blob: 5706b8f9e7cc6055be056ebeb214dd7baae1714c [file] [log] [blame]
//! Serialized configuration of a build.
//! This module implements parsing `config.toml` configuration files to tweak
//! how the build runs.
use std::cmp;
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use std::env;
use std::ffi::OsString;
use std::fmt;
use std::fs;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::str::FromStr;
use crate::cache::{Interned, INTERNER};
use crate::channel::GitInfo;
pub use crate::flags::Subcommand;
use crate::flags::{Color, Flags};
use crate::util::exe;
use build_helper::t;
use merge::Merge;
use serde::Deserialize;
macro_rules! check_ci_llvm {
($name:expr) => {
"setting {} is incompatible with download-ci-llvm.",
/// Global configuration for the entire build and/or bootstrap.
/// This structure is derived from a combination of both `config.toml` and
/// ``. As of the time of this writing it's unlikely that `config.toml`
/// is used all that much, so this is primarily filled out by `` which
/// is generated from `./configure`.
/// Note that this structure is not decoded directly into, but rather it is
/// filled out from the decoded forms of the structs below. For documentation
/// each field, see the corresponding fields in
/// `config.toml.example`.
pub struct Config {
pub changelog_seen: Option<usize>,
pub ccache: Option<String>,
/// Call Build::ninja() instead of this.
pub ninja_in_file: bool,
pub verbose: usize,
pub submodules: Option<bool>,
pub fast_submodules: bool,
pub compiler_docs: bool,
pub docs_minification: bool,
pub docs: bool,
pub locked_deps: bool,
pub vendor: bool,
pub target_config: HashMap<TargetSelection, Target>,
pub full_bootstrap: bool,
pub extended: bool,
pub tools: Option<HashSet<String>>,
pub sanitizers: bool,
pub profiler: bool,
pub ignore_git: bool,
pub exclude: Vec<PathBuf>,
pub include_default_paths: bool,
pub rustc_error_format: Option<String>,
pub json_output: bool,
pub test_compare_mode: bool,
pub llvm_libunwind: LlvmLibunwind,
pub color: Color,
pub on_fail: Option<String>,
pub stage: u32,
pub keep_stage: Vec<u32>,
pub keep_stage_std: Vec<u32>,
pub src: PathBuf,
// defaults to `config.toml`
pub config: PathBuf,
pub jobs: Option<u32>,
pub cmd: Subcommand,
pub incremental: bool,
pub dry_run: bool,
pub download_rustc: bool,
pub deny_warnings: bool,
pub backtrace_on_ice: bool,
// llvm codegen options
pub llvm_skip_rebuild: bool,
pub llvm_assertions: bool,
pub llvm_plugins: bool,
pub llvm_optimize: bool,
pub llvm_thin_lto: bool,
pub llvm_release_debuginfo: bool,
pub llvm_version_check: bool,
pub llvm_static_stdcpp: bool,
pub llvm_link_shared: bool,
pub llvm_clang_cl: Option<String>,
pub llvm_targets: Option<String>,
pub llvm_experimental_targets: Option<String>,
pub llvm_link_jobs: Option<u32>,
pub llvm_version_suffix: Option<String>,
pub llvm_use_linker: Option<String>,
pub llvm_allow_old_toolchain: bool,
pub llvm_polly: bool,
pub llvm_clang: bool,
pub llvm_from_ci: bool,
pub use_lld: bool,
pub lld_enabled: bool,
pub llvm_tools_enabled: bool,
pub llvm_cflags: Option<String>,
pub llvm_cxxflags: Option<String>,
pub llvm_ldflags: Option<String>,
pub llvm_use_libcxx: bool,
// rust codegen options
pub rust_optimize: bool,
pub rust_codegen_units: Option<u32>,
pub rust_codegen_units_std: Option<u32>,
pub rust_debug_assertions: bool,
pub rust_debug_assertions_std: bool,
pub rust_overflow_checks: bool,
pub rust_overflow_checks_std: bool,
pub rust_debug_logging: bool,
pub rust_debuginfo_level_rustc: u32,
pub rust_debuginfo_level_std: u32,
pub rust_debuginfo_level_tools: u32,
pub rust_debuginfo_level_tests: u32,
pub rust_run_dsymutil: bool,
pub rust_rpath: bool,
pub rustc_parallel: bool,
pub rustc_default_linker: Option<String>,
pub rust_optimize_tests: bool,
pub rust_dist_src: bool,
pub rust_codegen_backends: Vec<Interned<String>>,
pub rust_verify_llvm_ir: bool,
pub rust_thin_lto_import_instr_limit: Option<u32>,
pub rust_remap_debuginfo: bool,
