blob: 0c3cb0b35e39529b57545ecc38b819926d03e3ee [file] [log] [blame]
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
package core
import ""
// Snippet is a Snippet section of an SPDX Document for version 2.2 of the spec.
type Snippet struct {
// CoreMetadata includes additional information to map back and forth
// to other SPDX types
CoreMetadata Metadata
// 5.1: Snippet SPDX Identifier: "SPDXRef-[idstring]"
// Cardinality: mandatory, one
SnippetSPDXIdentifier common.ElementID `json:"SPDXID"`
// 5.2: Snippet from File SPDX Identifier
// Cardinality: mandatory, one
SnippetFromFileSPDXIdentifier common.ElementID `json:"snippetFromFile"`
// Ranges denotes the start/end byte offsets or line numbers that the snippet is relevant to
Ranges []common.SnippetRange `json:"ranges"`
// 5.5: Snippet Concluded License: SPDX License Expression, "NONE" or "NOASSERTION"
// Cardinality: mandatory, one
SnippetLicenseConcluded string `json:"licenseConcluded"`
// 5.6: License Information in Snippet: SPDX License Expression, "NONE" or "NOASSERTION"
// Cardinality: optional, one or many
LicenseInfoInSnippet []string `json:"licenseInfoInSnippets,omitempty"`
// 5.7: Snippet Comments on License
// Cardinality: optional, one
SnippetLicenseComments string `json:"licenseComments,omitempty"`
// 5.8: Snippet Copyright Text: copyright notice(s) text, "NONE" or "NOASSERTION"
// Cardinality: mandatory, one
SnippetCopyrightText string `json:"copyrightText"`
// 5.9: Snippet Comment
// Cardinality: optional, one
SnippetComment string `json:"comment,omitempty"`
// 5.10: Snippet Name
// Cardinality: optional, one
SnippetName string `json:"name,omitempty"`
// 5.11: Snippet Attribution Text
// Cardinality: optional, one or many
SnippetAttributionTexts []string `json:"-"`