blob: 7f945299c22a6c9bb77fb8b39f9c797071da59d4 [file] [log] [blame]
// compile-flags: -C no-prepopulate-passes
#![crate_type = "lib"]
// Below, these constants are defined as enum variants that by itself would
// have a lower alignment than the enum type. Ensure that we mark them
// correctly with the higher alignment of the enum.
// CHECK: @STATIC = {{.*}}, align 4
// This checks the constants from inline_enum_const
// CHECK: @alloc9 = {{.*}}, align 2
// This checks the constants from {low,high}_align_const, they share the same
// constant, but the alignment differs, so the higher one should be used
// CHECK: [[LOW_HIGH:@alloc[0-9]+]] = {{.*}}, align 4
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
// repr(i16) is required for the {low,high}_align_const test
pub enum E<A, B> {
pub static STATIC: E<i16, i32> = E::A(0);
// CHECK-LABEL: @static_enum_const
pub fn static_enum_const() -> E<i16, i32> {
// CHECK-LABEL: @inline_enum_const
pub fn inline_enum_const() -> E<i8, i16> {
// CHECK-LABEL: @low_align_const
pub fn low_align_const() -> E<i16, [i16; 3]> {
// Check that low_align_const and high_align_const use the same constant
// CHECK: memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i{{(32|64)}}(i8* align 2 %1, i8* align 2 getelementptr inbounds (<{ [8 x i8] }>, <{ [8 x i8] }>* [[LOW_HIGH]], i32 0, i32 0, i32 0), i{{(32|64)}} 8, i1 false)
// CHECK-LABEL: @high_align_const
pub fn high_align_const() -> E<i16, i32> {
// Check that low_align_const and high_align_const use the same constant
// CHECK: memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i{{(32|64)}}(i8* align 4 %1, i8* align 4 getelementptr inbounds (<{ [8 x i8] }>, <{ [8 x i8] }>* [[LOW_HIGH]], i32 0, i32 0, i32 0), i{{(32|64)}} 8, i1 false)