pub rust_new_symbol_mangling: bool,
pub rust_profile_use: Option<String>,
pub rust_profile_generate: Option<String>,
pub llvm_profile_use: Option<String>,
pub llvm_profile_generate: bool,
pub build: TargetSelection,
pub hosts: Vec<TargetSelection>,
pub targets: Vec<TargetSelection>,
pub local_rebuild: bool,
pub jemalloc: bool,
pub control_flow_guard: bool,
// dist misc
pub dist_sign_folder: Option<PathBuf>,
pub dist_upload_addr: Option<String>,
pub dist_compression_formats: Option<Vec<String>>,
// libstd features
pub backtrace: bool, // support for RUST_BACKTRACE
// misc
pub low_priority: bool,
pub channel: String,
pub description: Option<String>,
pub verbose_tests: bool,
pub save_toolstates: Option<PathBuf>,
pub print_step_timings: bool,
pub print_step_rusage: bool,
pub missing_tools: bool,
// Fallback musl-root for all targets
pub musl_root: Option<PathBuf>,
pub prefix: Option<PathBuf>,
pub sysconfdir: Option<PathBuf>,
pub datadir: Option<PathBuf>,
pub docdir: Option<PathBuf>,
pub bindir: PathBuf,
pub libdir: Option<PathBuf>,
pub mandir: Option<PathBuf>,
pub codegen_tests: bool,
pub nodejs: Option<PathBuf>,
pub npm: Option<PathBuf>,
pub gdb: Option<PathBuf>,
pub python: Option<PathBuf>,
pub cargo_native_static: bool,
pub configure_args: Vec<String>,
// These are either the stage0 downloaded binaries or the locally installed ones.
pub initial_cargo: PathBuf,
pub initial_rustc: PathBuf,
pub initial_rustfmt: Option<PathBuf>,
pub out: PathBuf,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
pub enum LlvmLibunwind {
impl Default for LlvmLibunwind {
fn default() -> Self {
impl FromStr for LlvmLibunwind {
type Err = String;
fn from_str(value: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
match value {
"no" => Ok(Self::No),
"in-tree" => Ok(Self::InTree),
"system" => Ok(Self::System),
invalid => Err(format!("Invalid value '{}' for rust.llvm-libunwind config.", invalid)),
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Default, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
pub struct TargetSelection {
pub triple: Interned<String>,
file: Option<Interned<String>>,
impl TargetSelection {
pub fn from_user(selection: &str) -> Self {
let path = Path::new(selection);
let (triple, file) = if path.exists() {
let triple = path
.expect("Target specification file has no file stem")
.expect("Target specification file stem is not UTF-8");
(triple, Some(selection))
} else {
(selection, None)
let triple = INTERNER.intern_str(triple);
let file =|f| INTERNER.intern_str(f));
Self { triple, file }
pub fn rustc_target_arg(&self) -> &str {
pub fn contains(&self, needle: &str) -> bool {
pub fn starts_with(&self, needle: &str) -> bool {
pub fn ends_with(&self, needle: &str) -> bool {
impl fmt::Display for TargetSelection {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", self.triple)?;
if let Some(file) = self.file {
write!(f, "({})", file)?;
impl PartialEq<&str> for TargetSelection {
fn eq(&self, other: &&str) -> bool {
self.triple == *other
/// Per-target configuration stored in the global configuration structure.
pub struct Target {
/// Some(path to llvm-config) if using an external LLVM.
pub llvm_config: Option<PathBuf>,
/// Some(path to FileCheck) if one was specified.
pub llvm_filecheck: Option<PathBuf>,
pub cc: Option<PathBuf>,
pub cxx: Option<PathBuf>,
pub ar: Option<PathBuf>,
pub ranlib: Option<PathBuf>,
pub linker: Option<PathBuf>,
pub ndk: Option<PathBuf>,
pub sanitizers: Option<bool>,
pub profiler: Option<bool>,
pub crt_static: Option<bool>,
pub musl_root: Option<PathBuf>,
pub musl_libdir: Option<PathBuf>,
pub wasi_root: Option<PathBuf>,
pub qemu_rootfs: Option<PathBuf>,
pub no_std: bool,
impl Target {
pub fn from_triple(triple: &str) -> Self {
let mut target: Self = Default::default();
if triple.contains("-none") || triple.contains("nvptx") {
target.no_std = true;
/// Structure of the `config.toml` file that configuration is read from.
