head)
func (s *ReceivePackSuite) TestSendPackOnNonEmptyWithReportStatus(c *C) {
endpoint := s.Endpoint
full := false
fixture := fixtures.Basic().ByTag("packfile").One()
req := packp.NewReferenceUpdateRequest()
req.Commands = []*packp.Command{
{Name: "refs/heads/master", Old: fixture.Head, New: fixture.Head},
s.receivePack(c, endpoint, req, fixture, full)
s.checkRemoteHead(c, endpoint, fixture.Head)
func (s *ReceivePackSuite) TestSendPackOnNonEmptyWithReportStatusWithError(c *C) {
endpoint := s.Endpoint
full := false
fixture := fixtures.Basic().ByTag("packfile").One()
req := packp.NewReferenceUpdateRequest()
req.Commands = []*packp.Command{
{Name: "refs/heads/master", Old: plumbing.ZeroHash, New: fixture.Head},
report, err := s.receivePackNoCheck(c, endpoint, req, fixture, full)
//XXX: Recent git versions return "failed to update ref", while older
// (>=1.9) return "failed to lock".
c.Assert(err, ErrorMatches, ".*(failed to update ref|failed to lock).*")
c.Assert(report.UnpackStatus, Equals, "ok")
c.Assert(len(report.CommandStatuses), Equals, 1)
c.Assert(report.CommandStatuses[0].ReferenceName, Equals, plumbing.ReferenceName("refs/heads/master"))
c.Assert(report.CommandStatuses[0].Status, Matches, "(failed to update ref|failed to lock)")
s.checkRemoteHead(c, endpoint, fixture.Head)
func (s *ReceivePackSuite) receivePackNoCheck(c *C, ep *transport.Endpoint,
req *packp.ReferenceUpdateRequest, fixture *fixtures.Fixture,
callAdvertisedReferences bool) (*packp.ReportStatus, error) {
url := ""
if fixture != nil {
url = fixture.URL
comment := Commentf(
"failed with ep=%s fixture=%s callAdvertisedReferences=%s",
ep.String(), url, callAdvertisedReferences,
r, err := s.Client.NewReceivePackSession(ep, s.EmptyAuth)
c.Assert(err, IsNil, comment)
defer func() { c.Assert(r.Close(), IsNil, comment) }()
if callAdvertisedReferences {
info, err := r.AdvertisedReferences()
c.Assert(err, IsNil, comment)
c.Assert(info, NotNil, comment)
if fixture != nil {
c.Assert(fixture.Packfile(), NotNil)
req.Packfile = fixture.Packfile()
} else {
req.Packfile = s.emptyPackfile()
return r.ReceivePack(context.Background(), req)
func (s *ReceivePackSuite) receivePack(c *C, ep *transport.Endpoint,
req *packp.ReferenceUpdateRequest, fixture *fixtures.Fixture,
callAdvertisedReferences bool) {
url := ""
if fixture != nil {
url = fixture.URL
comment := Commentf(
"failed with ep=%s fixture=%s callAdvertisedReferences=%s",
ep.String(), url, callAdvertisedReferences,
report, err := s.receivePackNoCheck(c, ep, req, fixture, callAdvertisedReferences)
c.Assert(err, IsNil, comment)
if req.Capabilities.Supports(capability.ReportStatus) {
c.Assert(report, NotNil, comment)
c.Assert(report.Error(), IsNil, comment)
} else {
c.Assert(report, IsNil, comment)
func (s *ReceivePackSuite) checkRemoteHead(c *C, ep *transport.Endpoint, head plumbing.Hash) {
s.checkRemoteReference(c, ep, "refs/heads/master", head)
func (s *ReceivePackSuite) checkRemoteReference(c *C, ep *transport.Endpoint,
refName string, head plumbing.Hash) {
r, err := s.Client.NewUploadPackSession(ep, s.EmptyAuth)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
defer func() { c.Assert(r.Close(), IsNil) }()
ar, err := r.AdvertisedReferences()
c.Assert(err, IsNil, Commentf("endpoint: %s", ep.String()))
ref, ok := ar.References[refName]
if head == plumbing.ZeroHash {
c.Assert(ok, Equals, false)
} else {
c.Assert(ok, Equals, true)
c.Assert(ref, DeepEquals, head)
func (s *ReceivePackSuite) TestSendPackAddDeleteReference(c *C) {
func (s *ReceivePackSuite) testSendPackAddReference(c *C) {
r, err := s.Client.NewReceivePackSession(s.Endpoint, s.EmptyAuth)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
fixture := fixtures.Basic().ByTag("packfile").One()
ar, err := r.AdvertisedReferences()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
req := packp.NewReferenceUpdateRequest()
req.Commands = []*packp.Command{
{Name: "refs/heads/newbranch", Old: plumbing.ZeroHash, New: fixture.Head},
if ar.Capabilities.Supports(capability.ReportStatus) {
c.Assert(r.Close(), IsNil)
s.receivePack(c, s.Endpoint, req, nil, false)
s.checkRemoteReference(c, s.Endpoint, "refs/heads/newbranch", fixture.Head)
func (s *ReceivePackSuite) testSendPackDeleteReference(c *C) {
r, err := s.Client.NewReceivePackSession(s.Endpoint, s.EmptyAuth)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
fixture := fixtures.Basic().ByTag("packfile").One()
ar, err := r.AdvertisedReferences()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
req := packp.NewReferenceUpdateRequest()
req.Commands = []*packp.Command{
{Name: "refs/heads/newbranch", Old: fixture.Head, New: plumbing.ZeroHash},
if ar.Capabilities.Supports(capability.ReportStatus) {
if !ar.Capabilities.Supports(capability.DeleteRefs) {
c.Fatal("capability delete-refs not supported")
c.Assert(r.Close(), IsNil)
s.receivePack(c, s.Endpoint, req, nil, false)
s.checkRemoteReference(c, s.Endpoint, "refs/heads/newbranch", plumbing.ZeroHash)
func (s *ReceivePackSuite) emptyPackfile() io.ReadCloser {
var buf bytes.Buffer
e := packfile.NewEncoder(&buf, memory.NewStorage(), false)
_, err := e.Encode(nil, 10)
if err != nil {
return ioutil.NopCloser(&buf)