blob: 3a27db4fd38df702fea38aebb3b1d99f064ff504 [file] [log] [blame]
import io
import json
import os
from datetime import date
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import time
from types import MappingProxyType
import pytest
import tomlkit
from tomlkit import dump
from tomlkit import dumps
from tomlkit import load
from tomlkit import loads
from tomlkit import parse
from tomlkit.exceptions import InvalidCharInStringError
from tomlkit.exceptions import InvalidControlChar
from tomlkit.exceptions import InvalidDateError
from tomlkit.exceptions import InvalidDateTimeError
from tomlkit.exceptions import InvalidNumberError
from tomlkit.exceptions import InvalidStringError
from tomlkit.exceptions import InvalidTimeError
from tomlkit.exceptions import UnexpectedCharError
from tomlkit.items import AoT
from tomlkit.items import Array
from tomlkit.items import Bool
from tomlkit.items import Date
from tomlkit.items import DateTime
from tomlkit.items import Float
from tomlkit.items import InlineTable
from tomlkit.items import Integer
from tomlkit.items import Key
from tomlkit.items import Table
from tomlkit.items import Time
from tomlkit.toml_document import TOMLDocument
def json_serial(obj):
"""JSON serializer for objects not serializable by default json code"""
if isinstance(obj, (datetime, date, time)):
return obj.isoformat()
raise TypeError(f"Type {type(obj)} not serializable")
def test_parse_can_parse_valid_toml_files(example, example_name):
assert isinstance(parse(example(example_name)), TOMLDocument)
assert isinstance(loads(example(example_name)), TOMLDocument)
def test_load_from_file_object(example_name):
with open(
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "examples", example_name + ".toml"),
) as fp:
assert isinstance(load(fp), TOMLDocument)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("example_name", ["0.5.0", "pyproject", "table_names"])
def test_parsed_document_are_properly_json_representable(
example, json_example, example_name
doc = json.loads(json.dumps(parse(example(example_name)), default=json_serial))
json_doc = json.loads(json_example(example_name))
assert doc == json_doc
("section_with_trailing_characters", UnexpectedCharError),
("key_value_with_trailing_chars", UnexpectedCharError),
("array_with_invalid_chars", UnexpectedCharError),
("invalid_number", InvalidNumberError),
("invalid_date", InvalidDateError),
("invalid_time", InvalidTimeError),
("invalid_datetime", InvalidDateTimeError),
("trailing_comma", UnexpectedCharError),
("newline_in_singleline_string", InvalidControlChar),
("string_slash_whitespace_char", InvalidCharInStringError),
("array_no_comma", UnexpectedCharError),
("array_duplicate_comma", UnexpectedCharError),
("array_leading_comma", UnexpectedCharError),
("inline_table_no_comma", UnexpectedCharError),
("inline_table_duplicate_comma", UnexpectedCharError),
("inline_table_leading_comma", UnexpectedCharError),
("inline_table_trailing_comma", UnexpectedCharError),
def test_parse_raises_errors_for_invalid_toml_files(
invalid_example, error, example_name
with pytest.raises(error):
def test_original_string_and_dumped_string_are_equal(example, example_name):
content = example(example_name)
parsed = parse(content)
assert content == dumps(parsed)
def test_a_raw_dict_can_be_dumped():
s = dumps({"foo": "bar"})
assert s == 'foo = "bar"\n'
def test_mapping_types_can_be_dumped():
x = MappingProxyType({"foo": "bar"})
assert dumps(x) == 'foo = "bar"\n'
def test_dumps_weird_object():
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
def test_dump_tuple_value_as_array():
x = {"foo": (1, 2)}
assert dumps(x) == "foo = [1, 2]\n"
x = {"foo": ({"a": 1}, {"a": 2})}
assert dumps(x) == "[[foo]]\na = 1\n\n[[foo]]\na = 2\n"
def test_dump_to_file_object():
doc = {"foo": "bar"}
fp = io.StringIO()
dump(doc, fp)
assert fp.getvalue() == 'foo = "bar"\n'
def test_integer():
i = tomlkit.integer("34")
assert isinstance(i, Integer)
def test_float():
i = tomlkit.float_("34.56")
assert isinstance(i, Float)
def test_boolean():
i = tomlkit.boolean("true")
assert isinstance(i, Bool)
def test_date():
dt ="1979-05-13")
assert isinstance(dt, Date)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):"12:34:56")
def test_time():
dt = tomlkit.time("12:34:56")
assert isinstance(dt, Time)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_datetime():
dt = tomlkit.datetime("1979-05-13T12:34:56")
assert isinstance(dt, DateTime)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_array():
a = tomlkit.array()
