blob: adda27691435ecf519915c66a5d082ae9e7081f2 [file] [log] [blame]
package diff_test
import (
. ""
func Test(t *testing.T) { TestingT(t) }
type suiteCommon struct{}
var _ = Suite(&suiteCommon{})
var diffTests = [...]struct {
src string // the src string to diff
dst string // the dst string to diff
// equal inputs
{"", ""},
{"a", "a"},
{"a\n", "a\n"},
{"a\nb", "a\nb"},
{"a\nb\n", "a\nb\n"},
{"a\nb\nc", "a\nb\nc"},
{"a\nb\nc\n", "a\nb\nc\n"},
// missing '\n'
{"", "\n"},
{"\n", ""},
{"a", "a\n"},
{"a\n", "a"},
{"a\nb", "a\nb"},
{"a\nb\n", "a\nb\n"},
{"a\nb\nc", "a\nb\nc"},
{"a\nb\nc\n", "a\nb\nc\n"},
// generic
{"a\nbbbbb\n\tccc\ndd\n\tfffffffff\n", "bbbbb\n\tccc\n\tDD\n\tffff\n"},
func (s *suiteCommon) TestAll(c *C) {
for i, t := range diffTests {
diffs := diff.Do(t.src, t.dst)
src := diff.Src(diffs)
dst := diff.Dst(diffs)
c.Assert(src, Equals, t.src, Commentf("subtest %d, src=%q, dst=%q, bad calculated src", i, t.src, t.dst))
c.Assert(dst, Equals, t.dst, Commentf("subtest %d, src=%q, dst=%q, bad calculated dst", i, t.src, t.dst))
var doTests = [...]struct {
src, dst string
exp []diffmatchpatch.Diff
src: "",
dst: "",
exp: []diffmatchpatch.Diff{},
src: "a",
dst: "a",
exp: []diffmatchpatch.Diff{
Type: 0,
Text: "a",
src: "",
dst: "abc\ncba",
exp: []diffmatchpatch.Diff{
Type: 1,
Text: "abc\ncba",
src: "abc\ncba",
dst: "",
exp: []diffmatchpatch.Diff{
Type: -1,
Text: "abc\ncba",
src: "abc\nbcd\ncde",
dst: "000\nabc\n111\nBCD\n",
exp: []diffmatchpatch.Diff{
{Type: 1, Text: "000\n"},
{Type: 0, Text: "abc\n"},
{Type: -1, Text: "bcd\ncde"},
{Type: 1, Text: "111\nBCD\n"},
func (s *suiteCommon) TestDo(c *C) {
for i, t := range doTests {
diffs := diff.Do(t.src, t.dst)
c.Assert(diffs, DeepEquals, t.exp, Commentf("subtest %d", i))