blob: 2288697becef0b95e5c9d9f0cf890ec58e0c597b [file] [log] [blame]
package object
import (
. ""
type FileSuite struct {
var _ = Suite(&FileSuite{})
type fileIterExpectedEntry struct {
Name string
Hash string
var fileIterTests = []struct {
repo string // the repo name as in localRepos
commit string // the commit to search for the file
files []fileIterExpectedEntry
{"", "6ecf0ef2c2dffb796033e5a02219af86ec6584e5", []fileIterExpectedEntry{
{".gitignore", "32858aad3c383ed1ff0a0f9bdf231d54a00c9e88"},
{"CHANGELOG", "d3ff53e0564a9f87d8e84b6e28e5060e517008aa"},
{"LICENSE", "c192bd6a24ea1ab01d78686e417c8bdc7c3d197f"},
{"binary.jpg", "d5c0f4ab811897cadf03aec358ae60d21f91c50d"},
{"go/example.go", "880cd14280f4b9b6ed3986d6671f907d7cc2a198"},
{"json/long.json", "49c6bb89b17060d7b4deacb7b338fcc6ea2352a9"},
{"json/short.json", "c8f1d8c61f9da76f4cb49fd86322b6e685dba956"},
{"php/crappy.php", "9a48f23120e880dfbe41f7c9b7b708e9ee62a492"},
{"vendor/foo.go", "9dea2395f5403188298c1dabe8bdafe562c491e3"},
func (s *FileSuite) TestIter(c *C) {
for i, t := range fileIterTests {
f := fixtures.ByURL(t.repo).One()
sto, err := filesystem.NewStorage(f.DotGit())
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
h := plumbing.NewHash(t.commit)
commit, err := GetCommit(sto, h)
c.Assert(err, IsNil, Commentf("subtest %d: %v (%s)", i, err, t.commit))
tree, err := commit.Tree()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
iter := NewFileIter(sto, tree)
for k := 0; k < len(t.files); k++ {
exp := t.files[k]
file, err := iter.Next()
c.Assert(err, IsNil, Commentf("subtest %d, iter %d, err=%v", i, k, err))
c.Assert(file.Mode, Equals, filemode.Regular)
c.Assert(file.Hash.IsZero(), Equals, false)
c.Assert(file.Hash, Equals, file.ID())
c.Assert(file.Name, Equals, exp.Name, Commentf("subtest %d, iter %d, name=%s, expected=%s", i, k, file.Name, exp.Hash))
c.Assert(file.Hash.String(), Equals, exp.Hash, Commentf("subtest %d, iter %d, hash=%v, expected=%s", i, k, file.Hash.String(), exp.Hash))
_, err = iter.Next()
c.Assert(err, Equals, io.EOF)
var contentsTests = []struct {
repo string // the repo name as in localRepos
commit string // the commit to search for the file
path string // the path of the file to find
contents string // expected contents of the file
# Mobile Tools for Java (J2ME)
# Package Files #
# virtual machine crash logs, see
`Initial changelog
func (s *FileSuite) TestContents(c *C) {
for i, t := range contentsTests {
f := fixtures.ByURL(t.repo).One()
sto, err := filesystem.NewStorage(f.DotGit())
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
h := plumbing.NewHash(t.commit)
commit, err := GetCommit(sto, h)
c.Assert(err, IsNil, Commentf("subtest %d: %v (%s)", i, err, t.commit))
file, err := commit.File(t.path)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
content, err := file.Contents()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(content, Equals, t.contents, Commentf(
"subtest %d: commit=%s, path=%s", i, t.commit, t.path))
var linesTests = []struct {
repo string // the repo name as in localRepos
commit string // the commit to search for the file
path string // the path of the file to find
lines []string // expected lines in the file
"# Mobile Tools for Java (J2ME)",
"# Package Files #",
"# virtual machine crash logs, see",
"Initial changelog",
func (s *FileSuite) TestLines(c *C) {
for i, t := range linesTests {
f := fixtures.ByURL(t.repo).One()
sto, err := filesystem.NewStorage(f.DotGit())
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
h := plumbing.NewHash(t.commit)
commit, err := GetCommit(sto, h)
c.Assert(err, IsNil, Commentf("subtest %d: %v (%s)", i, err, t.commit))
file, err := commit.File(t.path)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
lines, err := file.Lines()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(lines, DeepEquals, t.lines, Commentf(
"subtest %d: commit=%s, path=%s", i, t.commit, t.path))
var ignoreEmptyDirEntriesTests = []struct {
repo string // the repo name as in localRepos
commit string // the commit to search for the file
// the Final dir in this commit is empty
// It is difficult to assert that we are ignoring an (empty) dir as even
// if we don't, no files will be found in it.
// At least this test has a high chance of panicking if
// we don't ignore empty dirs.
func (s *FileSuite) TestIgnoreEmptyDirEntries(c *C) {
for i, t := range ignoreEmptyDirEntriesTests {
f := fixtures.ByURL(t.repo).One()
sto, err := filesystem.NewStorage(f.DotGit())
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
h := plumbing.NewHash(t.commit)
commit, err := GetCommit(sto, h)
c.Assert(err, IsNil, Commentf("subtest %d: %v (%s)", i, err, t.commit))
tree, err := commit.Tree()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
iter := tree.Files()
defer iter.Close()
for file, err := iter.Next(); err == nil; file, err = iter.Next() {
_, _ = file.Contents()
// this would probably panic if we are not ignoring empty dirs
func (s *FileSuite) TestFileIter(c *C) {
hash := plumbing.NewHash("1669dce138d9b841a518c64b10914d88f5e488ea")
commit, err := GetCommit(s.Storer, hash)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
tree, err := commit.Tree()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
expected := []string{
var count int
i := tree.Files()
i.ForEach(func(f *File) error {
c.Assert(f.Name, Equals, expected[count])
return nil
c.Assert(count, Equals, 4)
count = 0
i = tree.Files()
i.ForEach(func(f *File) error {
return storer.ErrStop
c.Assert(count, Equals, 1)
func (s *FileSuite) TestFileIterSubmodule(c *C) {
dotgit := fixtures.ByURL("").One().DotGit()
st, err := filesystem.NewStorage(dotgit)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
hash := plumbing.NewHash("b685400c1f9316f350965a5993d350bc746b0bf4")
commit, err := GetCommit(st, hash)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
tree, err := commit.Tree()
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
expected := []string{
var count int
i := tree.Files()
i.ForEach(func(f *File) error {
c.Assert(f.Name, Equals, expected[count])
return nil
c.Assert(count, Equals, 2)