blob: 23ca44d22741b85358bdf6ec7e4ccbfc40e2ff66 [file] [log] [blame]
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
package convert
import (
func Test_ConvertSPDXDocuments(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
name string
source interface{}
expected interface{}
name: "basic v2_2 to v2_3",
source: v2_2.Document{
SPDXVersion: v2_2.Version,
Packages: []*v2_2.Package{
PackageName: "Pkg 1",
Files: []*v2_2.File{
FileName: "File 1",
FileName: "File 2",
PackageVerificationCode: common.PackageVerificationCode{
Value: "verification code value",
ExcludedFiles: []string{
expected: spdx.Document{
SPDXVersion: spdx.Version,
Packages: []*spdx.Package{
PackageName: "Pkg 1",
Files: []*spdx.File{
FileName: "File 1",
FileName: "File 2",
PackageVerificationCode: &common.PackageVerificationCode{
Value: "verification code value",
ExcludedFiles: []string{
name: "full 2.1 -> 2.3 document",
source: v2_1.Document{
SPDXVersion: "SPDX-2.2",
DataLicense: "data license",
SPDXIdentifier: "spdx id",
DocumentName: "doc name",
DocumentNamespace: "doc namespace",
ExternalDocumentReferences: []v2_1.ExternalDocumentRef{
DocumentRefID: "doc ref id 1",
URI: "uri 1",
Checksum: common.Checksum{
Algorithm: "algo 1",
Value: "value 1",
DocumentRefID: "doc ref id 2",
URI: "uri 2",
Checksum: common.Checksum{
Algorithm: "algo 2",
Value: "value 2",
DocumentComment: "doc comment",
CreationInfo: &v2_1.CreationInfo{
LicenseListVersion: "license list version",
Creators: []common.Creator{
Creator: "creator 1",
CreatorType: "type 1",
Creator: "creator 2",
CreatorType: "type 2",
Created: "created date",
CreatorComment: "creator comment",
Packages: []*v2_1.Package{
PackageName: "package name 1",
PackageSPDXIdentifier: "id 1",
PackageVersion: "version 1",
PackageFileName: "file 1",
PackageSupplier: nil,
PackageOriginator: nil,
PackageDownloadLocation: "",
FilesAnalyzed: true,
IsFilesAnalyzedTagPresent: true,
PackageVerificationCode: common.PackageVerificationCode{
Value: "value 1",
ExcludedFiles: []string{"a", "b"},
PackageChecksums: []common.Checksum{
Algorithm: "alg 1",
Value: "val 1",
Algorithm: "alg 2",
Value: "val 2",
PackageHomePage: "home page 1",
PackageSourceInfo: "source info 1",
PackageLicenseConcluded: "license concluded 1",
PackageLicenseInfoFromFiles: []string{"a", "b"},
PackageLicenseDeclared: "license declared 1",
PackageLicenseComments: "license comments 1",
PackageCopyrightText: "copyright text 1",
PackageSummary: "summary 1",
PackageDescription: "description 1",
PackageComment: "comment 1",
PackageExternalReferences: []*v2_1.PackageExternalReference{
Category: "cat 1",
RefType: "type 1",
Locator: "locator 1",
ExternalRefComment: "comment 1",
Category: "cat 2",
RefType: "type 2",
Locator: "locator 2",
ExternalRefComment: "comment 2",
Files: []*v2_1.File{
FileName: "file 1",
FileSPDXIdentifier: "id 1",
FileTypes: []string{"a", "b"},
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Algorithm: "alg 1",
Value: "val 1",
Algorithm: "alg 2",
Value: "val 2",
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LicenseComments: "comments 1",
FileCopyrightText: "copy text 1",
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FileNotice: "notice 1",
FileContributors: []string{"c1", "c2"},
FileDependencies: []string{"dep1", "dep2", "dep3"},
Snippets: map[common.ElementID]*v2_1.Snippet{
common.ElementID("e1"): {
SnippetSPDXIdentifier: "id1",
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StartPointer: common.SnippetRangePointer{
Offset: 1,
LineNumber: 2,
FileSPDXIdentifier: "f1",
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LineNumber: 4,
FileSPDXIdentifier: "f2",
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Offset: 7,
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FileSPDXIdentifier: "f4",
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SnippetSPDXIdentifier: "id2",
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Snippets: nil, // already have snippets elsewhere
Annotations: nil, // already have annotations elsewhere
FileName: "file 2",
FileSPDXIdentifier: "id 2",
FileTypes: []string{"t3", "t4"},
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Algorithm: "alg 2",
Value: "val 2",
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LicenseComments: "comments 2",
FileCopyrightText: "copy 2",
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FileComment: "comment 2",
FileNotice: "notice 2",
FileContributors: []string{"c1", "c2"},
FileDependencies: []string{"d1", "d2", "d3", "d4"},
Snippets: nil, // already have snippets elsewhere
Annotations: nil, // already have annotations elsewhere
OtherLicenses: []*v2_1.OtherLicense{
LicenseIdentifier: "id 1",
ExtractedText: "text 1",
LicenseName: "name 1",
LicenseCrossReferences: []string{"x1", "x2", "x3"},
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Offset: 11,
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SnippetName: "name 1",
Reviews: []*v2_1.Review{
Reviewer: "reviewer 1",
ReviewerType: "type 1",
ReviewDate: "date 1",
ReviewComment: "comment 1",
Reviewer: "reviewer 2",
ReviewerType: "type 2",
ReviewDate: "date 2",
ReviewComment: "comment 2",
expected: spdx.Document{
SPDXVersion: "SPDX-2.3", // ConvertFrom updates this value
DataLicense: "data license",
SPDXIdentifier: "spdx id",
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DocumentNamespace: "doc namespace",
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Algorithm: "algo 2",
Value: "value 2",
DocumentComment: "doc comment",
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LicenseListVersion: "license list version",
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CreatorType: "type 2",
Created: "created date",
CreatorComment: "creator comment",
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PackageSupplier: nil,
PackageOriginator: nil,
PackageDownloadLocation: "",
FilesAnalyzed: true,
IsFilesAnalyzedTagPresent: true,
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Value: "value 1",
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Algorithm: "alg 1",
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Algorithm: "alg 2",
Value: "val 2",
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PackageLicenseDeclared: "license declared 1",
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Annotations: nil, // already have annotations elsewhere
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Annotations: nil, // already have annotations elsewhere
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LicenseIdentifier: "id 1",
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Reviewer: "reviewer 2",
ReviewerType: "type 2",
ReviewDate: "date 2",
ReviewComment: "comment 2",
name: "full 2.2 -> 2.3 document",
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PackageOriginator: nil,
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for _, test := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
outType := reflect.TypeOf(test.expected)
outInstance := reflect.New(outType).Interface()
// convert the start document to the target document using the conversion chain
err := Document(test.source, outInstance)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error converting: %v", err)
outInstance = reflect.ValueOf(outInstance).Elem().Interface()
// use JSONEq here because it is much easier to see differences
require.JSONEq(t, toJSON(test.expected), toJSON(outInstance))
func toJSON(data interface{}) string {
bytes, err := json.Marshal(data)
if err != nil {
return string(bytes)