/// This structure uses `Decodable` to automatically decode a TOML configuration
/// file into this format, and then this is traversed and written into the above
/// `Config` structure.
#[derive(Deserialize, Default)]
#[serde(deny_unknown_fields, rename_all = "kebab-case")]
struct TomlConfig {
changelog_seen: Option<usize>,
build: Option<Build>,
install: Option<Install>,
llvm: Option<Llvm>,
rust: Option<Rust>,
target: Option<HashMap<String, TomlTarget>>,
dist: Option<Dist>,
profile: Option<String>,
impl Merge for TomlConfig {
fn merge(
&mut self,
TomlConfig { build, install, llvm, rust, dist, target, profile: _, changelog_seen: _ }: Self,
) {
fn do_merge<T: Merge>(x: &mut Option<T>, y: Option<T>) {
if let Some(new) = y {
if let Some(original) = x {
} else {
*x = Some(new);
do_merge(&mut, build);
do_merge(&mut self.install, install);
do_merge(&mut self.llvm, llvm);
do_merge(&mut self.rust, rust);
do_merge(&mut self.dist, dist);
assert!(target.is_none(), "merging target-specific config is not currently supported");
/// TOML representation of various global build decisions.
#[derive(Deserialize, Default, Clone, Merge)]
#[serde(deny_unknown_fields, rename_all = "kebab-case")]
struct Build {
build: Option<String>,
host: Option<Vec<String>>,
target: Option<Vec<String>>,
// This is ignored, the rust code always gets the build directory from the `BUILD_DIR` env variable
build_dir: Option<String>,
cargo: Option<String>,
rustc: Option<String>,
rustfmt: Option<PathBuf>,
docs: Option<bool>,
compiler_docs: Option<bool>,
docs_minification: Option<bool>,
submodules: Option<bool>,
fast_submodules: Option<bool>,
gdb: Option<String>,
nodejs: Option<String>,
npm: Option<String>,
python: Option<String>,
locked_deps: Option<bool>,
vendor: Option<bool>,
full_bootstrap: Option<bool>,
extended: Option<bool>,
tools: Option<HashSet<String>>,
verbose: Option<usize>,
sanitizers: Option<bool>,
profiler: Option<bool>,
cargo_native_static: Option<bool>,
low_priority: Option<bool>,
configure_args: Option<Vec<String>>,
local_rebuild: Option<bool>,
print_step_timings: Option<bool>,
print_step_rusage: Option<bool>,
check_stage: Option<u32>,
doc_stage: Option<u32>,
build_stage: Option<u32>,
test_stage: Option<u32>,
install_stage: Option<u32>,
dist_stage: Option<u32>,
bench_stage: Option<u32>,
/// TOML representation of various global install decisions.
#[derive(Deserialize, Default, Clone, Merge)]
#[serde(deny_unknown_fields, rename_all = "kebab-case")]
struct Install {
prefix: Option<String>,
sysconfdir: Option<String>,
docdir: Option<String>,
bindir: Option<String>,
libdir: Option<String>,
mandir: Option<String>,
datadir: Option<String>,
/// TOML representation of how the LLVM build is configured.
#[derive(Deserialize, Default, Merge)]
#[serde(deny_unknown_fields, rename_all = "kebab-case")]
struct Llvm {
skip_rebuild: Option<bool>,
optimize: Option<bool>,
thin_lto: Option<bool>,
release_debuginfo: Option<bool>,
assertions: Option<bool>,
plugins: Option<bool>,
ccache: Option<StringOrBool>,
version_check: Option<bool>,
static_libstdcpp: Option<bool>,
ninja: Option<bool>,
targets: Option<String>,
experimental_targets: Option<String>,
link_jobs: Option<u32>,
link_shared: Option<bool>,
version_suffix: Option<String>,
clang_cl: Option<String>,
cflags: Option<String>,
cxxflags: Option<String>,
ldflags: Option<String>,
use_libcxx: Option<bool>,
use_linker: Option<String>,
allow_old_toolchain: Option<bool>,
polly: Option<bool>,
clang: Option<bool>,
download_ci_llvm: Option<StringOrBool>,
#[derive(Deserialize, Default, Clone, Merge)]
#[serde(deny_unknown_fields, rename_all = "kebab-case")]
struct Dist {
sign_folder: Option<String>,
gpg_password_file: Option<String>,
upload_addr: Option<String>,
src_tarball: Option<bool>,
missing_tools: Option<bool>,
compression_formats: Option<Vec<String>>,
enum StringOrBool {
impl Default for StringOrBool {
fn default() -> StringOrBool {
/// TOML representation of how the Rust build is configured.
#[derive(Deserialize, Default, Merge)]
#[serde(deny_unknown_fields, rename_all = "kebab-case")]
struct Rust {
optimize: Option<bool>,
debug: Option<bool>,
codegen_units: Option<u32>,
codegen_units_std: Option<u32>,
debug_assertions: Option<bool>,
debug_assertions_std: Option<bool>,
overflow_checks: Option<bool>,
overflow_checks_std: Option<bool>,
debug_logging: Option<bool>,
debuginfo_level: Option<u32>,
debuginfo_level_rustc: Option<u32>,
debuginfo_level_std: Option<u32>,
debuginfo_level_tools: Option<u32>,
debuginfo_level_tests: Option<u32>,
run_dsymutil: Option<bool>,
backtrace: Option<bool>,
incremental: Option<bool>,
parallel_compiler: Option<bool>,
default_linker: Option<String>,
channel: Option<String>,
description: Option<String>,
musl_root: Option<String>,
rpath: Option<bool>,
verbose_tests: Option<bool>,
optimize_tests: Option<bool>,
codegen_tests: Option<bool>,
ignore_git: Option<bool>,
dist_src: Option<bool>,
save_toolstates: Option<String>,
codegen_backends: Option<Vec<String>>,
lld: Option<bool>,
use_lld: Option<bool>,
llvm_tools: Option<bool>,
deny_warnings: Option<bool>,
backtrace_on_ice: Option<bool>,
verify_llvm_ir: Option<bool>,
thin_lto_import_instr_limit: Option<u32>,
remap_debuginfo: Option<bool>,
jemalloc: Option<bool>,
test_compare_mode: Option<bool>,
llvm_libunwind: Option<String>,
control_flow_guard: Option<bool>,
new_symbol_mangling: Option<bool>,
profile_generate: Option<String>,
profile_use: Option<String>,
// ignored; this is set from an env var set by
download_rustc: Option<StringOrBool>,
/// TOML representation of how each build target is configured.
#[derive(Deserialize, Default, Merge)]
#[serde(deny_unknown_fields, rename_all = "kebab-case")]
struct TomlTarget {
cc: Option<String>,
cxx: Option<String>,
ar: Option<String>,
ranlib: Option<String>,
linker: Option<String>,
llvm_config: Option<String>,
llvm_filecheck: Option<String>,
android_ndk: Option<String>,
sanitizers: Option<bool>,
profiler: Option<bool>,
crt_static: Option<bool>,
musl_root: Option<String>,
musl_libdir: Option<String>,
wasi_root: Option<String>,
qemu_rootfs: Option<String>,
no_std: Option<bool>,
impl Config {
fn path_from_python(var_key: &str) -> PathBuf {
match env::var_os(var_key) {
Some(var_val) => Self::normalize_python_path(var_val),
_ => panic!("expected '{}' to be set", var_key),
/// Normalizes paths from Python slightly. We don't trust paths from Python (#49785).
fn normalize_python_path(path: OsString) -> PathBuf {
pub fn default_opts() -> Config {
let mut config = Config::default();
config.llvm_optimize = true;
config.ninja_in_file = true;
config.llvm_version_check = true;
config.backtrace = true;
config.rust_optimize = true;
config.rust_optimize_tests = true;
config.submodules = None;
config.fast_submodules = true; = true;
config.docs_minification = true;
config.rust_rpath = true; = "dev".to_string();
config.codegen_tests = true;
config.rust_dist_src = true;
config.rust_codegen_backends = vec![INTERNER.intern_str("llvm")];
config.deny_warnings = true;
config.bindir = "bin".into();
// set by = TargetSelection::from_user(&env!("BUILD_TRIPLE"));
let manifest_dir = PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"));
// Undo `src/bootstrap`
config.src = manifest_dir.parent().unwrap().parent().unwrap().to_owned();
config.out = Config::path_from_python("BUILD_DIR");
config.initial_cargo = PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO"));
config.initial_rustc = PathBuf::from(env!("RUSTC"));
pub fn parse(args: &[String]) -> Config {
let flags = Flags::parse(&args);
let mut config = Config::default_opts();
config.exclude = flags.exclude;
config.include_default_paths = flags.include_default_paths;
config.rustc_error_format = flags.rustc_error_format;
config.json_output = flags.json_output;
config.on_fail = flags.on_fail; =;
config.cmd = flags.cmd;
config.incremental = flags.incremental;
config.dry_run = flags.dry_run;
config.keep_stage = flags.keep_stage;
config.keep_stage_std = flags.keep_stage_std;
config.color = flags.color;
if let Some(value) = flags.deny_warnings {
config.deny_warnings = value;
config.llvm_profile_use = flags.llvm_profile_use;
config.llvm_profile_generate = flags.llvm_profile_generate;
if config.dry_run {
let dir = config.out.join("tmp-dry-run");
config.out = dir;
let get_toml = |_| TomlConfig::default();
let get_toml = |file: &Path| {
use std::process;
let contents = t!(fs::read_to_string(file), "`include` config not found");
match toml::from_str(&contents) {
Ok(table) => table,
Err(err) => {
println!("failed to parse TOML configuration '{}': {}", file.display(), err);
let mut toml = flags.config.as_deref().map(get_toml).unwrap_or_else(TomlConfig::default);
if let Some(include) = &toml.profile {
let mut include_path = config.src.clone();
include_path.push(format!("config.{}.toml", include));
let included_toml = get_toml(&include_path);
config.changelog_seen = toml.changelog_seen;
if let Some(cfg) = flags.config {
config.config = cfg;
let build =;
config.hosts = if let Some(arg_host) = {
} else if let Some(file_host) = {
file_host.iter().map(|h| TargetSelection::from_user(h)).collect()
} else {
config.targets = if let Some(arg_target) = {
} else if let Some(file_target) = {
file_target.iter().map(|h| TargetSelection::from_user(h)).collect()
} else {
// If target is *not* configured, then default to the host
// toolchains.
config.nodejs =;
config.npm =;
config.gdb =;
config.python =;
config.submodules = build.submodules;
set(&mut config.low_priority, build.low_priority);
set(&mut config.compiler_docs, build.compiler_docs);
set(&mut config.docs_minification, build.docs_minification);
set(&mut config.fast_submodules, build.fast_submodules);
set(&mut config.locked_deps, build.locked_deps);
set(&mut config.vendor, build.vendor);
set(&mut config.full_bootstrap, build.full_bootstrap);
set(&mut config.extended, build.extended); =;
if build.rustfmt.is_some() {
config.initial_rustfmt = build.rustfmt;
set(&mut config.verbose, build.verbose);
set(&mut config.sanitizers, build.sanitizers);
set(&mut config.profiler, build.profiler);
set(&mut config.cargo_native_static, build.cargo_native_static);
set(&mut config.configure_args, build.configure_args);
set(&mut config.local_rebuild, build.local_rebuild);
set(&mut config.print_step_timings, build.print_step_timings);
set(&mut config.print_step_rusage, build.print_step_rusage);
config.verbose = cmp::max(config.verbose, flags.verbose);
if let Some(install) = toml.install {
config.prefix =;
config.sysconfdir =;
config.datadir =;
config.docdir =;
set(&mut config.bindir,;
config.libdir =;
config.mandir =;
// We want the llvm-skip-rebuild flag to take precedence over the
// skip-rebuild config.toml option so we store it separately
// so that we can infer the right value
let mut llvm_skip_rebuild = flags.llvm_skip_rebuild;
// Store off these values as options because if they're not provided
// we'll infer default values for them later
let mut llvm_assertions = None;
let mut llvm_plugins = None;
let mut debug = None;
let mut debug_assertions = None;
let mut debug_assertions_std = None;
let mut overflow_checks = None;
let mut overflow_checks_std = None;
let mut debug_logging = None;
let mut debuginfo_level = None;
let mut debuginfo_level_rustc = None;
let mut debuginfo_level_std = None;
let mut debuginfo_level_tools = None;
let mut debuginfo_level_tests = None;
let mut optimize = None;
let mut ignore_git = None;
if let Some(llvm) = toml.llvm {
match llvm.ccache {
Some(StringOrBool::String(ref s)) => config.ccache = Some(s.to_string()),
Some(StringOrBool::Bool(true)) => {
config.ccache = Some("ccache".to_string());
Some(StringOrBool::Bool(false)) | None => {}
set(&mut config.ninja_in_file,;
llvm_assertions = llvm.assertions;
llvm_plugins = llvm.plugins;
llvm_skip_rebuild = llvm_skip_rebuild.or(llvm.skip_rebuild);
set(&mut config.llvm_optimize, llvm.optimize);
set(&mut config.llvm_thin_lto, llvm.thin_lto);
set(&mut config.llvm_release_debuginfo, llvm.release_debuginfo);
set(&mut config.llvm_version_check, llvm.version_check);
set(&mut config.llvm_static_stdcpp, llvm.static_libstdcpp);
set(&mut config.llvm_link_shared, llvm.link_shared);
config.llvm_targets = llvm.targets.clone();
config.llvm_experimental_targets = llvm.experimental_targets.clone();
config.llvm_link_jobs = llvm.link_jobs;
config.llvm_version_suffix = llvm.version_suffix.clone();
config.llvm_clang_cl = llvm.clang_cl.clone();
config.llvm_cflags = llvm.cflags.clone();
config.llvm_cxxflags = llvm.cxxflags.clone();
config.llvm_ldflags = llvm.ldflags.clone();
set(&mut config.llvm_use_libcxx, llvm.use_libcxx);
config.llvm_use_linker = llvm.use_linker.clone();
config.llvm_allow_old_toolchain = llvm.allow_old_toolchain.unwrap_or(false);
config.llvm_polly = llvm.polly.unwrap_or(false);
config.llvm_clang = llvm.clang.unwrap_or(false);
config.llvm_from_ci = match llvm.download_ci_llvm {
Some(StringOrBool::String(s)) => {
assert!(s == "if-available", "unknown option `{}` for download-ci-llvm", s);
// This is currently all tier 1 targets (since others may not have CI artifacts)
// FIXME: this is duplicated in
let supported_platforms = [
Some(StringOrBool::Bool(b)) => b,
None => false,
if config.llvm_from_ci {
// None of the LLVM options, except assertions, are supported
// when using downloaded LLVM. We could just ignore these but
// that's potentially confusing, so force them to not be
// explicitly set. The defaults and CI defaults don't
// necessarily match but forcing people to match (somewhat
// arbitrary) CI configuration locally seems bad/hard.
// CI-built LLVM can be either dynamic or static.
let ci_llvm = config.out.join(&*"ci-llvm");
config.llvm_link_shared = if config.dry_run {
// just assume dynamic for now
} else {
let link_type = t!(
format!("CI llvm missing: {}", ci_llvm.display())
link_type == "dynamic"
if config.llvm_thin_lto {
// If we're building with ThinLTO on, we want to link to LLVM
// shared, to avoid re-doing ThinLTO (which happens in the link
// step) with each stage.
"setting link-shared=false is incompatible with thin-lto=true"
config.llvm_link_shared = true;
if let Some(rust) = toml.rust {
debug = rust.debug;
debug_assertions = rust.debug_assertions;
debug_assertions_std = rust.debug_assertions_std;
overflow_checks = rust.overflow_checks;
overflow_checks_std = rust.overflow_checks_std;
debug_logging = rust.debug_logging;
debuginfo_level = rust.debuginfo_level;
debuginfo_level_rustc = rust.debuginfo_level_rustc;
debuginfo_level_std = rust.debuginfo_level_std;
debuginfo_level_tools = rust.debuginfo_level_tools;
debuginfo_level_tests = rust.debuginfo_level_tests;
config.rust_run_dsymutil = rust.run_dsymutil.unwrap_or(false);
optimize = rust.optimize;
ignore_git = rust.ignore_git;
set(&mut config.rust_new_symbol_mangling, rust.new_symbol_mangling);
set(&mut config.rust_optimize_tests, rust.optimize_tests);
set(&mut config.codegen_tests, rust.codegen_tests);
set(&mut config.rust_rpath, rust.rpath);
set(&mut config.jemalloc, rust.jemalloc);
set(&mut config.test_compare_mode, rust.test_compare_mode);
config.llvm_libunwind = rust
.map(|v| v.parse().expect("failed to parse rust.llvm-libunwind"))
set(&mut config.backtrace, rust.backtrace);
config.description = rust.description;
set(&mut config.rust_dist_src, rust.dist_src);
set(&mut config.verbose_tests, rust.verbose_tests);
// in the case "false" is set explicitly, do not overwrite the command line args
if let Some(true) = rust.incremental {
config.incremental = true;
set(&mut config.use_lld, rust.use_lld);
set(&mut config.lld_enabled, rust.lld);
set(&mut config.llvm_tools_enabled, rust.llvm_tools);
config.rustc_parallel = rust.parallel_compiler.unwrap_or(false);
config.rustc_default_linker = rust.default_linker;
config.musl_root =;
config.save_toolstates =;
set(&mut config.deny_warnings, flags.deny_warnings.or(rust.deny_warnings));
set(&mut config.backtrace_on_ice, rust.backtrace_on_ice);
set(&mut config.rust_verify_llvm_ir, rust.verify_llvm_ir);
config.rust_thin_lto_import_instr_limit = rust.thin_lto_import_instr_limit;
set(&mut config.rust_remap_debuginfo, rust.remap_debuginfo);
set(&mut config.control_flow_guard, rust.control_flow_guard);
if let Some(ref backends) = rust.codegen_backends {
config.rust_codegen_backends =
backends.iter().map(|s| INTERNER.intern_str(s)).collect();
config.rust_codegen_units =;
config.rust_codegen_units_std =;
config.rust_profile_use = flags.rust_profile_use.or(rust.profile_use);
config.rust_profile_generate = flags.rust_profile_generate.or(rust.profile_generate);
config.download_rustc = env::var("BOOTSTRAP_DOWNLOAD_RUSTC").as_deref() == Ok("1");
} else {
config.rust_profile_use = flags.rust_profile_use;
config.rust_profile_generate = flags.rust_profile_generate;
if let Some(t) = {
for (triple, cfg) in t {
let mut target = Target::from_triple(&triple);
if let Some(ref s) = cfg.llvm_config {
target.llvm_config = Some(config.src.join(s));
if let Some(ref s) = cfg.llvm_filecheck {
target.llvm_filecheck = Some(config.src.join(s));
if let Some(ref s) = cfg.android_ndk {
target.ndk = Some(config.src.join(s));
if let Some(s) = cfg.no_std {
target.no_std = s;
} =;
target.cxx =; =;
target.ranlib =;
target.linker =;
target.crt_static = cfg.crt_static;
target.musl_root =;
target.musl_libdir =;
target.wasi_root =;
target.qemu_rootfs =;
target.sanitizers = cfg.sanitizers;
target.profiler = cfg.profiler;
config.target_config.insert(TargetSelection::from_user(&triple), target);
if config.llvm_from_ci {
let triple = &;
let mut build_target = config
.or_insert_with(|| Target::from_triple(&triple));
let ci_llvm_bin = config.out.join(&*"ci-llvm/bin");
build_target.llvm_config = Some(ci_llvm_bin.join(exe("llvm-config",;
build_target.llvm_filecheck = Some(ci_llvm_bin.join(exe("FileCheck",;
if let Some(t) = toml.dist {
config.dist_sign_folder =;
config.dist_upload_addr = t.upload_addr;
config.dist_compression_formats = t.compression_formats;
set(&mut config.rust_dist_src, t.src_tarball);
set(&mut config.missing_tools, t.missing_tools);
config.initial_rustfmt = config.initial_rustfmt.or_else({
let build =;
let initial_rustc = &config.initial_rustc;
move || {
// Cargo does not provide a RUSTFMT environment variable, so we
// synthesize it manually.
let rustfmt = initial_rustc.with_file_name(exe("rustfmt", build));
if rustfmt.exists() { Some(rustfmt) } else { None }
// Now that we've reached the end of our configuration, infer the
// default values for all options that we haven't otherwise stored yet.
config.llvm_skip_rebuild = llvm_skip_rebuild.unwrap_or(false);
config.llvm_assertions = llvm_assertions.unwrap_or(false);
config.llvm_plugins = llvm_plugins.unwrap_or(false);
config.rust_optimize = optimize.unwrap_or(true);
let default = debug == Some(true);
config.rust_debug_assertions = debug_assertions.unwrap_or(default);
config.rust_debug_assertions_std =
config.rust_overflow_checks = overflow_checks.unwrap_or(default);
config.rust_overflow_checks_std = overflow_checks_std.unwrap_or(default);
config.rust_debug_logging = debug_logging.unwrap_or(config.rust_debug_assertions);
let with_defaults = |debuginfo_level_specific: Option<u32>| {
debuginfo_level_specific.or(debuginfo_level).unwrap_or(if debug == Some(true) {
} else {
config.rust_debuginfo_level_rustc = with_defaults(debuginfo_level_rustc);
config.rust_debuginfo_level_std = with_defaults(debuginfo_level_std);
config.rust_debuginfo_level_tools = with_defaults(debuginfo_level_tools);
config.rust_debuginfo_level_tests = debuginfo_level_tests.unwrap_or(0);
let default = == "dev";
config.ignore_git = ignore_git.unwrap_or(default);
let download_rustc = config.download_rustc;
// See
config.stage = match config.cmd {
Subcommand::Check { .. } => flags.stage.or(build.check_stage).unwrap_or(0),
// `download-rustc` only has a speed-up for stage2 builds. Default to stage2 unless explicitly overridden.
Subcommand::Doc { .. } => {
flags.stage.or(build.doc_stage).unwrap_or(if download_rustc { 2 } else { 0 })
Subcommand::Build { .. } => {
flags.stage.or(build.build_stage).unwrap_or(if download_rustc { 2 } else { 1 })
Subcommand::Test { .. } => {
flags.stage.or(build.test_stage).unwrap_or(if download_rustc { 2 } else { 1 })
Subcommand::Bench { .. } => flags.stage.or(build.bench_stage).unwrap_or(2),
Subcommand::Dist { .. } => flags.stage.or(build.dist_stage).unwrap_or(2),
Subcommand::Install { .. } => flags.stage.or(build.install_stage).unwrap_or(2),
// These are all bootstrap tools, which don't depend on the compiler.
// The stage we pass shouldn't matter, but use 0 just in case.
Subcommand::Clean { .. }
| Subcommand::Clippy { .. }
| Subcommand::Fix { .. }
| Subcommand::Run { .. }
| Subcommand::Setup { .. }
| Subcommand::Format { .. } => flags.stage.unwrap_or(0),
// CI should always run stage 2 builds, unless it specifically states otherwise
if flags.stage.is_none() && crate::CiEnv::current() != crate::CiEnv::None {
match config.cmd {
Subcommand::Test { .. }
| Subcommand::Doc { .. }
| Subcommand::Build { .. }
| Subcommand::Bench { .. }
| Subcommand::Dist { .. }
| Subcommand::Install { .. } => {
config.stage, 2,
" should be run with `--stage 2` on CI, but was run with `--stage {}`",
Subcommand::Clean { .. }
| Subcommand::Check { .. }
| Subcommand::Clippy { .. }
| Subcommand::Fix { .. }
| Subcommand::Run { .. }
| Subcommand::Setup { .. }
| Subcommand::Format { .. } => {}
/// Try to find the relative path of `bindir`, otherwise return it in full.
pub fn bindir_relative(&self) -> &Path {
let bindir = &self.bindir;
if bindir.is_absolute() {
// Try to make it relative to the prefix.
if let Some(prefix) = &self.prefix {
if let Ok(stripped) = bindir.strip_prefix(prefix) {
return stripped;
/// Try to find the relative path of `libdir`.
pub fn libdir_relative(&self) -> Option<&Path> {
let libdir = self.libdir.as_ref()?;
if libdir.is_relative() {
} else {
// Try to make it relative to the prefix.
pub fn verbose(&self) -> bool {
self.verbose > 0
pub fn very_verbose(&self) -> bool {
self.verbose > 1
pub fn sanitizers_enabled(&self, target: TargetSelection) -> bool {
self.target_config.get(&target).map(|t| t.sanitizers).flatten().unwrap_or(self.sanitizers)
pub fn any_sanitizers_enabled(&self) -> bool {
self.target_config.values().any(|t| t.sanitizers == Some(true)) || self.sanitizers
pub fn profiler_enabled(&self, target: TargetSelection) -> bool {
self.target_config.get(&target).map(|t| t.profiler).flatten().unwrap_or(self.profiler)
pub fn any_profiler_enabled(&self) -> bool {
self.target_config.values().any(|t| t.profiler == Some(true)) || self.profiler
pub fn llvm_enabled(&self) -> bool {
pub fn submodules(&self, rust_info: &GitInfo) -> bool {
fn set<T>(field: &mut T, val: Option<T>) {
if let Some(v) = val {
*field = v;
fn threads_from_config(v: u32) -> u32 {
match v {
0 => num_cpus::get() as u32,
n => n,