assert isinstance(a, Array)
a = tomlkit.array("[1,2, 3]")
assert isinstance(a, Array)
def test_table():
t = tomlkit.table()
assert isinstance(t, Table)
def test_inline_table():
t = tomlkit.inline_table()
assert isinstance(t, InlineTable)
def test_aot():
t = tomlkit.aot()
assert isinstance(t, AoT)
def test_key():
k = tomlkit.key("foo")
assert isinstance(k, Key)
def test_key_value():
k, i = tomlkit.key_value("foo = 12")
assert isinstance(k, Key)
assert isinstance(i, Integer)
def test_string():
s = tomlkit.string('foo "')
assert s.value == 'foo "'
assert s.as_string() == '"foo \\""'
def test_item_dict_to_table():
t = tomlkit.item({"foo": {"bar": "baz"}})
assert t.value == {"foo": {"bar": "baz"}}
assert (
== """[foo]
bar = "baz"
def test_item_mixed_aray():
example = [{"a": 3}, "b", 42]
expected = '[{a = 3}, "b", 42]'
t = tomlkit.item(example)
assert t.as_string().strip() == expected
assert dumps({"x": {"y": example}}).strip() == "[x]\ny = " + expected
def test_build_super_table():
doc = tomlkit.document()
table = tomlkit.table(True)
table.add("bar", {"x": 1})
doc.add("foo", table)
assert doc.as_string() == "[]\nx = 1\n"
def test_add_dotted_key():
doc = tomlkit.document()
doc.add(tomlkit.key(["foo", "bar"]), 1)
assert doc.as_string() == " = 1\n"
table = tomlkit.table()
table.add(tomlkit.key(["foo", "bar"]), 1)
assert table.as_string() == " = 1\n"
("raw", "expected"),
("true", True),
("false", False),
def test_value_parses_boolean(raw, expected):
parsed = tomlkit.value(raw)
assert parsed == expected
"raw", ["t", "f", "tru", "fals", "test", "friend", "truthy", "falsify"]
def test_value_rejects_values_looking_like_bool_at_start(raw):
with pytest.raises(tomlkit.exceptions.ParseError):
def test_value_rejects_values_having_true_prefix(raw):
"""Values that have ``true`` or ``false`` as prefix but then have additional chars are rejected."""
with pytest.raises(tomlkit.exceptions.ParseError):
def test_value_rejects_values_having_false_prefix(raw):
"""Values that have ``true`` or ``false`` as prefix but then have additional chars are rejected."""
with pytest.raises(tomlkit.exceptions.ParseError):
def test_value_rejects_values_with_appendage(raw):
"""Values that appear valid at the beginning but leave chars unparsed are rejected."""
with pytest.raises(tomlkit.exceptions.ParseError):
def test_create_super_table_with_table():
data = {"foo": {"bar": {"a": 1}}}
assert dumps(data) == "[]\na = 1\n"
def test_create_super_table_with_aot():
data = {"foo": {"bar": [{"a": 1}]}}
assert dumps(data) == "[[]]\na = 1\n"
"kwargs, example, expected",
({}, "My\nString", '"My\\nString"'),
({"escape": False}, "My String\t", '"My String\t"'),
({"literal": True}, "My String\t", "'My String\t'"),
({"escape": True, "literal": True}, "My String\t", "'My String\t'"),
({}, "My String\u0001", '"My String\\u0001"'),
({}, "My String\u000b", '"My String\\u000b"'),
({}, "My String\x08", '"My String\\b"'),
({}, "My String\x0c", '"My String\\f"'),
({}, "My String\x01", '"My String\\u0001"'),
({}, "My String\x06", '"My String\\u0006"'),
({}, "My String\x12", '"My String\\u0012"'),
({}, "My String\x7f", '"My String\\u007f"'),
({"escape": False}, "My String\u0001", '"My String\u0001"'),
({"multiline": True}, "\nMy\nString\n", '"""\nMy\nString\n"""'),
({"multiline": True}, 'My"String', '"""My"String"""'),
({"multiline": True}, 'My""String', '"""My""String"""'),
({"multiline": True}, 'My"""String', '"""My""\\"String"""'),
({"multiline": True}, 'My""""String', '"""My""\\""String"""'),
{"multiline": True},
({"multiline": True, "literal": True}, "My\nString", "'''My\nString'''"),
({"multiline": True, "literal": True}, "My'String", "'''My'String'''"),
({"multiline": True, "literal": True}, "My\r\nString", "'''My\r\nString'''"),
{"literal": True},
({"literal": True}, r"<\i\c*\s*>", r"'<\i\c*\s*>'"),
{"multiline": True, "literal": True},
r"I [dw]on't need \d{2} apples",
r"'''I [dw]on't need \d{2} apples'''",
def test_create_string(kwargs, example, expected):
value = tomlkit.string(example, **kwargs)
assert value.as_string() == expected
"kwargs, example",
({"literal": True}, "My'String"),
({"literal": True}, "My\nString"),
({"literal": True}, "My\r\nString"),
({"literal": True}, "My\bString"),
({"literal": True}, "My\x08String"),
({"literal": True}, "My\x0cString"),
({"literal": True}, "My\x7fString"),
({"multiline": True, "literal": True}, "My'''String"),
def test_create_string_with_invalid_characters(kwargs, example):
with pytest.raises(InvalidStringError):
tomlkit.string(example, **kwargs)