blob: 61e1281d30e7e70d34281511689e97cf0f03827c [file] [log] [blame]
import json
import pytest
from tomlkit import load
from tomlkit import parse
from tomlkit._compat import decode
from tomlkit._utils import parse_rfc3339
from tomlkit.exceptions import TOMLKitError
def to_bool(s):
assert s in ["true", "false"]
return s == "true"
stypes = {
"string": str,
"bool": to_bool,
"integer": int,
"float": float,
"datetime": parse_rfc3339,
"datetime-local": parse_rfc3339,
"date-local": parse_rfc3339,
"time-local": parse_rfc3339,
def untag(value):
if isinstance(value, list):
return [untag(i) for i in value]
elif "type" in value and "value" in value and len(value) == 2:
if value["type"] in stypes:
val = decode(value["value"])
return stypes[value["type"]](val)
elif value["type"] == "array":
return [untag(i) for i in value["value"]]
raise Exception(f'Unsupported type {value["type"]}')
return {k: untag(v) for k, v in value.items()}
def test_valid_decode(valid_case):
json_val = untag(json.loads(valid_case["json"]))
toml_val = parse(valid_case["toml"])
assert toml_val == json_val
assert toml_val.as_string() == valid_case["toml"]
def test_invalid_decode(invalid_decode_case):
with pytest.raises(TOMLKitError):
def test_invalid_encode(invalid_encode_case):
with pytest.raises((TOMLKitError, UnicodeDecodeError)), open(
invalid_encode_case, encoding="utf-8"
) as f: