blob: 5a49807e180b27d06fe1b15b157fb8dd14cff7b9 [file] [log] [blame]
goto: file://|DOC_PATH|/src/test_docs/
// Check that we can click on the line number.
click: (40, 224) // This is the position of the span for line 4.
// Unfortunately, "#4" isn't a valid query selector, so we have to go around that limitation
// by instead getting the nth span.
assert-attribute: (".line-numbers > span:nth-child(4)", {"class": "line-highlighted"})
// We now check that the good spans are highlighted
goto: file://|DOC_PATH|/src/test_docs/
assert-attribute-false: (".line-numbers > span:nth-child(3)", {"class": "line-highlighted"})
assert-attribute: (".line-numbers > span:nth-child(4)", {"class": "line-highlighted"})
assert-attribute: (".line-numbers > span:nth-child(5)", {"class": "line-highlighted"})
assert-attribute: (".line-numbers > span:nth-child(6)", {"class": "line-highlighted"})
assert-attribute-false: (".line-numbers > span:nth-child(7)", {"class": "line-highlighted"})
// This is to ensure that the content is correctly align with the line numbers.
compare-elements-position: ("//*[@id='1']", ".rust > code > span", ("y"))